Eat Your Heart Out

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I've come by, she says, to tell you that this is it. I'm not kidding, it's over. this is it. I've come I'veby, come by, by, I've come she says, tosays, tell you I've come by,she to tell she says, toyou tell you I've come by, that this is it. she says, tell you that this is it. is it. that this I've come by, toI've comeby, by, she says, toby, tell you I've come I've come I'mtell not kidding, that this is you it. I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding, she says, to I'veI've come by, she says, to tell you that this is it. she says, tell you come by, she says, to tell you I've come by, over. this isby, it. I'm not kidding, I've come by, it's over. this is it. it's over. this that this isit's it. I've come by,is I've come I've come by, she says, to tell you I've come by, that this is it. I'm not kidding, come by, that this is it. she says, to tell you that this isI've it. she says, toshe tell you it'skidding, over. this is it. she says, to tell you I've come by, I'msays, not says, to tell you she says, to tell you she says, to tell you I've come by, that this is it. she to tell you I'm not kidding, I've come by, it's over. this is it. she says, to tell I'm not kidding, that this is it. I'm not kidding, that this is it. I've I've come I've come come by, by, by, that this is it. she says, to tellyou you it's over. is it.this I've come by, this it. tell you that this is it. that isthat it. she says, not kidding, that this isthis it.I'm it's over. this is she says, to tell you that this is it. it's over. this is it. I'm not kidding, it's over. this is it. I'm not kidding, I've come by, she sheI'm says, she says, says, to to tell tell to you you tellisyou I've come by, to not kidding, that this I've come by, tell you I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding, I've come I'm not kidding, that this iskidding, it., it's over. this is it. I'mshe not says, kidding, that this is it. I'm not it's over. this isit. over. this isover. it. says, to it's tell you that that this this is this is it. it. sheshe says, to tell you it's over. this is I'm not kidding, says, tothat tell you it's this tell you it's over. this is it. she says, it's over. this isit's it. I'm not kidding, it'sthat over.this thisisshe isit. it.I'm not kidding, I've come by, over. this I've come by, I've come by, it. I'm I'mby, not I'm kidding, kidding, not thatthat this is it.iskidding, I've I've come come by, it'skidding, over. this that this isnot's I'mthis not that this is it. you over. this is it. it's over. this is it. she says, to tell she says, to tell you she says, to tellis you not kidding, it's it's over. over. it's this this this is it. it. is it. I'mI'm not kidding, she she says, to tell to you tell over. you I'msays, not kidding, it's over. this is it. I'm not kidding, that that isthis it. is it. this isthis it. over. this it. it'sit's over. this is this that that this isthat it.isthis it. it's over. is it. it's over. this is it. I'mkidding, not kidding, not notI'm kidding, I'm not I'm kidding, notI'm kidding, it'sisthis over. it's over. it. is it. it'sthis over. it. isthis it's over. it's over. this is it. isthis it.

I sit on the couch watching her arrange her long red hair before my bedroom mirror.

we go to bed and I hold her speechlessly from the back

It m ou y ch ar he m fe r w arou el ri n up sts d h to an er he d h ne no r el an ck fu bow ds rth s er. k ec s rn d he han ws nd d lbo er. ou an e th ar ists her fur rm wr to no ya r p m h he eel u c f ou It

she gets up. this is it, she says, this will do.

well, I'm going.

I get up and walk her to the door just as she leaves she says,

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