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Sir y Fflint

Cylchgrawn ar y cyd a DRR Group

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The team behind FBW12 / Y tîm wrth gefn WFSFf12:

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012

Welcome / Croesoʼr

Dave Heggarty Head of Regeneration / Pennaeth Adfywio / 01352 704601

Rachael Byrne Business Development Manager / Rheolwr Datblygu Busnes / 01352 703318

Patricia Carlin Senior Business Advisor / Uwch Ymgynghorydd Busnes Project Manager FBW 12 / Rheolwr y Prosiect WFSFf 12 / 01352 703042

Kate Catherall Business Advisor / Ymgynghorydd Busnes FBW 12 Awards Coordinator / WFSFf 12 Cydgysylltydd y Gwobrau / 01352 703221

Brian Chaloner Business Park Co-ordinator / Cynlynydd Parc Diwydiannol FBW 12 External Advertising Coordinator / WFSFf 12 Cydgysylltydd Hysbysebu Allanol / 01352 703063

Jennifer Petrie Assistant Business Development Officer / Swyddog Cynorthwyol Datblygu Busnes FBW 12 Exhibition Coordinator / WFSFf 12 Cydgysylltydd yr Arddangosfa / 01352 703040

Jenna Davies Administrator for Flintshire Business Week / Gweinyddwr ar gyfer Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint FBW 12 Magazine Coordinator / WFSFf 12 Cydgysylltydd y Cylchgrawn / 01352 703219

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We would like to thank all the contributors to Flintshire Business Week 2012. Without your support this event would not have been possible. Hoffem ddiolch iʼr holl gyfranwyr at Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012. Heb eich cefnogaeth ni fyddem wedi gallu cynnal yr achlysur hwn.

from Councillor Peter Macfarlane / Cynghorydd Peter Macfarlane Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, Flintshire County Council / Aelod oʼr Cabinet dros Adfywiad, Twristiaeth a Hamdden, Cyngor Sir y Fflint

I am very pleased to introduce this, the sixth Flintshire Business Week magazine and to thank AGS security, the headline sponsor as well as all the many other sponsors, for supporting Business Week so generously. Rwyʼn falch iawn o gyflwyno hwn, chweched cylchgrawn Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint ac i ddiolch i AGS Security, y prif noddwr, yn ogystal âʼr holl noddwyr eraill, am gefnogiʼr Wythnos Fusnes mor hael. The County Council is very proud of Flintshire Business Week, it is a credit to Flintshire, it is highly regarded not just within the county, but well beyond. Why is it so important? We face very difficult economic times, with probably the worst recession for seventy years. We all have a shared interest in making Flintshire a safe, attractive and successful place. To make that happen needs the public and private sectors to be constantly working together. Business Week has helped to develop a shared working relationship between the community and local businesses that benefits both parties in so many ways. Businesses here often refer to the ‘Flintshire family’, that is something has been developed by my predecessors, in particular, Cllr Matt Wright and I am grateful for all that Matt has done. Much has been achieved over the last year, in particular the new Deeside Enterprise Zone (DEZ). We have great ambitions here, we want to see DEZ generating large numbers of new, quality job opportunities for our young people, we want to see DEZ transforming our local economy to one based on high skills and high quality employment. I am proud of our county and of what has been achieved here. We have a great history, some beautiful countryside and coast and probably most importantly of all, the right people. There is much to do, but I believe we have the right ingredients in place, together with the determination to make things happen. Flintshire is a very good place to live and work and to run a business, we can make a great future for all our people.

Cllr Peter Macfarlane

Mae’r Cyngor Sir yn ymfalchïo’n fawr yn Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint. Mae’n glod i Sir y Fflint ac mae enw da iddi nid yn unig yn y sir, ond ymhell y tu hwnt. Pam ei bod mor bwysig? Rydym yn wynebu amserau economaidd anodd iawn, gyda’r dirwasgiad gwaethaf ers saith deg o flynyddoedd yn ôl pob tebyg. Rydym oll yn rhannu’n un diddordeb o wneud Sir y Fflint yn lle diogel, deniadol a llwyddiannus. Er mwyn gwneud i hynny ddigwydd mae angen i’r sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat gydweithio’n gyson. Mae’r Wythnos Fusnes wedi helpu datblygu perthynas waith ar y cyd rhwng y gymuned a busnesau lleol sy’n elwa’r ddwy ochr mewn cymaint o ffyrdd. Bydd busnesau yma’n aml yn cyfeirio at ‘deulu Sir y Fflint’, sy’n rhywbeth a ddatblygwyd gan fy rhagflaenwyr, yn arbennig y Cynghorydd Matt Wright, ac rwy’n ddiolchgar am bopeth a wnaeth Matt. Cyflawnwyd llawer yn ystod y flwyddyn aeth heibio, yn arbennig Ardal Fenter Glannau Dyfrdwy (AFGD) newydd. Mae gennym uchelgeisiau mawr yma. Rydym eisiau gweld AFGD yn cynhyrchu nifer mawr o gyfleoedd gwaith newydd, o safon i’n pobl ifanc ac rydym eisiau gweld AFGD yn gweddnewid ein heconomi lleol i un wedi’i seilio ar sgiliau uchel a chyflogaeth o safon. Rwy’n ymfalchïo yn ein Sir ac o’r hyn a gyflawnwyd yma. Mae gennym hanes gwych, cefn gwlad ac arfordir hardd ac, yn fwyaf pwysig yn ôl pob tebyg, y bobl iawn. Mae llawer i’w wneud, ond rwy’n credu bod yr elfennau iawn gennym yn barod, ynghyd â’r penderfyniad i wneud i bethau ddigwydd. Mae Sir y Fflint yn lle da iawn i fyw a gweithio ac i redeg busnes. Gallwn wneud dyfodol gwych i’n holl bobl.

The FBW12 Magazine was compiled by Flintshire County Council, Business Development, and was designed and printed by / Lluniwyd Rhaglen WFSFf12 gan Ddatblygu Busnes Sir y Fflint, CSFf aʼi dylunio aʼi hargraffu gan Mold Business Park, Mold, CH7 1XY. Parc Busnes yr Wyddgrug, Yr Wyddgrug CH7 1XY. PROGRAMME DESIGNER / DYLUNYDD Y PAMFFLEDYN: Dave Simkiss -

When you have finished reading this publication - please recycle it Pan fyddwch wedi gorffen darllen y cyhoeddiad hwn - cofiwch ei ailgylchu

All the articles and advertisements for this programme are printed in good faith and we would like to point out that the views expressed in FBW12 should not be seen as being endorsed by Flintshire County Council. Neither does the printing of an advertisement in FBW12 mean that product or service has been endorsed by Flintshire County Council. Caiff yr holl erthyglau a hysbysebion yn y rhaglen hon eu hargraffuʼn ddiffuant a hoffem nodi na ddylid ystyried bod Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn ardystioʼr sylwadau a fynegir yn WFSFf12. Nid yw argraffu hysbyseb yn WFSFf12 chwaith yn golygu bod Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn ardystio cynnyrch neu wasanaeth.

Gwelwch y rhaglen a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn


Sir y Fflint

Cylchgrawn ar y cyd a DRR Group

ar agor i fusnes

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012

FBW 12 - Contents / WFSFf 12 - Cynnwys 06

Flintshire Business Awards / Gwobrau Busnes Sir y Fflint


FBW at Westminster / WFSFf yn San Steffan


FBW Whatʼs On / WFSFf Beth sydd ymlaen


Mission Employability / Cenhadaeth Cyflogadwyedd


Flintshire Business Awards 2012 in association . . . 06 - 07 with AGS Security Systems Ltd

Flintshire County Councilʼs Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Development Team

Flintshire Business Week at Westminster . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Deeside Enterprise Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 25

Flintshire Business Week 2012 - Whatʼs On . . . . . . . . . 33

Flintshire Business Week 2012 - Programme . . . . 34 - 35

Mission Employability II ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Strategic business parks project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Essential advice for selling your business . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Flintshire Going For Gold! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Supporting our town centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Convatec Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 - 67

Gwobrau Busnes Sir y Fflint 2012 ar y cyd â . . . . . 06 - 07 AGS Security Systems Ltd

Tîm Datblygu Busnes Cyngor Sir y Fflint . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint yn San Steffan . . . . . . . . . . 19

Ardal Fenter Glannau Dyfrdwy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 25

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 - Beth sydd ymlaen . 33

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 - Rhaglen . . . . . 34 - 35

Cenhadaeth Cyflogadwyedd II ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Prosiect Parciau Busnes Strategol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Cyngor hanfodol ar werthu eich busnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Sir y Fflint yn Cynnig am yr Aur! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Cefnogi canol ein trefi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Arddangosiad Convatec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 - 67

Business Development / Datblygu Busnes


Deeside Enterprise Zone / Ardal Fenter Glannau Dyfrdwy


FBW Programme / WFSFf Rhaglen


Convatec Exhibition / Arddangosiad Convatec

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Gwelwch y rhaglen a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn


Flintshire Business Week 2012

Magazine Sponsored by DRB Group


open for business

How to enter Flintshire Business Awards / Sut i gynnig am Wobrau Busnes Sir y Fflint: Contact / Cysylltwch â Kate Catherall 01352 703221 @

Honouring Flintshire’s best businesses Anrhydeddu busnesau gorau Sir y Fflint The 6th Annual Flintshire Business Awards in association with AGS Security Systems will take place on October 19th 2012 at Soughton Hall, Northop, and will attract some of Flintshireʼs most dynamic entrepreneurs.

Bydd 6ed Gwobrau Blynyddol Busnes Sir y Fflint ar y cyd ag AGS Security Systems yn cael eu cynnal ar Hydref 19eg 2012 yn Soughton Hall, Llaneurgain, a byddant yn denu rhai o fentrwyr mwyaf egnïol Sir y Fflint.

These awards are open to any business or individual within Flintshire, and celebrating the achievements of the Flintshireʼs vibrant companies, providing valuable recognition for the entire company. The publicity generated is equally relevant and platforms the company and its achievements regionally

Maeʼr gwobrau hyn yn agored i unrhyw fusnes neu unigolyn yn Sir y Fflint gan ddathlu llwyddiannau cwmnïau hyfyw Sir y Fflint a rhoi cydnabyddiaeth werthfawr iʼr cwmni cyfan. Maeʼr cyhoeddusrwydd syʼn dilyn yr un mor berthnasol ac yn rhoi llwyfan rhanbarthol iʼr cwmni aʼi lwyddiannau.

This black tie event will provide guests with the invaluable opportunity to network with more than 200 entrepreneurs, business journalists and industry leaders.

Bydd yr achlysur ffurfiol hwn yn rhoi cyfle amhrisiadwy iʼr gwesteion rwydweithio gyda mwy na 200 o fentrwyr, newyddiadurwyr busnes ac arweinwyr diwydiant.

The Flintshire Business Awards are a major annual event and a focal point for business networking

Mae Gwobrau Busnes Sir y Fflint yn achlysur blynyddol o bwys ac yn ganolbwynt rhwydweithio busnes.

Winners of the each category will be announced at the gala dinner which will include a drinks reception and a lavish three course meal. Places are limited so please reserve your tickets to avoid disappointment.

Bydd enillwyr pob categoriʼn cael eu cyhoeddi yn y cinio gala fydd yn cynnwys derbyniad diodydd a phryd tri chwrs helaeth. Mae lleoedd yn brin – felly cofiwch archebu eich tocynnau rhag cael eich siomi.

The Award Catagories / Categorïau’r Gwobrau


Apprenticeship Award / Gwobr Prentisiaeth

Business Person of the Year / Person Busnes y Flwyddyn

Environment Award / Gwobr yr Amgylchedd

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Deeside College / Glannau Dyfrdwy

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Pochin Goodman

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: West Coast Energy

Export Award / Gwobr Allforio

Innovation Award / Gwobr Arloesi

Small Business Award / Gwobr Busnes Bach

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Barclays

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Parkway Telecom

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Federation of Small Businesses / Ffederasiwn y Busnesau Bach

Start up Business Award / Gwobr Dechrau Busnes

Social & Community Award / Gwobr Gymdeithasol a Chymunedol

Sustainability Award / Gwobr Cynaliadwyedd

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Kingspan

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Duncan Sheard Glass

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: UPM

Tourism Award / Gwobr Twristiaeth

Women Into Business Award / Gwobr Merched i Fusnes

Young Entrepreneur Award / Gwobr Mentrwr Ifanc

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Tourism Partnership North Wales & Flintshire County Council / Partneriaeth Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru a Chyngor Sir y Fflint

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: K K Fine Foods

Sponsored by / Dan nawdd: Dandys Topsoil

Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at

Sir y Fflint

Cylchgrawn ar y cyd a DRR Group

ar agor i fusnes

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012

Some of last years winners... / Rhai o enillwyr y llynedd... Business Person of the year sponsored by ConvaTec / Person Busnes y Flwyddyn dan nawdd ConvaTec

Jo Graham - Operations Director / Cyfarwyddwr Gweithrediadau - ConvaTec Collin Singer - MD / RhG Wagtail UK

Tourism Award sponsored by Flintshire County Council and Tourism Partnership North Wales / Gwobr Twristiaeth dan nawdd Cyngor Sir y Fflint a Phartneriaeth Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru

Charlott Pitt - Split the Difference Dewi Davies - Tourism Partnership North Wales / Partneriaeth Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru

Young Entrepreneur Award sponsored by AGS Security Systems Ltd / Gwobr Mentrwr Ifanc dan nawdd AGS Security Systems Ltd

Jordan Stones - Luntstone Ltd Jonathan Turner - MD / RhG AGS Security Systems Ltd Gareth Lunt - Luntstone Ltd

People Development Award sponsored by Careers Wales / Gwobr Datblygu Pobl dan nawdd Gyrfa Cymru

Environment Award sponsored by West Coast Energy / Gwobr yr Amgylchedd dan nawdd West Coast Energy

Keith Vivian - HR Manager DRB Group / Rheolwr Adnoddau Dynol DRB Group Dave Chisnall - Careers Wales / Gyrfa Cymru Paula Jewson - West Coast Energy Mark Harris - Kingspan insulations

Flintshire Business Development Team wish to thank the sponsors for 2012 for their support not just of the business awards but all the in-kind help and support given throughout the year Hoffai Tîm Datblygu Busnes Sir y Fflint ddiolch i noddwyr 2012 am eu cefnogaeth nid yn unig i’r gwobrau busnes ond yr holl gymorth a chefnogaeth o fath arall a roddwyd drwy gydol y flwyddyn

Gwelwch y rhaglen a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn


Sir y Fflint

Cylchgrawn ar y cyd a DRR Group

ar agor i fusnes

AGS Security Systems is Headline sponsor of the Flintshire Business Awards 2012 AGS is a multi award-winning provider of security systems to businesses, homes and the public sector in North Wales, the North West and the Midlands. The business was founded in Deeside in 1987 and since then has grown steadily to become the 15strong team serving thousands of clients that it is today. It was in 2009 that AGS Security Systems entered and subsequently won at the Flintshire Business Awards. Jonathan Turner, Managing Director of AGS, explains, “I suspected the Flintshire Business Awards could be good for our business, but the reality is that the benefits have far exceeded expectations.” As a leading accredited installer of intruder and fire alarms, CCTV, automated gates & barriers, access control and emergency lighting, AGSʼs focus is on high-quality installations backed by professional advice and friendly service. The company also provides world class monitoring and system maintenance. “Although weʼve been established in Flintshire since the late 80ʼs, winning the Small Business Award has proven to be a fantastic way to boost profile and build valuable links with other local businesses.” Now in their 25th year, AGS have installed and continue to maintain thousands of security systems for clients of all sizes; from large-scale industrial operations, tourist attractions and office buildings through to local shops, storage lock-ups, and private homes.

Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012

The Flintshire Business Awards have proven to be a fantastic way to boost profiles and build valuable links with other local businesses

never a call centre. Weʼve been helping businesses and homeowners keep their property and buildings safe for 25 years, and we plan to keep doing that for the next 25 and more.” Clients include major regional businesses and organisations, such as ConvaTec, and a number of local authorities. Many clients have trusted their security requirements with AGS Security Systems for many years. Of the challenging economic environment, Jonathan says, “I talk frequently with many business leaders and despite the conditions we are all dealing with there's a great strength of attitude coming from Flintshire business.” In 2011, AGS Security Systems made the decision to headline-sponsor the Flintshire Business Awards and committed to further support the awards through to 2013. “It was an easy conclusion to come to,” Jonathan continues, “Weʼd sponsored an award in 2010 but I wanted to do more.” “The world is operating through the toughest economy of our lifetime, we see that message everywhere. But the good news is we're surviving and in many cases, growing. I believe that has got to be worth celebrating with the Flintshire Business Awards. Itʼs a fantastic initiative that Iʼm totally committed to.”

Jonathan Turner, MD, AGS Security Systems ▲ experience with the Flintshire Business Awards will be every bit as positive as I have found it to be. AGS Security looks forward to supporting Flintshire business into the future.”

The Flintshire Business Awards 2012 take place on Friday October 19 at Soughton Hall, Mold. “On behalf of myself and everyone at AGS Iʼd like to wish every entrant in the 2012 Awards the best of luck on October 19. Iʼm sure your 01352 707888

Using extensive industry expertise, the company designs integrated hi-tech solutions that deliver big benefits in terms of both flexibility and productivity, as well as security, compliance and control. “We at AGS Security Systems pride ourselves as being a business that is big enough to deliver, but small enough to care. Each of our customers always deal with someone they know by name,

Gwelwch y rhaglen a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn


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