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About Guildford News from Guildford Borough Council

New Managing Director

Summer 2017

Local Plan Consultation Summer fun

Rural Economy News

3 Local Plan Consultation

2 Meet our new Mayor


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New vibrant event space

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A message from... Councillor Paul Spooner, Leader of the Council

Your Council Main office Guildford Borough Council Millmead House Millmead. Guildford Surrey GU2 4BB

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AboutGuildford Summer 2017 edition Keeping residents of Guildford informed about Council news and developments. Published four times a year. Production: Chris Morley Catherine Abraham Carolyn Patterson Image credits: Grant Pritchard, Giles Spencer, and iStock Photo. Design: NWN Media Ltd ( Print: Printed on 100% wood free 70gsm paper at NWN Media. Distribution: Delivered to every residential address in the borough. Cost: 60,000 copies are printed at a cost (design, print and distribution) of 14p per eight page copy. We also offer a range of competitively priced advertising packages. For more information call 01483 444328

Please contact us to request this newspaper in an alternative format or language. You can also view About Guildford online at


Sue Sturgeon retired at the end of May, after working at the Council for nine years with four of those as Managing Director. I would like to wish Sue a very healthy and long retirement and thank her for all of her hard work. James Whiteman replaces Sue and you can read about James’ long career here, his targets and priorities in his column. I have written before about the many challenges facing this Council and our very ambitious programme for the future in our Corporate Plan. To ensure that we meet these challenges and targets I have made a number of changes to the Executive and introduced some new working Boards to drive through and monitor these changes. I asked Cllr Tony Rooth to stand down as Lead Councillor for Housing and Environment and promoted Cllr Philip Brooker to this role. I also added Air Quality and Climate Change, home energy and sustainability to this portfolio. I would like to thank Tony for all of his hard work and commitment over the years and am grateful he has agreed to chair our new Housing Board. Cllr Graham Ellwood, Lead Councillor for Licensing & Community Safety, now has responsibility for the Joint Enforcement Team. This is a new initiative to target environmental enforcement and work closely with partners including Surrey Police and Surrey County Council. Cllr Matt Furniss, Lead Councillor for Infrastructure and Governance, now has responsibility for Internal Business Systems and Customer Service, areas that play an important role in improving our organisation and services. As Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Planning and Regeneration, I have

added Innovation and Smart Cities to my portfolio. The Smart City approach looks at how a town or area can use technology to increase operational efficiencies and share information more effectively with the public, all with the aim of improving services. With the prospect of planned developments in our borough over the coming years, it is vitally important that we explore and implement these ideas for the future. You can view full details of each portfolio on our website. I have also introduced a number of new Boards to look at specific areas of work. They will have specific Terms of Reference with Executive councillors, the Managing Director, relevant directors and senior service managers as members. The Innovation Board, chaired by Cllr Gordon Jackson, will develop an Innovation Strategy and aims to work with all relevant sectors in our community and promote innovation as part of its role for more efficient and cost effective services. The Transformation Board will look at identifying savings and service improvement through fundamental service reviews and exploring opportunities for joint working. Cllr Murray Grubb Jnr will chair this Board. Cllr Tony Rooth will chair the Housing Board, which will look to support and facilitate the provision of suitable and sufficient housing to meet the needs of our communities and local economy. Finally, I will continue to chair the Portfolio Board that monitors the progress of our major projects including the North Street development and the Walnut Bridge project. The Executive and our Corporate Management Team will monitor the progress of the Boards. I hope that this demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering our Corporate Plan and improving our services. I hope you all have an enjoyable summer and find time to visit some of the great events happening across our borough.

New Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2017-18 Our new Mayor is Cllr Nigel Manning. His themes for his mayoral year are: ‘It’s our community, support it. embrace it!’ With his theme Nigel wants to encourage residents, businesses and the local community to acknowledge and recognise individuals and groups who give their time and energy to help others. Nigel has lived in the borough since 1990. Ten years later Nigel won a seat on Ash Parish Council. In 2001 he became a Ward Councillor for Ash Vale. In 2016, Nigel retired after a 41 year career working for HMRC. Nigel says that his ‘drive and determination comes from being able to represent the area in which he lives and by working closely with local people and organisations to get things done.’ A genuine concern for residents, not only in Ash but across the whole borough keeps Nigel busy in retirement, however, he does find time to be an active Chairman of the Ash and District Museum Society and a Trustee of three other charities - Ash Citizens Advice

Bureau (CAB), the James Payne Memorial Fund and the Henry Smith Charity. The Mayor has selected the British Heart Foundation (BHF) charity to support during his year in office.

New Mayor of Guildford Cllr Nigel Manning (right) and Deputy Mayor Cllr Mike Parsons

A message from... James Whiteman, Managing Director of Guildford Borough Council I am so proud and excited to be the new Managing Director of Guildford Borough Council. I have worked here in various roles for nearly 28 years and really care about our area. I have lived in Guildford for 30 years, raised my family here and have many friends and relations across the borough. It is a wonderful place and a privilege to have this new opportunity to manage this Council at this senior level. I started my career here at our Woking Road Depot in 1989, working in a number of areas until becoming Head of Operational Services in 2004 with senior responsibility for waste services, parking, engineering and transport/fleet management. I was then promoted to the Corporate Management Team as Director of Environment in 2013, with new responsibilities for Parks and Countryside, Leisure Services, Heritage Services and Economic Development alongside my previous services areas. I became Deputy Managing Director in 2016 and then selected as the new Managing Director from 1 June 2017 after a very competitive recruitment process. As well as working with excellent staff at all levels of the organisation, supported by our committed councillors, I have been fortunate to lead on some really exciting projects. These include developing and improving our recycling services and the spectacular Armed Forces Day National Event in 2015. I am very proud of all the service achievements over the years and I am very aware of the challenges facing this Council in the future. The eventual complete removal of central government grant funding highlights the need for our services to be more efficient and redesigned as required. Savings need to be identified and implemented whilst improving our services and delivering key projects. I have been working with the Leader of the Council to confirm my targets and key future priorities. These include delivering the ambitions in the Council’s Corporate Plan, the borough’s new Local Plan and the North Street regeneration alongside other major projects in the town centre. Other priorities include looking at replacing Guildford Spectrum with a new leisure and entertainment facility, the ongoing commitment to support local people via Project Aspire, the continuation of our high levels of financial acumen, managing our asset portfolio and the development of Guildford Museum. The newly formed working Boards and implementing their actions is also very important. All of these projects depend upon the support and input from many different people, partners and organisations. I look forward to working with you all over the coming years to move these priorities forward and improve our borough now and for the future.

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Updated Local Plan • Reduced total growth requirements from last year’s Local Plan for - Housing - Office and research and development floor space - Industrial employment land - Comparison retail floor space.

We continue to make progress in developing our new Local Plan to balance community needs and tackle local issues, wherever you live or work in our borough. This summer’s consultation, in June and July, is targeted on just the updates to the plan and is another opportunity to help shape the future by giving us your feedback. We will only be asking for comments about the proposed changes to the plan, as agreed by the Council in May. Written feedback can be submitted in a variety of ways and three public drop-in events are planned across the borough. We reviewed the comments from last year’s consultation and made a number of significant changes to the plan and proposed sites, as well as updating the supporting evidence and policies. We remain committed to fundamental principles, such as our ‘brownfield first’ policy of proposing sites with past development, and some of the changes increase the number of homes in the town centre with reduced or removed housing sites in rural areas and greenbelt. The plan we submit for independent inspection will provide much-needed homes, jobs and leisure opportunities. As well as places to live and thrive, local people also need a great environment; with transport and other vital infrastructure to support them. We continue to work with our local and strategic partners on their supporting transport and other projects, which they must complete so we can deliver the Local Plan in full.

Did you know? the 89% of our borough is in pose 1.5% greenbelt. We only pro greenbelt of greenfield land in the n. for use in the Local Pla

Get involved and be part of the plan During the targeted consultation, from 12 noon on Friday 9 June - 12 noon on Monday 24 July 2017, we will only be asking for comments about the proposed changes to the plan. These will be clearly shown in the updated plan documents (via tracked changes), along with summaries that highlight the changes in each policy. Ways to view the documents Copies of the Guildford borough Proposed Submission Local Plan: strategy and sites (2017) and its accompanying documents will be available: • to view on the Council’s website at • for inspection at our offices, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB during office hours (excluding Bank Holidays) • for inspection at the libraries in Guildford, Ash, Horsley and Shere during normal opening hours (excluding Bank Holidays). How to submit written comments ABOUT CHANGES Consultation feedback about the changes must be provided in writing and ideally via our representation form. Please ensure any comments clearly state and identify which paragraph number or point they relate to in the Local Plan document.

You can do this in a number of ways: • submit online at: uk/newlocalplan • email to: • post to: Planning Policy Team, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB • hand in: at the consultation events. Consultation eventS We have also organised three public information drop-in events where our Planning Policy Team will be available to clarify the consultation process and copies of documents will be available to view. These are at: • East Horsley Village Hall Wednesday 14 June 2017 - between 1pm and 8pm • Tongham Community Centre Thursday 15 June 2017 - between 1pm and 8pm • Guildford Town Centre at our Council offices at Millmead - Saturday 1 July 2017 - between 10am and 5pm. Past consultation and comments All comments received in last year’s regulation 19 pre-submission consultation about any unchanged aspects of the plan will remain valid, and will not be subject to further consultation. We will submit all of last year’s comments to the independent Planning

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Inspector, along with the responses to this summer’s targeted regulation 19 consultation about the proposed changes. Significant updates to the Draft Local Plan These were made for good planning reasons based on past consultation comments or changes in circumstances or the supporting evidence - including: • reduced total housing target by 1,400 units until end of plan period in 2034 • reduced housing need from 693 to 654 units per year • sites removed completely from the plan - primarily for homes in rural areas • updated sites with reduced numbers of homes during the plan period primarily in green belt areas • updated sites with increased numbers of homes - primarily brownfield in the town centre • updated sites for student accommodation and Travelling Showpeople • new sites for employment floor space/ industrial land • a new rail station at Guildford West, Park Barn. For more information go to:

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New Countryside Vision Strategy Adopted Our new Countryside Vision Strategy aims to deliver long-term sustainable management of the borough’s countryside areas, to provide safe access for recreation, as well as contributing to a network of wildlife habitat that future generations can access and enjoy. The strategy provides a framework to manage our countryside estate, through development of appropriate plans for sites, and a strategic direction that aligns with national and local priorities. These will support greater partnership working to build a borough and countywide countryside network.

Did you know? manages The Council owns and vering an 52 countryside sites co is 2.5% of area of 800ha, which . the borough’s land area oximately We also manage appr rges on 32 km of rural road ve Council. behalf of Surrey County


This strategy will guide the long-term direction of our Countryside Management Team and will support the following strategic priorities of the Council. Our Borough - It will support sustainable provision of accessible greenspace and recreational activities including SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces) sites. Our Infrastructure - The delivery of SANGs and other greenspaces will support sustainable delivery of local amenities. Our Environment - It will guide the sustainable management and protection of our countryside, specifically the corporate plan priorities of: ‘Working with partners to provide a high quality, diverse environment by ensuring sufficient and appropriate green, blue and open space and a resilient ecological network is maintained and supporting the River Wey Catchment Partnership to improve the water quality of the river and the management of its catchment. Our Society - It will support sustainable provision of accessible greenspace to improve health and wellbeing.

Guildford’s Countryside Vision will: • provide a framework to guide our long term site management and help communicate our ambitions to residents • guide allocation of current resources to prioritise strategic aims and legal obligations across the countryside, including provision of recreational access • provide a landscape scale direction

for habitat management that guides funding strategies • support the delivery of the Local Plan through the development of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces • communicate our ambitions to partners and stakeholders, provide assurance that external investments are in line with long sustainable goals • align our countryside management with national and regional policy.

New Rural Economic Strategy communities shaping their future The Surrey County show held at Stoke Park in May saw the launch of our first ever Rural Economic Strategy. The new strategy is aimed at protecting our natural and built heritage, sustaining our rural communities, and enabling enterprise and diversification in our changing countryside. To help produce the strategy Hampshire County Council’s Research and Intelligence Unit was commissioned to conduct a rural mapping exercise and to identify the predominant business sectors across the three boroughs of Guildford, Waverley and Woking. The findings were combined with the results of an online survey of local business needs.

Five policy priorities were identified as being core to the local rural economy: • affordable housing and sustainable communities • infrastructure for enterprise • landscape management and countryside vision • greenspace, health and wellbeing for better quality of life • energy policy, generation and supply. Covering the River Wey catchment, the strategy will link parish councils, businesses and other local organisations in rural Guildford. For example, Surrey Hills AONB, Surrey Wildlife Trust, University of Surrey, and also the neighbouring boroughs of Waverley and Woking. Continuous engagement between all these organisations on aspects of policy, planning and delivery, is key to the strategy. Delivery of the strategy will be monitored by Guildford Business Forum’s Rural Group whose members include environmentalists, farmers, landowners and producers. A shared concern for the landscape around us will help people across the borough to become actively engaged in shaping a strong, longer-term rural economic strategy.

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Women’s Lacrosse World Cup 2017


Surrey Sports Park will proudly host the 2017 FIL Rathbones Women’s Lacrosse World Cup this July and the tournament is part sponsored by Guildford Borough Council. The Women’s Lacrosse World Cup will be the largest elite women’s sporting event in the UK in 2017 and the largest Women’s Lacrosse World Cup ever! Twenty-five nations will compete to be crowned champions, including current world cup holders USA, Canada, Australia and host nation England. Lacrosse is a fast, athletic, and highly skilful game that is exciting to watch, even if you don’t know all the rules. There are no points for style, none for artistic interpretation, the team who scores the most goals wins. It couldn’t be simpler. Alongside the main World Cup event there will be a World Festival of Lacrosse for clubs and schools to compete in and a FanFest featuring food, drink and acts from the Guildford Fringe festival. Information and tickets are available at:

Spotlight on Guildford’s own Emma Adams This year’s World Cup will have special significance for Emma Adams a member of the England team. Emma started playing lacrosse whilst a pupil at Guildford High school. During her final year Emma was the 1st team Captain and has also captained the Surrey team at both U15 and U18 levels. Emma was part of the very successful Guildford team that won the National Schools competition in 2012.

On Armed Forces Day, Saturday 24 June, recruits from the Army Training Centre (ATC) Pirbright will exercise their Freedom of the Borough by marching through the town with the Army colour flying and the Band of the Royal Logistics Corps playing. The parade will step off at 12.15pm from Town Bridge and will come to a halt outside Holy Trinity Church where there will be a short service and presentation of a commemorative scroll by the Mayor. Guildford has a long tradition of offering a warm welcome to members of our Armed Forces and we look forward to continuing this on Armed Forces Day 2017 as these young recruits exercise their Freedom of the Borough for the very first time.

A mix of food concessions serving a tempting array of street food, retail outlets and a licensed bar will also be available for visitors to enjoy. The Village is just two minutes’ walk from the High Street, less than a minute from The Friary and is located between Commercial Road and Woodbridge Road. For more information and details of events please visit: The Village, Guildford is a unique vibrant event space located in the heart of the town, which features a stage area, an open public space and seating.

Guildford Summer Festival 2017 MONDAY 12 JUNE - SATURDAY 12 AUGUST Festival events include a diverse range of activities including the Town Centre Cycle Race, Guildford Festival Craft Fair, The Cheese and Chilli Festival and much more. To find out more information please visit or visit our Tourist Information Centre in the High Street. Open Monday-Saturday 9.30am - 5pm Sundays & Bank Holidays 11am - 4pm or call 01483 444333

Events at our Castle Grounds FRIDAY 16 JUNE - SATURDAY 1 JULY Guildford Shakespeare Company www.guildford-shakespeare-company. Join GSC on an adventure through mystical woods populated by fairies, sprites and a group of amateur actors, one of whom seems to have grown a donkey’s head…in a special production performed in nearby Rack’s Close, GU1 3XZ.

FRIDAY 21 JULY - SATURDAY 29 JULY The Pranksters, 07881 505062, As You Like It - summer 1977, Rosalind and Celia escape grey Jubilee and Punk London to join a colourful collection of eccentric characters in the wilds of Epping Forest. Cross-dressing, romance, confusion and comedy! Bring a picnic!

SUNDAY 25 JUNE 2 - 4pm

SUNDAY 6 AUGUST Alice Day: A day of free entertainment inspired by Lewis Carroll’s famous storybook character.

Strassenbahnhaltestelle Clarinet Quartet 07710 923820 Music from the past 500 years. Written or arranged for four clarinets of various sizes.

SUNDAY 13 AUGUST 2 - 4pm Herd of Sax - A saxophone choir playing a range of light, jazz and popular music.


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SUNDAY 20 AUGUST 2 - 4pm The Cobham Band A medley of brass band music - films, marches, overtures, new pieces and old favourites. SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2 - 4pm Basingstoke Silver Band An eclectic mixture of popular music played by a band who enjoys making music! SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER Heritage Weekend Historia Normannis 12th Century reenactors and bandstand entertainment.

Report, Pay and Apply online You can report, pay and apply for a number of Council services on our website. • Report problems such fly tipping, missed bin collections, planning issues and other street or environmental issues • Pay your Council tax, garden waste, parking fines and more • Apply for services such as garage rental, house name change or tell us about your house move. We regularly add to our self-service options, so please check out our ‘Report, Pay and Apply’ sections on the website. To find out more please visit:

Did you know? You can watch live or on catch-up public council meetings via our website. To do this simply look for the ‘Council and Democracy’ menu option on the home page of the website and under the ‘Councillors and Decison Making’ heading click on ‘Webcasting’. Alternatively use the following link: portal/home

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What’s On... WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE Jazz Café presented by Guildford Jazz featuring Martin Shaw 7:30pm | Tickets £14 A special midweek Jazz Café for midsummer, with top trumpeter Martin Shaw and a tribute to the great repertoire of the jazz trumpet legends including Miles Davies, Tom Harrell, Freddie Hubbard, Louis Armstrong, and many more. SUNDAY 2 JULY School’s out for Summer Presented by Guildford Theatre School

What’s On... THURSDAY 29 JUNE - SATURDAY 1 JULY The Wizard of Oz Follow the yellow brick road and join the acclaimed Yvonne Arnaud Youth Theatre on a magical journey to Oz. TUESDAY 4 - SATURDAY 8 JULY Death Of A Salesman Widely considered to be one of the greatest plays of the 20th century, Arthur Miller’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece takes to the stage. FRIDAY 14 - SATURDAY 22 JULY

7pm | Tickets £15 | Concessions for students, over-60s and under-16s - £13 Returning to The Electric Theatre for a triumphant seventh year, the talented drama students from the Guildford Theatre School present what is likely to be another sell-out sensation. School’s Out For Summer will present an exciting evening, exploring education and a study of school days.

Fabulous 50…



Gag House Comedy Presented by Guildford Fringe Festival. Danny Buckler’s Comedy and Magic Chat Show

Yvonne Arnaud Art 2017

8pm | Tickets £13 | Concessions £12 Comedian, raconteur and sleight of hand expert, Danny Buckler brings his unique magic chat show to Guildford Fringe Festival for the first time. The magic show where the world’s finest trick artists perform headline sets before sharing their insights about magic with our genial host. Tuesday 25 JULY Jazz Café featuring Fini Bearman 7.30pm | Tickets £14 London Jazz Singer of the Year nominee Fini Bearman is a London based vocalist and composer whose music melds influences as diverse as jazz, blues, Brazilian, and contemporary into an arresting and uniquely personal sound. SATURDAY 29 JULY Hundred Watt Club, Burlesque and Cabaret presented by Guildford Fringe Festival. 8pm | Tickets £18 | Concessions £15 Hundred Watt Club and Guildford Fringe have teamed up to bring the sauce, the sass and the downright silly to Guildford Fringe Festival. Presenting a glittering evening of burlesque and cabaret, featuring a lustrous line-up of acts never before seen on a Hundred Watt Club stage. Friday 4 August A Night with BR James 8pm | £12.50 | Over-60s, students, under-16s/ Job seekers £10 | Friends of The Electric Theatre £9.50 Join Surrey’s finest soul singer for a night

Guildford School of Acting Musical Theatre students bring the most popular musicals of the last 50 years to the stage in celebration of half a century of musicals and memories.

Guildford Arts presents a great variety of work from a stunning line-up of artists in its annual summer exhibition. WEDNESDAY 26 JULY - TUESDAY 1 AUGUST The Yvonne Arnaud Youth Theatre presents - The Railway Children Join The Yvonne Arnaud Youth Theatre for their brand new musical adaptation of E Nesbit’s classic tale of adventure, discovery and friendship. For more information, events and to book tickets please call the Box Office on 01483 440000 or visit

to remember. Hailed as the John Legend of the UK, BR James is guaranteed to melt you with his soulful vocals and piano playing. Accompanied by talented backing singers and band, BR James is sure to make this a night to remember. Tuesday 15 August Jazz Café featuring Lee Goodall 8pm | Tickets £14 Lee Goodall is a hugely talented multiinstrumentalist whose main instruments are soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxes, flute and bass flute! We are delighted to welcome Lee for our summer Jazz Café! Early booking recommended. For further information prices and to book, please visit or call the Box Office on 01483 444789


FRIDAY 18 & SATURDAY 19 AUGUST Dinosaur World

Tue 1.30pm & 4.30pm, Wed 10.30am & 1.30pm Tickets from £9.50 Michael Rosen’s award-winning book is brought vividly and noisily to the stage in a fun-filled adaptation set to Benji Bower’s versatile lively score. Join our intrepid family of adventurers and their musical dog on their quest to find a bear; as they wade through the gigantic swishy swashy grass, the splishy splashy river and the thick oozy, squelchy mud! Suitable for ages 3+.

Friday 2pm & 4.30pm, Sat 11am & 2pm Tickets from: £12 Dare to experience the dangers and delights of Dinosaur World in this interactive new show! Grab your compass and join our intrepid explorer across unchartered territories to discover a pre-historic world of astonishing (and remarkably life-like) dinosaurs. Meet a host of impressive creatures, including every child’s favourite flesh-eating giant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Triceratops, Giraffatitan and Segnosaurus, to name a few! Suitable for age 3+.



The Scarecrows’ Wedding

Blood Brothers

Wed 1.30pm & 4.30pm, Thurs 11am & 1:30pm Tickets from £12 This truly heart-warming adaptation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s new bestselling book is bursting at the seams with wit, drama, and wedding bells! Suitable for ages 3+.

7.30pm. Matinee 2.30pm (W, Thurs, Sat) Tickets from: £12 Written by Willy Russell, the legendary Blood Brothers tells the captivating and moving tale of twins who, separated at birth, grow up on opposite sides of the tracks, only to meet again with fateful consequences.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

MONDAY 10 - SATURDAY 15 JULY Footloose 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tickets from £12 Footloose is back and better than ever before. Everybody cut loose as the explosive 1980s rock ‘n’ roll sensation bursts on to the stage in a remastered show for 2017!

FRIDAY 8 - SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER G-Live Beer Festival 2017 Fri 6.30pm - 11pm, Sat 12pm - 4pm & 6.30pm - 11pm Tickets: £12 per session Come and enjoy ales from some of the country’s top independent brewers as well as live music, a hog roast and a BBQ. SUNdAY 10 SEPTEMBER


Food & Drink Festival 2017

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

11am - 4pm |Tickets: Free, but registration on is advised. Our first festival of fine food and drink, in association with Local Food Britain. Join us for a fun day, to discover fantastic produce from in and around Surrey, and sample delicious treats.

10.30am & 1.30pm Tickets from £10.50 Following a smashhit West End season, the teaguzzling tiger is back on the road in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos! A stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem… expect to be surprised! Suitable for ages 3+.

All tickets can be purchased online: or call 01483 369350

MONDAY 3 - FRIDAY 7 AUGUST Creative Arts Week 10am - 4pm | Course Fee: £150 - for the whole week. Sibling Offer: £120 - when one full price child is booked. This summer’s Creative Arts Week is inspired by all the fun of the circus. Over the course of the week, work with circus ensemble Silver Linings to learn skills in acrobatics, trapeze, hoop diving, street dance and much, much more! Each day, you’ll have the opportunity to try different skills and then to spend time developing performances to showcase to family and friends at the end of the week. Suitable for ages 7-16 years.

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