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North Pole Heads South

T here will be a Chr istmas Advent ure for children 12 and under, including pics with Santa and a candy hunt, f rom 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the Recreation Center Gym, 160 Memor ial Park Cour t, in Souther n Pines. For more infor mation call (910) 692-7376. A lso on Dec. 1, the Nor th Pole Exper ience comes to the National Athletic Village, 201 A ir Tool Dr ive, in Souther n Pines, with activities, music, sleigh r ides and more. T he exper ience continues on Dec. 4, 10 and 11; all times are f rom 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. For f ur ther infor mation go to w w w.nationalathleticvillage.com.


Even Santa Loves a Parade

T he Chr istmas Parade in dow ntow n Souther n Pines will be f rom 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sat urday, Dec. 4. Rumor has it Santa will be k ick in’ it in the Pines. Hard to imag ine any more infor mation would be required but, if you just need someone to talk to, you can call (910) 692-7376.

Let Out the Cummerbund

T he Women of Weymouth k ick of f the holidays with a gala at the Boyd House on Sat urday, Dec. 4, at the Weymouth Center for Ar ts & Humanities, 555 E . Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. T here will be an open bar, hors d ’oeuvres, a buf fet dinner catered by Elliott’s on Linden, music and dancing. Black tie is optional. T he cost is $90 for members and $110 for non-members. For infor mation call (910) 6926261 or visit w w w.weymouthcenter.org.

Music to Our Ears

T he Moore Philhar monic Orchestra will per for m its 17th annual Holiday Concer t at the Bradshaw Per for ming Ar ts Center, O wens Auditor ium, 3395 A ir por t Road, Pinehurst, on Sat urday, Dec. 4, f rom 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is f ree. For more infor mation go to w w w.mporchestra.com. At 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 5, the Sandhills Communit y College Music Depar tment will present its holiday concer t, also at O wens Auditor ium. Admission is f ree and open to the public. For f ur ther infor mation call (910) 695 -3828. A nd, on Sunday, Dec. 12, the Moore Count y Choral Societ y will have its annual holiday concer t with conductor A nne Dorsey, also at O wens Auditor ium. For additional infor mation go to w w w.moorecount ychoralsociet y.org.

Watch the Bolshoi Ballet per for m Tchaikovsk y’s holiday classic T he Nutcracker in high def at the Sunr ise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St. in Souther n Pines, on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 12:55 p.m. For more infor mation go to w w w.sunr isetheater.com.

Don’t Look Now, But Here Comes 2022

Br ing the whole family to dow ntow n Souther n Pines to r ing in the New Year before Grandpa’s bedtime on Fr iday, Dec. 31. T he pine cone drops at 8 p.m. but before that there will be live music, car nival games, face painting and more. For additional infor mation call (910) 692-7376.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

W hen a S a g it t a r iu s plays w it h fire, it’s wonder f u l ly i n no c ent . S or t of. But t h i s b old a nd shor t-f u se d fire sig n ha s a reput at ion for b ei ng more t ha n a l it t le re ck le ss — e sp e c ia l ly when it c ome s to a f f a ir s of t he he a r t . Pau se a nd refle c t dur i ng t he sola r e cl ipse on t he 4t h. W h o are y o u? W h o d o y o u want t o b e? Sh o ul d y o u splurge fo r th at p osit iv ely e x t ravagant v egan l e ath er co at? For t u n ately, t h i ngs a re lo ok i ng a bit more au spic iou s t h i s mont h. But don’t le ave t he c a nd le bur n i ng u n at tende d.

Tea leaf “fortunes” for the rest of you:

Capricorn (December 22 – Januar y 19) Two words: humble pie. Aquarius ( Januar y 20 – Februar y 18) A sk for a sign. You’ll k now it when you see it. Pisces (Februar y 19 – March 20) Save the smother ing for the bread and butter. A ries (March 21 – April 19) You are the Per fect Stor m. Don’t hold back.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Best not to wait for an invitation.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) A sk again later. Cancer ( June 21 – July 22) No matter how hot things get, play it cool. L eo ( July 23 – August 22) T he quest for per fection doesn’t end well. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) T hat smile on your face says it all. Libra (September 23 – October 22) Sometimes the obstacle is the path. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) W hen the popcor n is ready, the tr uf fle oil will appear. PS

Z ora St ell an o va h a s be en div ining w ith t e a l e ave s sin ce Ga me of T hrones’ St arb u ck s cup mish ap of 2019. W hil e sh e’s n ot e x a ctly a m e dium, sh e’s far from average. Sh e live s in th e N.C. fo othills w ith h er Sphy n x c at , Lyl a.

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