2 minute read
Good Nat ured By K aren Fr ye
The Season of Love
One d ay is just th e beg inning
By K aren Frye
We think of love as we celebrate Va lentine’s Day on the 14th but, hopef ully, we focus on it the other 364 days as well, creating a lifest yle for ourselves. Star t your day w ith feelings of love and spread it ever y where w ith ever yone. End your day w ith g ratit ude for a ll the love you’ve received. Tune in to these feelings and reap the incredible benefits it br ings to your life.
We are bor n into the world w ith immense love. T his force w ithin us can be nour ished and g row more power f ul w ith practice. Life can be cha lleng ing, but its lessons can be oppor t unities to use our hear ts to find a way through obstacles and g row stronger. W hen we understand that love can resolve so many of the conf rontations and cha llenges life br ings, we become more lov ing, even in the most dif ficult times.
E ach mor ning before you get out of bed, connect to your hear t center. Be g ratef ul that your hear t is beating and sending feelings of compassion, empathy and love to ever y cell in your body. Open yourself to the good things happening to you. Shar ing the love you feel w ith others w ill open their hear ts as well. We must embrace, and even love, those who have hur t us.
L ove has the power to change many things. It can end anger, str ife, resentment and emotiona l pain. Ever y thing improves w ith practicing love, but the person who benefits the most is you. W hat footpr int w ill you leave on this world? Wa lk the path of love.
Uplif t others. You w ill be happier, hea lthier and more content w ith your life, and the world w ill be a bet ter place. PS Karen Frye is the owner and founder of Nature’s Own and teaches yoga at the Bikram Yoga Studio.
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