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Looking Forward

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

This issue of Pingree Magazine is dedicated to the Class of 2022. One of the most joyous times on campus each year is participating in the year-end traditions that mark our students’ passage into the next chapter of their lives. Throughout their years at Pingree, the adults in this community—faculty, staff, coaches, and advisors—nurture each student’s promise, shepherd them through the turns of adolescence, and celebrate their growth and evolution. Senior Week fills us with immense pride and excitement, and this class merits extra recognition and applause.

The Class of 2022 stands alone in Pingree’s history. Together, they navigated a pandemic and a host of complex issues that required them to find—and dig deep to find again— unrelenting calls for empathy, resilience, and leadership. With community as our cornerstone, the waterfall of unexpected challenges over the last few years served as a series of litmus tests. Could they sustain the capacity to adapt, grow, and care for one another?


The answer: a resounding yes and then some. The individual faces in this magazine all represent unique stories of courage, love, perseverance, achievement, and growth. The class of 2022 cared deeply for this place, their teachers, and one another. Their acceptance of the evolving circumstances wasn’t passive. Each day was an active process toward self-improvement. On behalf of our faculty and staff, we could not be more proud. We are grateful the communities they join this year will benefit from their many gifts, and we are excited to welcome them back soon to continue sharing their life stories.

As a bookend to summer, Pingree hosted its first Community Reunion since 2020, welcoming more than 50 years of Pingree graduates back to campus. In the years since they collected their diplomas in the Hedge Garden, life has taken our Highlanders to all corners of the globe. We remain proud to report that our alumni are leading lives of meaning and purpose in all walks of life. One of the evening’s many affirming experiences came through the highlights our alumni shared during their time at Pingree. Over and over again, they referenced how the lasting friendships developed here have proven to be foundational to who they have become.

Bittersweet farewell, Class of 2022, we applaud your accomplishments and indelible legacy. We already miss you and await your return to campus. You always have a home at Pingree.

Warmly, Tim Johnson Head of School

Editor In Chief

Novelette Brown CONTRIBUTORS

Allison Angelico

Jake Belcher

Jared Charney

David Goff

Ashley Goliti-Chase

Leah Hancock

Matt Hins

Cara Angelopulos Lawler ’01

Diana Mathey P’01, ’04, ’09, ’11

David Sokol

Eric Stacey ’81


Big Magnet Media


Hannaford & Dumas

Pingree Magazine is published twice a year for alumni, parents, and friends. We welcome your letters, story ideas, and suggestions.

Please send correspondence to:

Novelette Brown

Director of Communications and Marketing nbrown@pingree.org

For alumni updates, please email: Ashley Goliti-Chase

Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement agoliti@pingree.org

Pingree is an independent day school for grades 9–12. Pingree empowers every community member to pursue knowledge with courage and imagination, thrive in joy and challenge, and create a more just and equitable world.

Pingree School does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, age, disability, stats as a veteran or being a member of the Reserves or National Guard, or any other classification protected under state or federal law.

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