1 minute read
The following list includes a selection of denominations in Swedish and in English, and may facilitate the reading. Underlined denominations are used in the main text.
Allmänna Spar- och Kreditkassan, ‚Samspar‛: The General Savings and Credit Bank. The entity was an association without personal liability (‚u.p.a., utan personligt ansvar‛) –‚Allmänna Spar- and Kreditkassan förening u.p.a.‛ Biblisk Månadstidskrift: A monthly Biblical review. Biblisk Tidskrift: A monthly Biblical review. Dagen: The Day – owned by Tidningsaktiebolaget Dagen or Tidnings AB Dagen: The Newspaper Dagen Ltd., ‚the Dagen‛ . Den Kristna Bokringen (DKB): The Christian Book Ring. Den Kristne: The Christian.
Evangelii Härold: The Evangelical Herald. Filadelfias Centrala Hjälpkassa för Predikanter, ‚Hjälpkassan‛: The Philadelphia Central Fund for Preachers, ‚The Assistant Fund‛ . Förlaget Filadelfia AB, ‚Förlaget‛: The Philadelphia Publishing House Ltd. ‚The Publishing House‛ .
IBRA or IBRA Radio are abbreviations for ‚International Broadcasting Association‛ .
Kaggeholms Folkhögskola,
‚Kaggeholm‛: The Kaggeholm folk high-school – and consequently ‘Rörstrands folkhögskola’. Kölingaredsveckan, Nyhemsveckan and Lapplandsveckan: The Kölingared week, the Nyhem week and the Lappland week. In 1916 a numbers of Pentecostal preachers met a couple of days in Korsberga for Bible studies and talks (see the cover photo). The meeting was called ‚Bible study week‛, a designation which also was used for the annual conferences at Kölingared from 1918 and then at Nyhem, notwithstanding that conference had been a more adequate designation. Also at Husbondliden in Lappland in the northern part of Sweden there were a similar ‚weeks‛ .
Lewi Pethrus Stiftelse för Filantropisk Verksamhet, ‚LP-stiftelsen‛: Lewi Pethrus’ Foundation for Philanthropic work, ‚the LP Foundation‛ . Ordet och Tron: The Word and Faith.
Pingstförsamlingarnas Ungdomsarbete, ‚PU‛: The Pentecostal Churches Youth Work, ‚The Pentecostal Youth Work‛, ‚PU‛. Pingstförsamlingarnas Vigselnämnd ‚Vigselnämnden‛: The Central Marriage Council for the Swedish Pentecostal Churches, ‚the Marriage Council‛. Pingstmissionens Internationella Litteraturcentrum, ‚PIL‛: Pentecostal Mission’s International Literary Centre, ‚PIL‛ Pingströrelsen: The Pentecostal Movement, and is here used as the name of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement.
Svenska Fria Missionen,
‚SFM‛: The Swedish Free Mission, ‚SFM‛. Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landshjälp, ‚SPU‛: Swedish Pentecostal Mission’s Help to Developing Countries, ‚SPU‛.