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Once upon a time, it all started with bears, fairies, pincess, princesses, (frogs too), kings and fabulous queens. a Modern-day LGBTQ+ fairy tale!

17 and going strong!

Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival 2017 Knysna Wednesday 26 April - Sunday 1 May 2017 (Thursday 27 April & Monday 1 May are Public Holidays)

long long time ago in a town far away.... The Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival is a story that begins with the idyllic coastal town of Knysna. Knysna (a local Khoikhoi word that legend has it, means ‘ferns’), lies 1200km south of Johannesburg and east of Port Elizabeth. Once, one of the best-kept secrets in South Africa, the now much-loved town of Knysna is on the Garden Route and is surrounded by lush indigenous South African rainforests

spilling out into a crystalline estuary; fed by the Knysna River. For the past sixteen years, at the end of April and the first week of May,

Knysna has also become home to one of the freshest and most exciting LGBTQ+ celebrations around the world – the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival.

Initially, it was started by local businessmen to entice tourists to the town during the traditionally slow month of May, and reinvigorate the local economy. It was run by Juan Lerm until 2009, and the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras became an event that would not only incorporate the local region’s gay identity expression, but it also celebrated the cultural contributions made by the gay community, and in so doing, overcame a prior history of suppression in the area. With an ever increasingly visible LGBTQ+ community, Knysna’s Pink Loerie has systematically become one of the most written about must-see annual celebrations within the international LGBTQ+ community. During the early days of the event’s creation, the organisers had first envisioned to have the event rollout as a parade, similar to the famous Pride events celebrating diversity found around the world. The next evolution of the concept was to host a parade as well as a party, akin to that of the Sydney Mardi Gras. While acknowledging that the region needed an event that provided a celebratory and creative outlet for its local LGBTQ+ community, the organisers agreed that whatever was created should go a step beyond that of the traditional, better known Pride parades. It should be a celebration, a carnival – and a carnival with a purpose too. This allowed the event to incorporate all residents and visitors in the town, regardless of their sexuality, and celebrate the rich diversity of people from the Greater Municipality of Eden area as well, which incorporates Knysna and nearby George. It became an event that truly embraced the ideals of equality and freedom, whilst essentially remaining a celebration of gay culture and queer freedom, it was to serve as a platform where LGBTQ+ cultural and political issues could be debated and addressed, in an informal and relaxed setting. Issues such as sexual education, HIV/Aids and acceptance from all sides of the community were often primary themes of discussion and celebration. After some initial discussions with the local government


and a whopper of a fundraiser (that proved just how much support they had from all areas of the community) they were ready to begin … And first was was

so, in 2001, the very Pink Loerie Mardi Gras launched, and to say it a huge success is an

understatement. It was the birth of a new, culturally aware and uniquely South African version of the European Pride, and to date, the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras provides a wider range of events, exhibitions and gatherings to focus on creative and political endeavors within the South African and international Queer communities, including Performing art shows, dance parties, art exhibitions and charity drives that provoke thought and debate as well as good old-fashioned fun! And, for the more outdoor oriented, there have been excursions to local tourist attractions such as Monkeyland, Birds of Eden, as well as lagoon rides on the cruise boats on offer. At its heart, the Pink Loerie is a festival and a celebration; so, dancing, fun and music also played an enormous part of the event, with daily shows being held at various locations

about pink loerie mardi gras and arts festival

throughout the town and club nights. This beautiful tradition of celebration, Pride and creative expression in a gorgeous setting has continued to glitter and thrive for over sixteen years. The grand finale of the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras, the Parade

and after-party, is held on the final weekend of the celebrations. The festival attracts floats, performers and DJ’s from all over the world and local businesses also get into to the spirit, competing for the best Pink Loerie window display. This festival is the event where Knysna comes into its own, with the locals showing the full extent of hospitality, diversity and fanfare and festive spirit that is the backbone of the event, and the reason that people keep coming back every year. A notable accomplishment of Pink Loerie is the charity drive for local charities such as Loeriehof Old Age Home in Graham Street, Vermont Retirement Village, Knysna Animal Welfare, Paula Whitney Preschool and the Mayor’s Relief Fund.

Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation NPC Registration Number: 2016/283475/08 and NPO Registration Number: 181�161 The main purpose of Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation NPC / NPO are to assist the greater Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) community, in supporting causes and charitable events, providing education and awareness programs, and creating an ethos of care within the community and beyond. To achieve its objectives, the organizations will mainly rely on sponsorship and donation income from the public and corporate sector. The organizations value the use of spectacle, pageantry, theatre, creativity, recreation, music, design, multimedia, and other forms of artistic expression, to create LGBTQ+ awareness/celebration, eliminate stigma and promote pride-consciousness as a philosophy for living and being well.

Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation Board of Directors Johann van Niekerk (Chairperson), John-Louis O’Neil (Vice Chairperson), Luan Schultz (Company Secretary), Ian Ferreira Massyn (Chief Financial Officer), Bruce J. Little (Creative Director), Rubin van Niekerk (GayPages), Frank Malaba (Human Rights), Kosie Smit (Productions), Julia Sulman (Knysna) and Carin de Jager (Villa Castollini, Knysna).

about pink loerie foundation


Girls of a feather flock together

Wigstock Festival SA 2017 The international Wigstock has a local chapter now in South Africa. The best drag shows, pageants and other “wig” related events.

Drag yourself to witty wicked Wigstock Wednesday 27 April 2016 / Knysna-Plett Herald

Night club hosts top drag artists Tuesday 03 May 2016 / Knysna-Plett Herald

Wigstock was an annual outdoor drag festival that began in the 1980s in Manhattan’s East Village that took place on Labor Day. Traditionally the festival would act as the unofficial end to the summer for the gay community of New York City. The name references the 1969 Woodstock Festival. Hosted by co-creator Lady Bunny, the festival was held in its first years in Tompkins Square Park. According to Lady Bunny, the event began spontaneously in 1984 after a group of drag queens (along with Wendy Wild and a couple of Fleshtones) became inebriated at the nearby Pyramid Club and decided to put on a show in the park. As the crowds grew each year, the festival was moved, first to Union Square Park, then to piers on the Hudson River. Lady Bunny said that 2001’s Wigstock would be the last, but in 2003, 2004, and 2005, Wigstock and Bunny returned to Tompkins Square, this time under the auspices of the Howl Festival.

about wigstock


Bear Colony Festival SA 2017 A mutual playground for all Bear Groups in Southern Africa.

The term BEAR was popularized by Richard Bulger, who was the co-founder of Bear Magazine in 1987.

Bear is an affectionate gay slang term for those in the bear communities, a subculture in the gay community and an emerging subset of the LGBT community with its own events, codes, and culture-specific identity. Bears tend to have hairy bodies and facial hair; some are heavy-set; some project an image of working-class masculinity in their grooming and appearance, though none of these are requirements or unique indicators. The bear concept can function as an


about bear colony

identity, an affiliation, and an ideal to live up to. There is ongoing debate in bear communities about what constitutes a bear. Some state that self-identifying as a bear is the only requirement, while others argue that bears must have certain physical characteristics, such as a hairy chest and face, a large body, or a certain mode of dress and behavior. Bears are almost always gay or bisexual men, although transgender men (regardless of their sexuality) and those who shun labels for gender and sexuality are increasingly included within bear

communities. The bear community has spread all over the world, with bear clubs in many countries. Bear clubs often serve as social and sexual networks for older, hairier, sometimes heavier gay and bisexual men, and members often contribute to their local gay communities through fundraising and other functions. Bear events are common in heavily-gay communities. The International Bear Brotherhood Flag was designed in 1995 by Craig Byrnes.

Are You a Jock, Otter, Bear or Wolf?

Why Sponsor in association with Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival™ ? The annual Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival™ provides companies and brands with a fantastic and established opportunity to broaden their competitive edge by aligning the company’s image, prestige and credibility with a fun, creative and largely lucrative and influential community. The LGBTQ+ community has become an incredibly powerful and influential force in the marketplace around the world, and investors are putting increasingly more budget behind LGBTQ+ events, products, spokespersons and marketing around the globe. Huge PR can be leveraged by supporting events that this influential target market finds attractive. The event notoriously attracts the country’s finest performers, artists and designers from Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town alike, as well as many international ones too. Such a powerful collection of people, all in one place! In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become the fastest growing type of marketing in South Africa, making this an opportunity unlike any other. Part of this growth can be attributed to the increasing numbers of small and medium-sized businesses involved. Previously, only large businesses could afford to sponsor causemarketing.


why sponsor?

Now, smaller companies are sponsoring local fairs and festivals as an effective method of boosting their visibility in their community. Most of these sponsorships can help your company enhance its public profile. The Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival has successfully partnered with scores of companies over the past 16 years and continues to grow and develop new business relationships and opportunities. Irrespective of the size or industry in which your company operates, we can utilise all support and will drive your marketing and PR awareness thoroughly, in turn building better client relationships and potential customer prospects.

Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation Sponsorship Benefits Partnering with Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation can be especially effective as a marketing tool because it can be a means of accessing a wide range of audiences such as decision makers in business, government entities, and of course customers.

We shift paradigms in terms of customers who take part in international trade as sponsoring towards our event transcends LGBTQ+ cultural divides. Heightened visibility due to positive publicity through the media is another reason to be involved with Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation - especially as we attract such a large number of people who travel to the festival and utilise the services of the brands associated a Pro- Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation brand or organization. The “Pink Rand” is one of the most favorable economic demographics as our market often includes a higher LSM level and achievement / aspiration goals in terms of lifestyle, services and activities. In an article entitled “Researching the pink Rand in SA” for Bizcommunity, Marketing Analyst and Communications Director, Morne Ebersohn, shared the following findings: “Already we know that in SA these individuals are trendsetters, brand-conscious, loyal and have ample disposable incomes, many part of a double-income household with children. It is estimated that worldwide the GLBT community makes up 10% of the market and it is a known fact that this sector is both affluent and influential and one that increasingly attracts targeted marketing by companies eager to capitalise on pink buying power.”

Some of our previous and current sponsors

Villa Castollini



why sponsor? / previous and current sponsors




previous and current sponsors

Mr & Miss Gay Mardi Gras Southern Africa

Gone are the days where beauty pageants evolved around large sums of cash and fancy cars as a symbolic representation of the community.

Mr Gay Mardi Gras Southern Africa ‘17 This popular competition as part of the annual Pink Loerie Mardi Gras is open to all males between the ages of 18 to 40 years of age. We are looking for a gorgeous, sexy, irresistible and healthy looking male. The winner of Mr Gay Mardi Gras Southern Africa 2017 will have a guaranteed spot as one of the Mr Gay World Southern Africa 2017 finalists that will be held on Saturday 23 September 2017 in Pretoria. The winner of this competition will represent South Africa at Mr Gay World 2018. The competition will consist of the following categories: 1. Interview; 2. Social Media Challenge; 3. Swimwear Challenge; 4. Street Parade Wear Challenge and 5. Formal Wear Challenge. The judges will be looking for a smart, educated and eloquent person who is confident to state his position, caring and friendly - open-minded to all people alike, aware of modern communication and able to use it in order to share and spread his message worldwide, visionary and dedicated to his responsibility towards the community they represents and lastly true and faithful to the community and Mr Gay Mardi Gras South Africa. The judges be from all walks of life and from across SA – from gay media to activists.

AleXander Steyn / 2016 Title holder

Vida Fantabisher / 2016 Title holder

Miss Gay Mardi Gras Southern Africa ‘17 This popular competition as part of the annual Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and open to all Drag Artists between the ages of 18 to 60 years of age. The competition consist of the following categories: 1. Interview; 2. Social Media Challenge; 3. Show number and 4. Street Parade Costume The winner of Miss Gay Mardi Gras Southern Africa 2017 will have a guaranteed spot as one of the Miss Gay Drag Southern Africa 2017 finalists that will be held on in Pretoria later this year. Saturday 29 April 2017, Zanzibar Knysna 10am - 2pm

mr & miss gay mardi gras southern africa


Knysna hosts Mr Gay World™ 2015 With less than three weeks to the arrival of 23 international Mr Gay World™ (MGW) delegates, Knysna is a hive of activity and anticipation in preparing for the Mr Gay World™ crowning. This crowning represents the highlight of Knysna’s 15thGlobeflight Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival. Although the Grande Finale was moved from Cape Town to Knysna a month prior to the event, the Mother City still supports the MGW with R100 000 that will fund other related events there. The concept of Mr Gay World™ was born in June 2008 when Eric Butter and Dean Nelson embarked on a mission to create a global competition that would inspire and empower gay men through public solidarity. The first Mr Gay World Competition took place in 2009 during the annual WinterPRIDE celebrations in the award winning mountain resort of Whistler, Canada with 24 delegates. Ireland’s Max Krzyanowski won this inaugural title. The seventh MGW crowning will take place at the Knysna Mall Exhibition Centre on Saturday, May 2 at 20:00.

Georlene Wolmarans, Knysna Executive Municipal Mayor, said that Knysna being awarded the MGW crowning event is a wonderful recognition of Knysna’s diversity. “I look forward to welcoming delegates from the 23 countries to our beautiful town,” said Wolmarans.

choice for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in South Africa. Having the first South African married gay couple living in our area as well as the first gay couple who won the legal battle to adopt children in South Africa is proof of this acceptance.”

Managing Director of Mr Gay World™

At the crowning ceremony it will also

2015, Coenie Kukkuk smiled and said: “Everyone at the Globeflight Pink Loerie Grand Parade on Saturday (May 2) will no doubt choose their own favourite among the delegates. We’ll just have to wait and see who walks away with the coveted crown.”

be revealed who wins the acclaimed Eric Butter Philanthropy Award. This award recognises humanitarian accomplishment and inspirational leadership.

Delegates will travel South Africa in the company of the international MGW judges. They will be continually evaluated on their appearance, grooming, intellect, social skills as well as a written test on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) history, recent news events, an art challenge, sport and public speaking. “The diversity of Knysna has long been the mainstay of the Pink Loerie Festival,” said Knysna Tourism CEO, Greg Vogt. “One of the greatest things about our area is its people. The area is a lifestyle

Among other cities that hosted Mr Gay World™ Grande Finale are Oslo, Sidney and Rome. South Africa is the only country ever to have been awarded this event twice. “Knysna is turning pink! The town is looking forward to welcoming all delegates and especially our visitors. Arrangements have been made to ensure all enjoy safe travel, safety and the entertainment of our guests. We want all to have fun,” concluded Vogt. THE ERIC BUTTER PHILANTHROPY AWARD In June 2008 Eric Butter and Dean Nelson embarked on a mission to create a global competition that would inspire and empower gay men to come together in a public performance that would show the world that being gay encompasses a broad spectrum. The mission aims to demonstrate that inward beauty, physical appearance, leadership and confidence are all equally important. The award brings these men together to share their experiences and create awareness that in many regions, being gay represents a fight for basic human rights. Tuesday 14 April 2015 / The Gremlin


previous events

previous events


16 couples tie knot in 1st mass same-sex wedding in Africa Friday 29 April 2016 / SABC


previous events

SA pioneers to renew vows at mass gay wedding Tue 12 April 2016 / Sowetan Live

Mass wedding paints Knysna sky pink Sat 30 April 2016 / IOL

Rain no dampener for mass same-sex wedding in Knysna Not even the heavy rain and icy weather that swept over the Garden Route on Friday could dampen the spirits of 15 couples who tied the knot in Africa’s first mass same-sex marriage in Knysna.

The festival attracts up to 30 000 people every year and raises thousands of rands for charity. Another highlight on Friday’s programme is the Mr Mardi Gras South Africa event‚ when South Africa’s representative for the 2017 Mr Gay World will be chosen. The festival runs until Sunday. Friday 29 April 2016 / Herald Live

Dressed in designer wedding attire the

couples said their I do’s at Villa Castollini in celebration of the 16th annual Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival. Among them were several well-known locals including Hoekwil couple‚ Vernon and Tony GibbsHalls‚ who renewed their vows after 10 years of marriage. They were the first gay couple in Africa to legally marry – on December 1 2006.

I do‚ I do‚ I do‚ I do‚ I do: Africa’s first mass same-sex marriage in Knysna Friday 29 April 2016 / Times LIVE

Knysna mayor Esme Edge and advocate Julie Seton also took the opportunity to renew their vows after marrying earlier this year. The couples will lead the annual Pink Loerie parade through the streets of Knysna tomorrow.

previous events


Key title: Pink Loerie Magazine Variant title: PLM - ISSN 2312-6922 (International Standard Serial Number) Registered at International Centre, Paris FRANCE


We now specialise in schools, sports & groups travel arrangements, as well as inbound travel to Africa. Our Approach Our approach at iGO Travel is to build relationships of trust and transparency with our clients. The value and emphasis we place

Our Staff Our staff are our greatest asset. We take pride in each one of them and understand their value to the longevity of our business.. This is evident in our very low staff turnover and also in our long term client retention. With over 200 years of combined travel experience, our

with Pink Loerie Travel in association with iGO Travel

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on these relationships, ensures that they are maintained. This forms the foundation and cornerstone of our success and is evident in the way in which we do business today.

pink loerie magazine / pink loerie travel

staff are knowledgeable on anything relating to travel.


This fundraiser aims to function as a platform that will allow those in the LGBTQ+ community (and their allies) who do enjoy some kind of privilege, ability, or influence, to be able to help these less fortunate members of the community. It aims to bring about cohesion and support, and the emancipation and strengthening of the community as a whole. If we can help one another, we all benefit. GOAL To raise awareness of hate crimes against vulnerable members of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as amplify, remember and celebrate the positive contribution of LGBTQ+ in larger society. PURPOSE To raise practical financial assistance that directly benefits Non-Profit Organizations that are dedicated to working with the LGBTQ+ communities in different regions of South Africa. Every year a particularly vulnerable group of our community will be identified and funds will be raised to uplift this constituency in order to benefit us all in the long-term. With the terrible increase of hate crimes and incidents of “corrective

photo credit -

CAUSE The LGBTQ+ Community is still marginalized in many pockets of South African society, and within this community as a whole, there are subgroups such as the Trans community and the lesbian community in rural areas, which are particularly hard hit by prejudice, violence and hate crimes.

rape” in South Africa’s poorer communities, there has been a shadow of fear, anger and despair that has fallen over all other members of South African LGBTQ+ community. And sadly, there has to date been a lack of enough support and resources from most communities towards the NPOs that assist in matters affecting the LGBTQ+ populations. EVENT WE ARE PLANNING This will be a fun and relaxing evening out that will allow you the opportunity to assist less fortunate members of the LGBTQ+ community in a meaningful way. It will also be a fantastic opportunity to meet other members of the community who have the means and generosity to assist those less fortunate than they are. There can be few things as rewarding and satisfying as making a difference in the life of others and you will be in good company with those who

Some of the highlights Pink Fairy Forest Tree Plant Event Morning Tea at Loeriehof Retirement Home Afternoon Tea at Vermont Retirement Home

share a similar ideology and desire to help. Wonderful and meaningful associations and friendships have been formed at these events in the past. HOW CAN WE SELL IT? You’ve read about these horrible hate crimes and incidents of violence and prejudice in the news and social media in the past and probably felt helpless and frustrated, like so many of us. Now we have a way for you to be able to assist in a meaningful way that is fun! Join us and let’s help them. WHO DO WE TARGET? Wealthy or marginally successful LGBTQ+ people and their allies. These are successful business people and/or public figures who lead aspirational lives. © frank malaba / pink loerie mardi gras and arts festival southern africa foundation / world gay foundation

Bondesio Couture Fashion Show and Workshop VIP Dinner and Fundraising Auction Art Exhibition Drag Shows Club events and more...

upcoming projects and events


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DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation (NPC/NPO), Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa CC, Pink Loerie Promotions (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras Pageants (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Travel (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Magazine (PTY) Ltd, Bear Colony Festival Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd and Wigstock Festivals Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd. The opinions expressed are in good faith and while every care has been taken in preparing this document, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation (NPC/NPO), Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa CC, Pink Loerie Promotions (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras Pageants (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Travel (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Magazine (PTY) Ltd, Bear Colony Festival Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd and Wigstock Festivals Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd makes no representations and gives no warranties of whatever nature in respect of this document, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained therein. Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation (NPC/NPO), Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa CC, Pink Loerie Promotions (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras Pageants (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Travel (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Magazine (PTY) Ltd, Bear Colony Festival Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd and Wigstock Festivals Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd, its subsidiaries, the directors, employees and agents cannot be held liable for the use of and reliance of the opinions, estimates, forecasts and findings in this document. Š Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa Foundation (NPC/NPO), Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Southern Africa CC, Pink Loerie Promotions (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras Pagents (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Travel (PTY) Ltd, Pink Loerie Magazine (PTY) Ltd, Bear Colony Festival Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd and Wigstock Festivals Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd. photo credit / vernondo boshoff photography / cobus benade /

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