Celebrating 75 years This fall Pioneer Clubs begins its 75th year of training up children around the world to follow Christ in every aspect of life. We are amazed at all that God has accomplished through us in the past and are excited about what He has in store for us in the days ahead. Because Every Child Ma ers to Christ we are increasing our efforts to provide you with resources that will help you reach children for Christ. We are especially excited about all that’s new at Pioneer Clubs. Here are some of the new things you will find in this catalog: New Program—this year we introduce the first year of DELTA, a program with the flexibility to work with 5 to 500 children. Each week all age groups will learn the same biblical truths through age-appropriate lessons and ac vi es. Five more years of DELTA are in the works so that you will have a complete program for all your elementary school children. New Products—the Wacky World of Water leads the list of new product offerings in the works. This 5-day program is perfect for use in VBS, summer backyard clubs, day camps, or with missions trips focused on ministering to children. New Pricing—in order to serve you be er, we have lowered the prices on a number of resources and have developed special member-only packages that will save you even more. New Packaging—those familiar with us from past years will see that the look of some of our resources has changed drama cally. We have designed new covers for many of our products while the content and interiors remain the same. We are excited about these changes, but also need to be good stewards—so these changes will be implemented over the coming year as we reprint products. Thank you for your pa ence through this transis on. If there is anything we can do to serve you be er, please feel free to contact one of our ministry consultants at 800-694-CLUB (2582). We look forward to partnering with you to reach children for Christ. Brian Ondracek
President/CEO of Pioneer Clubs
Table of Contents Welcome to Pioneer Clubs Whether your church is one of our original members or you are new to children’s ministry, welcome! We want to provide you with the best biblically based materials possible. In this catalog you will find everything you need to run a successful Pioneer Clubs program plus addi onal resources that will enrich your kids and make your job easier. If you have any ques ons about our products and which ones might be best for your church, please feel free to call us at 1-800-694-CLUB (2582).
Pioneer Program
Mission Statement
Exploring Program
Discovery Program
Pioneer Clubs has a passion for training up children and youth to follow Christ in every aspect of life, by providing biblically based, educa onally sound resources.
DELTA Program
Becoming A Member Church
The Wacky World of Water VBS
Bible & Activity Awards
Award Display & Club Apparel
Recruiting Resources & Promotional Materials
Special Pricing and Products—all members receive discounted pricing on every resource. But we have also designed special packages—available only to member churches—that provide you with addi onal savings. And there are various resources offered only to our member churches.
Ministry Support—as a member church our ministry consultants
Club Room Resources & Gifts ts
are available to answer any ques on you have and to provide training specifically geared to your unique ministry situa on or problem.
Kits Special Events & Review R
34-35 36-37
Free Resources—all members receive regular emails that include new ideas and free resources every month.
Materials Camp Resources & Jr./Sr. High Ma How to Order Warehouse Sale
There are a number of benefits that you will receive when you become a Pioneer Clubs member church. Here are just a few:
Website Promo on—all member churches are included in our club locator, which is found on our website.
38-39 Scholarship Eligibility— as a member church your college-bound students are eligible to apply for our Virginia C. Pa erson Scholarship. (Visit h p://bit.ly/pcscholarship for applica on informa on.)
Member Fee Schedule Discovery Club Pioneer Clubs $ 125 (covers all Skipper, Scooter, Voyager, Exploring Club Delta All-in-One Club Pathfinder and Trailblazer clubs) Delta Club
$ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 125
Ages 2–3
The Skipper program is built to introduce young children to the Bible and God. It is designed to supplement what you’re u’re nt teaching in Sunday School. Each lesson takes into account the physical, emo onal, social and intellectual development of the two-and-three-year-olds at your church. Weekly mee ngs include ac vi es, play me, songs, snack and a simple Bible story specially designed for the needs of this age group. The leader planbooks outline everything necessary to run a successful program including lesson planss for 32 regular mee ngs plus 4 special mee ngs – Club Kickoff, Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter and a Closing Celebra on. on.
Leader Planbooks Thirty-six complete mee ng plans are in each of 2 leader planbooks accompanying the 2 Ac vity and Take Home Papers books. The planbooks also outline how to use Ac vity S ckers and iron-on awards.
Hearing Bible Stories
Hearing About God
Stories of Jesus, Samuel, Miriam and how God wants a rela onship with everyone, especially children.
Weekly mee ngs focus on a child’s rela onship with God, the child’s parents, rela ves and neighbors using Bible stories as a basis.
A. B.
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Activity & Take Home Papers Book These ac vity sheets are completed both at club and at home so parents are aware of what their child is learning at club. One side of the paper is completed at club, the other side (with parental support) at home.
Hearing Bible Stories
Hearing About God
Themes include: God’s gi of the Bible, its truth, God’s love and Jesus as our friend.
Preschoolers learn about God’s gi s of weather, food, church, Jesus, family and more.
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
A. Hearing Bible Stories Activity Stickers c4051
B. Hearing Bible Stories Iron-on Awards c4010
One sheet per child provides s ckers for all 32 mee ngs. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
C. Hearing About God Activity Stickers c4052
Display these 8 iron-on awards on each child’s Skipper T-shirt. Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.99
D. Hearing About God Iron-on Awards c4041
Kids love s ckers, 1 s cker page per child covers all 32 mee ngs. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
E. Skipper Club Crest c7087
Iron onto Skipper T-shirts to show kids’ award progress. Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.99
F. Memory Verse Stickers c6650
Apply crests to Skipper T-shirts, sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
G. Skippy-The Story-Telling Puppet c3625
Use s ckers in ac vity books for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
H. Bible Story Visuals c3614
Special hand puppet helps leaders present the Bible Story. Member - $5.99 | Non Member - $7.99
Skipper & Scooter Celebrations c3030
Correspond to Bible stories in the leader planbooks. Member - $15.99 | Non Member - $20.99
special Savings Special
Skipper Starter Pak Sk W the Skipper Starter Pak you will receive: 2 leader planbooks, 7 Ac vity and Take Home With Pa Papers books and club crests (5 for kids and 2 for leaders), then 5 each of Ac vity S ckers, Memory Verse S ckers and iron-on awards, plus a Skipper Bible Story Visuals book and a FREE M Sk Skippy Puppet.
Fun special events and 14 specialoccasion mee ngs for young kids. Member - $6.99 Non Member - $8.99
Save over $31!
Hearing Bible Stories
Hearing About God
c5691 - $174.99
c5692 - $174.99
Special T-shirt prices are available with the purchase of a Starter Pak or Easy-Order Set. Call your ministry consultant for details.
Skipper Easy-Order Set Each Skipper Easy-Order Set contains everything you need for 1 child. The set includes 1 each of the following: Ac vity and Take Home Papers book, Ac vity S ckers, Memory Verse S ckers, ironon awards, and a club crest.
NEW LOW PRICE! Save almost $3! Hearing Bible Stories
Hearing About God
c5601 - $19.99
c5602 - $19.99
Purchase a Skipper Starter Pak and buy addi onal Easy-Order Sets for just $18.99 each.
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Age 4–Kindergarten
The 4-and-5-year-olds in Scooter programs have an innate desire to learn about God. When they find out the love that He has for them, it can change their world. The Scooter program was developed to support this curiosity, answer kids’ ques ons, encourage their growth in faith and start them on the path of discipleship. In addi on, it introduces the concepts of building rela onships, teamwork and collabora on in Bible-based lessons, which show Scooters how to live in today’s world.
Leader Planbooks The 2 Scooter planbooks for leaders introduce children to God’s Word through 28 regular mee ngs, and 2 holiday mee ngs—Christmas and Palm Sunday or Easter. Weekly lessons include ge ng ready, opening ac vity, Bible story, Bible memory, games, snack, table ac vity and prayer.
Learning About Living
Learning About Giving
This leader’s planbook includes lessons on: Growing Like Jesus, I Am Important to God, Helping My Family, God’s Crea on and more.
c3020 020 The Bible awards specific ecific to this planbook include: ude: Jesus the Teacher, All About Families, My Church Family, Jesus the Helper and more.
Resources A.
B. Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Scooter Activity Books At all 30 mee ngs Scooters complete an Ac vity Paper. The Parent Pages help kids review memory verses at home and provide ac vi es for parents to support what their Scooters are learning at club.
Learning About Living
Learning About Giving
A 72-page book with pictures, games, puzzles and Bible ac vi es that e to each mee ng’s lesson.
72 pages of fun, games and lesson-based ac vi es on living a life with God.
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Our current inventory contains both new and older covers but the interior content is the same for both.
A. Learning About Living Activity Stickers c4061
B. Learning About Living Iron-on Awards c4011
One sheet per child provides s ckers for all 30 mee ngs. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
C. Learning About Giving Activity Stickers c4062
Display these 7 iron-on awards on each child’s Scooter T-shirt. Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.99
D. Learning About Giving Iron-on Awards c4021
Kids love s ckers, 1 s cker page per child covers all 30 mee ngs. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
E. Scooter Club Crest c7085
Iron onto Scooter T-shirts to show kids’ award progress. Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.99
Bibl B ble Stor Story S
ages 4&5
F. Memory Verse Stickers c6650
Apply crests to Scooter T-shirts, sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
G. Skippy-The Story-Telling Puppet c3625
Place s ckers in ac vity books for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
H. Bible Story Visuals c3014
Special hand puppet helps leaders present the Bible Story. Member - $5.99 | Non Member - $7.99
Skipper & Scooter Celebrations c3030
Supports the Bible stories used in both leader planbooks. Member - $15.99 | Non Member - $20.99
special Savings Scooter Starter Pak
Includes material for 2 leaders and 5 club members. With the Scooter Starter Pak you will receive: 2 leader planbooks, 7 ac vity books and club crests, then 5 each of: Ac vity S ckers, Memory Verse S ckers and Iron-on awards, plus a Scooter Bible Story Visuals book and a FREE copy of Skipper and Scooter Celebra ons (a $4.99 value). If you have more than 5 club members, you can order the Scooter Easy-Order Set.
Fun special events and 14 specialoccasion mee ngs for young kids. Member - $6.99 Non Member - $8.99
Save over $31! Bible b e Story
ages 4&5
u Visuals
Learning About Living
Learning About Giving
c5091 - $174.99
c5092 - $174.99
Special T-shirt prices are available with the purchase of a Starter Pak or Easy-Order Set. Call your ministry consultant for details.
Scooter Easy-Order Set If you have more than 5 kids in your Scooter program and need addi onal materials, just order 1 set for each child. Each set includes 1 each of the following: an ac vity book, Ac vity S ckers, Memory Verse S ckers, iron-on awards, and a Scooter club crest. M
NEW LOW PRICE! Save almost $3! Learning About Living Le
Learning About Giving
cc5001 - $19.99
c5002 - $19.99
Purchase a Scooter Starter Pak and buy addi onal Easy-Order Sets for just $18.99 each.
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Grades 1–2
The Voyager program focuses on showing children how God wants them to relate to their families, neighbors, church and His Word. Without biblical direc on, kids may build rela onships based on culture, the media, technology and ove their peers. Voyager supports the posi ve lessons they learn at home and at church – service, encouragement, love for God and others. From this founda on they can build godly traits that will see them through life successfully.
Leader Planbooks As with other Pioneer Clubs programs, each leader planbook has complete lesson plans for 28 regular mee ngs plus us 2 addi onal mee ngs for Club Kickoff and Christmas or Easter for a total of 30 mee ng plans. Weekly mee ng plans cover Bible Explora ons, ac vity awards, service projects, Bible awards, Bible memory, games, s, award celebra ons and prayer. Special Parent Pages let parents know what club members are learning and allow them to reinforce lessons at home.
Growing in God’s Grace
Growing in Jesus
c3120 120
Components of this leader’s planbook include Bible awards and various service projects like Helping Others, God and Me, God and Families and more.
Ac vity awards in the he Growing In Jesus planbook include clude s tch and sew, safety first, science fun, nature cra s, as well as Bible awards like Using the Bible, Loving God and Encouraging Others.
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Resources A.
Handbooks Each kid’s Voyager Handbook corresponds with one of the two Voyager Leaders Planbooks. Each handbook includes instruc ons and requirements for 7 Bible awards and 17 or 18 ac vity awards. Club members use handbooks during Bible Explora on, Bible Memory and Ac vity Award mes.
Growing in God’s Grace
Growing in Jesus
Kids will enjoy learning more about God and the Bible through games and ac vi es in this handbook.
Missions, science, music, manners and interna onal foods, are some of the ac vi es along with Bible award ac vi es in this handbook.
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
A. Growing in God’s Grace Award Set c4101
B. Growing in Jesus Award Set c4102 Kids love s ckers, 1 s cker page per child covers all 30 mee ngs. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
One sheet per child provides s ckers for all 30 mee ngs. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
C. Growing in God’s Grace
D. Growing in Jesus
Bible Memory Packet c6643 A pocket-sized vinyl carrying case includes memory cards. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
E. Voyager Club Crest c7185
Bible Memory Packet c6642 A pocket-sized vinyl carrying case for memory cards. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
F. Memory Verse Stickers c6650
Crest can be sewn onto a sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Place s ckers in handbooks for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
special Savings Voyager Starter Pak Vo
Special Our Starter Paks are designed to ou it 2 leaders and 5 club members. The Voyager Starter Pak
sale ccon contains 2 leader planbooks, 7 handbooks and club crests (5 for kids and 2 for leaders), then 5 each of pr ice!
B Bible Bib and ac vity awards, Memory Verse S ckers and Bible Memory Packets. Addi onal materials for cclub members can be ordered with the Voyager Easy-Order Set. SSave over $35!
Growing in God’s Grace G
Growing in Jesus
cc5191 - $194.99
c5192 - $194.99
SSpecial T-shirt prices are available with the purchase of a Starter Pak or Easy-Order Set. Call your ministry consultant for details.
Voyager Easy-Order Set It’s not unusual to have more than 5 kids in a Voyager program. If so you’ll need more club member sets. This Voyager Easy-Order Set contains everything needed for one child: a Voyager Handbook, a Bible and ac vity award set, Memory Verse S ckers, Bible Memory Packet, and a Voyager club crest.
NEW LOW PRICE! Save almost $4! Growing in God’s Grace
Growing in Jesus
c5101 - $26.99
c5102 - $26.99
Purchase a Voyager Starter Pak and buy addi onal Easy-Order Sets for just $25.99 each.
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Grades 3–4
Pathfinders are living a life of discovery. Learning about themselves, their rela onship to God and the world Hee has created is an exci ng journey. Pathfinder mee ngs help kids explore key Bible concepts and new interests like: ac ng, music, exercise, cooking, sewing, nature, sports and much more in age-graded small groups with dedicated ated group leaders. Skills and ac vi es when ed to biblical values help children grow into healthy Chris an adults who will one day build families, churches, businesses, and influence others for Christ.
Leader Planbooks One club year of Pathfinder mee ngs is covered in each planbook. Twenty-eight regular mee ngs plus a Club Kickoff and a holiday mee ng make these leader’s manuals essen al for preparing and successfully running club. Mee ng e ng plans contain complete instruc ons for Bible Explora ons, ac vity awards, service projects, Bible awards, Biblee memory, award celebra ons and prayer.
Discovering God’s Goodness
Discovering God’s Care
These mee ng plans will guide leaders in showing kids God’s goodness as they learn through Scripture how He helps us in our rela onships to love and trust Him more every day.
c3220 This leader’s planbook helps Pathfinders see how God cares for them through nature, family, church and His Word.
Resources A.
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Handbooks Pathfinder Handbooks correspond to the Pathfinder Leader Planbooks. Each handbook contains ac vi es for applying biblical concepts toward earning a Bible award. Handbooks also have complete instruc ons for all ac vity awards including hobbies and projects, outdoors skills, sports, games and more.
Discovering God’s Goodness
This handbook shows God’s goodness as seen throughout the world and within kids’ lives.
Discovering God’s Care
c3202 Through Bible award ac vi es and learning new skills kids learn how God cares for them.
C. Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Our current inventory contains both new and older covers but the interior content is the same for both.
A. Discovering God’s Goodness Award Set c4201 Bible and ac vity awards for all 30 mee ngs. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
C. Discovering God’s Goodness Bible Memory Packet c6646 A pocket-sized vinyl carrying case with memory cards. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
E. Pathfinder Crest c7287 Crest can be sewn onto a sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
B. Discovering God’s Care Award Set c4202 Feed a kid’s love of s ckers. One s cker page per child covers all 30 mee ngs. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
D. Discovering God’s Care Bible Memory Packet c6644 Memory Verses and a vinyl carrying case. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
F. Memory Verse Stickers c6650 Use s ckers in handbooks for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
special Savings Special
Pathfinder P Pa at a Starter Pak The Pathfinder The Pat Starter Pak contains 2 leader planbooks, 7 handbooks and club crests (5 for fo or kids kid ds and 2 for leaders), and 5 each of the following: Bible and ac vity award set, Memory o rryy Verse Veer S ckers sheet and Bible Memory Packets. With more than 5 kids, the Pathfinder V Pathfi finder Easy-Order Set is an economical way to provide each child with what they need.. EEa asyy--O Or
Save SSa aavve e over o ov $35!
Discovering Disc Di D sco sc ov God’s Goodness
Discovering God’s Care
c5296 cc5 52 5 29 96 9 6 - $194.99
c5292 - $194.99
SSpecial Sp peccia T-shirt prices are available with the purchase of a Starter Pak or Easy-Orderr Set. p Call ministry consultant for details. Ca C all your y
Pathfinder Easy-Order Set The Pathfinder Easy-Order Set contains everything a club member needs for thee year: Pathfinder Handbook, Bible and ac vity award set, Memory Verse S ckers sheet, t, Bible Memory Packet, and a Pathfinder club crest. Plus, this set saves you money.
NEW LOW PRICE! Save almost $4! Discovering God’s Goodness
Discovering God’s Care
c5201 - $26.99
c5202 - $26.99
Purchase a Pathfinder Starter Pak and buy addi onal Easy-Order Sets for just $25.99 99 each.
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Grades 5–6
Change is the word for Trailblazers–school, rela onships, ac vi es, friends, even their bodies are changing. The Trailblazer program takes these factors into account and offers a comprehensive program to assist kids in their personal development velopment and spiritual growth. Ac ve, par cipatory ac vi es; encouragement in work, play, and interac on; learning aboutt the Chris an faith through Bible Explora on and applica on to everyday life are all the ways that the Trailblazers program gram helps club members grow into responsible young adults.
Leader Planbooks Both Trailblazer planbooks are designed to make a leader’s job easier. With fun games, ac vi es, skill-training, and nd a great deal of exploring the Bible through memoriza on, group discussion, study and applica on, Trailblazers will reach a new level in their faith. Each mee ng plan book contains 28 regular lessons and 2 addi onal special mee ngs for Club b Kickoff and Christmas or Easter celebra ons.
Exploring New Trails
Exploring the Way
Trailblazers learn the relevance of the Bible, how it applies to rela onships, the importance of church and how Chris ans should live in a troubled world.
This leader’s planbook lanbook shows Trailblazers the importance of family, apprecia ng God’s crea on, how to study the Bible and more.
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
Resources A.
Handbooks Each child’s Trailblazer Handbook corresponds to one of the two mee ng plan books. Each handbook includes instruc ons for 7 Bible awards and 16 or 17 ac vity awards. Club members use handbooks during Bible Explora on, Bible memory and ac vity award mes.
Exploring New Trails
Exploring the Way
This handbook does more than just track a member’s award progress, it also excites him or her with a new understanding of God.
The T early church was called “The Way” and c Trailblazers learn about T how h they can s ll live and follow God’s Way today. fo
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $9.99 M Non N Member - $12.99
Our current inventory contains both new and older covers but the interior content is the same for both.
A. Exploring New Trails Award Set c4305
B. Exploring the Way Award Set c4307
Seven Bible awards and 16 ac vity awards. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
Seven Bible awards and 17 ac vity awards. Member - $13.99 | Non Member - $18.99
C. Exploring New Trails
D. Exploring the Way
Bible Memory Packet c6647 A pocket-sized vinyl carrying case for memory verses. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
Bible Memory Packet c6649 A pocket-sized vinyl carrying case for memory verses. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
E. Trailblazer Club Crest c7385
F. Memory Verse Stickers c6650
Trailblazer Club Crest for a sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Use s ckers in handbooks for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
special Savings Special
Trailblazer Starter Pak The Trailblazer Starter Pak includes materials for 2 leaders and 5 club members. The Trailblazer ilblazer Starter Pak contains 2 leader planbooks, 7 Trailblazer Handbooks and club crests (5 for kids and 2 for leaders), P aand n 5 each of the following: Bible and ac vity award set, Memory Verse S ckers and Bible ble Memory Packets. If addi onal materials are needed for more than 5 club members, they can be ordered for Pa P individuals with the Trailblazer Easy-Order Set. in n
Exploring New Trails Ex
Exploring the Way
c5395 - $194.99 cc5
c5397 - $194.99
Special T-shirt prices are available with the purchase of a Starter Pak or Easy-Order Set. Sp Call your ministry consultant for details.
Trailblazer Easy-Order Set The more the merrier in a Trailblazer program. When your club grows, the Trailblazer Easy-Order asy-Order Set is an economical choice. One set contains everything a club member will need: Trailblazer zer Handbook, Bible and ac vity award set, Memory Verse S ckers, Bible Memory Packet, and a club crest. rest.
NEW LOW PRICE! SAVE ALMOST $4! Exploring New Trails
Exploring the Way
c5305 - $26.99
c5307 - $26.99
Purchase a Trailblazer Starter Pak and buy addi onal Easy-Order Sets for just $25.99 each.
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Grades 1–6
Exploring Program The Exploring program is designed for grades 1–6 and enables churches with 18 or more kids to minister to mul ple agee levels xibility. in a large group while retaining important small group rela onal me. One of the best elements of this program is its flexibility. ora on Leaders can combine all grades for the large group and ac vity mes, while s ll breaking into small groups for Bible Explora on and discussion. The program includes 6 complete units of 4 mee ngs each.
Exploring God’s Word Kit
c3701 01
T kit gives you everything you need to run an Exploring program for 18 kids. You This ou gget 2 La ch Large Group Leader Planbooks, 3 Small Group Leader Planbooks (one for each ggrade le level), 2 Ac vi es and Games books and 18 each of the Kids Bible Handbooks (y yyour choice ch (your of quan ty per age group), ac vity, Bible and game awards, Memory Ve V Verse erse S S ckers and club crests.
Resources A.
Save Sa ave over ov $107 for the kit! Member - $489.99 M
Exploring Explorin ng God’s ng Go od’s Word Wo ord - Leader Lea Materials Large Group Leader Planbook
Con Contains ntai Scripture readings, Biblee EExplora on, memory Bibl verses vers ses and prayers for the large larg ge ggroup por on of 24 mee ngs. mee e n
Small Group Leader Planbook Everything a leader needs to be able to plan and run the small group por on of an Exploring mee ng for early ea elementary ages.
C. Grrad 1-2 Grades Grades 3-4 Grad G Grades 5-6 Grad G
Member Mem mb - $24.99 Member - $32.99 Non nM
Member - $7.99 Mem Member - $10.49 Non M
c3730 c3740 c3750
A. Exploring God’s Word Award Set c4701
B. Memory Verse Stickers c6650 S ckers are placed in the handbook so that children can track their progress memorizing Bible verses. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
The Exploring God’s Word awards are sold as a set of 18 awards. Order 1 set per child.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $14.99 | Non Member - $18.99
D. Exploring Program Basic Training CD c2791
C. Exploring Program Club Crest c7637 The Exploring club crest can be a ached to award banners, sashes or vests. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Give new leaders and volunteers the basic informa on they need to par cipate in this flexible program.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $12.99 | Non Member - $16.99
Exploring God’s Word - Kids Materials Activities and Games
Kids Handbook
Each handbook combines ac vi es, Bible lessons, Bible memory and other fun ac vi es. Grades 1–2 Grades 3–4 Grades 5–6
c3703 c3704 c3705
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $10.49
Kids Handbook & Award Set
G Grades 1–2 Grades 3–4 G Grades 5–6 G
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $21.99 M
c5703 c5704 c5705
Includes great ac vi es like, ac ng, handmade projects, music, food, family, fun, nature and games!
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $17.99| Non Member - $22.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Grades K–6
Discovery Program This program is perfect for a smaller group of kids with 1 or 2 adult leaders, and can be used as a midweek club, VBS, children’s church, Sunday school or camp program. Each year consists of 24 undated mee ngs that fit into almost any 1 to 1½ hour me frame. Grades K–6 meet together to learn about God’s Word and memorize Scripture then break into small groups for fun, age appropriate skill-building ac vi es and games.
Discovery Program Kits
E Each of these kits provides the materials necessary to run a Discovery program for 12 kids– ggrades K–6 for an en re school year. Kits includes 2 leader planbooks, 12 Kids Handbooks ((your choice of quan ty per age level) 12 sets of Bible and skill awards, Memory Verse S ckers and a training CD.
NEW LOW PRICE! Save over $48! Member - $349.99 Adventures With God Kit
Learning God’s Way Kit
Discovering God’s Love Kit
A. Memory Verse Stickers c6650 Use s ckers in handbooks for each Bible verse learned. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
C. Discovery Basic Training CD c2792
A crest that club members can proudly wear. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
D. Adventures With God Activity & Bible Awards c4630 Ac vi es and Bible award badges.
Member - $14.99 | Non Member - $18.99
Member - $12.99 | Non Member - $16.99
Bible ac vi es and skill award badges.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $14.99 | Non Member - $18.99
B. Discovery Program Club Crest c7627
Tips and pointers for leaders and volunteers on how to run a Discovery program and guide kids.
E. Learning God’s Way Activity & Bible Awards c4610
F. Discovering God’s Love Activity & Bible Awards c4600 Bible ac vi es and skill award badges.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $14.99 | Non Member - $18.99
Adventures With God - Additional Materials Leader Planbook
c3930 Everything the leader needs to run 24 mee ngs with a group of lively kids.
D. Kids Handbook A fun and engaging handbook for earning Bible awards, necessary for every Discovery mee ng. Grades K–2 Grades 3–6
c3903 c3904
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $9.99
Learning God’s Way - Additional Materials Leader Planbook
c3940 Contains all of the plans, Bible studies, games, skills needed to run 24 Discovery mee ngs.
F. Kids Handbook A Bible award handbook used in Discovery mee ngs for elementary to preteen kids. Grades K–2 Grades 3–6
c3905 c3906
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $9.99
Discovering God’s Love - Additional Materials Leader Planbook c3920 Includes comprehensive lesson plans containing Bible studies, games and skill-building ac vi es for 24 mee ngs.
Kids Handbook A fun and engaging handbook for earning Bible awards, necessary for every Discovery mee ng. Grades K–2 Grades 3–6
c3901 c3902
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $24.99 Non Member - $32.99
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $9.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
DELTA DELTA is Pioneer Clubs’ exci ng new children’s ministry program that can be used by churches with as few as 5 or as many as 500 children. DELTA comes in 2 format op ons: the All-in-One format—for churches ministering to less than 20 kids and the large group/small group format for those with more than 20 children. DELTA can be used for weekly club programs, children’s church, Sunday children’s ministry, summer church camp or any me that meets your church’s ministry needs! DELTA is a mix and match program. The Kids Handbooks are the same, whichever format you’re using and only the leader planbooks change. A simple, convenient and cost-eec ve program!
Knowing God’s Love is the ďŹ rst year of this exci ng new curriculum, which will eventually span six years.
Small Group Leader Planbooks Churches running the large group/small group DELTA program will need a planbook for each small group leader. The planbook contains Bible Explora on, applica on, Bible Memory and prayer content. It is used during the Small Group Time with the kids.
Hiker Leader Planbook
Adventurer Leader Planbook
Navigator Leader Planbook
H Hikers are normally kkids in 1 and 2â ż
ggrade. The planbook ccontains everything n needed to run the m mee ng.
3 3 and 4 grade kids aare always looking for aan adventure. This p planbook outlines G God’s greatest adventu ture of all.
T planbook makes This t DELTA leader the c captain of a journey t through the Bible with t their Navigator group.
M Member - $9.99 N Non Member - $12.99
M Member - $9.99 N Non Member - $12.99
M Member - $9.99 N Member - $12.99 Non
Large Group Leader Planbook
All-In-One Leaders Planbook ok
For groups larger than 20 kids, the large group/small group format is recommended. This planbook has everything your Large Group Leader needs. Contains scripted Bible Explora ons, Bible memory review and prayer content.
T All-in-One Leaders Planbook is The ffor churches with small numbers of children (less than 20 kids) and o a limited number of leaders. This planbook has everything needed to run a successful DELTA club.
Member - $16.99 Non Member - $21.99
Member - $19.99 M Non Member - $25.99 N
Some cover designs are s ll under development so covers may dier from those shown.
A. DELTA Emblem c3491
D. DELTA Bible Award Pin c2731
The emblem is shaped like a triangle and worn from a lanyard. Kids a ach their award s ckers to the emblem to show their progress toward earning awards pins. Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $10.49
B. Lanyard c6735 Use this new DELTA lanyard to hold the DELTA emblem. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
C. DELTA Award Stickers c4071 Self-adhesive s ckers that are applied to the DELTA emblem. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
DELTA Emblem Set c4401 Purchase the emblem, lanyard and s cker set together. One set for each child. Member - $11.99
This award pin is placed on the lanyard to show a club member has completed the year’s Bible awards. Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99
E. DELTA Games Award Pin c2733 A er earning 6 game awards, a child can show their achievement with this pin worn on their lanyard. Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99
D. F. E.
F. DELTA Skills Award Pin c2732 This pin is awarded to every child who has completed all 6 skill awards for the club year and is worn on the lanyard. Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99
DELTA Starter Paks & Easy-Order Sets
G. DELTA Bible Memory Cards New Interna onal Version (NIV) - c6651N English Standard Version (ESV) - c6651E King James Version (KJV) - c6651K Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
Kids Handbooks Club members use age-appropriate handbooks during Small Group Time for further applica on of the Bible lesson and to complete each unit’s Bible award. Handbooks also contain instruc ons for the skill and games awards for the club year.
Hiker - Kids Handbook
c3411 Bible ac vi es, discussion ques ons, skill-building award direc ons and games for 1 and 2ⁿ graders
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Call yyour ministryy consultant for informa on. prices and addi onal informa on n.
Navigator - Kids Handbook k
c3413 An age-appropriate handbook for preteens in DELTA follows the Bible lesson with ac vi es that help kids apply God’s truth to their lives. Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Adventurer Ad nt - Kids Kid Handbook Ha
c3412 Every child needs a handbook for club. Bible applica on ac vi es, skill-building and games award instruc ons are all included.
Special Meeting Pak
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Member - $7.99 | Non Member - $10.49
This downloadable resource contains a series of 6 special event mee ngs for Christmas, Easter, Valen ne’s Day and more. To purchase visit: h p://bit.ly/deltapack
800.694.CLUB (2582)
The Wacky World of Water The Wacky World of Water is a fresh and simple way to do VBS. It’s designed so that everything a church might need is in the VBS binder – leader materials, reproducible curriculum, promo onal materials you can print, and original music that will capture the imagina on of kids. This is a cost-efficient, easy-to-implement program perfect for any church, but especially designed for medium and small churches with limited resources. Special Discounts may be available to member churches.
Wacky World of Water Kit
The 3-ring binder that holds the Wacky World of Water curriculum includes everything a church needs for VBS – leader guides, cra instruc ons, games, snacks, Bible Memory Cards, a music CD, a resource CD containing registra on materials, bulle n inserts, posters, postcards, door hangers, schedules, supply lists, training materials and more. If a church does not have the me to print off promo onal materials they can order pre-printed versions of them from Pioneer Clubs. Price
is the most complete “ This and easiest VBS program I have ever used. ” Children’s Ministry Director, Florida
See below for Color-on pu rchase.
A. E.
sizes not to scale
B. D.
A. Music CD Five songs e into each day’s Bible lesson plus a theme song. CD also includes an instrumental-only version. c6006 - $3.99 | c6010 - $25.99 (10 pack) B. Resource CD All of the resource materials found in the Wacky World of Water kit are on the CD inside the kit. Perfect resource for another leader. c6007 - $5.99 C. Lawn Sign Have church members place this customizable 18” x 24” lawn sign on their property to publicize your VBS program. c6002 - $14.99 D. Poster An 18” x 11” color poster designed to promote the Wacky World of Water VBS. The poster can be customized for your VBS program. c6009 - $1.99 E. Postcard These customizable postcards are the perfect way to invite the en re community to VBS. c6008 - $8.99 (pack of 25) F. Bulletin Insert Promote the Wacky World of Water within your own congrega on with customizable bulle n inserts. c1742 - $6.99 (pack of 25) G. Outdoor Banner A 4’x3’ foot vinyl banner with the Wacky World of Water logo and room for the day and me of your VBS program. c6001 - $34.99 T-shirt Color-on Let the kids color and design their own T-shirt with regular crayons then an adult can iron it onto a blank T-shirt. Two images per sheet, packs contain 10 sheets for 20 T-shirts. Order from the manufacturer. Toll free: 1-800-247-5988 | Fax: 641-423-7843|Email: cq@mach3ww.com
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Award Pricing
Bible awards Voyager - Grades 1–2
member | non member
Individual Awards, Each MEMBER ONLY
Pathfinder - Grades 3–4
12+ Awards, Each $0.85
Trailblazer- Grades 5–6
All About Church
Being a Friend
Accep ng God’s Love
Belonging to God
Bible Quest
All About Me
Encouraging Others
Families Are Special
Being Me
Friends Are Fun
Ge ng Along With Others
Bible Explorer
God and Me
God Creates
Discovering Crea on
God Made Families
God Made Us
Exploring God’s Word
God Made It All
God’s Family
Family Living
God’s Word
Home and Heart
Good News
I Like Me
Important Choices
Helping Others
In God’s House
Living Today
Honoring My Family
Knowing God
Mee ng Jesus
Loving God
Knowing/Heavenly Father
My Church
Special to God
Making Friends
My Family
Using the Bible
Understanding the Bible
Understanding Others
Denominational Crests - Represent your denomina on with these iron-on on crests. Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.99
c7640 c764 c7 640 64 0
c7620 c762 c7 620 62 0
Presbyterian Church Chris an & Missionary in America* Alliance
*US Only
cc7615 c7 6 5 61
c7610 c7 761 6 0
c7597 c759 c7 5 7
c7594 c7 c759 759 594 4
c7630 c763 c7 630 63 0
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches*
Bap st General Conference
Salva on Army
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Free Church of America*
Activity awards Voyager - Grades 1-2
To view award charts visit: www.pioneerclubs.org/award-charts
Pathfinder - Grades 3-4
Trailblazer- Grades 5-6
Ac ng
Indoor Games
Ar st
Ar st
My Friends
Kid Stuff
Individual Sports
Bible Times
Nature Cra
Board Games
Looking Sharp
Broadcas ng
Looking Good
Our Earth
Clay Modeling
Make & Play Games
Music Fun
Coopera ve Games c4265
My Money
Money Management
Nature Fun
Nature Projects
Cooking Outdoors c4380
Cra s
Crea ve Gi s
Social Skills
Team Sports
Family Fun
First Aid
Clothes Club Helper
c4154 c4176
Outdoors Parents
c4169 c4157
Play Ball
Playing Together c4183
Crea ve Fun
Family Fun
Crea ve Messages c4235
Outdoor Skills
Family Helper
Cri ers
Print Art
Feeling Good
Reuse & Recycle
Fitness Trail
Safety First
Science Fun
S tch & Sew
Exercise Fun
Secret Codes
Good Food
S tchery
Grill Chef
Team Games
Group Games
Wacky Sports
Home Helper
Interna onal Fun c4181 Let’s Pretend
Story Fun
Making Music
800.694.CLUB (2582)
award Display Recognize your club members’ accomplishments by providing ding Bible and ac vity awards—plus a way to display them! Whichever program you’re using— Pioneer, Exploring, Discovery or DELTA—awards reinforce the important lessons learned at Pioneer er Clubs.
Award Banner A er
Cl Club members can hang ang their cre crests and awards in the club mee ng room, their bedroom me or anywhere with thiss award banner. Fun and easy way to ban showcase awards. sho 10’’ x 12’’ white felt banner. 10’ Member - $4.99 Me Non Member - $5.99
Ready-Made Ready-Ma Re d Ma ade Vest V c7793 Club Clu ub members h have lots of room to t display ccrests and awards aw wards with thee ready-made vest. Available in child’s hild’s size siz size only. fits all. Sky blue blue. 35% co on co on, 65% polyest polyester. o on nly. nly y One size fit ts all ter Member M ember - $11.99 $1 | Non Member - $15.99
Bible Canvas Cover c6687
Ready-Made Ready-Mad -Made Sash c7790
Award Adhesive c4001
Club members ub membe b rs can personalize their Bibles with this canvas Bible cover. 6¾’’ x 10’’ with 3’’ handles. Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99
Trace your badge and cut the adhesive to shape; then peel and s ck. Washing machine safe! Sheet will adhere approximately 24 Bible or ac vity awards. Member - $5.99 Non Member - $7.99
Award Organizer Box B
Club members can wear thei their irr readycrests and awards on the re eaady-child’s made sash. Available in chi ild d’s ssize iz blue. only. One size fits all. Sky b blu ue.. 35% co on, 65% polyester. polyestterr.
c4000 Keep your awards in one place and easy e to find! 10½’’ x 6¾’’ box has 17 comcom mpartments with room for or 50 awards each—plenty of space to store and sort awards for your Pioneer Clubs. Awards sold separately. ely. Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99 $
Member - $8.99 Non Member - $11.99 $11 11.9 99
Club Apparel Club T-shirts are a great way to develop a sense of fun and teamwork in your Pioneer Clubs! No ma er which Pioneer Clubs program you’re using—Pioneer, Exploring, Discovery or DELTA—you’ll find shirts for all of your club members and leaders on this page!
Pioneer Clubs Distressed Logo T-Shirt A new design to go along with other new program elements! You might think with this “distressed” look that we’re showing ing our ag age, but we think we’re just having fun with a new design. Girls/Ladies Cut - Purple c7893G Adult S (size 34-36) c7890G Youth S (size 6-8) c7891G Youth M (size 10-12) c7894G Adult M (size 38-40) c7892G Youth L (size 14-16) c7895G Adult L (size 42-44) c7896G Adult XL (size 46-48) c7897G Adult XXL (size 50-52) Member - $13.99 Non-Member - $16.99 Standard Cut - Navy Blue c7890S Youth S (size 6-8) c7891S Youth M (size 10-12) c7892S Youth L (size 14-16)
Member - $12.99 Non-Member - $16.99
Theme Verse T-Shirt T Shirt Dark heather gray with a 50/50 co on/poly blend. c7860 Youth S (size 6-8) c7861 Youth M (size 10-12) c7862 Youth L (size 14-16)
c7863 c7864 c7865 c7866 c7867
Member - $13.99 Non-Member - $16.99
Member - $14.99 Non-Member - $17.99
Adult S (size 34-36) Adult M (size 38-40) Adult L (size 42-44) Adult XL (size 46-48) Adult XXL (size 50-52)
Member - $14.99 Non-Member - $18.99 c7893S c7864S c7865S c7866S c7867S
Adult S (size 34-36) Adult M (size 38-40) Adult L (size 42-44) Adult XL (size 46-48) Adult XXL (size 50-52)
Member - $13.99 Non-Member - $17.99
Skipper T-Shirt Skippers will love showing their par cipa on in Pioneer er Clubs with this T-shirt. Designed to display Skipperr awards! Red shirt with white te Skipper logo is made from 100% co on. c7841 c7842 c7843 c7844
Youth XS (size 2-4) Youth S (size 6-8) Youth M (size 10-12) Youth L (size 14-16)
Member - $10.99 Non-Member - $13.99
c7847 Adult L (size 42-44) c7848 Adult XL (size 46-48) c7849 Adult XXL (size 50-52) Member - $11.99 Non-Member - $15.99
Scooter T-Shirt Scooters will love showing ng their par cipa on in Pioneer neeer Clubs with this T-shirt. Designed to display Scooter oteer awards! Shirts are royal blue bllue with Scooter design. 50/50 5 50 co on/polyester blend. c7831 Youth S (size 6-8)) c7832 Youth M (size 10-12)) c7833 Youth L (size 14-16)
c7837 Adult L (size 42-44) c7838 Adult XL (size 46-48) c7839 Adult XXL (size 50-52)
Member - $10.99 Non-Member - $13.99
Member - $11.99 Non-Member - $15.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Recruiting Materials Recrui ng leaders and volunteers is cri cal for any children’s ministry program—including ours! But showing people the exci ng and life changing impact that Pioneer Clubs programs can have at your church can make recrui ng a bit easier. And when they learn that training materials are readily available that will make their jobs easier…yours gets easier too. Here are the training materials you need.
How to Run & Promote a Successful Pioneer Clubs Program c2701
Leader Training CD
Making the Pal Program Work k
Give your leaders the training they need to be able to run a Pioneer Clubs program at your church. Can be used in a group se ng or individually.
How to run & promote a successful Pioneer Clubs program
Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Pioneer Clubs Introductory Video We’ve e’ve combined 2 of our most valuable leader and club resource books into one volume with the best ideas for running a great Pioneer Clubs program and telling your church and community about it. Member - $25.99 | Non Member - $33.99
Member - $11.99 | Non Member - $15.99
Member - $3.99 Non Member - $4.99
Helps leaders feel confident in leading club mee ngs and ministering to children. Includes overview of club goals, ps on preparing for the club yearr and weekly mee ngs, sugges ons on explaining salva on to children, club discipline guidelines and more. Use as a group or individual training tool. Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.49
How to organize a successful pal program
One of th the mostt valuable thatt a l bl rela onships l hi th child can have through Pioneer Clubs is with a responsible church member who volunteers to be their Pal. This book gives you great ideas on organizing and running a Pal program.
Great for presen ng Pioneer Clubs to your church and community or for recrui ng volunteers.
Basic Training Workbook for Pioneer Clubs Leaders
Making the Pal program Work
Promotional Materials Let your church and community know that you’re running a Pioneer Clubs program for kids with these great promo onal materials. These are the same materials referred to in How to Run and Promote a Successful Pioneer Clubs Program on the page above.
A. B.
A. Outdoor Banner c6700 4ʹ x 3ʹ heavy weight reinforced vinyl single-sided sign. Sewn edges and grommets for hanging. Member - $46.99 | Non Member - $61.99 B. Pioneer Clubs Flag c6702 5ʹ x 3ʹ flag. 100% nylon with brass grommets for hanging and canvas heading. Member - $49.99 | Non Member - $64.99 C. Postcard c6721 The postcards in this pack of 25 can be customized with your church name as well as your club day and me. Member - $5.99 | Non Member - $7.99 D. Doorhanger c6783 25 doorhangers in a pack make it inexpensive to canvas your neighborhood. Customizable. Member - $9.99 | Non Member - $12.99 E. Poster c6707 Perfect for placing around your church building or community to let everyone know about your Pioneer Clubs. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99 MEMBERS ONLY
Promo Pak c2774 A combina on of many of the promo onal materials for a special discounted price. Contains: 1 outdoor banner, 5 posters, 3 packs of postcards and 3 packs of doorhangers.
Member - $94.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Children's ministry Resources Games Galore G
FFuntastic Games
Easy-to-Make Projects
Get more than 290 games for your club! The collec on includes classic, hiking, interna onal, get acquainted, relay, races, musical, nature, camping, outdoor, holiday, Indoor, wheels and noncompe ve games.
Over 200 projects that club members can make out of clay, fabric, paper, paints and wood. This book includes special sec ons on puppets, holidays, missions and campcra .
Member - $7.99 Non Member - $10.49
Member - $7.99 Non Member - $10.49
c2722 Over 100 fun games for kids of all ages! Great resource to have on hand for fresh game ideas that engage children during transi on mes, special mee ngs or any me! Contains holiday, outdoor, partner, relay, noncompe ve, classic, team games and more.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $6.99 Non Member - $8.99
c2726 Your club members can show their drama c air with this great resource! More than 50 skits cover many topics including holidays, Bible stories, Pioneer Clubs and others just for fun.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $9.99 Non Member - $12.99
Gospel Literature
Becoming a Child of God (grades 1–6)
c6794 Explains John 3:16 so young club members can understand what it means to trust Christ for salva on. Member - $0.29 | Non Member - $0.39
Belonging to God’s Family (grades 1–2)
c6790 Reviews what it means to be a Chris an and describes how to grow as a member of God’s family. Member - $0.49 | Non Member - $1.99
Learning About Jesus (grades 3–6)
c6792 Describes what it means to be a Chris an and walk with Christ. ith C h is hr ist. t. Great salva on follow-up tool. Member - $0.49 | Non Member - $0.69
Choose Your Own Ending Devotional D
Talks That Teach c2605 c260 05
focus themes. Each Devo ons foc cus on Pioneer Clubs them mes. Ea ach devo onal biblical explores bibli ical themes and lets kids choose c e a devo onal eendndgreat family book ing based on that theme. Makes a grea at fam ily devo onal b ook Scripture. that gets everyone everyone involved in studyingg and discussing d Scrip pture.
Becoming a Child of God c6794F (grades 1–6) 5 Pack | $1.00 Belonging to God’s Family (grades 1–2) c6790F 5 Pack | $1.99 Learning About Jesus Lear Le arn ar ning A ning Ab bout JJes bout esus es us (g (grades gra rade ade dess 3–6) 3–6) 6 c6792F c679 c6 792F 2F 5 Pack $1.99 Packk | $1 Pa 1.9 99
These object lessons are great for special events, ts, award ceremonies, parent events, cookouts, Pal par es, es, holidays and club presenta ons in church. 40 talks in all.. Member - $12.99 | Non Member - $16.99
$16.99 Member - $12.99 $12 99 | Non Member - $16 99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Children's ministry Resources Daily Watch Devotionals Adventures With God
“Thy Word” CD
c2746 c274 46
c6795 Use this to teach children the Pioneer Clubs’ official theme song (made popular by Amy Grant and wri en by Michael W. Smith) on this split track CD.
A great way to get kids started with daily devo ons. Adventures with God takes an insigh ul look at the Bible, but also includes fun puzzles and crea ve games to help make the points in the devo ons more memorable.
Member - $9.99 | Non Member - $12.99
Theme Verse Print
Member - $4.99 Non Member - $5.99
Searching God’s Word
c6793 Give this book as an encouragement to club members so they can begin to develop the habit of mee ng with God on a daily basis. Wri en to capture the imagina on of a young reader with great devo ons, games and puzzles.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $4.99 Non Member - $5.99
Both Books Member - $8.99 | Non Member - $10.99
Display the Pioneer Clubs theme verse done by Timothy Bo s. Great to put up in a club room. Frame it and give as a gi to leaders. 5” x 7”. Member - $0.99 | Non Member - $1.49
Group Discipline That Works Training CD
CD provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop. Topics include the value and goals of discipline, different styles of discipline, handling misbehavior. Member - $9.99 | Non Member - $12.99
For club members who’ve completed the Highest Honor requirements listed in the handbook.
Name Button
c4198 - Voyager c4298 - Pathfinder c4399 - Trailblazer
c6780 Make sure your club members are on a first-name basis with each other. Write names with a marker. 2” bu on has safety pin fastener.
Sophia Ch ris
t in
lif of
Highest Highe est Honor Honor Pin
ever y aspect
Member - $0.99 | Non Member - $1.49
Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Ribbon Bookmarks Extra a Credit C dit Cred d Star St r
c4801 c4
Help club memberss keep their place p with these fun bookmarks! Ideal for marking Bible Explora on passages. 4/pac 4/package.
B. B A..
D. D
Club members credit! b can caan earn a gold ld star ffor extra cre Display star when an extra credit requirement is met. Or use stars to recognize service or to go with the Missions award. 10/package.
A. c6694 Testament 6 New 694 w Testame Testamen nt (royal) B. c6693 693 Old Testamentt (red) (rred) C. c6696 Theme Verse w/Pictures (green) D. c6695 Happy Birthday (green stripe)
Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.99
Postcards Hearing from you means a lot! These colorful postcards provide an easy way for you to stay in touch. 5/package.
A. c6724 Pioneer Clubs | B. c6725 Missed You at Club C. c6727 Happy Birthday | D. c6728 Glad You Came | E. c6723 You’re Invited Member - $0.99 | Non Member - $1.49
E. c6722 Set of all 5 designs Member - $4.49 | Non Member - $6.49
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Gifts Gi s are a great way to show your apprecia on to volunteers, leaders, Children’s Ministry Directors, Pals and everyone who works within or par cipates par r cip r pates in your church’s Pioneer Pion Clubs program.
Magnetic Picture Frame Magn
Pioneer Clubs Wristbands
Tw Two magnets in one! Center pops out to create a magnet with the Pioneer Clubs theme verse. Frame is 3” x 3¾” Clu with 2” oval in the center. wi
Kids and adults love these trendy silicone wristbands! Imprinted with “Pioneer Clubs” and our theme verse reference, Psalm 119:105. Everyone in your club will want one!
Member - $1.49 M Non Member - $1.99 No
c6781 Red c6782 Blue Member - $0.99 | Non Member - $1.49
Vinyl Sticker Viny
Follow us to Pioneer Clubs! This s cker can be placed on a church van or bus. It can also be used on posters and bulle n board displays. 5¾” x 4¼”
Membership Pin
Show your par cipa on in Pioneer Clubs! Wear your pin to club—or anywhere! Member - $2.99
Member - $0.99 Non Member - $1.49
Pioneer Clubs Logo Crest
The official Pioneer Clubs logo crest. Order one for each club cre member, along with a club me crest, listed below. Display on cre vests, sashes and more! ve Member - $2.99 Me Non Member - $3.99 No
Service Pins Honor Pioneer Clubs leaders, coordinators, Pals and pastors for their service. c2762 c2763 c2764 c2765 c2766
2-Year 3-Year 4-Year 5-Year 10-Year
Member - $3.99
Tote Bag
Pioneer Clubs Mug
Carry everything you need for club, work or the gym with this roomy tote bag! It’s made of durable and recyclable 80 GSM non-woven polypropylene. Size: 12”x16”; 20” handles.
c6741 Proudly display your Pioneer Clubs coffee mug at your office or home. Imprinted with the Pioneer Clubs 75th anniversary logo and made of heavy ceramic to prevent breakage. Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Leader Welcome Kit Drawstring Tote Bag
Just the right size for kids! Club members can carry their Bibles and handbooks in this drawstring bag. Imprinted with the distressed Pioneer Clubs logo. Get one forr every child in your club! Member - $8.99 | Non Member - $11.99
Pioneer Clubs Lanyard Lany
Leaders can easily keep track of their keys with the Pioneer Clubs lanyard. Imprinted with “Looking unto Jesus.” Member - $2.99 | Non Member - $3.99
Water Bottle
c6743 This a rac ve, unbreakable sport water bo le makes a great gi for kids and leaders! Member - $3.99 | Non Member - $4.99
Help your leaders and Palss feel welc welcome ccome ome from the start. Includes Tote Bag, Lanyard. g, Mug and Lan nyard. Member - $7.99 Non Member - $10.99
Pioneer Clubs C Pencils Imprin Imprinted with Pioneer Clubs logo. club—also makes a nice gi . Use in clu 5/package. 5/packag c6746 Red c6745 Blue c674
Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.49
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Special events Everyone likes a special event. We’ve got sailboats, pine cars, balloons and party ideas, all of which you can use to add a li le spice to your kids ministry. Give yourself a treat and have a special event!
Parties and Special Events
es And rties Par s ts t ents event alleven cia ecia pec Spec Sp onies monies. overnights, and award cerem ects, ove ojects, wi ideas forr holidays, service proj d with illed Filled
Balloons alloons
This great resource gives ideas for decora ons, ac vi es, refreshments and devo ons for club celebra ons. Includes holiday par es, overnights, award ceremonies, missions ac vi es and service projects. Member - $7.99 Non Member - $9.99
Sailboat Kit
c5771 Easy to assemble and finish. Even club an members as young as me will enjoy this project. 4w Kit includes wood hull and mast, metal hu keel, rudder, sail and ke complete direc ons. co
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $22.99 per kit | Non Member - $29.99 per kit Celebrate Pioneer Clubs! Assorted colors with Pioneer Clubs logo. 9” latex balloon. 20/package.
Bug g Fest Kickoff
c2866 c28
Easter te er Party
c2877 c28 877
Pine ne Car C Derby
c5757 c5
Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $5.99
Pine Car Kit
c5751 Recommended for upper elementary and older. Requires use of a coping saw, band saw and other tools. Kit includes wood block, axles, racing wheels, snap-on hubcaps and complete direc ons.
Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $5.99
Sailboat Award
Pine Car Award
Member - $1.10 Non Member - $1.99
Kick off a new club year, celebrate the end of a fun year or just make a mee ng more memorable with one of these special event kits. Each comes complete with all the instruc ons, invita ons, posters, cards, handouts, and cer ficates needed to produce one of these enjoyable events. Your kit includes a CD that contains all the customizable pieces for your church which can be printed with the day and me of the event. The kit even includes award cer ficates for 12 kids! Bug Fest and the New Life Easter Party contain wristbands and balloons for 12 children.
Member Me emb ber - $6.99 $6 99 | Non Member - $8.99
Party Paks
Member - $1.10 Non Member - $1.99
review kits If your church is seriously considering one of Pioneer Clubs children’s ministry programs, we suggest you order one of our Review Kits. We have kits for each of our age-specific clubs and an Overview Kit for the en re program. There’s even a kit for our new DELTA program. For our Discovery and Exploring programs we recommend just ordering a one-year program. You will get a more complete opportunity to review it and the cost is very reasonable. The same is true for our VBS program, the Wacky World of Water.
Pioneer Program Overview Kit
Skipper Review Kit
Scooter Review Kit
Voyager Review Kit
o to wt ow How te ote ot mote om o rom prrro prom ppro run & promote ul sful sf ssf essf essss ceess cess cessf ce cces cc a successful ubbbss lu Clubs er CCl eeer Pioneer m am gra gra oggr program
Get a com complete overview the mpletttee o over view i of all th elementary-age Pioneer programs with this kit. It includes handbooks and leader planbooks for Voyager, Pathfinder and Trailblazer plus crests, posters, training books for leaders, and registra on forms.
Provides the Ski Skipper vides a review i off th program and comes with the Hearing Bible Stories Leader Planbook, accompanying Ac vity and Take Home Papers book for kids and a set of iron-on awards.
Gett an overview Scooter e off the Scoote program with this Review Kit, which includes the Learning About Giving Leader Planbook, the accompanying ac vity book for club members and a set of Iron-on awards.
With the Voyager you can er Review Revview Kit yo examine the Growing In God’s Grace Leader Planbook and the Voyager Handbook, plus a Growing in God’s Grace award set.
Price - $124.99
Price - $35.99
Price - $35.99
Price - $43.99
Pathfinder Review Kit
Trailblazer Review Kit
DELTA All-in-One Review Kit
DELTA Complete Review Kit
Review Pathfinder ew w the Pathfind hfi d program with a copy of the Discovering God’s Care Leader Planbook, the Pathfinder Handbook, plus a complete award set.
Get a good feell fo Trailblazer for the Trailbla program with a copy of the Exploring the Way Leader Planbook and Trailblazer Handbook, plus the Bible and ac vity award set.
Review Kit contains R i Ki ains iins an All All-In-One In O Leaders Planbook for Knowing God’s Love, an Adventurer Kids Handbook (grades 3-4) and a DELTA emblem kit.
This his kitt contains contains a Kn Knowing nowing Go God’ss Love Large Group Leader Planbook, the corresponding Adventurer Small Group Leader Planbook and Adventurer Kids Handbook, as well as the DELTA emblem kit.
Price - $43.99
Price - $43.99
Price - $37.99
Price - $43.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Camp resources Teen Leadership Development
Camp Activity Manual
c8722 Provides completee award requirments and plans for a variety of ac vi es. Includess reproducible pages and an award ard cer ficate.
Campers in Leadership Training (CILT) The CILT program provides a 2-year comprehensive in-depth training model that will prepare teens for leadership as camp counselors as well as for other Chris an ministry posi ons. Contains both years 1 and 2. CILT (leader) C CILT 1& 2 rs in Leade rship
Member - $42.99 M Non-Member - $55.99 N
Member - $7.99 Non Member - $10.49 10.49
Camp Cherith Crest
Let leaders and club members show their Camp p Cherith involvement with this crest! rest! Add the crest to any award display. play.
CILT 1&2 Training T ership s in Lead Camper
CILT (camper) C Instruc to
Member - $17.99 M Non-Member - $23.99 N
Member - $2.99 Non Member - $3.99
votionals (camper) per) Bible Exploration Guides (leader) & Morning Watch Devotionals Looking for something different for your VBS, summer day camp or teen ministry? Pioneer Clubs’ camp curriculum offers interac ve Bible Study and devo onal books that keep kids and youth excited about learning God’s Word. Each leaders guide contains 12 lessons. *while supplies last Bible Explora on (leader) Member - $4.99 | Non Member - $6.99
Morning Watch (camper) Member - $1.99 | Non Member - $2.59
Teens Grades 2-4
Grades 5-7
Learning From God’s Word*
Choosing What’s Best*
Bible Explora on (leader) c8363 Morning Watch (camper) c8364
Bible Explora on (leader) c8163 Morning Watch (camper) c8164
Encountering the Truth
Learning the Truth*
Bible Explora on (leader) c8343 M Morning Watch (camper) c8344
Bible Explora on (leader) c8153 Morning Watch (camper) c8154
Knowing the Truth
Bible Explora on (leader) c8053 Morning Watch (camper) c8054
Walking with God* Bible Explora on (leader) c8043 Morning Watch (camper) c8044
Seeking the Truth
Bible Explora on (leader) c8253 Morning Watch (camper) c8254
Jr./Sr. High School Ministry Resources Bible Study Journal
(Jr./Sr. High) Great tool for helping teens and adults record their own spiritual progress. Journal has 4 key sec ons: Bible Explora on, Personal Bible Study, Prayer Journal and Scripture Memory.
NEW LOW PRICE! Member - $3.99 Non Member - $4.99
Hungering g for His Word (Sr. High)
How to Order Online Orders
By Phone
Go to www.pioneerclubs.org and click on the “Shop” tab. You will need to proceed to the Canadian Store to place your order.
To order by phone call us at 800.694.CLUB (2582) Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CST. You will need your charter number, church name and full address. If paying by credit card, have credit card informa on ready.
Billing & Payment • Pioneer Clubs’ member churches may be invoiced or can pay by credit card at the me an order is placed. • Non member and new churches need to pay in advance by check or credit card. • We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. • Prices are effec ve July 1 of each year and subject to change without no ce. Current prices can be found online at: www.pioneerclubs.org, click on the “Shop” tab. • Payment on invoiced orders is due within 30 days. No addi onal purchases will be allowed if there is a 90-day outstanding balance. • Statements will be mailed periodically. • Make checks payable to Pioneer Clubs. NSF or non-nego able checks are subject to $30 handling fee.
Shipping • A $10 shipping and handling fee will be assessed for each order. • Expedited orders will be charged the actual shipping cost plus a $2.50 handling fee. • During September and October an addi onal handling fee of $10 will be added to expedited orders. • Please allow 8-10 business days for delivery. • When your order arrives, check it against the packing slip. Large orders may be sent in several packages. Out-of-stock or discon nued items will be indicated on your packing slip. Out-of-stock items will be shipped as soon as possible. DO NOT REORDER. • If you do not receive your order within two weeks, no fy Customer Service at 800-694-CLUB (2582). • No fy Customer Service immediately to report order discrepancies or damaged materials.
A Teen Teeen Study in John 1-6. Seven sessions ons with reproducible ble materials. Each session has enough content ntent for 2 mee ngs.
• All returns must have an authoriza on number and will not be accepted if received without such number. Call 800-694-CLUB (2582) before shipping returns. • Returned merchandise must be received in saleable condi on by our warehouse within 90 days of the packing slip date. Write your return authoriza on number on the invoice or packing slip and include a copy with your return. Credit will be applied to your account; no refunds. No credit can be issued a er 90 days. • If you do not have an invoice or packing slip, a duplicate can be provided for a $5 processing fee. • No par al returns will be accepted for any sets, packs, kits or bundles. No returns on sale, specially marked or specialty items. • No returns on CDs and other digital material. • We suggest you use a shipment method that offers tracking—or insure your package. Keep a copy of your shipping receipt as proof of return. • Send returns to Pioneer Clubs, 27W130 Saint Charles Road, Carol Stream, IL 60188-1935 USA.
Customer Service
Member - $11.99 99 Non Member - $14.99
Ques ons or comments? Call 800-694-CLUB (2582). A Pioneer Clubs customer service representa ve will assist you. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CST
800.694.CLUB (2582)
Warehouse Sale LLight ight bulb Them Theme Verse T-Shirt Psalm 119:105, Pioneer Clubs’ theme verse, in a bright, fun design. 50/50 co on/polyester blend. Only 2 sizes le . $9.99 $4.99 c786009 Youth S (size 6-8) c786709 Adult XXL (size 50-52)
Footprints Theme Verse T-Shirt
while supplies last!
Pioneer Clubs Polo Shirt Pioneer Clubs logo on a navy polo shirt. 50/50 co ton/polyester blend. $10.99 $4.99 c7911 c7912 c7913 c7914 c7915 c7916
Adult S (size 34-36) Adult M (size 38-40) Adult L (size 42-44) Adult XL (size 46-48) Adult XXL (size 50-52) Adult XXXL (size 54-56)
Pioneer Clubs Logo T-Shirt Pioneer Clubs’ logo on a navy blue shirt. 50/50 co ton/polyester blend.
Psalm 119:105, Pioneer Clubs’ theme verse. 50/50 co on/polyester blend. Only one size le . $10.99 $4.99 c786311 Adult S (size 34-36)
Theme Verse T-Shirt The Pioneer Clubs’ verse theme on a grey 50/50 blend shirt.
$9.99 $4.99 c789014 Youth S (size 6-8) c789114 Youth M (size 10-12) c789214 Youth L (size 14-16) $10.99 $4.99 c789314 Adult S (size 34-36) c789414 Adult M (size 38-40) c789514 Adult L (size 42-44) c789614 Adult XL (size 46-48) c789714 Adult XXL (size 50-52)
Pioneer Clubs Leader T-Shirt
$9.99 $4.99 c7805 Adult L (size 42-44) c7806 Adult XL (size 46-48)
Pioneer Clubs logo with “LEADER” insignia on a navy blue shirt. 50/50 co on/polyester blend.
$10.99 $4.99
$10.99 $4.99
c7808 Adult XXL (size 50-52)
c7921 Adult S (size 34-36)
Raising Great Kids
Guys and Girls Building Relationships c8772
This guide will help teens and preteens understand what the Bible says about buliding healthy, godly, male/female rela onships.
A great resource with prac cal advice on child rearing from 2 well-known counselors.
$3.99 $0.99 $12.99 $4.99
James: 12 Inductive Sessions on Practical Christianity
Treat ’Em Right!
c8780 Let food and a special message from Scripture speak to your volunteers.
This is a study on one of the most challenging and inspiring books in the Bible for teens. $13.99 $4.99
Drawstring Tote Bag
Ju the right size for kids! Club members Just can carry their Bibles and handbooks in ca this drawstring bag. Imprinted with the th Pioneer Clubs theme verse in a fun design. Pi Get one for every child in your club! Ge
$14.99 $4.99
Searching Scripture
Seear God’s Word with your young Search people, p eo and help them discover what He has h as to say to them! Contains complete plans p lan for 24 mee ngs. Requirements for Bible B ible award cer ficates are included, plus lots lo ots more.
$9.99 $4.99 $9
Shout Praise! CD
c2804 Praise music that will get you up on your feet.
$9.99 $9 9 9 $4.99 9.9 $9.99 $2.99
800.694.CLUB (2582)
PO Box 788 Wheaton, IL 60187 | www.pioneerclubs.org | info@pioneerclubs.org | 800.694.CLUB (2582)
Members have access to a library full of additional material, fun parties, helpful tips and much more! Contact us today to find out more!
Need more material for club? We’ve got you covered!
Pioneer Clubs PO Box 788 Wheaton, IL 60187-0788