Excision of Mucocele Using Dental DIODE LASER

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Excision of Mucocele Using Dental DIODE LASER Introduction- Mucoceles are known as “mucus filled cavities” usually present in the oral cavity, lacrimal sac, and paranasal sinuses.

Preoperative View (Courtesy – Dr. Sana Farista) Etiology - Mucus extravasation and mucus retention are the two most frequently occurring primary mechanical obstructive diseases of salivary glands. Formation of mucus extravasation cyst is mainly due to mechanical trauma causing rupture of ductal system of salivary gland and mucin spills into adjacent soft tissues. Mucus retention cyst is formed markedly by obstruction of salivary ductal walls causing dilatation of ducts without spillage of mucin. Treatment - Although mucoceles may occur literally anywhere in the oral cavity, the most common sites of occurrence are the lower lip. These lesions are soft, fluctuant and closer to the surface. They have a slightly bluish tinge as the mucin shine through. Mucoceles are benign lesions and do not necessarily warrant removal unless their size causes hindrance or they look unaesthetic. There are various treatment aspects available for the management of mucocele like scalpel incision, complete surgical excision, marsupialization, micromarsupialization, intralesional injections of corticosteroids, cryosurgery, laser ablation, sclerosing agent, and electrocautery methods. The conventional treatment includes removal by a surgical excision wherein the entire mucoceles is removed in toto along with any accompanying minor salivary glands to minimize recurrence. One of the more popular methods for mucocele excision is via a diode laser. The main advantages of soft tissue laser applications are minimal intraoperative bleeding and swelling, minimum postoperative pain, very less surgical time, without any need of suturing after excision because of natural wound dressing due to denatured proteins. After informed consent, the lesion is infiltrated with local anesthesia, the protective eye wears are worn and then the lesion is excised using soft tissue diode laser with either wavelength of

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