PNN MAR 2019

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Serving the Oil and Gas Industry in Northern B.C. and Alberta

(780) 568-3416


VOL. 11 • ISSUE 3 • DIST: 11,600

NEB states the obvious: Trans Mountain remains in the national interest, should be constructed matt preprost The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is in the Canadian public interest and should be approved, the National Energy Board says. The board released its reconsideration report on the project for the federal government on Friday, February 22. It notes increased marine traffic will have impacts on southern resident killer whales, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. “While a credible worst-case spill from the Project or a Project-related marine vessel is not likely, if it were to occur the environmental effects would be significant,” the Board stated in an announcement. “While these effects weighed heavily in the NEB’s consideration of Project-related marine shipping, the NEB recommends that the Government of Canada find that they can be justified in the circumstances, in light of the considerable benefits of the Project and measures to minimize the effects.” The Boards says it will impose 156 conditions on the project if it’s approved, and has made 16 new recommendations that “relate to matters that fall outside of the NEB’s regulatory mandate, but within the authority of the Government of Canada.” Trans Mountain officials called the NEB’s decision “a step forward.” “It provides specific and achievable conditions under which

Massive amounts of pipe destined to be used in the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project remain piled on property in Kamloops. | Allen Douglas Photo

we must operate to ensure, if approved, the Project will protect the marine and terrestrial environment and communities,” President Ian Anderson said in a statement. “This report is an important element of the broader process that remains underway, which includes the federal government’s consultation with Indigenous communities. We look forward to the successful conclusion of these consultations and the decision that will be provided on the Project in the months ahead.” Two Fort St. John pipeline contractors have been selected to build nearly one-third of the

expansion through southern B.C. Surerus Pipeline, which shares a 50% stake with London-based J. Murphy & Sons in the Surerus Murphy Joint Venture, was selected to build 180 kilometres of pipeline between Black Pines and Merritt. Fort St. John’s Macro Industries and France’s Spiecapag have a joint venture selected to build 85 kilometres of pipeline in the Coquihalla-Hope area. The contracts are valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Alberta has been fighting hard for the Trans Mountain expansion so that the province could move more crude oil to ports and from there to

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lucrative overseas markets. The energy board’s original approval of the project was set aside last summer by the Federal Court of Appeal, which said the regulator had not properly considered marine life. The NEB’s report started the clock on a 90-day period for the federal government to decide whether the project should proceed. Officials in Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi’s office have said a final decision won’t be made until consultations with affected Indigenous groups are complete. — Pipeline News North, with files from the Canadian Press



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MARCH 15, 2019

Entries limited to the first 110 oilfield personnel registered for draft. Locals must be paid members of The Oilmen’s Association. All teams are drafted from individual paid entries.


Teams will be drafted on Registration night starting at 7pm and the first game will start at 9pm after the draft (bring your gear and be ready to play). All Games to be played at the North Peace Arena. Entries must be postmarked Feb 1st to 4th, 2019. Entries will NOT be accepted prior to these dates and all entries after these dates will be viewed as late.

Entry fee $225.00 / player. All fees payable to Fort St John Oilmen’s Hockey Tournament Tournament includes 5 games, door prizes, 3 breakfasts, and 1 stag ticket. VISIT FOR MORE DETAILS

Coming up... 10th Annual FSJ Oilmen’s Family Camp Weekend August 9, 2019 @ Peace Island Park

MARCH 15, 2019



Sunrise over the Chinook gas plant on March 12, 2019. | Chuck Fowler Photo

The Creep of Uncertainty


nless you’ve been roaming the Alaska tundra for a decade with no connection to the outside world, you know the oil and gas industry has been facing significant headwinds, from lack of market access to weak pricing calling into question the viability of projects and drilling programs. More importantly, movements, or what I like to call the Forces of No, try at every turn to “keep it in the ground” and move our economy in a different direction. The combination of all theses issues swirling around the industry is creating uncertainty, and with it, a growing tide of apprehension that maybe these battles won’t be won and the industry we know will be a mere shadow of its former self.

The controversy never ends in the echo chambers of social media as your smartphones alerts you of job cuts, missed projections, and environmental movements filing yet another court case. Whatever camp you find yourself in when it comes resource development, the impacts rural communities face with an uncertain future for oil and gas can’t be ignored. The industry is delicately woven into the fabric of the north and is a bedrock to the health of many of our communities. We have come to accept the up-and-down cycle of the industry as an inherent part of it, and something you recognize if you decide to have a career in oil and gas. But what’s now becoming uncharacteristic is the cloud of uncertainty over the industry and how it settles

into our communities. The real question we need to ask ourselves is: What does this all look like at the local level? The place where work boots and coveralls are a staple of anyone’s wardrobe; the very towns getting the work done, one cold night shift a time. This uncertainty can mean not putting your kids back in swimming lessons and cancelling summer vacation plans. It means the local charity missing its fundraising goals and then struggling to have the funding to enrich our

communities. It means a slow lunch crowd at the local restaurants and sleepless nights for families grappling with their bills. Uncertainty doesn’t have its name in lights downtown, but it has a relentless creep in the budgets of the municipalities, businesses, and households, shaping doubt in the minds of customers, entrepreneurs, and local politicians. Simultaneously, the For Lease signs pile up in the industrial areas while local realtors labour to sell off excess housing inventory. In the era of click bait and talking heads, the real consequences of our struggling industry is sometimes lost amongst the noise. So-called “experts” pontificating about how the future should be need to be tapped on the shoulder and reminded there are lasting

impacts to their agenda, regardless if it’s deemed right or wrong. The families caught in the middle of a war between the balance of environment and industry just want the month to end before the money does. Let’s not forget, caught in the all the fighting between the Left and the Right, pipeline or no pipeline, green jobs or resource jobs, are real people — hardworking people who aren’t afraid to get the job done and just want the opportunity to do so. Are these communities and workers looking for sympathy in the wake of uncertainty? Not at all. They just don’t want to be forgotten causalities in the war of agendas. Chuck Fowler is a Fort St. John resident and employee of Peace Country Filtration.



PNN mission statement Pipeline News North provides current, interesting, and relevant news and information about the oil and gas industry in Northeast B.C. and Northwest Alberta. Have an interesting story to share or a news lead? Email us at


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Women are thriving in the patch roB BroWn Women are providing as much energy to the patch as the men are these days. Sierra Wildrose has been in the trades since she was 16. She is a journeyman welder, most recently doing heavy equipment repair in the oil sands. “I’ve been in the trades since I was 16, working in the oilfield for 10 years, welding for seven. (I am) working on my B pressure ticket right now and also building a forge for making art on the side. I love working with metal, love the oilfield and love Alberta,” she says. Cara Taber started doing reclamation immediately out of high school for a summer job. From drilling rig to wireline to service rig. “Now, I recruit and coordinate for a well servicing company.” Christine Young-Dalling works in well optimization and frac monitoring. “I got into oilfield 15 years ago to pay bills and fell in love with my job.” Whitney Megan Ducharme’s family owns an oilfield well servicing company, so she waited for a opening to swamp after high school. “Then got my Class 1, now I have been

operating flushby for 14 years. I love the outdoors and the work!” Jessica Ashley has been in oilfield work for about eight years now. “I started off engineering pipelines in Conklin, now I’m a second year heat treatment technician.” Diane Gifford, a medic in Northern B.C. for eight years, says injuries are wide ranging when they do happen. “Everything from minor to major — we do our best to keep all going home. We still all see lots and lots of hand injuries. Especially in the dead of winter.” Ashton Sidor is a cement operator in Southern Alberta. “A buddy from the gym recruited me, figured why not, I’ll give it a shot. Two years later, still here,” she says. PatteAnne Foreman was a toolcrib attendant for five years but just challenged for her journeyman parts technician exam, while Natasha Callbreath is now currently welding penstocks for Site C dam. Women are as integral to the patch as the pumpjack. — Pipeline News North

austin cozicar The Coastal Gaslink project will begin with one compressor station at Wilde Lake in Groundbirch to the LNG Canada Facility in Kitimat. If the LNG Canada Facility is expanded in the future, further compressor stations could be built. The workload is split into eight sections — of which, sections one and two fall in the Peace Region. Surerus Murphy is the contractor for these two sections. (Surerus Murphy is a joint venture between Fort St. John-based Surerus Pipeline and J. Murphy & Sons, headquartered in London, UK). “Talking about our 2019 construction program, this is really all about getting access to the right of way, so the facilities, the actual pipeline construction work will be taking place more in 2020. This 2019 work has a lot to do with clearing mostly and building the access roads that we require,” says Catie O’Neal, Public Affairs, Western Canada with TransCanada. Work was slated to begin February in Section 1 in Chetwynd, while the schedule says first work in Section 2 begins in late June for access. The two main camps in sections 1 and 2 are the Sukunka River camp about 40 km southwest of Chetwynd, which would be used over three construction seasons,

and the Chetwynd camp which is about 6.5 km south of Chetwynd. From July to December 2019, the Sukunka camp would peak at about 300 workers, from May to December 2019, peaking at 700 workers, and in May to November 2021 600. The Chetwynd camp will see one construction season — May to November 2020 — with a peak of approximately 700 workers. A third, smaller camp — the Headwall camp — will be just for drilling activities, about 60 to 100 workers, for the three summer construction seasons. Civeo and Black Diamond are the camp contractors for the project. “There as self-contained as possible, so we’re not drawing on the resources of the municipalities or the Regional District wherever we can,” says O’Neal. There are two stockpile locations in the PRRD sections, one about 10 km west of Chetwynd, and one at the Sukunka River camp. “After the construction crews have gone away, most of the work area is returned to its previous state as much is practical, with a narrow corridor of 10 metres left open for maintenance,” says Kiel Giddens Public Affairs Manager, British Columbia for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project. — Pipeline News North




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An overview of Coastal Gaslink work in the Peace River region

MARCH 15, 2019



BCOGC partnering with First Nations on restoration projects The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) is partnering with First Nations from northeast B.C. to restore former oil and gas industry sites to their natural state. Utilizing funding from the B.C. Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society (OGRIS), the Commission is working with the Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) to restore borrow pits in the Clarke Lake area and other former industry sites, using ecologically suitable and culturally appropriate restoration techniques. The project working group initiated field sampling and site specific prescriptions during the summer of 2018. Earth work followed in the early fall, completed by the FNFN’s contractor and employees. Native plant seeds collected during the early fall have been provided to a local nursery in preparation for spring planting. “This opportunity is an example of First Nation’s people taking our environmental responsibilities to the next level. These projects will provide our people with employment and with the state of the local economy the partnership is very uplifting and we hope this partnership can be used as an example and create other opportunities to collaborate with the Commission going forward,” said FNFN Chief Curtis Dickie. “Our government is dedicated to reconciliation, and we are working with First Nations to build a better future,” said Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Michelle Mungall. “With this initiative, we are partnering with the Fort Nelson First Nation to make sure to protect the environment and restore oil and gas sites.” The Commission is also working with other Treaty 8 First Nations to launch pilot projects, funded through OGRIS and the Orphan Site Reclamation Fund, to jointly explore restoration practices on orphan oil and gas well sites in their territories. To date, discussions have been held with FNFN, Saulteau First Nations and Doig River First Nation (DRFN) to begin restoration work during the next year, with dialogues planned with other First Nations during the same time period. “Doig River has experienced a lot of activity in its territory over the last 40 years and we would like to be part of the solution to reclaim and restore the land. This is important to our community so we can exercise our treaty rights on a landscape that is healthy and back to its natural state. We would like to work with the Commission to expedite reclamation and restoration activities on non-producing sites so the land and water is healthy for the wildlife population,” said DRFN Chief Trevor Makadahay. — BCOGC

FNFN works to restore borrow pits in the Clarke Lake area last fall. | Winter Hawk Studios Photo

​Alberta launches LNG awareness program The Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources (CSUR) will play a key part in helping Alberta navigate the province’s opportunities in Canada’s fledgling LNG sector. Thanks to a grant from the Government of Alberta, CSUR will roll out a variety of initiatives designed to raise the province’s LNG profile both domestically and internationally, noted CSUR president Dan Allan. “It’s important CSUR helps define the important role Alberta has in shaping a panCanadian LNG strategy,” explained Allan. “This represents a key opportunity to kick Canada’s natural gas sector back into high gear over the long-term. A large majority of our members are gas producers and they urgently require a robust LNG industry to allow for market diversification.” In turn, CSUR will work with JWN Energy as part of the larger communication and branding strategy. CSUR and JWN have collaborated on similar initiatives previously, including an LNG Guidebook and Directory in 2014 when the sector first started to build momentum, he added. Over the next several months, the awareness campaign will produce a range of tools

Albertans can use to familiarize themselves with LNG sector fundamentals and better understand how Alberta’s entire value chain will benefit from a robust LNG economy – and how that will translate into positive impacts for the rest of Canada, as well as international impacts, said Allan. The program will include events and workshops designed to help participants understand the global opportunities associated with LNG. “We will be designing the program not only to appeal to the energy sector, but also all parts of the business community affected by a healthy natural gas the same time, we will be communicating globally in a way that signals to the world that Alberta and Canada intend to be significant players internationally as we move beyond our traditional North American markets.” The CSUR-driven program will incorporate an extensive range of industry expertise and will also connect to a broader “narrative awareness” campaign in which CSUR is one of four key organizers. — JWN Energy

MARCH 15, 2019



Women Building Futures – industry recognized roB BroWn Women Building Futures offers industry recognized training and affordable housing for women looking to enter the construction, maintenance, and driving industries. “I just needed somebody to give me a chance,” says Cora Lee, who was struggling day by day. She says WBF helped her discover a purpose. WBF is for women who feel stuck and are looking for new opportunities in life. “We want you to know that the trades are a place where women succeed every day,” say officials. The WBF has the attention of Kinder Morgan employment and training lead Annie Korver. “Pipeline construction, facility construction, and mid-stream — WBF’s formula is bang on and the opportunity exists for WBF to do more of what they’re already doing,” she says. “WBF invests time and energy in the front end, the screening, the identification and the preprogram training. They’re not looking at putting bums in seats, but rather to provide training to the right candidates for companies to consider hiring.” Since 1998, WBF has been preparing women for economically prosperous careers in industries where women have historically been underrepresented, and ensuring career success for

stayed and worked in the community, some have moved on as they liked the challenge of working in the industry area,” adds Faron Bull, a councillor with the Paul First Nation. Upcoming classes Driver & Operator Training Application Deadline: May 10, 2019 Class Start: August 12, 2019 Journeywoman Start Class 86 Application Deadline: May 24, 2019 Class Start: September 16, 2019 Journeywoman Start Class 87 Application Deadline: August 9, 2019 Class Start: November 25, 2019

Cora Lee, Women Building Futures

women within these industries at a consistent employment rate of 90 per cent. “Women Building Futures has been out to Saddle Lake Cree Nation to shed some light on the programs for the women of our Nation. The Indigenous Engagement Team has helped our women in Saddle Lake understand that a career in trades is easier than they thought,” says Candice Cardinal, Project Coordinator, Saddle Lake Employment & Training Centre in Alberta. “I’ve witnessed the increase in women from our Nation working in industry. While some have

Suncor Haul Truck Operator Application Deadline: Summer 2019 (TBD) Class Start: Fall 2019 (TBD) Heavy Equipment Technician (Fort McMurray) Application Deadline: Summer 2019 (TBD) Class Start: Winter 2020 (TBD) — Pipeline News North





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Anti-pipeline funds flow from unexpected sources nelson bennett To an outside investor, especially an American, it may seem odd to learn that, in Canada, when opponents make their case against a pipeline or any other resource project before regulators, the Canadian government sometimes pays them to do it. It may seem especially masochistic that some environmental groups that are already well funded received money from taxpayers to try to thwart a project owned by Canadian taxpayers: the Trans Mountain pipeline. During the recent reconsideration of the marine impacts from the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, the National Energy Board (NEB) revealed that it doled out $5 million to interveners to help them participate in the hearings. Fifty-one First Nations and Métis groups received funding. Most of them got $80,000 each. Given the complexity of the formal NEB hearing process, it’s not unreasonable for government to provide funding to First Nations that may be directly affected by a pipeline. Some of the First Nations that received funding support the pipeline expansion. But well-funded environmental organizations also received tax dollars to participate in the hearings. Some of these groups have also received substantial funding from large U.S. philanthropic groups as part of the campaign against the Alberta oilsands., Georgia Strait Alliance, Living Oceans Society and Raincoast Conservation Foundation each received $80,000 from the NEB to participate in the recent reconsideration hearings, according to the NEB. The BC Green Party’s Andrew Weaver and Adam Olsen also received $12,000 each to participate

as interveners. And two environmental law groups that have been involved in various legal and regulatory challenges to pipelines have received funding from the Law Foundation of BC. The foundation provided West Coast Environmental Law last year with $470,000 and Ecojustice with $190,000. Jonathan Drance, a retired Stikeman Elliott partner who now works as an energy consultant, said Canada is known for being generous when it comes to funding stakeholders in regulatory review processes. He doesn’t begrudge the funding environmental groups receive to participate in hearings. “The amount of funding given, whether it’s environmental groups or First Nations, has been an absolute drop in the bucket compared to the resources that are available to proponents,” he said. But it’s not as though some of the environmental groups that campaigned against pipeline and liquefied natural gas projects are financially strapped. As researcher Vivian Krause has detailed over the years, environmental groups in Canada have received millions from U.S. philanthropic groups like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Tides Foundation. A good deal of that funding was part of the Tar Sands campaign launched in 2008. According to Krause, of $40 million doled out to environmental groups by the Tides Foundation and Tides Canada since 2009, $25 million was for antipipeline activities. The Tar Sands campaign’s stated aim was to limit the growth of Alberta’s oilsands by halting pipeline and refinery projects, and raising the cost of oilsands production to make it uneconomic. The campaign failed to halt the

expansion of the oilsands, which has roughly doubled in production capacity since the campaign was launched, although it can claim some success in delaying pipeline projects. While regulatory processes have been largely blamed for killing or stalling projects like Northern Gateway and Trans Mountain, court challenges backed by groups like Ecojustice, the Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Living Oceans Society can also take some credit. These groups backed First Nations in successful Federal Court of Appeal challenges that found First Nations consultation to be inadequate in both the Northern Gateway and Trans Mountain projects. One of the groups that have received funding as part of the Tar Sands campaign was the Pembina Institute. It is an energy think tank that has produced evidence-based research on energy issues and has often worked with the oil industry and government agencies. But its involvement in the Tar Sands campaign – launched in 2008 and originally funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund – has dogged the institute, raising questions about its motives with respect to Alberta’s oil industry. When the campaign was launched in 2008, the Pembina Institute was designated as the Canadian lead. According to Krause, the institute received $8 million primarily from U.S. funders. Former Fraser Institute senior fellow Mark Milke isn’t surprised that Canadian organizations like the Pembina Institute received funding from American charities. But he is astounded that Canadian energy companies have worked with, and funded, the Pembina Institute, despite its involvement in a campaign to halt or limit new pipelines and refineries, and raise

the cost of oilsands production. Milke characterizes the Canadian oil industry’s support for the Pembina Institute as a kind of “Stockholm syndrome.” “Here’s the reality: anti-energy activists have long been funded not only by foreign money, but also by Canadian governments and companies in Canada’s energy sector,” Milke wrote in an opinion piece in October 2018. “I’m just amazed at the utter silliness of some of these CEOs and some of these companies that, on the one hand, complain about a situation their shareholders’ dollars created by funding the most radical anti-energy groups in the country,” Milke told Business in Vancouver. Pembina Institute executive director Simon Dyer said the institute’s goal is to promote responsible oilsands development, not shut it down. “We continue to be committed to the middle, and I think the middle is both meeting our economic objectives and also ensuring that Canada meets its environmental objectives.” Dyer added that 85% to 90% of the grant funding Pembina receives is Canadian-based. “We currently get no funding from the Rockefeller Foundation.” However, the institute does not report in annual financial statements its funding sources or how it is spent. But neither does the Fraser Institute or the Canadian Association for Petroleum Producers. That is one of the problems in Canada – a lack of transparency on funding sources for nongovernmental organizations, regardless of their political stripe. Unlike their counterparts in the U.S., Canadian non-profits are not required to disclose funding sources or spending details. — Business in Vancouver

MARCH 15, 2019



Oilmen’s Hockey Tournament helps bring in younger members dillon giancola Hockey season is starting to wind down as playoffs and provincial tournaments signal the end of the winter. However, as the junior and minor teams hang up their skates, the industry workers start lacing theirs. The 16th Annual Fort St. John Oilmen’s 4 on 4 Hockey Tournament runs Wednesday, April 3, to Saturday, April 6, at the North Peace Arena. Last year’s tournament was successful, as always, but it did take longer to fill the 110 player spots than usual. This year, things are back to normal as most of the spots are already claimed and the committee won’t be trying to find guys to play at the last minute. “The interest is really high this year. We’re really excited with how Cabre goalie Jason Hancharak with the Oilmen’s Hockey Tournament championship this year’s tournament is shaping trophy after winning the 2018 tournament. | Dillon Giancola Photo up,” said organizer Lee Hartman. There is a slight change to this aren’t playing three or four games camaraderie between workers year’s tournament, as teams will a week on the Friday and Saturday. and give guys an escape from the start playing the night of April 3, Though all the Oilmen’s events workplace, the hockey tournament following the annual player draft. that the Fort St. John Petroleum has another purpose. Hartman This will lessen the load so guys Association puts on exist to create said the tournament, more than

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the other events, brings in younger numbers, and consistently has around 20 new members under the age of 30 join the association and play in the tournament each year. “We want to keep these things going a long time. Our membership is older, but the industry is getting younger and it’s important that we continue to get younger,” Hartman said. The tournament will go back to having NHL alumni for its special guests this year, after it brought in actors Dylan Playfair and Andrew Herr of Letterkenny fame last year. “The Letterkenny guys were awesome, it went over better than we expected and all the guys really enjoyed them, but we’re excited at having some former NHL players again this year,” Hartman said. Hartman was unable to reveal which players will be attending, however. To register for the tournament, visit the Fort St. John Petroleum Association website. — Pipeline News North



MARCH 15, 2019

Interview with Red Seal Machinist Chelsea Barron Chelsea Barron is a member of the Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin) Nation and is registered with the Anaham band (Tl’etinqox) which is part of the Tsilhqot’in Nation. When she was young, she played hockey on a boys’ team and fantasized about playing professionally. The work ethic she learned from sports and the examples set by her father and brother, who are both tradespeople, led her to pursue to a career she loves as a Red Seal Machinist. We sat down with Chelsea to find out more about her work and aspirations. Q1: What pushed you toward the trades and, specifically, toward being a Machinist? Growing up in a trades-oriented family inspired and intrigued me. My dad and brother are both tradespeople and I looked up to them a lot; I admired how my dad would do things around the house and enjoyed when he’d take me to his shop. Trades are lucrative and offer good benefits, and hands-on, creative learning suits me. As I researched the various trades, I learned about machining and knew my personality and eye for detail would bring me success in this field. There are so many things Machinists make that help the world to run, like precision parts for a car engine, aerospace, helicopters, satellites and airplanes. Q2: What is a typical day at work like? I work in the forestry industry for Raute Canada, which builds massive machines that manufacture plywood and wood veneer. I work with Electricians, Millwrights and Fabricators to make these machines and my role is to make the precision parts for motors, among other things. A typical day starts early for me; I have a variety of different tasks I’m responsible for completing. I operate lathes, milling machines, drill presses, and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. Every day I try to learn something new and make the best of every single moment. Q3: Have you encountered barriers as a woman in a male-dominated field?

Chelsea Barron

in management. The sky is the limit! My experience in the field has been positive. All the men I have worked with have treated me as an equal and I’ve been given the same opportunities as my male counterparts. It would be great to have more women in trades. Q4: What are your career plans? I’m inspired by my grandmother, an Aboriginal Residential School Survivor who faced challenges and barriers that limited her ability to pursue any education or career. She inspires me to pursue my dreams and make the most of my life. She motivates me every day to keep working hard. I’m proud to have received my Red Seal certification and have no intention of stopping here. I’d like to further my education in manufacturing, engineering and business. I’m specifically interested in either machine shops that work with medical sciences, like prosthetic limbs, or in the film industry, making intricate cameras, etc. I also think one day I’d like to be


Q5: What advice would you give to other women who are considering a career in the trades? Trades are not always dirty or hard on your body. As a Machinist, I use my brain and I’ve noticed that women sometimes approach a task differently from men. We have fresh ideas and can help the industry take the next step forward. We also tend to have good interpersonal skills, which is helpful in working with a multitude of other tradespeople. My advice to other women who are considering a trades career would be to demonstrate your abilities through your hard work and a commitment to learning. Don’t be influenced by other people’s perceptions of what women can or cannot do – we are just as capable as men, if not more! — Interview and pic courtesy ITA BC

MARCH 15, 2019



B.C. fracking report doesn’t suggest moratorium les leyne

said there are significant concerns about the toxicity of the additives in the water used in fracking. “There is general mistrust of the water and people no longer drink from streams.” The report quoted one expert who told the panel: “We are profoundly ignorant of what is going on.” The three experts — Diana Allen, Erik Eberhardt and Amanda Bustin — said there is insufficient evidence to assess the health risks from fracking. There are so many unknowns that broad health studies in a region with so few people would not be helpful, it said. It recommends limiting exposure and openly acknowledging the various risks. Additives are now publicly disclosed, but the panel suggests more comprehensive listing of ingredients. It also recommends making baseline water testing mandatory before drilling. The panel rapped the industry for building a

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A draft copy of the long-awaited scientific report on hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas in B.C. raises numerous concerns, but stops short of recommending any curtailment of the process. The 200-page technical report written by an independent panel was leaked to the Times Colonist. Energy Minister Michelle Mungall confirmed the document on Tuesday. Her ministry said a final version was submitted a week ago. It might take several weeks for the ministry to digest the report before it is formally released, Mungall said. If the final report matches the draft, it will call for more study and oversight while not doing what some environmental groups wanted — recommending a moratorium or a public inquiry into the process. Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, involves forcing fluid down a well into rock formations to fracture them and free up oil or gas reserves. Widely used in northeast B.C., it has been done since the 1950s, and intensified when it was coupled with horizontal-drilling developments in the 1990s. The draft report cites numerous concerns about shortfalls in the knowledge base about the effects of fracking, mostly to do with water use and disposal. “From a public-perception perspective, the various activities associated with hydraulic fracturing appear to be unregulated, and this leads to fear and mistrust of the regulators.” It cited numerous concerns from Indigenous people about the process and frustration with the approval process. The panel said current regulations might look robust, but there’s not enough information to assess compliance and enforcement. Although impact on human health was not in the terms of reference, the panel wrote a chapter that

series of storage dams for fracking water between 2011 and 2016 that “appear to have escaped the proper regulatory oversight.” They were big enough to require extensive permitting, but were categorized differently. They were built while the permitting regime was being changed. The panel found it “disconcerting” that the operator of a 20-metre-high dam was ignorant of some requirements and had no questions about permitting. Some operators submitted applications retroactively, and the government approved them last July. Fracking uses large volumes of water, although the industry is now recycling and reusing it. The panel said there is considerable uncertainty about assessing the potential impact of proposed water use. Qualified professionals need to be more involved. The report said the baseline data and the ongoing monitoring of surface and groundwater are insufficient. Basic information is “sorely lacking.” It also called for more assessment of earthquake risk and better seismic mapping before fracking begins. The panel, created last March, was asked generally to assess risk. It concluded: “The panel could not quantify risk because there are too few data to assess risk.” The NDP government promised the scientific review in its 2017 election platform, saying it was needed because there was potential for significant expansion of gas production in the future. Three days after it was announced last March, Premier John Horgan tabled more favourable terms for the liquefied-natural-gas industry. That resulted in a $40-billion investment commitment by LNG Canada last October. — Times Colonist



MARCH 15, 2019

Vancouver Port Authority joins coalition working for widespread adoption of LNG as marine fuel The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has joined SEA\LNG, a multi-sector industry coalition aiming to accelerate the widespread adoption of LNG as a marine fuel. The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is the federal agency of the Port of Vancouver, Canada’s largest port, and the fourth port member to join the coalition, alongside Port of Rotterdam, YokohamaKawasaki International Port Corporation (YKIP), and most recently the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). “Together, the ports remain committed to supporting the coalition’s vision of a competitive global LNG value chain for cleaner maritime shipping,” according to SEA/LNG. The coalition advocates for collaboration, demonstration, and communication on key areas such as regulation, emissions, infrastructure, and the economic case, “to provide the confidence and de-

mand required for an effective and efficient global LNG value chain by 2020 and beyond.” “To date, LNG presents the most promising path to decarboniza-



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tion as all other alternative fuels are too embryonic for deep-sea shipping. LNG emits zero sulphur oxides (SOx) and virtually zero particulate matter (PM), and com-

pared to existing heavy marine fuel oils, LNG emits 90 per cent less nitrogen oxides (NOx),” the group stated. — Daily Oil Bulletin

Coastal GasLink cleared to resume The BC Oil and Gas Commission has informed Coastal GasLink that both the OGC and the provincial archaeological branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development have accepted the mitigation plan for Multi-Use Site 9A south of Houston following the report of artifacts having been found at the site. Coastal GasLink suspended pipeline work south of Houston in February as claims of the discovery were investigated. The Unist’ot’en clan had said its members were combing the company’s construction site for a work camp when supporters recovered two stone tools and that archeologists from the Smithsonian Institute estimated one dated back up to 3,500 years. “When Coastal GasLink was notified of the artifacts on Feb. 15, work at the site was immediately and voluntarily suspended and our Heritage Resource Discovery Contingency Plan put into place to protect the site,” the company stated. Coastal GasLink contracted a qualified archeologist to develop an appropriate mitigation plan that would follow strict protocols in the event of further discoveries at the site. The mitigation plan consists of

the following three activities: • Subsurface testing of topsoil pile; • Intensive visual inspection of the disturbed area; and • Ongoing monitoring throughout the construction and reclamation stages of the project. A full description of the activities is included in the mitigation plan and shared by the OGC with the legal counsel for members of the Unist’ot’en, should they wish to discuss the mitigation with the OGC, CGL said. In addition, the OGC informed Coastal GasLink that based on the presence of artifacts found at Site 9A, the province has included the site in British Columbia’s archaeology database. The Archaeology Site Information Form filed by FLNRORD states: “The small surface scatter was 100 per cent collected and there was strong evidence suggesting that it was not in situ (artifacts were found sitting on top of a frozen slab of clay). Remaining sediments present are considered to be culturally sterile (clay). As such, legacy status is recommended for this site.” — Daily Oil Bulletin, with file from Canadian Press

MARCH 15, 2019



MP Zimmer says industry needs to better defend itself austin cozicar Bob Zimmer, the Member of Parliament for the Prince GeorgePeace River-Northern Rockies riding, says that industry needs to do a better job of standing up for itself. “There’s a big anti crowd, an environmental crowd that wants to shut down all fossil fuels,” said Zimmer. “There’s supposed to be another team fighting that fight, saying that fossil fuels are a good thing. We need them to defend themselves and have that fight. “But guess what — they’re not fighting.” During a wide-ranging discussion with councillors in Pouce Coupe MP Bob Zimmer with Fort Nelson resident and LNG advocate Kristi Leer at a rally in at a recent council meeting, he Fort St. John in April 2018. specifically called out industry groups like Canadian Association of Canada, we have a human rights “I said, ‘How much are you guys Petroleum Producers. record that is second to none, we spending to defend yourselves?’ The “They are a bunch of chickens, have all this quality, and we’re selling other [environmental] groups are and you can quote me on that,” he oil around the globe. You would spending hundreds of millions of said. “They like to say they work think that would be something to be dollars fighting in B.C., how much with the current government, but at positive about,” he continued. “Why are you spending on social media some point you have to stand up for aren’t we promoting that more?” and spreading a positive message yourself. He also noted conversations he to kids of our generation to say how “Oil and gas that is processed in had with a local coal company. great coal is?” said Zimmer. “They

say, ‘Well, we’ve got a website that we pay a person $50,000 a year to run.’ This is for the Coal Association. “I said, ‘They’re fighting their fight, they’re spending millions, and you’re bringing a knife to a gunfight, and you’re expecting to win, and you’re not gonna.’” When Pouce Coupe councillors noted they wanted to shift the message, he suggested that industrysupporting municipalities could pressure such groups to do more. “It’s not like you’re defending something that’s bad,” he said. “When you have such a good record, environmentally, equal rights, and all the rest of it, we should be selling our gas to the world and be proud of it.” He did note a change he’s recently seen during his time in Ottawa. “It’s starting to shift already, with LNG Canada,” he said. “They’re actually digging in their heels and starting to defend themselves, which I haven’t seen before. “They’re starting to have a stiff neck about it. We need to see more companies be that way.” — Pipeline News North

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• Distributed to the community in general through these fine publications, Alaska Highway News, Dawson Creek Daily and Fort Nelson News. • Distribution by mail and direct drop-off to Oil & Gas companies,and related businesses and organizations, in the following communities: BRITISH COLUMBIA – Arras, Baldonnel, Cecil Lake, Charlie Lake, CHETWYND, Clayhurst, DAWSON CREEK, Farmington, FORT NELSON, FORT ST. JOHN, Goodlow, Groundbirch, HUDSON HOPE, Moberley Lake, Pink Mountain, Pouce Coupe, Progress, Rolla, Rose Prairie, Sunset Prairie, Taylor, Tomslake, TUMBLER RIDGE, and Wonowon. ALBERTA – Baytree, Bear Canyon, BEAVERLODGE, Berwyn, Bezanson, Bonanza, CLAIRMONT, Eaglesham, FAIRVIEW, Falher, Girouxville, GRANDE PRAIRIE, Grimshaw, Grovedale, HIGH PRAIRIE, Hines Creek, Hythe, LaGlace, MANNING, McLennan, PEACE RIVER, Rycroft, SEXSMITH, Silver Valley, Spirit River, VALLEYVIEW, Wembley, and Worsley, Zama City.




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MARCH 15, 2019

shelley Gray new Ceo of provincial industry training authority

BCoGC to impose timelines on clean-up of dormant wells

A group that leads and coordinates British Columbia’s skilled trades system has announced a new woman at the helm. The new CEO of the Industry Training Authority is Shelley Gray. “Shelley brings a unique blend of private and public-sector acumen to the CEO position,” said Roberta Ellis, ITA Board Chair. “The selection of Shelley was a unanimous decision by the board. She impressed the search committee with the breadth of her experience and depth of understanding of trades training and its importance to the B.C. economy.” The ITA’s renewed mandate focuses on growing apprenticeships and championing trades diversity and its strategic plan aligns with the government priorities of affordability, service and building a strong and sustainable economy that supports jobs throughout the province. ITA works with employers, ap-

The BC Oil and Gas Commission is developing regulations to impose timelines on the clean-up of dormant well sites. These are wells and their associated operating areas that for five or more years have not met a certain threshold of activity. The Bill 15 amendments were passed in May 2018 and allow the OGC to impose requirements for the clean-up of dormant sites. As a result, B.C. will become the first province in Western Canada to impose timelines for clean-up. The commission is currently developing regulations for restoration timeframes that promotes timely clean-up, while ensuring operators will have the flexibility to achieve cost-efficient restoration. There are currently approximately 10,000 well sites in B.C. that are no longer active. The commission will be working closely with industry to ensure these wells are cleaned up and restored.

prentices, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials, supports apprenticeships, fund programs, set program standards and increase opportunities in the trades. “Industry Training Authority is responsible for building a trades training system that provides students and apprentices with high quality skills to fully participate in BCs growing economy,” says Melanie Mark, minster of advanced education, skills and training. — Pipeline News North


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MARCH 15, 2019

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