1 minute read

Throughout the Year

A child

During the summer, the children play night. T hrough day, afternoon and even evening. T hey dart like mayflies, falling, flying, laughing Unt il at las t, they are all t ucked up, safely at home, Gazing at the sun, sett ing high in the sky.


Aut umn comes slowly and sadly, A person walks with his head held low, Watching the rolling mis t s cover the darkening field. grass, Wait ing for the larks to fly, and softly land.

A lonesome figure moves purposefully along, Not icing the tree, with it s leaves which fall. He holds out his pipe, and heaves a sigh, As he watches the winter night. Spring rushes in, to push the winter out, observes happily Flowers begin to bloom, as the birds s tart their yearly crow. T he sun comes back from it s home beyond the clouds, Filling the earth with it s warmth and light.

Children and animals go out to play, While the lonesome figure watches from a dis tance.

Catherine S (Year 9) far away.

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