1 minute read
The Bucks Skills Show has been wowing crowds and inspiring people to step towards their dream careers for years now, with the 2023 event scheduled for 8/9 March. It is the biggest event of its kind in Buckinghamshire, with over 120 businesses across a range of sectors – Disney Studios, Amazon and MK Dons to name but a few –gathering in Stoke Mandeville Stadium for two days of careers inspiration, featuring interactive stands, shows and talks. Parents & students (Y9 and up) can book in for free tickets on the evening of 8 March and its a great opportunity to talk directly to employers, ask about local work experience and gain inspiration on the wide range of careers available in our area. What more information? Find out more.
This week in March is a national celebration of Careers inspirationacrossthecountry,withonlinespeakerevents andavirtualcareersfairforyoungpeopletoexplore.What youcandohereatPipers:
Challengeyoursubjectteacherstotalkaboutwherestudying theirsubjectmighttakeyouinthefuture
AskyourFormTutorabouttheirowncareerjourneyandthe choicestheymade:theyhaven'talwaysbeenteachers!
Talktoyourfamilyandtrytoidentifyyourownskills,anduse careerstools(suggestionstouseonthebackpage)tohelpyou matchyourskillstopossiblejobsandindustries
#Pipers #Pipers #Pipers
9to5 9to5 9to5
We made a podcast! As another way to inspire and inform you all about the world of work, we are launching Pipers9to5, with current students interviewing former students about the jobs and industries they have gone into The first episode is available now on the Pipers Radio app, and features Sixth Former Ciara interviewing alumnae Alex Stewart-Long about her job as a senior architect currently working in Hong Kong Alex passes on some great advice about what it like studying Architecture at university, the importance of work experience and the value of being able to sketch in her industry It was great to hear her journey from Pipers classroom to construction site on the other side of the world! (if you don't have our Pipers Radio app, listen on Mixcloud here)