Future Forward April 2023

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Do you really enjoy English and History and want to know what Career pathways this might lead to? Do you like the ideas, debate and research involved in studying Religious Studies and Politics and want to know how you might use these skills in the future? Been inspired by the Bar Mock Trials and thinking about Law as your next step after school and university? Sign up for our next evening of Careers talks on April 26 to hear from speakers in:

Advertising Law Government Civil Service

Charity Policy Marketing Brand Strategy Journalism

Alumnae and parent speakers will talk about whats involved in their job, opportunities in their industry, and offer advice to students on skills, training and qualifications. Book your (free) seats here


Engineers make a difference! We featured this exciting sector in our first newsletter back in the Autumn, and have recently been sent a copy of a fantastic book by Imperial College London full of fantastic inspiration about difference types of Engineering with tonnes of biogs and stories from real world engineers operating across sectors as diverse as climate & environment, infrastructure, power, healthcare, transportation, communication, robotics & AI and space A copy will be located in both the library and the Careers Hub for any students interested in browsing this fabulous resource. Great ideas to inspire you about how you might go on to change the world in your future professional and academic adventures!

“Once young people have a clear idea of what job they want and what steps they need to achieve it, the more likely they are to apply themselves"
FT, 19 September '19
APRIL 2023



If you are looking to expand your knowledge of the creative industry beyond the traditional pathways (painter, photographer, fashion designer…), follow us down these creative routes off the beaten path.....

If you appreciate photography

Did you know museums and galleries employ Curators to manage collections of artefacts or works of art? It can be a varied role that involves acquiring, caring for and displaying the collections, so a university degree or apprenticeship is the best route in Beret optional

Alternative careers: Magazine Editor, Video Editor or Social Media Manager

If you like to draw… Doodlers wanted! As a Illustrator, you could develop visual images to accompany children's books, magazine articles or websites. Many illustrators work independently from home, but most will have studied at university to perfect their technical skill and develop an individual style Your career could also develop into Art Direction in the Advertising Industry, or storyboarding in the world of Film & TV. Alternatives careers: Graphic Designer, Architect or Tattoo Artist

If you like working with computers

When multiple images are put together to create an illusion of movement, this is called animation An Animator is, therefore, very artistic and familiar with using computer programmes to create visual imagery, and Animation can be studied at degree level at university First assignment: watch hours of cartoons

Alternative careers: Web Designer, Gameplay Designer, Special Effects (VFX) or Product Designer.

If your favourite subject is textiles

Why not use your awareness of trends to develop and deliver creative concepts as a Visual Merchandiser? This often involves curating, arranging and displaying items both inside a shop and its windows in a way that encourages customers to buy them No degree required!

Alternative careers: Stylist, Interior Designer or Costume Designer


Product Designers improve the usability (or, to those outside the industry, the capacity to perform tasks safely, effectively and efficiently) of items by creating new designs or enhancing existing ones Sound interesting? You’ll want to get hands on and look into Design degrees.

Alternative careers: Set Designer, Jeweller or Restorer.

Don’tendyourresearchhere:agreatwebsiteforexploring CreativeCareers

BuckinghamshireNewUniversityofferaFREEArt&DesignSaturdayClub:from illustrationtomodelmaking,Studentsaged13-16areinvitedtoexplorenewskillsand meetpeoplewhocanrevealfurthereducationandcareeropportunities

APRIL 2023




I had never been in a professional kitchen before and it was interesting to learn the difference between the facilities we have here at school and a commercial kitchen We follow the same food hygiene and safety regulations which was good to see in action when catering for real customers. We were able to see how their organisation worked in terms of schedule and maintaining a safe working environment in the kitchen throughout service

On arrival we had a tour of the restaurant, kitchens and a safety briefing Then, we got changed into our chef whites and aprons and were paired with a professional chef We helped with the preparation process of the food before service, for example cutting vegetables, weighing out ingredients and preparing cupcakes for the birthday occasion of one of the guests After this, we were able to listen in to the waiters' briefing 10 minutes before service, where the owner, Dan, talked through the day's menu and information about the guests coming for lunch

All members of staff kept very calm in the morning during preparation as they all knew the jobs that needed to be done When lunch service started, the stress levels did increase from everyone, however the head chef was good at keeping everyone on track and ordering the other chefs to carry out certain tasks We all kept on schedule and were able to serve every customer on time to a high standard When someone had to follow orders from the head chef they would shout ‘Yes Chef!’ and they would get the job done immediately

We were able to build on our existing skills, working swiftly and efficiently making sure we were following all health and safety regulations, plating food with guidance to ensure it was presented professionally We can now take this knowledge back into our practical exam and make sure the food looks appealing The restaurant has lots of complex equipment helping them to produce the best quality food possible and we learnt how these worked

I really enjoyed being able to work collaboratively with an experienced chef and find out what it was like to work under pressure I also enjoyed plating all the food and seeing the elements we had prepared a few hours before turn into delicious meals that were served to the guests I would consider a future career in professional high end hospitality because I feel it is quite a rewarding job to offer such good service to the public The atmosphere of the restaurant was exceptional and all the staff seemed so kind Although the chefs were under pressure they still were able to create excellent dishes and it gave me lots to think about for my career planning


TIMEMANAGEMENTistheprocess oforganisingandplanninghowto divideyourtimebetweendifferent activitiesGetitright,andyou'llend upworkingsmarter,notharder,to getmoredoneinlesstime–even whentimeistightandpressuresare high.Thehighestachieversmanage theirtimeexceptionallywell.

Youallalreadyusetimemanagement togettasksdonelikejuggling homeworkandextra-curricularclubs andactivities,sokeepworkingon thisskillatschoolandwhenyouget touniversityandintotheworkplace youwillbeajeditimemaster!

5Tipstoimproveyourtime management:



Createadailyplanner-andstick toit!



APRIL 2023
Three of our Lower Sixth students, currently studying Food Preparation & Nutrition WJEC (A Level equivalent for this subject) got to spend a morning at award-winning restaurant, The Greyhound in Beaconsfield, experiencing whats involved in a service session in a busy fine-dining kitchen Laura tells us more


Workinginhealthcareallowsyoutotohelp otherswhileearningasalary.Youmayhelpto bringanewlifeintotheworldorsaveanother lifefromending Workinginhealthcare, whetherhandsonseeingpatientsinaclinical roleorindirectlythroughresearch, developmentorwideradministrativeand supportserviceswillmeanyouarechanging livesandimpactingfamiliesinapositiveway

Mosthealthcarerolesareofferedaspartof theNHS:didyouknowthereareover350 differentjobsandcareersavailable?This meansthattherearehugeopportunitiesto findafulfillingrolethatmatchesyourown specificskillsandinterestswhateverthey maybe.

Social care is about providing physical, emotional and social support to help people live their lives

For various reasons and at different stages in their lives, some people need support to develop and maintain their independence, dignity and control

Social care provides a whole range of services to support adults and older people. If you work in social care, you could help people in their own homes, in residential homes or in a number of other places such as day centres or supported housing

This kind of work involves supporting people with their non-clinical needs, although there is an important crossover between working in health and working in social care

1.54 million people currently work in the social care sector Because of the increasing number of disabled younger adults living longer and the growing number of older people needing care, adult social care is growing and the sector needs another half a million jobs, and people to do them, by 2035

Bucks NHS Trust is a family of 6,000 highlytrained and qualified doctors, nurses, midwives, health visitors, therapists, healthcare scientists and support staff They care for a population of 500,000 across three hospitals, local bases and the community The stroke service is one of the best in the region Bucks NHS Trust is a regional centre for burns and plastics, and they also provide the world-famous National Spinal Injuries Centre.

Success isn't about how much money you make. it's about how much difference you make in people's lives" Michelle Obama


What does a paramedic do?

PipersAlumnaeALICEKNIGHTisanAssociateAmbulance Practitioner/StudentParamedicwithSCAS-theSouthCentral AmbulanceServicewhichsupportstheBucksNHSTrust.


Havingstudiedfor7yearsatPipersCornerSchool,Ileftin2013andwent toFalmouthUniversitywhereIgainedaBachelorofArtsdegreeinActing Afterafewyearsoftravellingandperforming,Istartedthinkingabout workinginHealthcareandhowthiscouldbringmefulfilmentinwhatIdoI joinedSouthCentralAmbulanceService,anNHSAmbulanceTrustin 2020,initiallyasanEmergencyCareAssistant.Itdidnottakelongforme to fall in love with the job and I soon set my sights on becoming a Paramedic After nine months of practice-based training, I gained my qualificationasanAssociateAmbulancePractitionerinMarch2022 This role allowed me to gain experience working as a lead clinician on an ambulance, which helped with my application for the Paramedic Apprenticeship. I am now five months into the two-year Paramedic Apprenticeship,providedbytheUniversityofCumbriaUponcompletionof thetwoyears,IwillbeawardedwithaBachelorofSciencedegreein ParamedicScience Thiswork-integratedlearningallowsmetocontinue doingthejobthatIlovewhilelearningandadvancingmyclinicalskillsat thesametime.WhatIenjoymostaboutmyjobistheopportunitytomeet peoplefromallwalksoflifeandbethereforthemwhentheyareattheir mostvulnerable Beingabletomakeadifferencetothelivesofpatients andtheirlovedonesisfulfillingandIamextremelygratefulforthisThese opportunitiesprovidedbySouthCentralAmbulanceServicehaveallowed metoprogressquicklyinmychosencareerandIwouldrecommendthis routeforanyonethinkingofbecomingaParamedic.


ORTHOPTISTS: diagnose and treat visual problems involving eye movement and alignment. They may also screen school children

ART THERAPISTS: use art, drama or music to help patients with physical, mental or emotional difficulties express themselves and progress with their recovery and overall well-being

CALL HANDLERS: work in ambulance control rooms as part of a team to respond to emergency calls

CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPHERS: work in hospitals, wards and in operating theatres providing photographic, video and graphic records of patients, their conditions and progress through treatment

DIETITIANS: translate the science of nutrition into advice about food, promoting good health by working with people with special dietary needs, informing the public and educating health professionals


NHS Careers

Health Education England

Allied Healthcare

Bucks NHS Trust

NHS Apprenticeships



What years were you at Pipers?

I joined in 2005 (Y7) and left in 2014 (after Sixth Form)

What subjects did you study at A-level?

Maths, Biology and Chemistry at A-level and German at AS-level.

What did you do after you left school?

I studied for my degree in Biomedical Science at Imperial College London before training to become a Veterinary Surgeon at the Royal Veterinary College

What are you doing now?

I am now a qualified companion animal Veterinary Surgeon, working in Berkshire/Buckinghamshire I spend my work days either consulting or operating - seeing everything from dogs and cats to chickens and guinea pigs!

What kind of skills does your job involve?

Problem solving forms a large part of my work, whether it’s working out what is wrong with a patient or developing a realistic (both logistically and financially) plan for treatment

Communication is also very important The practice team (vets, nurses, receptionists), the owner and myself all have to be on the same page to get the best outcome for the animal.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It is a real honour to be trusted with treating and improving the lives of peoples pets. Pets form an incredibly important piece of human happiness and welfare, so getting to improve the safeguard that bond is very special.

Was there any particular inspiration that led you to this career?

I had always enjoyed spending my time with animals, having grown up around dogs and horses I used to run my own veterinary hospital in my bedroom as a child. I would go to the chemists and get bandage material, thermometers and even a blood pressure monitor to treat my stuffed animals!

What advice would you give to current students interested in a career in Veterinary Science?

A lot of people think that being a vet is an ideal job if you prefer animals to humans - but that isn’t the case at all! You really have to enjoy working with people - after all, the owners are the ones who describe what the problem is and are the ones who will be managing their care at home based on your recommendations. Experience in the field is also very important. The more things you can experience such as volunteering at a stables or dog kennels, shadowing vets and nurses, charity work with animals, spending time on a farm during lambing and calving season - the better. It gets you exposed to all the areas of veterinary medicine and it looks impressive on an application!




Learning Languages helps you to form an understanding of different cultures, communities and people They help you develop speaking, listening and communication skills which are vital and transferable to a huge range of jobs and opportunities Learning Languages helps you to express yourself with confidence, and Languages are really helpful for a range of careers: teaching, interpreting, travel, tourism, the diplomatic service, and working globally. Meanwhile, research suggests that people who speak one or more foreign languages are better at solving problems, and they are more creative and empathetic - important soft skills that any employer would appreciate in a potential candidate The UK’s Ambassador to Ukraine (Dame Melinda Simmons) recently described how learning modern languages can be a “gateway to the world”, and told attendees at a talk at Exeter University how languages have helped to define her career in business, diplomacy and the civil service “The benefits are obvious; the more languages you speak, the greater the access you have to different cultures There’s never been a better time to have a modern languages degree because so relatively few people have one, while at the same time, globalisation ensures that we need people who have those languages."


AudreyHepburn,actor:besidesbeingnaturally bilingualinEnglish&Dutch,AudreyHepburnwas alsofluentinFrench,Italian,Spanish&German BradPitt,actor:BradisofGermanancestry, speaksthelanguageandisaregulartothe country “Ilikethelanguage–Ievenfinditbeautiful andmelodic”

TomDaley,Olympicdiver TomachievedanAin hisA-levelSpanishexams Heisnowableto participateinSpanishinterviews

JKRowling,author French&Classicsdegreeand studiedforayearinParis Herknowledgeofthe languageisevidentinmanyofthefabricated wordsandnamesthatsheincludedinthestories, whichhaveFrenchastheirbasis Examplesare Beauxbatons,whichmeansbeautifulwands,Fleur Delacourfrom‘fleur’meaningflowerand ‘delacour’meaning‘ofthecourt’andMalfoy,from theFrenchphrase‘malfoi’(meaningbadfaith)

CarolineWyatt: BBCcorrespondent speaks French,German&someRussian “Speakingthe languagemakesahugedifferencetohowpeople relatetoyou,andtheexperiencethatyouhaveof thatcountry Itenablesyoutorelatetopeopleina differentway,andunderstandvitalnuancesthatare otherwiselost Languagesareahugegifttogive anychild,astheyopenawholedifferentwindowon theworld”

Thebestwaytogetaheadistodoyourresearch! Therearelotsofreallyusefulinformationsitesout thereforyoutofindoutmoreaboutdifferentjobs andindustriesandworkoutwhatyouneedtodoto gettothere.




Morrisby CreativeCareers


START PLANING YOUR OWN FUTURE You can also arrange a one to one advice meeting with the school Careers Advisor, Mrs Rogers by sending an email or ask your form tutor to arrange a meeting APRIL 2023 ISSUE 03
""Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it"
George Lucas Film Producer (Star Wars)

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