1 minute read
Has anyone ever told you you’re a good leader? In other words, you have a knack for organising people to reach a common goal This skill enables you to provide clear instructions, delegate responsibilities, set achievable goals, motivate others and manage deadlines.
Leadership in business is the capacity of a company's management to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast and decisive action when needed, outperform the competition, and inspire others to perform at the highest level they can
Fivereasonswhyleadershipisimportantin theworkplace improvesmorale engagespeople:providingavisionandplanto achieveit buildstrustingrelationships inspiresconfidence enablesinnovation
Becauseofleadership,peoplecometogetherto makethingshappen
Healthcare Work Experience
leader or other position of responsibility where others will look to youfordecisions,motivationanddemonstrationsofconfidence
Duke of Edinburgh awards: taking on a lead role in your group to demonstrateinitiativeandgetthetaskdone
Prefects & subject leaders: demonstrating knowledge and guidance in a subject area you excel at; and inspiring others to achievetheirbestacrosstheschoolcommunity
YoungEnterprise:inSixthFormyoucouldbepartofteamcreating a brand new business, with leadership roles in writing a business plan,sales,HRandoverallbeingtheboss!
Sixth Form/school prefects: part of the senior student managementteam,actingasambassadorsfortheschoolatevents and Open Days, and offering inspiration and positive citizenship to youngerstudents
For any aspiring medics, nurses (with some midwifery) and allied health professionals, NHS Health Education England have funded 2 new Springpod virtual work experience programmes for students aged 14-25 Find out more here