Focus One Health - Annual Report 2023-24

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Annual Report


FocusOne Health acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians of our communities and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Artwork: Hilda Moodoo and Norah Moodoo

Being accessible to the community is critical to ensure people know where to come when they need support

Our primary healthcare service hubs are situated in Berri and Mount Gambier. FocusOne Health service hubs are here to support the community to navigate service options We remain welcoming to enquiries regarding our services and what else may be available in the region In addition to our primary healthcare service hubs, FocusOne Health provides services from a range of outreach locations throughout the Limestone Coast, Riverland, Adelaide metro and parts of the Murray Mallee.


Riverland Head Office:

3 Riverview Drive

Berri SA 5343

T: 08 8582 3823

F: 08 8582 3190


Riverland: Limestone Coast:







Mallee: Adelaide Metro


It is with great pleasure that I present the FocusOne Health Board, Chair's report for the 2023-24 year

This past year has been one of consolidation and growth, as we built upon the strengths of our organisation From the Board's perspective, we placed significant emphasis on governance and strategic processes, a focus that remains ongoing

During the year, we accepted the resignation of Leah Williams, who stepped down due to her relocation to Adelaide and the need to balance her various work and family commitments After a comprehensive selection process, we were pleased to welcome Emma Slaytor to the Board Emma has already made a notable impact with her expertise, positively enhancing the Board's activities

I would like to express my gratitude to all Board members for their contributions throughout the year Their dedication has made the Board one of the most cohesive I have had the pleasure of working with, and has greatly supported my role

A special thank you is also due to our CEO, Scerina Rasheed, for her unwavering dedication, as well as to the management team for their efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of the organisation Additionally, I extend my appreciation to all our employees for their exceptional service, which has earned the confidence of our funding bodies

As we look ahead, I am optimistic about the future of our organization I encourage any members interested in joining the Board to reach out, as the time commitment is manageable and you would be contributing to the future success of local health service provision



The 2023-2024 financial year has been one of significant growth for FocusOne Health, marked by service expansions across our region, new site developments, renovations and key milestones

We were honoured to establish South Australia's first Head to Health site in Mount Gambier, following a successful tender announcement in February 2023 Service delivery commenced in July 2023 from our existing premises, before moving to the newly established location on Commercial Street East, Mount Gambier The official launch in November 2023 was a pivotal moment for both FocusOne Health and the Mount Gambier community, marking the rapid establishment of this critical mental health service and enabling timely access for those in need

In May 2024, we were pleased to announce a new partnership with Palliative Care Connect SA and SA Health to deliver the statewide Bereavement Navigation Services Pilot Program This program assists people of all ages in accessing bereavement and grief support, with services available via telephone, telehealth, and in-person across Adelaide metro, the Riverland, Limestone Coast, Whyalla and Port Augusta The Bereavement Navigation Service is part of Palliative Care Connect The pilot is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care with support from SA Health FocusOne Health is collaborating with Country and Outback Health to deliver these services in key locations, further expanding our impact across the state

In October 2023, headspace Berri celebrated its 15th anniversary, coinciding with National headspace Day and the official opening of our newly renovated centre The event was a great success, with the community coming together to celebrate the significant contributions this service has made to young people, their families, and support networks over the past 15 years.

We were also proud to be named a finalist in the 2023 SA Training Awards for Excellence in Diversity, recognising the success of our Adult Community Education program in the state’s training sector Our team attended the prestigious awards ceremony at the Adelaide Convention Centre in September 2023, a wonderful acknowledgment of our commitment to fostering diversity in education

With our continued growth, it was timely to review the organisation's structure. In March 2024, we introduced an Executive Management team to strengthen our leadership capacity I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Kerril Vowles, Executive Manager Mental Health; Yalonda Fitzsimmons, Executive Manager Operations; and James Cheesman, Executive Manager Clinical Governance and Development, for their leadership and support of our services, staff, and operational management

I would also like to express my gratitude to the FocusOne Health Board: Dr Ian Gartley (Chair), Dr David Rosenthal, Dr Raphael Torome, Martin Hill, Jennifer Duncan, and our newest Board member, Emma Slaytor, for their ongoing guidance and support

I hope you find this annual report informative, as it highlights the tremendous achievements of the FocusOne Health team throughout 2023/2024

Our Values

Our Purpose

Quality primary healthcare and wellbeing services embedded in regional communities

Our Vision

Healthy and thriving regional communities

Locals Supporting Locals

We support our locally based staff to develop their skills in their communities, always growing and developing our physical health and mental health workforce, and supporting our communities into the future

In the latest staff survey, 100% of staff indicated they were satisfied with FocusOne Health as an employer

People Service Delivery

Right people, right skills, aligned values, right roles

An engaged team wanting to work and grow with FOH

A flexible workforce model

Supported career & development paths


Clear, mutually valuable partnerships in services and funding

Strong government relationships

Mutually high levels of partner satisfaction

Services meeting existing and emerging needs of the community

Data-driven service offerings

Client and partner satisfaction with service range, delivery and quality

Lived experience voices supporting service development and delivery



Enhanced FOH brand awareness and perceptions by clients, community, referrers and funding partners

Statewide brand recognition

Our brand working as an attraction mechanism

Quality brand aligned service delivery

Financial Sustainability

Strong connection with Country SA

PHN safeguarding existing funding

Diversified funding sources

Growing, profitable turnover

Clear cases for investment applied

A resilient organisation able to withstand or capitalise on commercial challenges and opportunities


Data collected and applied to fulfil contract criteria and shape future service and operational initiatives

Efficient, usable data sets defined and employed

Demonstrable data-driven service improvements

Data-validated funding cases

Local Leadership

FocusOne Health believes local people know the best solutions for their community. We employ locally based leadership who are passionate and committed to service excellence and access for our rural communities

Our Board

Dr Ian Gartley (Chair)

Dr David Rosenthal

Dr Raphael Torome

Our Leadership

Scerina Rasheed

Kerril Vowles

Yalonda Fitzsimmons

James Cheesman

Gemma Nickolai

Tracey Wanganeen

Karen Olive

Barb Gartley

Amy Drogemuller

Melanie Gilgen

Teresa Baker

Martin Hill

Jennifer Duncan Emma Slaytor

Chief Executive Officer

Executive Manager - Mental Health

Executive Manager - Operations

Executive Manager - Clinical Governance & Development

headspace Berri Manager

Mount Gambier Head to Health Manager

Services Manager Limestone Coast

Senior Mental Health Supervisor

headspace Berri Clinical Services Lead

Portfolio Coordinator - Mental Health

Portfolio Coordinator - General Health

Mental Health Services

Our team of skilled Clinicians and Coaches, in partnership with referring General Practitioners; are dedicated to helping people enhance their mental health and overall wellbeing We respect our clients’ values and treatment preferences, and focus on the individual’s strengths, supporting them to achieve personal goals Our aim is to empower people with the skills and resources to manage their mental health and lead a fulfilling life with hope and purpose

We offer a suite of mental health programs for people who have a diagnosed mental health condition or who are at risk of developing a mental health condition We utilise the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Decision Support Tool, to ensure a standardised, evidence-based and objective approach to considering the mental health needs of our clients

Our Mental Health Programs:

FocusOne Coach - Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LiCBT)

Psychological Therapies

Clinical Care and Coordination

Mental Health Shared Care

FocusOne Renew - Psychological Therapies in Residential Aged Care facilities

Key Achievements:

“I believe that my mental health is now in a very positive state, and I honestly couldn’t be happier with how things are in my life. At this stage I feel that scheduling another appointment is not necessary. Thank you so much for spending your time helping me and sharing your knowledge, I very much appreciate the time and care you put into our sessions. I will be eternally grateful.”


of clients who accessed FocusOne Health Psychological Therapies

Mental Health services reported that they were satisfied with the service

Representation at the following Groups and Networks:

Family Violence Action Group

Suicide Prevention Network

Limestone Coast Community Services Roundtable

Community Mental Health Team, Multidisciplinary Team

Riverland Community Services Alliance

FocusOne Health delivered the LiCBT Enhance Program, a dynamic extension of the Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LiCBT) service, specifically designed to support individuals previously or currently engaged in one-on-one LiCBT sessions LiCBT Enhance offered participants the opportunity to apply and expand their mental health skills in a supportive group setting whilst participating in art workshops. The sessions fostered personal growth and social connection.

FocusOne Health is the lead agency for headspace Berri

headspace Berri provides services to young people between 12 - 25 years and their families and friends across the Riverland headspace Berri provides mental health counselling services, physical health and wellbeing support, assistance with alcohol and other drug concerns and work and study support A variety of group programs aimed at providing mental health support and education are also run throughout the year headspace Berri have a ' no wrong door' policy which ensures we respond to any young person who comes through the door and provide them with a service or link them with the most appropriate care headspace Now is the new quick entry pathway for young people to access services, this is a “single session thinking” approach to meeting the needs of young people

Our headspace Berri Services:

Outreach to high schools

Mental health and sexual health education for young people

Youth Reference Group

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander events and programs

Key Achievements:

Riverland Pride March

Mental health festivals and workshops

Education programs for family and friends

headspace Berri is a member of the Youth Mental Health Services Partnership Coordination Group who meet regularly with the aim to improve the mental health care of young people.

clients accessed headspace Berri services


“Everyone is doing an amazing job I feel very valued here”

group programs facilitated:

Wellness Warriors A four-week anxiety program

Youth Yoga

Personal training classes provided at Vitality Health Club

Self sooth workshops

headspace Berri proudly hosted the 3rd annual Riverland Pride March on Friday, 22nd September in Loxton

total service contacts

headspace Berri introduced a Peer Support Worker to the team. Peer work is a form of mental health support provided by people who have had their own experience with life and mental health challenges Peer Support Workers use their lived experience to help others and are trained to facilitate safe and respectful conversations

The headspace Consortium continues to play an important role in ensuring the specific needs of young people in their community are met The consortium has an independent Chair and has representative from each of the four core headspace streams

“Had a good experience, would come back, and would 100%" recommend to a friend”

headspace Berri celebrated 15 years of service, National headspace Day and the opening of the newly renovated centre in October 2023

FocusOne Health is the lead agency for Mount Gambier Head to Health

In February 2023 FocusOne Health was announced as the successful tender and service provider to establish the Mount Gambier Head to Health centre, marking the first of its kind in regional South Australia In November 2023 FocusOne Health held the official launch of the Head to Health service in a beautifully designed purposebuilt space The service was officially opened by Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin and more than 100 members of the community attended the event Since officially opening its doors in October 2023, 298 people have been supported to access Mount Gambier Head to Health services

Key Achievements:

9 group programs facilitated Sea Weave sessions Creative Horizon Let’s Talk Anxiety Stitch With Us

The Mount Gambier Head to Health centre offers a visible and accessible ‘ no wrong door’ entry to support, information and services. Individuals are encouraged to simply ‘walk-in’ and engage with a dedicated team of Peer Support Workers and Mental Health Clinicians. The centre is a safe and welcoming space for people aged over 18 years experiencing distress, to talk to someone and connect with the right mental health supports 298

clients accessed Mount Gambier Head to Health services

"Great to be able to get in quickly Crisis situations can’t wait, well done"

The Mental Health Peer Worker model has enabled people to access a service at the site immediately An appointment with an experienced Mental Health clinician is always offered for an assessment and referral to other relevant services as required

Partnerships formed with other agencies including, Centacare through the Resilient Women’s Program and ac Care through the Chatty Café program services provided to clients

in November 2023, attended by more than 100 community members

Mount Gambier Head to Health official launch

General Health Services

At FocusOne Health we are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of our regional community through a comprehensive suite of general health services Our goal is to provide accessible, high-quality services that meets the diverse needs of our communities

Our General Health Services:

Healthy Habits

Closing the Gap Riverland (CTGR)

Integrated Primary Care (IPC)

Bereavement Navigation Service

Care finder

Adult Community Education (ACE)

Key Achievements:

285 preventative health screening services promoted to clients

261 clients accessed the Healthy Habits program


Healthy Habits is a tailored wellbeing program supporting people across the Riverland, Mount Gambier and Murray Bridge to improve their overall health and wellbeing through individualised health coaching and/or healthy lifestyle groups The FocusOne Health team of Nurses, Dietitian, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers and Health Coaches walk alongside clients to identify the health factors they want support with to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle; this may include nutrition, physical activity and mental health and wellbeing

"Couldn't speak any higher of the services provided by FocusOne Health

Very lucky to have this service available in our region”

Cross referral to other FocusOne Health services including mental health, Adult Community Education, Closing the Gap Riverland and Integrated Primary Care – this enables clients to easily access a suite of services to support their overall health and wellbeing

Facilitation of targeted group sessions focusing on key topics such as nutrition and healthy eating, weight loss, pilates, yoga, chair-based exercises, and physical activity

Partnership with Waikerie Recreation Center facilitating fortnightly exercise sessions to meet an identified need in the Waikerie community

FocusOne Health’s TheraBand exercise resource has been shared with:


clients have engaged in Health Coaching group sessions completed

39 Healthy Habits clients

Artwork: Hilda Moodoo and Norah Moodoo

Key Achievements:

2444 episodes of care provided to clients

clients accessed shared care services with the Country Health Connect Riverland Aboriginal Health service 9

28 preventative health screening services promoted to clients

“The CTGR program is an excellent service They have provided me with the support I need to stay healthy, and the staff are easy to work with”

Clients have been supported to access medical specialist services, including; General Practitioner, Specialist Nurses, Respiratory Physician, Ophthalmologist, Geriatrician, Urologist, Renal Specialist, Cardiologist, Rheumatologist, Vascular Specialist and General Surgeon

FocusOne Health participated in the 2024 National Apology Day in collaboration with Flinders University, Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council (SA) and Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network

FocusOne Health attended several NAIDOC Week events across the Riverland and Mount Gambier, commencing with the NAIDOC march and smoking ceremony The CTGR team participated in a local fishing day, family arts and crafts and flag raising events

Closing the Gap Riverland (CTGR) is a chronic disease support program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages living in the Riverland with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma or mental health The FocusOne Health team of nurses and care coordinators work with clients, their GPs and other health providers to coordinate access to care and improve selfmanagement of chronic disease The service supports with transport, positive lifestyle changes and coordination of appointments All CTGR services are offered in a culturally safe environment with culturally responsive staff clinical services accessed

55 clients accessed the CTGR service


Key Achievements:

362 preventative health screening services promoted to clients

Facilitation of a “Meet and Greet” event in Lameroo hosted by FocusOne Health’s Diabetes Educator and Healthy Lifestyle Coordinator

12 formal partnerships with allied health services across all regions

egrated Primary Care (IPC) supports people ng in smaller communities across the mestone Coast and Mallee to access allied alth and specialist nursing services Working sely with general practice and allied health oviders, IPC provides care coordination and pport for people with chronic disease such as abetes and arthritis to better manage their nditions and their wellbeing

“Client stated that their pain had decreased and their range of movement had increased since attending the allied health service through IPC”

IPC is committed to engaging with service providers and medical clinics The IPC team facilitated five medical clinic drives to develop and maintain face-to-face partnerships All stakeholders reported the experience to be beneficial

FocusOne Health attended the Karoonda Farm Fair in 2023, to share information and resources and promote services

362 clients accessed IPC services

Clients have been allocated to allied health services professionals including, Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Diabetes Educator, Nutritionist and Dietitian

Bereavement Navigation Service

Key Achievements:


clients have accessed the Bereavement Navigation Service since being established in April 2024

connections established with: services/organisations with key partnerships formed with 27 of these, including general practitioners, Aged Rights Advocacy, Cancer Council, Donate Life, Voluntary Assisted Dying, Palliative Care SA, and local provider networks across South Australia 212

The Bereavement Navigation Service commenced in April 2024 with funding from SA Health, with support from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care The service is available via telephone, telehealth and in person to assists people of all ages connect with bereavement and grief information and available supports Throughout the initial months, the team of Bereavement Navigators established strong connections with service providers and community groups, aiming to normalise discussions around death, dying, and bereavement These partnerships will continue to grow and expand into the future

“I felt comfortable in a non-threatening situation, information specific to my needs as an individual Friendly, professional the Bereavement Navigator gave me a little confidence to navigate the future after such confusion and despair. I was confident to ask questions without judgement, listened to”

key partnerships with Donate Life and Voluntary Assisted Dying and the Cancer Council – providing resources and promotional information regarding FocusOne Health Bereavement services

14 information sessions provided to community groups

the development of Grief and Literacy Workshops targeted at workplaces and health professionals

Care finder

Care finder provides short-term intensive support to help older people across the Riverland and Limestone Coast to understand their options and access aged care services and other supports in the community. The care finder team assist with connection to My Aged Care, support at appointments and help with linkages to other relevant services and supports to meet the individual’s needs

The care finder service is delivered in partnership with Country and Outback Health.


feel much calmer now, talking to care finder and knowing there is help for us now that we need it"

Key Achievements:


people from a range of backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Bosnian, Italian, Philippno, Columbian, Spanish and Croatian information provided to more than:

connections established with:

144 information sessions facilitated for organisations

9 attendance at regional aged care expositions 2

176 care finder referrals received

services/organisations with key partnerships formed with other agencies including local general practices, nursing staff, social workers within the Department of Health and Health Advisory Committees


clients were supported with registration, referral and connection to My Aged Care, the Regional Assessment Team or Aged Care Assessment Team providers, and other internal and external services, including community supports and advocacy services

Adult Community Education is available to adults aged over 18 years in the Riverland and aims to build literacy and numeracy skills and support people to link with work, study, volunteering and community participation opportunities

Participants have the opportunity to build a resumé, link with local employers and training providers, and build friendships and local networks Programs are interactive and delivered in a safe, informal and social environment

Key Achievements:

32 clients accessed the ACE program

39 pathway options achieved for clients

library connections: Students were connected with their local library by attending a library tour in each region This connection opened opportunities to gain valuable information about what is happening in the region, volunteering options and general connections with others

"I am very grateful for this opportunity to enrich my life with a chance of paid work eventually”

7 clients achieved work

7 clients commenced study

volunteering connections: The volunteering options that the students were introduced to provided connection to other people, purpose and skill development Linking clients to the Berri Barmera Landcare and undertaking volunteering at Willabalangaloo providing some clients with an ongoing activity to engage with

Regional Education Committee


Dr Andrew Seales (Chair)

Sam Wellington

Dr David Rosenthal

Dr Ian Gartley

D Raphael Torome

Key Achievements:

FocusOne Health Members

Child Safe Environments

FocusOne Health continue to build relationships with the primary healthcare workforce and other service providers in the Riverland, Limestone Coast and Mallee; ensuring stakeholders are ‘connected’ with primary health care information, including details about FocusOne Health programs and services Additionally, FocusOne Health deliver a specialised and tailored education program in the Riverland for local General Practitioners and other health professionals; guided by the FocusOne Health Regional Education Committee Specialist presenters are outsourced and brought to the region, in addition to FocusOne Health qualified staff providing in-house education sessions - as determined by local need through a triennial education needs assessment conducted with general practices All in-house education is accredited through the Royal College of General Practice and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, to ensure GPs are receiving professional development points FocusOne Health are committed to supporting local health professionals to maintain connectedness, and prioritise the health of the communities that we live in

FocusOne Health also maintains an active membership base to ensure communication with our members is current and relevant

Concussion Management education sessions facilitated by FoucsOne Health:

Regional Education Committee meetings facilitated


Financial Highlights: The 2023-2024 financial year has been one of significant growth for the organisation. FocusOne Health’s financial position remained strong throughout the fiscal year, attaining a substantial increase of 12 13% in total revenue to $6,416,672, compared to the previous year ' s income of $5,722,980 We achieved high returns on term deposit investments, receiving a total of $196,609 in interest for the financial year Additionally, the successful acquisition of new programs and funding has allowed us to broaden our service offerings and improve our operational capacity

Capital Expenditure Highlights: Throughout this fiscal year, FocusOne Health continued its commitment to enhancing our facilities, equipment, and vehicles. Key capital expenditure highlights include:

Vehicle upgrades progressed, with 3 new vehicles purchased for use across both the Riverland and Limestone Coast regions

Capital works carried out to support the opening of a second site in Mount Gambier, housing FocusOne Health’s mental health services and Mount Gambier Head to Health.

Further office upgrades at Berri, including replacement of soft furnishings, commissioning of artwork and installation of a new security system

Effective Financial Management: Our dedication to tight and effective financial management remains steady, this, paired with implementation of improved processes and systems, have enabled us to maintain a healthy financial position, as evident in the 2023-2024 Audited Financial Statements The fiscal year ended with a total comprehensive income position showing a surplus of $191,127

Board Audit Subcommittee Acknowledgment: The Board Audit Subcommittee commends the clarity and detail of the financial reporting provided to the Board As of June, our bank balances, including term deposits, stood at $4 1 million, up from $3 5 million previously These holdings include cash reserves earmarked for unspent project funds and staff provisions, such as long service leave and annual leave accruals.

Looking Ahead: As we move into the next 12 months, FocusOne Health anticipates another busy year

Berri office upgrades that were planned but not progressed in the 2023-2024 financial year, including upgrade of fixed appliances considering our tenure at the site for the past decade.

Further enhancements to the signage at the new Mount Gambier site.

Additional vehicle upgrades

Ongoing improvements to our finance processes through system integrations to support compliance, increase efficiency and uphold high standards in financial reporting.

Audit and Acknowledgments: For the 2023-2024 financial year, we continued our partnership with Markos Stavrou and the team at Riverland Audit Services for our annual audit Their excellent work and timely completion of the audit have provided clarity regarding our financial position I would like to extend my appreciation to CEO Scerina Rasheed and her team for their outstanding efforts in managing FocusOne Health's finances over the past year.

Access to Full Audited Financial Statements: For a detailed breakdown of our financial performance, please find the full audited financial statements on FocusOne Health's website: www focusonehealth com au

In closing, I commend this report to all our members and stakeholders Your continued support and dedication to our purpose are instrumental in our continued success


The following services are funded by Country SA PHN: Mental Health (LiCBT, Psychological Therapies (including RACF), Clinical Care and Coordination, Mental Health Shared Care)

Healthy Habits

Integrated Primary Care Care finder

Integrated Team Care (Closing the Gap Riverland)

Mount Gambier Medicare Mental Health Centre (formerly Mount Gambier Head to Health)

headspace Berri

The following service is funded by SA Health: Bereavement Navigation Service

The Bereavement Navigation Service is part of Palliative Care Connect

The pilot is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care with support from SA Health

The following service is supported by the Government of South Australia: Adult Community Education


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