1 minute read

Remembering the End of Eternity: Piraneseum

Equestrian Monument of Marcus Aurelius, on a base designed by Michelangelo.

Trajan's Column in rosso antico marble, detail

Temple of Hercules Victor, Rome, bronze on giallo antico marble base

Temples of Hercules Victor (usually misidentified as the Temple of Vesta)

Temple of Castor & Pollux and Temple of Vespasian, carved and tinted alabaster

Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, bronze on giallo antico marble

Column of Phocas, carved giallo antico marble

Giovanni Battista Piranesi, etching on laid paper

Matthew Dubourg, from Views of the Remains of Ancient Buildings, hand colored aquatint

Giovanni Ghisolfi, Capriccio, oil on canvas

Benedetto Boschetti's display in the Roman Court at London's International Exhibition, 1862.

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