Our teleconference line will be available at 727-731-0184. Call/Text me it will call you back.
10:30 am
Opening Prayer
Minister Torie Simon
Praise & Worship
Holy Spirit Minitries Praise Team
Mininstry in Dance Abundance
Introduction of Speaker
Sermonic Selection
Holy Spirit Minitries Praise Team
Spoken Word
Pastor Alex Royes Seed Offering
Musical Selections
Holy Spirit Minitries & Mt. Pisgah Fellowship Choir
Closing Remark & Benidiction
Pastor Avery Jones
To all those who help to make this weekend possible
Alex Royes
Avery Jones
Bevan Gordon, Joy Cash, Peggy Exume
Andrienne Smart, Yonique Topey & Sheree Mundy
Valens Belonce & Peggy Exume
Tatyana Monestime
The Levites
Holy Spirit Worship Team
Ashley Waters
Adri Perrin
Alexander Mota
Kaley Howard
Cameron Gishard
Carla Cousins