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image> Carlos JimĂŠnez for DelAmorYlaBelleza, 2014. Animation for SAVE THE STORY project, Pushkin Editors.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? The generation born between 2000 and 2010 is often called Generation Z.



image> GABRIEL CHEUNG UNIT22, The house of the Future, 2013.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? The generation born between 2000 and 2010 is often called Generation Z.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. EXHIBITION IN LIGA GALLERY (MEXICO). Playing with the inspiration provided by birthday parties in the countryside.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? The generation born between 2000 and 2010 is often called Generation Z.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. EXHIBITION IN LIGA GALLERY (MEXICO). Playing with the inspiration provided by birthday parties in the countryside.

image> Carlos Jiménez for DelAmorYlaBelleza, 2014. i-Clayer, the ultimate Analogue kiss for your digital device. Ceramic i-phone amplifier and bass improver.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? Many members of this generation are highly connected, having had lifelong use of communication and media technology like the World Wide Web, instant messaging, text messaging, MP3 players, and mobile phones, earning them the nickname ‘digital natives’.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUÑOZ CASTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. These solar chimneys and showcases will be rentable in the internet by individual artists.


image> KIRSTY WILLIAMS, detail of interactive facade of Pupet Theather in Indonesia, 2013.

image> Carlos Jiménez for DelAmorYlaBelleza, 2013. origamy pleated fabric with almod stiffer, for overal.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? According to marketing firm Frank Magid Associates, the name “Plurals” reflects that they are the most diverse of any generation in the many places of the world. A Magid whitepaper stated that Plurals exhibit positive feelings about the increasing ethnic diversity and they are more likely than older generations to have social circles that include people from different ethnic groups, races and religions. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GRAPHICS FOR EXHIBITION IN LIGA GALLERY (MEXICO). Shows how different ethnographic groups understand what is a house.


image> AKMAL A. FANDI, Malay transient typology, 2013.

WHO ARE GENERATION Z? Generation Z is also more socially responsible, potentially due to the greater access to a large online information pool, they are specially aware of ecological problems and they are more likely to take proactive stance toward the environment. 74% of teenagers, globally, consider climate change and global warming to be a greater threat than drugs, violence or war1. 97% of of Australian teens believe recycling is important and 82% said they recycle as much as possible.2 image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. PROTOTYPE FOR PORTABLE SOLAR CHIMNEY AND DAY BED.

image> Carlos Jiménez for Casaleganitos, 2010. Temporary dwelling in an active Olives plantation in Batres, Madrid.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? The process in which ‘free time’ became ‘consumption time’ began in the second half of the nineteenth century. That process threw the concept of public space into crisis as it began to be conceived not only as an element for exercising (political) control, but also one for financial gain. Thus, cities began to become the objects of rational and utilitarian planning, redefining the field of architecture. Children, agents only participating in the industrial and economical development of Europe as false adults, became then second class citizens. The public space was to transport and provide, to buy and sell. Gradually the car came to own the city, and doing so also became a physical threat to children. For years, cities did not recognize any right for children. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. KNITTING SQUARES. URBAN REDENSIFICATION OF SUBURBS CITIES IN WESTFALIA (GERMANY).


image> JULIAN HUANG, Instant Access to Health in Peckhan, London, 2012.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? The process in which ‘free time’ became ‘consumption time’ began in the second half of the nineteenth century. That process threw the concept of public space into crisis as it began to be conceived not only as an element for exercising (political) control, but also one for financial gain. Thus, cities began to become the objects of rational and utilitarian planning, redefining the field of architecture. Children, agents only participating in the industrial and economical development of Europe as false adults, became then second class citizens. The public space was to transport and provide, to buy and sell. Gradually the car came to own the city, and doing so also became a physical threat to children. For years, cities did not recognize any right for children. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. KNITTING SQUARES. URBAN REDENSIFICATION OF SUBURBS CITIES IN WESTFALIA (GERMANY).

image> Casaleganitos, 2010. LALLA YEDDOUNA square in Fez, Marocco. Donkey Circulation study.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? Modernity made only a few shy attempts to reshape this ideology. The significant turning point in this process of restructuring, took place during the 1960s, when, as demonstrated by numerous artistic and activist experiences and practices in recent decades, the festive subversion and anti-authoritarian outbursts from playful logic started to be employed as political tools attempting to generate other ways of making and contemplating the city, as well as organizing community life1. image> ARCHIGRAM, Instant City collage by Ron Herron/Archigram 1969


image> GABRIEL CHEUNG, The house of the Future, Collaborative neighbourhood, 2013. e 1/10

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? While this sensibility from the 60’s has widely affected pedagogy, the architecture of schools, nurseries, playgrounds and sport areas; the city as a whole has not been revisited. Public space is still command by the car that facilitates the transportation of some citizens to their workplace. Councils are so overwhelm by transport problems that have sometime forgotten about friendliness and quality of urban environments. Generation Z are weak and vulnerable in our public spaces (both virtual and physical) and in our public buildings because we have given main rights to producers and consumers. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Museography for the Fairy Tale museum in Malaga. The trip room. Children are invited to ride carrousel horses that are, in fact, famous literature characters.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? While this sensibility from the 60’s has widely affected pedagogy, the architecture of schools, nurseries, playgrounds and sport areas; the city as a whole has not been revisited. Public space is still command by the car that facilitates the transportation of some citizens to their workplace. Councils are so overwhelm by transport problems that have sometime forgotten about friendliness and quality of urban environments. Generation Z are weak and vulnerable in our public spaces (both virtual and physical) and in our public buildings because we have given main rights to producers and consumers. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Museography for the Fairy Tale museum in Malaga. The trip room. Children are invited to ride carrousel horses that are, in fact, famous literature characters.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? While this sensibility from the 60’s has widely affected pedagogy, the architecture of schools, nurseries, playgrounds and sport areas; the city as a whole has not been revisited. Public space is still command by the car that facilitates the transportation of some citizens to their workplace. Councils are so overwhelm by transport problems that have sometime forgotten about friendliness and quality of urban environments. Generation Z are weak and vulnerable in our public spaces (both virtual and physical) and in our public buildings because we have given main rights to producers and consumers. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Museography for the Fairy Tale museum in Malaga. The trip room. Children are invited to ride carrousel horses that are, in fact, famous literature characters.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? While this sensibility from the 60’s has widely affected pedagogy, the architecture of schools, nurseries, playgrounds and sport areas; the city as a whole has not been revisited. Public space is still command by the car that facilitates the transportation of some citizens to their workplace. Councils are so overwhelm by transport problems that have sometime forgotten about friendliness and quality of urban environments. Generation Z are weak and vulnerable in our public spaces (both virtual and physical) and in our public buildings because we have given main rights to producers and consumers. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Museography for the Fairy Tale museum in Malaga. The trip room. Children are invited to ride carrousel horses that are, in fact, famous literature characters.

WHY SHOULD WE EMPOWER THE LEGACY OF GENERATION Z? In the last decade, the idea that a socially conscious design can empower people has become popular. Those practicing ‘empowerment through design’ think innovation can be used as a catalyst for positive change in our society. The notion of empowerment is usually orientated to vulnerable groups and to the satisfaction of their ignored rights. Generation Z can, therefore, benefit, from the theory and practice on empowerment. Our design strategies will be flexible, visible and usable. Users’ feedback will become a crucial critical tool. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Proposal to transform the Spanish Milan Expo into a real Market empowering Spanish food producers.

image> Carlos JimĂŠnez for Casaleganitos, 2014. Extensible Lamp, construction instructions to allow the user to modify the structure, size and complexity.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Proposal to transform the Spanish Milan Expo into a real Market empowering Spanish food producers.


image> CLARISSA YEE, Temporary House for Seasonal Tunisian workers in Sicily, Italy, 2013.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY Applying empowerment as a social and as a design methodology could increase the impact of Generation Z in the built environment. This bigger presence can constitute a legacy with remarkable material values and, therefore, can be the heritage of the future. We are especially interested in the fabrication of heritage buildings and urban environments because they benefit not only their owners and direct users but the whole community and even the whole ecosystem. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUテ前Z CASTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. Implementation of a digital library contributes to update the heritage value of the building.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY Knowing better Generation Z, empowering them through design, considering them first class citizens and allowing them to reshape the city; would produce a remarkable legacy and an outstanding future heritage?. While students answer this question through the year we offer these first intuitions: 1- The city will be reorganized in terms of transportation, giving priority to environmentally friendly means. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA Assisted by Sally Hart and Adriana Cabello. BUS STOPS FOR THE CYCLING TO SCHOOL PROJECT IN SOMERS TOWN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH CAMDEN.

image> Casaleganitos, 2010. Square LALLA YEDDOUNA, material study for outdoor finishings.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 2- Many multicultural aspects of the existing buildings would be revalued and will be respected and preserved. IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. In each residential project we try to enhance cultural differences by the design of an specific and unique kitchen.


image> LULU LE LI, Retrofitting of Beijing´s Hutong Urban fabric, 2013. Drawing cabinet.

image> Carlos Jiménez for Casaleganitos, 2014. Extensible Lamp, interactive control of position and light levels through Arduino.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 3- Cities and buildings would not only be alive in physically but in the internet, having a whole virtual dimension. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. EXPO GRAN VIA’S FUTURE. Proposition to transform Gran Via Street in Madrid into the biggest outdoor digital theater.


image> KAOWEN HO, Zoetrope Model, Recording studios in Buckinham Palace, 2012.

image> Carlos Jiménez for Casaleganitos, 2014. Lámpara Corridor, low consumption tensegrity structure, setable up in any space without wall fixings.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 4- Environmental qualities of public spaces would be regenerated. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. Details on regeneration of environmental conditions in public spaces in different projects.


image> TONY STAPLES, Oyster farm in Canvey Island, UK, 2011.

image> Carlos JimĂŠnez for Casaleganitos, 2014. QJ Lamp, digital cut of cardboard sandwich panel of 9mm.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 5- Digitally shared knowledge will allow updating vernacular traditions from small and forgotten communities.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. OUTDOOR GATE FOR A 18TH CENTURY HOUSE IN CARMENA (Toledo). All the refurbishment is done with materials coming from demolished houses in the area redrawn with digital means.


image> LULU LE LI, Material study, applying the texture of silk to timber, 2012.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 6- New and less standardized materials will be used and adapt by the city inhabitants.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. REFURBISHMENT OF 18TH CENTURY HOUSE IN CARMENA (Toledo). Use of textiles, paper or natural painting in different indoor spaces.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 6- New and less standardized materials will be used and adapt by the city inhabitants.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. REFURBISHMENT OF A HOUSE FOR A GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Use of textiles, paper or natural painting in different indoor spaces.

APPLYING EMPOWERMENT AS A SOCIAL AND AS A DESIGN METHODOLOGY 6- New and less standardized materials will be used and adapt by the city inhabitants.

image> Carlos JimĂŠnez for Casaleganitos (with the collaboration of CartonLab) The EXTENSIBLE LAMP, made with 100% recyclable and/or reusable components, that spams 530cm x 450 cm, consisting of 19 sheets of cut cardboard to create 34 trusses.

image> Carlos JimĂŠnez for Casaleganitos (with the collaboration of CartonLab) The EXTENSIBLE LAMP, made with 100% recyclable and/or reusable components, that spams 530cm x 450 cm, consisting of 19 sheets of cut cardboard to create 34 trusses.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 1: COSSY PARAMETRICS (2). During first week students will have to build up a 3d model of their design exploring applications of parametric logic that have the user as the main objective of their attention.


HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? Design is for us the most important tool to empower people. We will propose three design exercises during the year. Nevertheless, the three of them are only steps in the logic of a continuous project. The main tool for their evaluation will be their ability to build a public legacy. This redefines the logic of the portfolio: it is no longer a private communication tool to describe personal interests but a piece of public communication making a social statement. image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. EXPO GRAN VIA’S FUTURE. Proposition to transform Gran Via Street in Madrid into the biggest outdoor digital theater. Interaction with a prototype for small theaters integrated in the facades.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? + EXERCISE 1. PLAYGROUND (OCTOBER-NOVEMBER). We will ask the students to study generation Z and discover new capacities they have developed. While choosing one of these shared capacities, the students will have to design an architectural piece empowering it. To push further the logic of empowerment through abilities acquisition Unit 22 will organize a set of workshop in weekly basis. All workshops will be applied to the construction of one and only 1/6 scale model.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. EXPO GRAN VIA’S FUTURE. Proposition to transform Gran Via Street in Madrid into the biggest outdoor digital theater. Interaction with a prototype for small theaters integrated in the facades.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 2: PLAYFUL ROBOTICS AND ARDUINO. During the second week the student will start the construction of a 1/6 model of her/his design. Interactive elements will be developed first.


HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 3: MAKING TOYS THROUGH DIGITAL FABRICATION (3D PRINTING, 3D MILLING, CNC). Students will progress in the fabrication of the models applying digital fabrications tools.

image> PLAN B ARCHITECTS AND IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. CONCURSO PLAZA DE LA HOJA (BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA). Desing for a house that can be completed by the users through diggitally fabircated furniture.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 4: MAKING TOYS WITH MECHANICS, HOW TO DESIGN A GOOD BUILDING JOIN. Students will incorporate to their models mechanic elements made out of traditional building materials (timber, concrete, metal, glass) paying special attention to joins.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUテ前Z CASTTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. All joints in the building are collapsible allowing it been to be dismantle in the future.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 5: TAKING TOYS SERIOUSLY, THE USE OF MODELS TO EXPLORE STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR. Students will use their models to test structural behaviours empowering their capacity to analyze and design stable constructions.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUテ前Z CASTTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. Use of prototyping to adjust structural design.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 5: TAKING TOYS SERIOUSLY, THE USE OF MODELS TO EXPLORE STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR. Students will use their models to test structural behaviours empowering their capacity to analyze and design stable constructions.

image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUテ前Z CASTTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. Use of prototyping to adjust structural design.


image> IZASKUN CHINCHILLA ARCHITECTS. GARCIMUテ前Z CASTTLE REFURBISHMENT. Carlos Jimenez contributed to the site supervision between 2010 and 2011. Roof showing the connections between the Castle other villages and samples of vegetation.


image> Ivan Velev, Veny Puspasary, Toby Onafeko, Kailash Bharti (2014).

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? B+ EXERCISE 2, + CASE STUDY (DECEMBER-JANUARY). Students will have to define a site to place their design. Within the site students will have to choose a target and a community of users. The scope of the design will have to be amplified to a bigger program empowering the whole community. Students will have to produce clear graphic and research clues of how design empowers that particular community describing life after his/her design is done. UNIT22 image> JOANNE PRESTON, Project: The garden Cities of Tomorrow, Towards a NON-NUCLEAR FAMILY typology. 2014.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? C+ EXERCISE 3, + FUTURE HERITAGE (FEBRUARY-MAY). The student will develop a whole project and a portfolio with the logic of building the heritage of the future. We will look at some characteristic of heritage buildings: singularity, uniqueness, capacity to produce identity, contextualization, ability to create public benefits and will develop a piece of architecture able to achieve these conditions. UNIT22 image> SARAH FIRTH. Project: Investigating the potential of goverment NEW TOWN, Suburban Hemel Hempstead. 2014.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? C+ EXERCISE 3, + FUTURE HERITAGE (FEBRUARY-MAY). The student will develop a whole project and a portfolio with the logic of building the heritage of the future. We will look at some characteristic of heritage buildings: singularity, uniqueness, capacity to produce identity, contextualization, ability to create public benefits and will develop a piece of architecture able to achieve these conditions. UNIT22 image> SARAH FIRTH. Project: Investigating the potential of goverment NEW TOWN, Suburban Hemel Hempstead. 2014.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 11: ACADEMIC FIELDTRIP, Workshop with VERITAS UNIVERSITY. image> the paradise sustainable use of the environment.


Medellin Digital Pavilion. 1/10 scale prototype of the outdoor pavilion comissioned by Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (Colombia). Design was developed by Unit 22 together with students from Universidad Pontificai Bolivariana de Medellín directed by Felipe Mesa (Plan B arquitectos, UPB), Jorge Pérez Jaramillo (UPB) and Miguel Mesa (Mesa Editores, UPB). It is composed by six detachable units inspired by local palafito villages allowing them to be relocated in the future. Sponsors: Mamm, U.P.B, The Bartlett School of Architecture, Cluster de Energía de Medellín, Restaurante Blanco, Área Metropolitana de Medellín, Medellín Digital. HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 11: ACADEMIC FIELDTRIP, Workshop with VERITAS UNIVERSITY. image> Sir A. Taylor Prize, UCL, best “set of drawingns combining construction and design”, 2013.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 11: ACADEMIC FIELDTRIP, Workshop with VERITAS UNIVERSITY. image> Sir A. Taylor Prize, UCL, best “set of drawingns combining construction and design”, 2013.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 11: ACADEMIC FIELDTRIP, Workshop with VERITAS UNIVERSITY. image> Sir A. Taylor Prize, UCL, best “set of drawingns combining construction and design”, 2013.

HOW WILL WE EMPOWER GENERATION Z BUILDING THEIR LEGACY? A+ EXERCISE 1, WEEK 11: ACADEMIC FIELDTRIP, Workshop with VERITAS UNIVERSITY. image> Sir A. Taylor Prize, UCL, best “set of drawingns combining construction and design”, 2013.

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