3 minute read
When we were still kids, our grandparents taught us things we did not know yet. When we were little and incapable of attending school, our parents served as our teachers. Reading magazines and books at the library was another way to discover novel ideas.
In today’s modern age, all the information we need can be found with just one click, thanks to Google. As time goes by, more advanced technology has been introduced that can converse with people like professors and professionals, share knowledge, and respond to inquiries. Both the economy and education have enormously benefited from this technology.
A perfect alternative for content creation, ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that responds to inquiries in a way that is human-like. It can process information quickly and is undoubtedly simple to use for its users. The idea that ChatGPT can create texts in a variety of languages allows students who want to create good content, learn computer languages, or discuss topic ideas is an advantage. These are the reasons ChatGPT is growing in popularity.
Furthermore, the growth of ChatGPT is likely to have a substantial impact on the whole economy. Automating time-consuming tasks like creating standardized reports, meeting minutes, and emails is possible with chatbots. Workers can thus concentrate on more critical and innovative jobs. Skilled workers may receive guidance from a chatbot personal assis- tant as they navigate various projects or production procedures. Additionally, it may contribute to researching and developing new goods and services and producing creative ideas and content.

However, nothing in the world we live in is flawless, and each thing has its weaknesses. Despite being beneficial to students in the field of education, ChatGPT has caused confusion and questions among academicians and teachers because it does not involve human connection, and it may result in deceptive practices like plagiarism, cheating techniques, and other means that provoke students to use chatbots for their requirements.
Also, due to the lack of self-involved thoughts, chatbot uses limited self-creativity; feedback is given quickly, but the work is summarized and not specified. It may have human-like behavior but without human empathy or instincts. On the other hand, there is a chance that skilled and semi-skilled people could lose their employment due to tools like ChatGPT. Additionally, lower-middle-income countries are least equipped to benefit from technology due to the lack of skilled workers and sluggish download speeds.
Considering everything, it is clear that ChatGPT has a significant impact on education and the economy because it has changed the landscape of both fields. However, it also has its beaming downsides.
Will AI-generated content help us succeed, or will it be our downfall? Only time will tell.
Heat Stroke Prevention

The rise of environmental temperature has been a heated topic in the Philippines today as it is reported to cause heat stroke among its citizens. How can we prevent it?
DOH-ROIX supports Siocon District Hospital to Level 1
Road to Level 1!
Through a medical mission, the Department of
Health of Region IX (DOHROIX) expressed its support for the Siocon Local
Government Unit’s aim of bringing the Siocon District Hospital (SDH) status to Level 1 to augment the quality of services the hospital can offer, March 8.
According to Municipal Mayor Ceasar C. Soriano in an interview, the hospital of Siocon has always been an infirmary hospital, so it must advance to a Level 1 hospital to cater illnesses that only medical specialists can handle.
“We need to level up our hospital so that we could cater to more diseases, and we can treat patients who have gunshot wounds and other illnesses that medical specialists can only treat. And we don’t have to transfer anymore our patients to higher level hospitals. So, this is a significant event, and we hope that we can achieve what we want for the hospital, for the people of Siocon [sic],” said Mayor Ceasar Soriano.

OIC-Regional Director Dr. Joshua G. Brillantes and the Provincial Department of Health Office of Zamboanga del Norte (PDOHO-ZN) together with Siocon RHU conducted the half-day medical mission among the 2,811 residents of Siocon at the Dome Court of Poblacion, Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte.
Volunteer doctors from DOH-ROIX, PDOHO-ZN, and Siocon RHU offered free medical consultation and minor surgery to 2,781 patients including adults, children, babies, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities.
Dentists from the DOH, meanwhile, gave free tooth extraction and dental advises to a maximum of 30 patients.