Canonica Kevin portfolio

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My reccomandation come as the supervision of the academic researches of Mr. Canonica for specific courses during his master studies: Profile Search 2 / Master thesis preparation / Master Thesis in the Haute école d’ingenierie et d’architecture de Fribourg - Joint Master program. Mr. Canonica is a communicative person, able to interact pleasantly with others, sharing his own interest. He also proved to be a person with strong motivation and faith devoted to his personal researches. These personal qualities may benefit to his leadership’s skills. His degree of self-confidence is on a high level, allowing him to be openminded in temrs of questionning and sharing discussions with his professors and Co-workers. Mr. Canonica is an easy-going and pleasant person, curious and open to diversity of culture and international exchange. I therefore strongly recommend him. Dr. Eric Tilbury, Architect EPFL-Urbanplanner - Ph.D / Historian of Arts_Professor_Head of the Department of Architecture in the HESSO Fribourg.

Picture took from the city of Ichikawa during my year in exhange. This under-railway bridge was an important Project developped during my Master’s Thesis. (Fig. 1)

PERSONAL INTRODUCTION The problemathic of the abandoned building is a current point of the XXI century architecture. Many buildings, from smal to big scale, lost their primary function and their interest and waiting to a solution they are simpy abandoned. This is the case of an important symbol of the sud-est architecture: Dom Revolucije, in the cit of Niksic. This immense building result a typical subject of the Rem Koolhas’s theory about the “Bigness�. In other words, the main problem is that the building lost its relation and connection with the surrounding environment. At first I decide that was important to rehabilitate its identity and thinking about a urban strategy to invitate the residents to start reusing again this immense object. This strategy consist in the implantation of several small basic activities that can be a benefit for the community first and then be able to change the image of this building. Considering the less money budget I developped a concempt to introduce few elements that allow the progress of the different activities, in this case with some sliding walls that create different spaces. These elements contribute also to give a dynamic perspective of the building without spend too much money.

• 2014-2016

(1 year Exchange in Japan) Master of Arts Architecture Joint Master / Chiba University Fribourg (FR), Switzerland / Chiba, Japan • 2010-2011

(6 months)

Ruprecht SA Lugano (TI), Switzerland Engineer studio (Designer) References: Avalaible on request • 2011-2014

Bachelor of Arts Architecture Ecole d’ingénieurs et d’architectes Fribourg (FR), Switzerland • 2005

(3 months) Bruno Huber Architetti Lugano (TI), Switzerland Architects studio (Designer) References: Avalaible on request • 2007-2008

(6 months) Schiess ITI AG Zürich (ZH), Switzerland Architects and Engineer studio (Designer) References: Avalaible on request • 2005-2010

(6 months in Zürich) Federation Professional Degree Architectural and of Civil Engineering Designer School of arts and crafts Trevano (TI), Switzerland

Educational experience Working experience

Computer skills and competences • Windows and Machintosh environments. • Photoshop

• Vectorworks

• InDesign - Illustrator

• Google Sketchup

• Autocad

• Maxwell Render Studio

• Archicad

• Artlantis

Personal skills and competences • Italian

• German

• French

• English

• Japanese

• Spanish

Personal Key skill

Hobbies and interest

• Ambitious,

• Drawing,

motivated, patient, responsible, curious, precise, open-mind, flexible

photography, painting, writing, reading, travelling, learning new language, crafting objects, strolling in new places, playing different sports and fitness in the free time.


XL001 | UNDERAILWAY, ICHIKAWA Ichikawa turns out to be a city with a versatile character, when seen in a large scale, and at the same time stabilizes as it recedes to its center. The area has a multitude of different atmospheres and environments, creating an appreciative diversity in the spaces. However, there is a tendency to concentrate functions in certain places rather than «shuffle all», creating a likely better interactivity between people. Interactivity that, in fact, sometimes is lacking, as is explained in the diagnosis. This is because the urban structure appears to be the result of constant changes that has partially destroyed the core identity. It tends to suffer from its important transit location between the two large cities of Tokyo and Chiba. The transit created by the railway, westeast axis, the highway, the north-south axis, divide several times primarily into the residential town that houses most needs: unity and a solid position. And it is for this reason that it is food for thought: the reuse of these urban spaces crossing the city very «brutally». We must exploit them, not suffer from them! Once must find a way to use them. Evidently, Ichikawa remains an isolated case concerning its specific position, its personal history, its personal customs, etc. However it is able to answers the initial premise of the analysis in the decision to select this city as a «typical case» for a possible more general study of Japanese residential cities. It in fact presents a multitude of characteristic elements that have been decrypted during this analysis, an, in

the future, may be used for other similar cases of study, on changing the context. In conclusion, as with most Japanese cities, Ichikawa turns out to be full of surprises and possibilities, only what is needed is to find a way to benefit from these qualities that are often forgotten.

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)






The fish market has always been considered as an important element in the Japanese culture. In this case it is also connected to the tradition of the city of Ichikawa. This activity mainly present several technical spaces inside tha can provide a good running of the activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.

It offers a varied market choice as very present the market of antiques and used items. It can work with the sale of products from the activity of workshops and having a close collaboration with neighboring elementary schools and its activities. The activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.

The end of the market transition between «water and land» works in close collaboration with the next task: that of the Urban Garden. This market features local products created in activity blocks to private and/or by local residents. The activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.

An activity dedicated to teamwork and to the creation of a community through gardening and the production of some local products which can then later be sold. These spaces contain special lamps and containers capable of creating an optimal indoor plantation.

An activity dedicated to teamwork and to the creation of a community through gardening and the production of some local products which can then later be sold. These spaces contain special lamps and containers capable of creating an optimal indoor plantation.


Created by Jens Tärning from the Noun Project

This is a multifunctional space dedicated primarily to construction activities and Handcrafting. It can be rented by individuals, private, as a real store or just remain free for the community use. This active the space area in the front area, with moderate frequency, by proposing different exposures and events.

Project Plan 1:250 | Section

PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE This path is manly dedicated to the favorise the pedestrian circulation. Some road will still cross this path so then it will proposed an overpass in this few occasion to guarantee a safe circulation for the pedestrian.






It offers a varied market choice as very present the market of antiques and used items. It can work with the sale of products from the activity of workshops and having a close collaboration with neighboring elementary schools and its activities. The activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.

The end of the market transition between «water and land» works in close collaboration with the next task: that of the Urban Garden. This market features local products created in activity blocks to private and/or by local residents. The activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.




One of the characteristic elements of this composition is that it can be used as a sort of «urban furniture». In this case the shape invites and allows a theater and spectacles with the area connected to the surrounding garden created. The function of the building in the area can be redisegned to complete this activity.

Along the path it is possible to find several places for sitting and relaxing. This it will be created just with the shape’s deformation that allow to make a transition between the activity space to a simple bench.

Created by Jens Tärning from the Noun Project

The continuation of the previous bench in turn increasing the slope of the element by creating a comfortable space for everybody. It also provide a perspective to the next space.

The beginning part of the proposed path, start as an element at the ground level that gets up on punctual times to form a different set of benches and seats. It proposes the serpentine footprint-shaped that continues under the bridge directly from the station exit.

Project Project Plan Plan 1:250 1:250 || Plan Plan

The fish market has always been considered as an important element in the Japanese culture. In this case it is also connected to the tradition of the city of Ichikawa. This activity mainly present several technical spaces inside tha can provide a good running of the activity that is mainly composed by external street market tables as the typical market.

An activity dedicated to teamwork and to the creation of a community through gardening and the production of some local products which can then later be sold. These spaces contain special lamps and containers capable of creating an optimal indoor plantation.





Plan 1890 | Road

Plan 1921 | Railway

Plan 2000 | Complex

Diagram | Urban Poles

Diagram | Urban




Connected to the area dedicated to the Workshop, this activity is composed by the residents. Able to collaborate with schools, it provides a space dedicated to the handcrafting and the creation of objects that will be sold at the market. This space can be a place for classes and activity.

This is a multifunctional space dedicated primarily to construction activities and Handcrafting. It can be rented by individuals, private, as a real store or just remain free for the community use. This active the space area in the front area, with moderate frequency, by proposing different exposures and events.

In this final part of the transition path it has come to the cultural and artistic area, which will continue later in the park. This space is dedicated to painting, offering more bright spaces and rooms devoted to classes and painting workshops. It also activates the space in front of the exposure of the work performed, and other interesting events that increase the vitality of the neighborhood.




This path is manly dedicated to the favorise the pedestrian circulation. Some road will still cross this path so then it will proposed an overpass in this few occasion to guarantee a safe circulation for the pedestrian.

At the end of the path there is a large park composed by trees and benches and lawns where two blocks are positioned. They play the role of museums and the adjacent flexible spaces can be used for the organization of various events, mainly related to major Japanese festivals such as «Matsuri, Hanabi, etc». Due to the possible relationship to the Shinto Shrine nearby and the presence of the Japanese cherry trees, also called «Sakura».

Created by Luis Prado from the Noun Project

Created by Pham Thi Dieu Linh from the Noun Project

In the continuous composition of the transition elements, between the mainly selected activities, it is introduced in this space a stylish dining area such as «fast-food» in the Japanese classic way.

SERVICE Along this path it is still important to offer some kind of public services as WC, small kiosk and shops, etc.

SHOP A classic small shop that provides support to the surrounding activities and that it should have a wide range of generic objects for residents and tourists too, because this path can provide such a new type of sustainable tourism.



Connected to the area dedicated to the Workshop, this activity is composed by the residents. Able to collaborate with schools, it provides a space dedicated to the handcrafting and the creation of objects that will be sold at the market. This space can be a place for classes and activity.

In the transition between the station and the park it is possible to find. after the area dedicated to the show, another area that makes a vegetation area, by a small park and a building that in its deformation becomes a relaxation area where it is possible to linger to read and rest.

7 min 3 min

CHIBA 12 min


10 min




2 min



Diagram | Urban Transition

Diagram | Urban Connections



This path is manly dedicated to the favorise the pedestrian circulation. Some road will still cross this path so then it will proposed an overpass in this few occasion to guarantee a safe circulation for the pedestrian.

In connection with the school center near this space, it is dedicated to a different type activities and showing itself as a multifunctional space that can accommodate lectures and additional courses related to the school and as well as for adults.

Intensity. «low intesity become high intesity» (Darko Radovic. 2013). This sentence, drawn by the analysis in some districts of Tokyo, very clearly explains the urbanistic effect typical of the Japanese cities. Ichikawa also follows this typology. In fact, it is possible to notice two principal factors that compose the urban layer of the same city. Firstly, the buildings in the area close to the station have the tendency to develop in height and possess consistent dimensions in comparison to the following structures. It is possible to notice a progressive diminution of the urban form passing so that the next buildings to the station are in the residential zone. Subsequently, taking back the theory of Darko Radovic, the low urban intensity, in how much buildings and activity, hand a residential high-intensity in which the infrastructures are found in a compact city nucleus. In this case near the railroad the constructions possess a high density, positioning itself close to the others, forming the classical narrow roads «roji» mainly used by the pedestrians and by bicyclists; in how much not accessible to the automobiles. This intensity of residences proceeds to decrease extending itself on the territory of the city in this case, easily creating in turn a recognizable urban layer and structured in three principal situations, in which it is possible to find: the center city (composed by buildings of great dimension and the principal station) the buffer area and (composed by the secondary services) residential (composed by residences and parks).

(Fig.1) Section-elevation and Plan of the Project, showing the different activities presents along the path. (Fig.2) Diagrams showing the urban specifities and the Most important point of its architecture.




Concept Plan 1:1000 | Vertical Development

- Point of View - Pedestrian Passage - Cars Passage - Green Area

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Characteristic Points

the central station or the main axis n most cases, appear as areas of shopoods, from food to clothes, etc.Some ed here and there in the urban grid, ally defined as «strategic». The only ory are the public schools present north well equipped with fields for sport.

s, in residential areas where the intenfor people who live directly connected apanese culture tends to «appropriate» re is a strong link between the private of a drastic change in ownership, and nsition. This transition is often done nce halls, introducing the private space. kes the space more dynamic, thanks to at form the hollow space between the ces.

Concept Plan 1 Concept Plan 1:1000 | Curve Geometry

- Point o

- Pedes

- Cars P

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Vertical Development

- Green

- Point of View - Pedestrian Passage - Cars Passage

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Vertical Development

- Green Area

Concept Plan 1 - Point of View - Pedestrian Passage - Cars Passage - Green Area

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Characteristic Points







SHAPE DEVELOPMENT This Serpentine shape come from a deeply analysis that compare the result of the different previous diagrams. Three main shape appear and the composition between them create the final shape that can change from a high frequency line to a long radius circle that will correspond to the existing pillars structure.

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Vertical Development

- Point of View - Pedestrian Passage

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Vertical Development

- Cars Passage - Green Area

- Point of View - Pedestrian Passage - Cars Passage - Green Area

A city is a body in continuous change. After it is built, it is then lived in, what is of interest is that as the population lives, the city (as well as the populations’s perception) adapts. In Ichikawa along the route of the train, below its passage, some perceptions have already been effected. The important part is that these types of solutions come spontaneously, and do not have need for planners or devoted architects for the urbanism to be realised. It is not only the important factor of «the how, the when or the why» but simply the result of this reflection and continuous use of some spaces that spontaneously produce similar objects. It is possible to notice from the photo illustrated below that the railroad of Ichikawa, a great demand and need of nature spaces as it presents above all, a public service for the resident children of the city. This as a result of the actual situation that is scarce of public spaces, and above all, of green spaces the young people can enjoy in the open amongst nature. A second aspect, is visual. The railroad crosses in an imposing way through the city, maintaining a certain proximity with the residences and the adjacent buildings. For this reason the residences, leaning out of windows onto the crossover, would comparitavely prefer a sight more natural and more comforting with the actual sight of the parked automobiles or storage lots under the railroad. This factor is tightly linked to the culture and the habit possessed by the before mentioned «engawa».

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Characteristic Points

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Characteristic Points

(Fig.1) Project master plan and Shape concept for the developping of the Project. (Fig.2) Axonometry showing the different Elements that compose the architecture path.

Public spaces are mainly located around the central station or the main axis previously seen (pag. 69). These, however, in most cases, appear as areas of shopping: buying and selling various kinds of goods, from food to clothes, etc.Some spaces with different functions are scattered here and there in the urban grid, without owning a real location urbanistically defined as «strategic». The only elements of this that may fall into this category are the public schools present north and south of the central city. They are well equipped with fields for sport.

Public spaces are mainly located around the central station or the main axis

It is interesting to note, however, as the roads, in residential areas where the intensity is high, they can become a private space for people who live directly connected to it. As explained in previous chapters, the Japanese culture tends to «appropriate» public space close to their homes. Thus there is a strong link between the private and public ground, sometimes in the form of a drastic change in ownership, and sometimes with a natural and smooth transition. This transition is often done through the use of various «recess» or entrance halls, introducing the private space. It is interesting to note how this situation makes the space more dynamic, thanks to

(Fig.3) Conceptual diagrams about the «transition» between the station and the Park.

Concept Plan 1:1000 | Curve Geometry

space in the high density urban grid.

EXHIBITION ZONE - Public activities The area directly in front of the activity will be activate several times with some exhibition and exposition of the work produced or some simple current arts.

With the future of the urban increase in cities, the human being has often suffered various thematic consequences of: 40 m the health future of of the the general urban increase in cities, the human being has often suffered various thematic consequences of: hygiene, obstacles, limited space, noise With and the population. This event has also brought to a dimihygiene,asobstacles, limited space,and noise andalso the created health ofa the general population. This event has also brought to a diminution of the opportunitieses for pedestrianism to form the transport, it has difficulty in exchange nution opportunitieses forvisible pedestrianism as to formrather the transport, and itofhas also created a difficulty in exchange with the social and cultural aspects inside the of city.the These elements are in the great cities than in those withcommercial the social and aspects inside the city. Thesetoelements are visible small dimension. As the effort to expand areascultural destroys public spaces in order create privacies andin the great cities rather than in those of dimension. As the effort to ofexpand commercial destroys public make the area «more productive.» But small this happens in the beginnings development with areas the consequent will tospaces in order to create privacies and make the area «more productive.» But this happens in the beginnings development with the consequent will to restore, paradoxically, the space that for a long time has been overlooked and undervalued by big business. Andoffrom restore, for a and long environments time has beenwith overlooked and undervalued by big business. And from this moment, in the 21st century, society onceparadoxically, again reflectsthe andspace plansthat spaces the people’s 10 m thisto moment, 21stofcentury, society again reflects and the plans spaces and environments with the people’s needs in mind. The fundamental point is reflect to in thethe needs the people thatonce subsequently will use determimind.are Thethe fundamental reflect thethe needs theuses people ned services or structures. Because in needs the endin they people thatpoint use istheto city andtonot city ofthat thethat subsequently will use the determined services or structures. Because in the end they are the people that use the city and not the city that uses the people. Therefore a winning combination needs to be foundamong these two elements. Four elements have become people. Therefore a winning combination needscities. to be foundamong these two elements. Four elements have become fundamental in this field: lively, safe, sustainable and healthy fundamental in this field: lively, safe, sustainable and healthy cities.

800 cm

600 cm

400 cm 220 cm


30“ 120 cm 45 cm




40 m

10 m

800 cm

600 cm

400 cm 220 cm 120 cm 45 cm

Diagram | Curved Composition for the human scale Diagram | Curved Composition for the human scale


or the revitalisatial area is to




The composition of the project is based on the transition between the station and the park. The it result that this will be an important elemento, where, the building become a kind of terrace/belvedere on the roof and an open space at the ground floor that can be a multifunctional and museum space. The park goal is the improve the «green areas» in the city and give another «hot spot» for the residents and the community.

The composition of the project is based on the transition between the station and the park. The it result that this will be an important elemento, where, the building become a kind of terrace/belvedere on the roof and an open space at the ground floor that can be a multifunctional and museum space. The park goal is the improve the «green areas» in the city and give another «hot spot» for the residents and the community.

important point for the revitalisaOne of the principal concept An of the tion of the residential area is to project is to create a kinf of «urban improve furniture» that can be used with or the interaction between the people without activity inside. That can be by creating some new meejust a bench, a place to sit andting relax.point and proposing events. Those elements are specially Those defor- buildings are deformed to med and reach the ground tocreate allow such a scene same as the the people to use it as theytheather like. one. In the surrounding area will be created a small park to benefit Those are located in the «transition of this «free zone» to give some green zone» that are defined by the Master space in the high density urban grid. Plan, between one activity to another.




The activities is one of the main part of the project that complete the

The activities is one of the main part of the project that complete the

All long the path the priority is the safeness of the pedestrian circulation.



An important point for the revitalis tion of the residential area is improve the interaction between th people by creating some new me ting point and proposing event Those buildings are deformed create such a scene same as th theather one. In the surrounding are will be created a small park to bene of this «free zone» to give some gree space in the high density urban grid

EXHIBITIO The area directly in front of

parence and the permeability of the path under the railway.

Slab Walkability traitement 2cm Wood Protection Traitement 0.05 cm Simple wood structure 15-20 cm Facade Simple wood structure 15-20 cm Black Aluminium Window 5 cm Triple Glass

building’s shape.



- Private activities There is the possibility to have some small handmade / crafting shop, that can at the same time organize event for «teaching» to the people the art of handcrafting.

This area is dedicated to complete the «up and down» serpentine shape with the possibility to walk on the roof that become a terrace. This element will manly looking for a relation with the nearby green spaces to take benefit from them.

- Public activities Open space that can support different activities in different time. Able to change on depending by the current activities.

Basement Wood’s Floor 5 cm Concrete slab 15-20 cm

PARK PARK The composition of the project is based on the transition between the station and the park. The it result that this will be an important elemento, where, the building become a kind of terrace/belvedere on the roof and an open space at the ground floor that can be a multifunctional and museum space. The park goal is the improve the «green areas» in the city and give another «hot spot» for the residents and the community.


The composition of the project is based on the transition between the station and the park. The it result that this will be an important elemento, where, the building become a kind of terrace/belvedere on the roof and an open space at the ground floor that can be a multifunctional and museum space. The park goal is the improve the «green areas» in the city and give another «hot spot» for the residents and the community.

RELAX One of the principal concept of the project is to create a kinf of «urban furniture» that can be used with or without activity inside. That can be just a bench, a place to sit and relax. Those elements are specially deformed and reach the ground to allow the people to use it as they like. Those are located in the «transition zone» that are defined by the Master Plan, between one activity to another.

(Fig.1) Perspective showing the space under the railway and the PASSAGE relation of the Project with the surroundings.

ACTIVITY ACTIVITY The activities is one of the main part of the project that complete the building on giving to it a function, even if this one can be flexible. The building doesn’t create only the space inside to be used by the peopl but, it also provide some exhibition and exposition in front of the building. This come from the idea to keep the space as open as possible to keep the transparence and the permeability of the path under the railway.

The activities is one of the main part of the project that complete the building on giving to it a function, even if this one can be flexible. The building doesn’t create only the space inside to be used by the peopl but, it also provide some exhibition and exposition in front of the building. This come from the idea to keep the space as open as possible to keep the transparence and the permeability of the path under the railway.

EXHIBITION ZONE - Public activities The area directly in front of the activity will


All long the path the priority is the safeness of the pedestrian circulation. Some street become already closed for improving the free circulation of people and limitate the crossing by the cars. Only few strategical spot stay for that crossing, and that create some kind of footbridge to be able to walk in safety all long the path and experience the «up and down» of the building’s shape.

(Fig.2) Diagram showing the different kind of activities that will animate the space under the bridge.



- Private activities

This area is dedicated to complete the «up and down» serpentine shape with the

There is the possibility to have some small TERRACE ZONE

One of the principal c project is to create a furniture» that can be without activity inside. just a bench, a place to Those elements are s med and reach the gr the people to use it Those are located in zone» that are defined Plan, between one acti


All long the path the safeness of the pedestri Some street become a for improving the free people and limitate the the cars. Only few strateg for that crossing, and tha kind of footbridge to be in safety all long the pa rience the «up and d building’s shape.

(Fig.1-2) Rendering Images about the atmosphere under and outside of the bridge.

XL002 | dom revolucije niksic The problemathic of the abandoned building is a current point of the XXI century architecture. Many buildings, from smal to big scale, lost their primary function and their interest and waiting to a solution they are simpy abandoned. This is the case of an important symbol of the sud-est architecture: Dom Revolucije, in the cit of Niksic. This immense building result a typical subject of the Rem Koolhas’s theory about the “Bigness�. In other words, the main problem is that the building lost its relation and connection with the surrounding environment. At first I decide that was important to rehabilitate its identity and thinking about a urban strategy to invitate the residents to start reusing again this immense object. This strategy consist in the implantation of several small basic activities that can be a benefit for the community first and then be able to change the image of this building. Considering the less money budget I developped a concempt to introduce few elements that allow the progress of the different activities, in this case with some sliding walls that create different spaces. These elements contribute also to give a dynamic perspective of the building without spend too much money.

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)

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dificio i e



munità di spazi, perprire un luogo n un qualche «finire» nel ne. Le diverse tilizzatori degli accorgilizzati grazie ppato col paster cambiare ruzione e la parzialmente rsona. L’idea are la possibimare» questo el loro futuro.






L’utilizzo da parte della comunità di questo edificio e dei suoi spazi, permette soprattutto di riscoprire un luogo abbandonato; ma anche in un qualche modo di farlo evolvere e «finire» nel suo processo di costruzione. Le diverse associazioni e gruppi di utilizzatori potranno infine proporre degli accorgimenti per i propri spazi utilizzati grazie ad un loro sostegno sviluppato col passare del tempo. Così a poter cambiare l’immagine di questa costruzione e la rendere completamente o parzialmente accessibile a qualsiasi persona. L’idea è quella anche di poter dare la possibilità ai giovani di «transformare» questo monumento in qualcosa del loro futuro.

SMALL SCALE Forum Cultivation Projection Spectacle Urban training



r il mio bilità tività deciso rso la uella nale e arco i che funzio-

(Fig. 1) Urban plan showing the main pedestrian connection from the center to the building. I


(Fig.2) Main axis and circulation throught the building.


e della comunità di dei suoi spazi, perdi riscoprire un luogo a anche in un qualche lvere e «finire» nel costruzione. Le diverse uppi di utilizzatori roporre degli accorgispazi utilizzati grazie no sviluppato col pasCosì a poter cambiare esta costruzione e la amente o parzialmente lsiasi persona. L’idea poter dare la possibitransformare» questo ualcosa del loro futuro.


(Fig.3) Diagrams showing the developpment of the activities inside the existing building.


In questa situazione, che si può trovare frequentemente, gli spazi dedicati alle attività si sono aperti tramite le pareti mobili, per ingrandirsi sul passaggio. Trovo interessante l’idea di aprire le attività e veramente mischiare il tutto in una sola zona in cui tutti possono fare tutto.



(Fig.1) Axonometry drawing showing the circulation belong the activities and the connection with them. (Fig.2) Axonometry drawing showing the activities functions.

(Fig.1-2) Collage of pictures to show the atmosphere of the existing building.

L001 | COLLECTIF APARTMENTS An industrial quarter in the countryside of Losanne, in Switzerland, introduced a project of rehabilitation of this area to create a living zone with activities, shops and apartments. This was the Bachelor graduate project, where, each students had an area to build at least two buildings. To make this project the key word was “collaboration�. Was in fact an important point, discuss with the other students to plan an interesting and functional composition of buildings. I decided to propose two bars, considering my position in the middle of the designed area for the project, keeping a free space in the middle for a little park. During this project I study several times the work of Hans Koolhoff and Max Dudler, to find an interesting regular facade and working with the material, in my case with the composition of concrete and bricks. So this project has born as an urban project and finish with the detail plans with a deep study of the facade. An other important point of this building is the connection between the public function and the private apartments, and the goal to mixed them and create such an harmony between these two domains.

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)

Plan rez-de-chaussée| 1:200




Entrambe le costruzioni si sviluppano a partire da un pian terreno dedicato alle affettazioni pubbliche, che nel caso dell'immobile a Nord prende due piani con una terrazza. Questa prima parte è costruita su un'altezza importante quale 4.50 m per marcare il servizio pubblico

Data l'orientazione delle costruzioni ho optato per un due orientamenti differenti per quanto riguarda gli appartamenti. Nella barra a nord gli appartamenti si aprono nello spazio di soggiorno completamente a sud con una visuale sulla corte. Per quanto riguarda la barra a sud gli appartamenti sono traversanti.

La particolarità del mio lots è quella di creare una corte interna per l'insieme di immobili. Questa corte si presenta sotto una forma minerale nella quale la parce vegetale è integrata in vari baque che permettono alle persone di usarle come panchine. Ho voluto creare più terrazze e spazi verdi per animare la parcella.

Plan étage typ |Barre Nord| 1:200

Plan 1ère étage| 1:200

costruzioni ho optato per un due r quanto riguarda gli a nord gli appartamenti si aprono completamente a sud con una uanto riguarda la barra a sud gli nti.


| Canonica Kevin |


(Fig.1-2) Plans showing the ground floor with the public activities and the connection with the garden in the middle, and the first floor showing the apartments. (Fig.3) Diagrams public-private and the main circulation axis. TERRASSE et COUR La particolarità del mio lots è quella di creare una corte interna per l'insieme di immobili. Questa corte si presenta sotto una forma minerale nella quale la parce vegetale è integrata in vari baque che permettono alle persone di usarle come panchine. Ho voluto creare più terrazze e spazi verdi per animare la parcella.

Coupe transversale| 1:200

Faรงade Sud |cour| 1:200

Faรงade Nord| 1:200

Façade Sud |cour| 1:200

Façade Nord| 1:200

Façade Sud| 1:200


| Canonica Kevin |


(Fig.1-2) Section and main Facades. The development of those come from a study of Hans Koolhoff’s facades, and his works with the bricks.

Plan appartement |barre Nord| 1:33

Plan appartament|barre Sud| 1:33


| Canonica Kevin |


Composition du toiture: Terre végétale Lés de protection drainant Lés bicouches en bitume Isolation thermique Pare-vapeur Dalle béton Enduite intérieure

60 mm 40 mm 200 mm 200 mm 15 mm

Composition du sol: Chape ciment Isolation phonique 2 couches Dalle béton Enduite intérieur

60 mm 40 mm 200 mm 15 mm

Elements de façade: Cadre en béton prefa Caisson de store isolé Garde-corps en fer Cadre en bois

60 mm 40 mm +1.00 20 mm

Composition du mur: Brique TC grise Lame d'air Isolation thermique Brique TC Enduite intérieure

Coupe transversale |barre Nord| 1:33

120 40 160 150 15

mm mm mm mm mm

Façade |barre Nord| 1:33


| Canonica Kevin |


(Fig.1-2) Plan detail showing the apartments spaces and facades. (Fig.3-4) Section detail showing the work with the bricks and the facade expression.

All'i che è miner rifle compl un as parte L'ide framm all'i

Image render | Vue dĂŠpuis la cour


Perspective intérieure |barre Nord| 1:33

Composition du sol:

Composition du toiture: Terre végétale Lés de protection drainant Lés bicouches en bitume Isolation thermique Pare-vapeur Dalle béton Enduite intérieure

60 mm 40 mm 200 mm 200 mm 15 mm

Chape ciment Isolation phonique 2 couches Dalle béton Enduite intérieur

60 mm 40 mm 200 mm 15 mm

(Fig.1-2) Render and perspective images showing the extern and intern atmosphere of the building Project.

M001 | PUBLIC BATHS The culture of the hammam, mainly resides in the liberation of his/her own spirit in an introverted place and of healthy purification. Thinking about these cornerstone elements, and to the basic typology of planning of the same, I propose, here following, a project dug in the ground under the actual baths of the Motta, in Fribourg. It develops him in a sequence of place, one in line to the other, up to arrive to the river and the splendid cliff that it accompanies him. The whole “path� is composed from games of lights coming from different sources. Some times are set windows as horizontal strips that profit some difference of impending level. Others pick up the zenith light instead through of the windows set in the ceiling. Another point treated by the project is the retraining of the basin

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)

(FIg.1) Plan underground about the bath and is path to the river. (Fig.2) Section showing the path underground and under the actual public bath. (Fig.3) Concept sketches.

(FIg.1) Plan of the ground floor showing is relation with the surrounding existing baths. (Fig.2) Section showing the path underground and under the actual public bath.

(Fig.1) Rendering image (Fig.2) Construction section showing all kind of details.

(Fig.1-2) Rendering images to show the atmosphere with the surrounding environment.

M002 | ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The first of my project in Japan was about a “renovation” of existing elementary school in my country. So I choosed my elementary school in Pregassona, which have a solid structure who designed the main building very clearly. In consequence of my experience in japan I wanted to do a more free and open space that will contrast with the rigid existing structure. So I decided to incorporate this structure inside a glass barrier that will surround all the perimeter of the school. In this new space created many “transparent” activities will be held, such as: reading, painting, sleeping, and other,... The main concept was clearly the contrast between the solid existing and the transparent parasite that will attach to the building creating other spaces.

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015 Canonica Kevin (Architect HES-SO)

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 20 Canonica Kevin (Architect HES-S

Canonica Kevin Canonica (Architect Kevin HES-SO) (Architect HES-SO) Public Architecture Public Architecture Design Project Design - Spring Project 2015 - Spring 2015

ÂŤTRANSPARENT BLOCKSÂť I will introduce some function and new spaces with This transparent blocks.

multifonctional multifonctional / painting room / painting room

library / silence libraryroom / silence room

Last one are block empty with nature and tree, for transmetting the light inside the building. Are still accessible.

y,room,.. drawing room,.. es e room, like: cafe room, at plete will the complete the ple tainfonca simple foncain areblocks able are able

ansparent blocks. blocks. d ces new with spaces with me roduce func-some func-

Painting room

Library room

Intern garden indoor garden / green room

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015 Canonica Kevin (Architect HES-SO) Canonica Kevin (Architect HES-SO) Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015

multifonctional / exhibition room

relax / sleep room

(FIg.1) Plan of the renovation Project showing the ground floor with the «open class» activities.

around this block. After occupate the contain some mate«container». These ond type of blocks

ansparent blocks. d new spaces with oduce some func-


(Fig.2) Facade and section showing the renovation attaching the existing building. Exhibition space

Sleeping room

(Fig.3) Activities room typology.

(Fig.1-2) Rendering images to show the atmosphere with the surrounding environment.

S001 | PUBLIC FACILITIES The second project during my japan exchange was also related to the existing school, but this time was a complementary building that will be placed near the school. An interesting ideology during my studies was the one to relate the young people to the old people. This can happen when the two activities will be held in the same building. That was the main goal of this project, to find a way to connect these two worlds. So I decide to thing strategically and I planned to do different kind of spaces: private, semi private and public. This to implement the flexibility of the building, conceding the privacy when needed and the open space when must be the connection between old and young people. With a circulation core in the middle that work as a transition between these two worlds I projected a building that be able to face to every kind of situation, even with is rigid structure though.


Nell’attuale zona che ho scelto per la mia costruzione, è presente un vecchio edificio che ha sempre servito da «casa» per i bambini del quartiere ospitando svariate attività: da giornate di lettura di libri, alle attività con il gruppo dei genitori. Per questo motivo ho deciso di dar l’immagine di una casa al mio edificio. Una nuova casa che ospiterà tre diverse attività che saranno legate tra loro da un corpo centrale di servizi e circolazione. Queste attività andranno a complementare le scuole elementari esistenti giusto accanto, creando così una forte relazione tra gli utilizzatori di entrambe le strutture.

THEATHER La composizione di più elementi definisce l’insieme della mia costruzione formando così un complesso di diversi

CRAFTING La composizione di più elementi definisce l’insieme della mia costruzione formando così un complesso di diversi

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015 Canonica Kevin (Architect HES-SO)

Planar shape of the building showing it singularity concerning the surrounding space (Fig.1)

Hall 30 m2 Open-space 70 m2

Waiting room 30 m2

WC/H 5 m2

Stockage 5 m2

Service 6 m2

WC/H 5 m2

Stockage 4 m2

Theather 70 m2 Reception 10 m2 Massage 8 m2

Massage 8 m2

Exercice room 42 m2

Changing 4 m2

Shower 3 m2

Changing 4 m2

Shower 3 m2

Changing 4 m2

Shower 3 m2

Stockage 12 m2

WC 8 m2

Exercice pool 20 m2

Common space 65 m2

Relax 20 m2

Grou peop


Nell’attuale zona che ho scelto per la mia costruzione, è presente un vecchio edificio che ha sempre servito da «casa» per i bambini del quartiere ospitando svariate attività: da giornate di lettura di libri, alle attività con il gruppo dei genitori. Per questo motivo ho deciso di dar l’immagine di una casa al mio edificio. Una nuova casa che ospiterà tre diverse attività che saranno legate tra loro da un corpo centrale di servizi e circolazione. Queste attività andranno a complementare le scuole elementari esistenti giusto accanto, creando così una forte relazione tra gli utilizzatori di entrambe le strutture.


Public Arc

Nell’attuale zona che ho scelto per la mia costruzione, è presente un vecchio edificio che ha sempre servito da «casa» per i bambini del quartiere ospitando svariate attività: da giornate di lettura di libri, alle attività con il gruppo dei genitori. Per questo motivo ho deciso di dar l’immagine di una casa al mio edificio. Una nuova casa che ospiterà tre diverse attività che saranno legate tra loro da un corpo centrale di servizi e circolazione. Queste attività andranno a complementare le scuole elementari esistenti giusto accanto, creando così una forte relazione tra gli utilizzatori di entrambe le strutture.

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015

Transversal section Transversal section

Longitudinal section Longitudinal section ZOONING / CIRCULATION

Nell’attuale zona che ho scelto per la mia costruzione, è presente un vecchio edificio che ha sempre servito da «casa» per i bambini del quartiere ospitando svariate attività: da giornate di lettura di libri, alle attività con il gruppo dei genitori. Per questo motivo ho deciso di dar l’immagine di una casa al mio edificio. Una nuova casa che ospiterà tre diverse attività che saranno legate tra loro da un corpo centrale di servizi e circolazione. Queste attività andranno a complementare le scuole elementari esistenti giusto accanto, creando così una forte relazione tra gli utilizzatori di entrambe le strutture.

(Fig.1) Plan ground floor with the connection with the street and the school’s Park. (Fig.2) Section of the building showing the circulation core in the middle. (Fig.3) Conceptual and strategical diagrams of the Project.

Public Architecture Design Project - Spring 2015

Public Architec C

Public A

(Fig.1-2) Rendering images to show the geometric Shape work of the building.

(Fig.1-2) Rendering-conceptual images to show the circulation core of the building without any material texture.

Via Vedò 15 6963 Pregassona (TI) Switzerland Swiss 04.12.1991 0041765835131

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