Survey Accidents in School
Introduction The survey took place in the 5th Primary School of Alexandroupolis - Greece from the pupils of the St 3 for the eTwinning project "Math is all around us - A Math Magazine" and the cause was a chapter in one of the books for the Greek Language subject with the name "Accidents“. This was the first time a such big survey took place in our school covering almost the whole student community. For the survey needs 310 questionnaires had printed in order to be completed from the pupils of the first five grades. For the survey to be completed, pupils of the class, worked for almost 8 hours, integrating the whole work in several school subject such us Math of course, Greek Language, Social and Political education etc.
Procedure Description Step 1: Pupils in teams proposed, presented and agreed for the necessary questions in order the survey to cover as much is possible all the types of school accidents. (1 hour) Step 2: Pupils with the questionnaire went in the classrooms to collect the data. (1 Hour) Step 3: Pupils worked out with the questionnaires in order to reach the numerical data about their survey.(1-2 hour) Step 4: Pupils presented their findings, made hypotheses about them and tried to explain those findings taking into consideration data such as, pupils' age, behavior in the school and in the break time etc., integrating that way the subject of the social and political education in the survey.(1 hour) Step 5: Pupils created infographic about their findings (1 hour) Step 6: Pupils created reports with their findings ( 1hour) Step 7: Pupils created the aggregated report for the survey ( 1 hour)
Tools used for the Survey In order the survey to be completed the following tools and worksheets were used: 1. Questionnaires 2. Class results worksheets 3. Class report worksheets 4. Aggregated results worksheet 5. Aggregated report worksheet
01. QUESTIONNAIRE The final questionnaire is result of collaborative work so much of the members of the teams as much as between the teams. The cause for this survey was a unit from the book of the Greek Language which is referred to children's accidents. So , in that hour, pupils prepared the questionnaire. The momentum of the curriculum was favorable as the same time we were talking about accidents and health care system in the subject of Social and Political Education and about percentages in Math.
02. Class results worksheet To fill out this worksheet pages, pupils had to apply what they learn about percentages using the acquired knowledge from the relative chapters in math. Each team filled out its own worksheet relative to one of the school grades.
03. Class report worksheet To complete this report worksheet pupils had worked in teams and to recall what they learnt in the subject of the Greek Language about descriptions, about how to give logical explanations, how to propose actions and in the Social and Political education to try to find the reasons for the behavior of the other pupils in school , measures to be taken for the accidents avoidance etc. Each team filled out its own worksheet relative to one of the school grades.
04. AGGREGATED results worksheet To complete this worksheet pupils formed a team with members from the original teams in order to agree and export the final math data about the accidents in our school.
05. AGGREGATED report worksheet To complete this worksheet the same team with members from the original teams worked in order to agree and export the final report about the accidents in our school.