biography audiobooks : Feed the Beast: Pints, pies, poles and a belly full of goals | Biography and Memoir
biography audiobook s : Fe e d the Be as t: Pints , pie s , pole s and a be lly f ull of goals | Biography and Me moir
biography audiobooks : Feed the Beast: Pints, pies, poles and a belly full of goals | Biography and Memoir With 19 spells at various clubs in the Football League, Jon Parkin has cut an instantly recognisable figure in English football for the past 20 years. At 6'4 and weighing in as one of football's heavyweights, Parkin has played more than 600 games during his time with Barnsley, Hartlepool, York, Macclesfield Town, Hull City, Stoke City, Preston, Cardiff, Doncaster, Huddersfield, Scunthorpe, Fleetwood, Forest Green, Newport County and back to York where he is currently top scorer. This is his no-holds barred life story.
biography audiobooks : Feed the Beast: Pints, pies, poles and a belly full of goals | Biography and Memoir
Written By: Jon Parkin, David Clayton. Narrated By: Jonathan Keeble Publisher: Whole Story QUEST Date: January 2019 Duration: 5 hours 28 minutes
biography audiobooks : Feed the Beast: Pints, pies, poles and a belly full of goals | Biography and Memoir
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