4.1.2 UNIVERSITY FLEET Another source of Scope 1 emissions is fuel usage by the University Fleet. This category includes all fuel used and financed by the University for campus-wide transportation and select off-campus ground transportation. Fuel in this category is used by Facilities Management, Dining, Logistics, Real Estate, campus shuttles, Athletics, and other university-owned vehicles; it does not include chartered bus service. Pitt uses three (3) tracking systems for its fleet fuel use: 1) Guttman Oil tracking is used for fuel purchased strictly on Pitt’s Pittsburgh campus; 2) Voyager tracking includes additional University of Pittsburgh purchased fuel, including both the Pittsburgh campus and regional campuses; and 3) Fuelman tracking which includes fuel purchased by Pitt for shuttle buses. In the Voyager system, it is difficult to accurately extract Pittsburgh campus-related fuel purchases because not all purchases have identification corresponding to a campus or a department. However, a combination of credit card numbers and “fill up” addresses was used to identify fuel purchases by Pittsburgh campus personnel, which were allocated to this inventory. This FY19 University Fleet process mirrors the records and analysis performed in FY14 and FY17, but varies from those of the FY08 and FY11 inventories. Guttman Oil weekly fuel reports were available for all of FY19, with minor adjustments required as weekly reports did not align precisely with the Fiscal Year calendar. Voyager and Fuelman reports are generated monthly and were available for all FY19 months. The Guttman, Voyager, and Fuelman reports identify the purchased fuel to be either regular gasoline or diesel, which is consistent across all inventories. For appropriate vehicles, Pitt uses blended biodiesel instead of pure, petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel can be mixed with petroleum diesel to create different blends suitable for different vehicle engines and performance. Pure biodiesel is labeled as B100; a mix of 5% biodiesel and 95% petroleum diesel is labeled as a B5 mix. Although different grades of biodiesel are currently available in the market, only two biodiesel mixtures exist in Pittsburgh: B5 or B100. A B5 blend was assumed to be used by the University Fleet. Based on data provided by Pitt’s Office of Parking, Transportation, and Services, Pitt’s FY19 vehicle fleet consisted of 281 vehicles total, of which 233 were Pittsburgh campus vehicles and 48 were regional campus vehicles, see Table 6. The total estimated FY19 fuel use was 157,400 gallons of gasoline; 994 gallons of biodiesel; and 60,626 gallons of diesel, translating into total GHG emissions of 1,992 MT CO2e (0.81% of total GHG emissions). This included estimated fuel reported from:
Fuelman of 35,481 gallons of gasoline; Guttman Oil of 48,706 gallons of gasoline and 994 gallons of biodiesel; Voyager of 121,919 gallons of gasoline and 11,920 gallons of diesel.
Between FY17 to FY19, total gasoline consumption increased approximately 28,000 gallons (1.6 times FY17), while combined bio/diesel usage increased by 38,570 gallons (nearly 22%). The FY19 fuel use increase is primarily attributed to the inclusion of shuttle fuel usage, which was not previously included. Additionally, more accurate records and a slight increase in the size of the fleet contributed to increases.