12 minute read
1:45 p.m
The Swanson School of Engineering would like to recognize and thank all the panelists for their participation in this event. Their efforts were essential to the success of the conference.
Naomi Anderson Jared Andes Nick Andes Robert Boback Josh Ciampini Elizabeth Cook Justin Cooke Dan Domalik Anna Dzuricky Ashley Egan Brian Egan Mikayla Ferchaw David Gau Cailyn Hall Mark Jeffrey Jeff Kelly Jonathan Kenneson Kerry McCarthy Leon Mirson Stephen Moy Garrett Ott Caterina Pagano Zach Ramsey Taylor Shippling Lorenzo Soletti Catrina Vargo Matthew Voycik Adam Walkowiak Sossena Wood
The Swanson School of Engineering would also like to recognize and thank the conference co-chairs for their participation in this event; their efforts were essential to the success of the conference. Each co-chair meet with the students in their session every week to help prepare the students for the conference.
Alyssa Aguglia Katie Betz Jacob Bussieres Niketh Charpanjeri Anaya Espadas Cecilia Espadas Dalia Fantini Henry Gise Kaela Guest Cameron Hagg William Hsin Bailey Jones Robin Kaufman Rachel Lau Eileen Li Joseph Madill Erin Marshall Elizabeth Niemi Sarah Oldenburg Pablo Salazar Lizzie Seward John Simonelli Ashlinn Sweeney Kaitlyn Wintruba
The Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences Department of English faculty teaching with the English/First-Year Engineering Writing Program are essential to the First-Year Engineering Conference. These writing instructors create the assignments that guide students through the conference paper process, read and evaluate all conference papers, and provide support to students throughout the writing process. Beth Newborg, Director Laura Brown Daniel Frayer-Griggs Dan McMillan Renee Prymus, Assistant Janine Carlock Nora Fussner Rachel McTernan Director Michael Cornelius Deborah Galle Johanna Murphy
Keely Bowers Barbara Edelman Nancy Koerbel Katy Rank Lev Amanda Brant Liberty Ferda Tyler McAndrew Emelyn Smith-Ferris
Engineering Library
Judy Brink, Head Bevier Engineering Library Thanks also to the University of Pittsburgh Writing Center. Writing center consultants assist many first-year engineering students throughout spring and fall semesters.
“I think of the need for more wisdom in the world, to deal with the knowledge that we have. At one time we had wisdom, but little knowledge. Now we have a great deal of knowledge, but do we have enough wisdom to deal with that knowledge? I define wisdom as the capacity to make retrospective judgments prospectively.” 1 – Jonas Salk
What is “sustainability?” The ground-breaking 1987 Brundtland Report, prepared for the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development (UNCE), defines it as “satisfying the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 2 The UNCE has continued to update the particulars and goals of the 1987 declaration, particularly in the area of specific action “…giving further emphasis to practical solutions that can be implemented on the ground. Also the identification of key problem areas has become more specific and the conclusions more action-oriented.” 3 The 2012 Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development defines sustainability this way: “Sustainable development emphasizes a holistic, equitable and far-sighted approach to decision-making at all levels. It emphasizes not just strong economic performance but intragenerational and intergenerational equity. It rests on integration and a balanced consideration of social, economic and environmental goals and objectives in both public and private decision-making.” 4
Engineers seek to alter the environment and shape it in ways that will serve the various needs of society. While our lives today can attest to the success of engineers’ endeavors, these endeavors have not been without cost. Oftentimes, the alteration of the environment – whether purposeful or unintentional – has led to undesirable consequences. In the past several decades, engineers acting ethically and in the public interest have become acutely aware of the consequences of their actions on the environment. This awareness and the growing public demand for attending to short and long term consequences of engineering innovations and actions has led to various legislative and regulatory actions attempting to minimize the adverse consequences of engineering and technology on our society and our environment. Unfortunately, many of these measures – for example, the “no net loss” of wetlands policy or the industrial restrictions placed on various parts of the U.S. classified as air pollution “non-attainment” regions, can be seen as having a negative impact on growth, development, innovation, and global competition. A situation such as the wetlands use regulation poses a seeming contradiction between “sustainability” of a natural environment and “sustainability” of certain kinds of innovation and development.
In recent years, however, responsible development has been increasingly emphasized (and increasingly required, if a project is to be funded and completed). Engineers recognize that development and responsibility for sustainable processes and outcomes – whether of a fuel cell to power vehicles or of an ocular prosthesis or of a 3D printer for industrial applications – are necessary and that neither development nor sustainability need be sacrificed for the other.
A growing movement recognizes that sustainable processes and outcomes can and must co-exist with development and must be planned for accordingly. Under the general umbrella of “sustainability,” this movement encompasses various concepts
and nomenclature. “Sustainable development;” “green engineering;” “environmentally conscious manufacturing;” “profits, people, and planet;” and “minimization are some of the terms that have recently entered the engineering lexicon and that describe the move towards “sustainability.” However, each of these terms can mean different things to different people; thus, when discussing and making decisions about “sustainability,” responsible description and action requires clarity and specificity. Whether constructing a new highway, designing a new product, or improving a manufacturing process, responsibly defining “sustainability” and responsibly, consistently acting on those definitions issues are at the forefront of challenges today’s engineers face. A responsible, ethical engineer will always be aware of issues of “sustainability” when developing a system, process, or product. With the addition of discussion on “sustainability” in your revised Conference Paper, you demonstrate your awareness of how particular definitions and aspects of sustainability must be considered within the context and outcomes of your topic. Through your discussion of “sustainability,” you enhance your readers’ understanding of how engineers involved in the developments, systems, innovations, products, and/or outcomes associated with your topic must balance social, environmental, and economic needs and pressures.
1. J. Salk. (2015.7.24.). “Interview, May 16, 1991.” Academy of Achievement. p. 8.
Available: http://www.achievement.org/achiever/jonas-salk-m-d/ http://www.achievement.org/achiever/jonas-salk-m-d/ 2. G. H. Bruntland. (3.20.1987).Chapter 2. Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development.
Available: http://www.un-documents.net/ocf-02.htm 3. K. Bärlund. Sustainable development - concept and action. UNECE Annual Report 2004-2005.
Available: http://www.unece.org/oes/nutshell/2004-2005/focus_sustainable_development.html 4. Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
Available: https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/sustainable/taking-responsibility.html
Session Name
C10 Adams, Riley C9 Adesina, Adekunmi C4 Adjin-Tettey, Tamera B6 Ahmad Ali, Haajar C6 Alkanaan, Farrah B1 Allen, Braedon C11 Almuallim, Zainab C5 Alston, Ryan C1 Altschaffl, Maggie C1 Ameye, Harrison C13 Amoafo, Mychal C9 Amobi, Kenechukwu C8 Andoh, Andrew C5 Andrews, Thomas A1 Annambhotla, Krishna B4 Ansell, Jonah C13 Aristanto, Ethan B4 Armitage, Kase A4 Asay, Dmitrijus C9 Atiegha, Karina C7 Avans, Lily B3 Baker, Justin B5 Barcos, Marina C6 Barnes, Michael C4 Basile, Derick B1 Beatty, Christopher C9 Beckham, Kailee C10 Belback, Jonah C13 Belch, Matt B5 Bender, Riley C1 Bennett, Sharon B1 Bernhard, Mikayla C13 Betancur, Lukas B6 Bibbo, Ezekiel A4 Bindas, Tyler C13 Bindas, Kristin A4 Bishop, Luke A3 Blackledge, Will A6 Blank, Tyler B5 Blau, Zyler A6 Boccabella, Owen C7 Bonifacic, Kate C2 Borger, Sarah A4 Boring, Colton B1 Bostich, Jennie A5 Bouyer, Kiana C12 Bracken, Matthew C13 Brancaccio, Matt C13 Brelvi, Khalid B6 Broscious, Jared C12 Brubaker, Christopher B6 Brunswick, Allison A2 Brusse, Ian A3 Buchanan, Bridget B1 Buck, Cara C9 Buda, Sophia C3 Bunce, Matthew C6 Burdsall, Camden C6 Burkholder, Amanda A4 Burnette, Matthew B4 Busch, Jack B5 Busche, Brooke A5 Buttles, John B6 Calub, Alfredo C8 Capell, Logan C13 Carnovale, Jack A2 Carr, Benjamin C4 Carroll, Aidan B6 Carson, Luca C11 Casey, Colin B1 Cassara, Michael C2 Catalano, Christopher C2 Catanzaro, Sophie C6 Chamberlain, Jessica C13 Chango, Timothy C13 Chengshi, Chris C1 Chiusano, Victoria C1 Choudhary, Urmi C10 Chouteau, Henry B4 Chow, Raymond B2 Clapp, Lauren B1 Cocco, Adriana B2 Collina, Chad C7 Colucci, Kaitlyn B4 Cooper, Camryn B3 Cortes, Andre C2 Creech, Diana A4 Crigler, Matthew B1 Cullen, Grace B1 Curry, Matthew C13 Curtis, Patti C11 Custer, Silas B3 daCruz, Rachel C11 D’Angelo, Emily C13 Daoud, Andrew B2 Das, Shreyo A2 Dave, Avi B2 Davidson, Andrew B6 Davis, Aidan A6 Deffenbaugh, Drew C12 Degore, Zachary A2 Demko, Alexander B6 DeSando, Jillian B3 DeWeese, Jordan C10 Dexter, Noah A1 Didomenico, Amanda C6 Dodge, Olivia A4 Dombach, Kayla A1 Dominick, Cameron C9 Donghia, Anton C4 Duffitt, Lauren C6 Durrwachter, Kyle C2 Dymkowski, Flynn C6 Dziamko-Chuhaj, Alina B6 Eckenrod, Samantha C9 Ehlman, Jesse A5 Ekoh, Nnenna C3 Ellis, Abigail B5 Engelhardt, Kurt C11 Enya, Rohatgi B5 Eppinger, Derek C6 Erebor, Fiona C4 Evans, Nathaniel C11 Farabaugh, Allen A5 Feddock, Hayden A3 Fenton, Mark C4 Ferraioli, Austin C13 Finley, Luke A1 Fiorentino, Vincent A6 Flaugh, Owen C8 Foster, Kaleb C13 French, Noah A3 Fuller, Alexandra C2 Gallagher-Teske, Thomas B3 Garger, Alan C3 Garthwait, Jared A3 Gastan, Chase B1 Geary, Abbey C7 Gecoa, Zackery A3 Geffen, Logan B3 Gendron, Avery B2 Gerhart, Abigail B6 Gesell, Julia B2 Ghosh, Rohan B4 Gilmore-Cronin, Ian B3 Glatz, Logan C13 Gonsalves, Ralph A2 Gorham, Jacob B6 Gorshe, Stephen C6 Gourash, Matthew C5 Grady, Brennan C9 Gravgaard, Emma B5 Grela, Marissa C6 Griffith, Cameron C13 Guduru, Arun C10 Gutensohn, Sebastian C7 Halton, Emmet C10 Hamilton, Luke B6 Hancq, Dominic C2 Harper, Tess C4 Hausler, Justin B2 He, Dana
Session Name Session Name
Session Name
B5 Head, Jason B5 Hein, Simeona B2 Hennessey Rose, Devin C1 Henninger, Martina C3 Herbst, Sam C8 Hernandez, Juan A1 Hershner, Drew A5 Higgins, Jake B3 Hill, Anthony B5 Himes, Dylan A6 Hoang, Andrew C3 Hoffecker, Alyssa C13 Hofmeister, Mark C9 Hohner, Owen C9 Horning, Jacob A1 Hornstein, Macy C3 Howald, Ann Marie C11 Huang, Jerry B1 Huebner, Madde A4 Huntington, Charles (Rie) C8 Hutsko, Tyler C8 Huwe, Logan A2 Iannetti, Aidan A2 Ibata-Arens, Elizabeth C6 Imbrogno, Andrew B2 Ittyachen, Luke B4 Jackson, Nicole A2 Jackson, Vincent C7 Jacob-Dolan, Xavier C13 Jacobs, Peter A5 Jafarah, Hassan C1 Jalboot, Rebecca C6 Jensen, Alec C6 Johnson, Peter B3 Jones, Ella C13 Jordan, Nathan B3 Joseph, Susie A1 Juhasz, Kristelle B3 Junaidi, Julian C5 Junqueira, Felipe C1 Katherine, Jon C5 Kauffman, Rylan B6 Kay, George A6 Keczmer, Madison C8 Kefalos, Christopher C1 Kendricks, Kayla A1 Kerstetter, Jacob C10 Kesavan, Aditya A3 Khot, Rhea A3 Killenbec, Elizabeth C3 Kim, Mikayla C5 Kinneer, Jared B3 Klamut, John B5 Kline, Christian C13 Klinger, Cara A5 Kneller, Jessica B5 Knepp, Carter C8 Knight, Owen B3 Knoll, Austin C3 Koehler, Laurel C3 Konigsberg, Evan B5 Kort, Adam C9 Kowalski, Liam C3 Kuehnle, Jason C13 Kulkarni, Rutuja C4 Kullback, Braden C13 Kumar, Hansini C10 Kumta, Aniket C5 Kwon, Eugene C9 Lagasse, Adrien C11 Lane, Richard A6 Langella, Jonah A6 Laug, Brede C6 Lear, Mackenzee C1 LeClaire, Katherine C2 Lee, Amanda C11 Lee, Taylor C12 Lehrman, Ryan C1 Leopold, Evan C4 Lettieri, Matthew B2 Li, Tingchen A4 Lichstein, Noah C4 Lin, Aimee C10 Lin, Benjamin C13 Linares Mendoza, Alison C3 Lipa, Katelyn C12 Lippold, Nick A1 Loladze, Alexander C2 Lopez, Alexandra C2 Lott, Emily C11 Love, Jeremy C2 Lovensheimer, Chloe C13 Luk, Chris B4 Mahsoob, Samuel A4 Makowicz, Noah B5 Maksin, Mia C13 Malc, Howard C5 Malfara, Joseph B3 Malik, Briana C12 Maluf, Nadim B4 Maniet, Rachel C12 Mannino, Isabella C9 Maraska, Alec C9 Marchese, Matthew A4 Mariotti, Ezekiel (Zeke) C11 Marissa, Santoro C12 Markman, Layla B1 Marsalko , Logan C12 Martin, Styles C7 Martino, Joseph A2 Marwah, Arartik C3 Matheis, Sean C9 Mattis, Jacob A1 Mayer-Costa, Tomas A5 Mays, Andrew C13 Maytin, Hallie B6 Mazziotti, Sofia C13 McCarthy, Sean B2 McColgan, Ryan B4 McDonald, Nicholas C11 McGovern, Katelyn A1 McIntyre, Mackenzie C7 McLinden, Luke B3 McLinden, Ryan C1 Melegari, Liam B3 Melloy, Grace C8 Midlik, Austin A4 Mignogna, Elias A5 Miller, Abby A6 Milot, Brian A5 Mischler, Eva A1 Mitchell, Evan A1 Mnich, Samantha A2 Morales-Viveros, Fernanda A1 Morato, Sarai A2 Morrison, John C7 Moul, Claudette C12 Muckelroy, William C8 Mueller, Addison A6 Mulcahy, Christopher A3 Munyofu, Nalima A6 Murphy, Dylan C6 Murray, Raymond C7 Musto, Ryan C9 Myer, Aidan C11 Namasivayam, Saipriya C8 Namyotov, Catherine C4 Natter, Lily B6 Nauman, Gabriel C13 Nebolisa, Ikenna A4 Ngo, Stacey C10 Nguyen, Andre B2 Niznik, Matthew C11 Noah, Joshua B1 Noble, Gabrielle C9 Noel, Edwin C3 Norcross, Kyle C8 Nye, Micah B6 O’Connell, Hannah A3 Odeniyi, Fiyinfoluwa A3 Okere, Nicole A6 Oliva, Oscar
Session Name Session Name
Session Name
C5 Oliveira, Juliana C4 Oswald, John B1 Pacich, Jenna A6 Painter, Ryan B4 Pampena, Angelina B5 Panousis, George C10 Parkerson, James B1 Parks, Hannah B4 Pascarella, Anna C1 Patel, Shail B4 Patterson, Bryce C13 Pelinescu, Alexandru B6 Pereira Araujo, Maria C6 Petterson, Kimberly B2 Pezzillo, Michael B2 Pfoutz, Cain C10 Pho, Nicholas C13 Pinto, Josh C8 Piper, Daniel C12 Pitts, Evelyn C9 Pizzutillo, Pocket C13 Planter, Daphne C7 Ploskina, Emily C10 Poe, Ethan B5 Poorbaugh, Marissa A3 Popovski, Gabriella C7 Potash, Charlie A1 Pottieger, James C8 Prenatt , Adam C6 Provance, Jayden C11 Punya, Bhasin A4 Rabeneck, Jordan C1 Ramanathan, Rekha A5 Ramos, Abigail C7 Randolph, Anna C2 Ravi, Mahima A3 Recker, Ryan C1 Redding, Nathanial C5 Reddish, Dylan C3 Reddy, Nikita B6 Reddy, Anudeep C13 Reifler, Ky C3 Rendall, Jacob A2 Reto, Joshua C4 Riggins, Colin C13 Rinehart, Jonna A5 Ritz, Lucas A2 Roberts, Mark C4 Rock, Edwin C13 Rodic, Aleksa B1 Rodriguez, Camilo B3 Rodriguez, Jonathan B3 Rogish, Jenna C3 Romeo, Giuliana C1 Roselli, Julia B3 Rosenberg, Bryan C2 Ruffner, Caymus C4 Rush, Killian C5 Sabol, Will C5 Sadej, Brittany B5 Salgado, Gabriel C5 Sandone, Anthony A6 Savko, Jonathan B4 Scaglione, Vincent B1 Scarton, Emma A5 Schachner, Nathan C12 Scheflen, Andre C13 Schmitt, Kara C5 Schmitt, Pedro C13 Schoenberger, Rayna C4 Schwanke, Eric B6 Schweikert, Julian C9 Scolieri, Joseph C11 Scott, Danielle A4 Sedlar, Adele C5 Seo, Aiden A6 Serna, Daniel A6 Sewall, Charles A3 Shaner, Ian A3 Sharp, Gabriella C10 Shulman, Ethan B4 Silva, Gabriel C7 Sim, Colin A2 Situ, David C7 Smith, Abigail A4 Smith, Kyle A3 Smith, Steven C12 Smith, Tate A6 Smith, Zebulon B3 Snyder, Grant C11 Sofia, Lusvardi C12 Spann, George A1 Spatz, Emma C9 Stawarz, Seth C8 Stein, Emma C7 Steltz, Alexander B2 Stofesky, Nathaniel B2 Streeter, Evan A5 Subick, Stacia A3 Subramanian, Ajeet C13 Suplick, Emilea C2 Suppes, Jacob C3 Sutton, Jenna A5 Talty, Francis C5 Taverna, Vincent B3 Taylor, Nolan C10 Tettis, Gregory C8 Thatcher, Felicity C5 Theophanous, Andrew C5 Tobey, Dylan C4 Tocheny, John C7 Toran, Logan C12 Toto, Piper C2 Trexler, Allyson B1 Tsoukalas, Steven C6 Umbell, Paige C13 Unik, Ethan C10 Valerio, Nico C4 Vongrej, Katrina C2 Vricella-Stokes, Kevin B2 Vu, Alyssa C12 Walker, Hayden A2 Walker, Maggie C8 Walter, Kathryn C13 Wang, Aaron C2 Wang, Ruiqi A5 Wargo, Caeden C3 Wasielewski, Jakub B4 Waymer, Savannah C5 Werner, Anthony C12 Werner, Julianna C10 White, Anthony B4 Whiteside, Drew C13 Whitney, Sean B2 Wiener, Aron C6 Wilkinson, Christopher C5 Williams, Matthew C1 Wilson, Gabrielle C1 Wilson, Shelby A2 Wiseman, Tyler A5 Witmer, Heather C11 Wodon, Cameron A5 Wojton, Will A6 Wolf, Parker A1 Wu, Jasmine A6 Yackovich, Luke C6 Yi, John C13 York, Bronco A6 Young, Alexander C8 Zalnasky , Darius C13 Zhang, Alisa A1 Zhang, Kyle B5 Zipfel, Jason A3 Zito, Alyssa B6 Zubey, Sean
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