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Journal Articles
Macneill, A.J., Hopf, H.W., Khanuja, A., Alizamar, S., Bilec, M.M., Eckelman, M.J., Hernandez, L., McGain, F., Simonsen, K.A., Thiel, C.L., Young, S.B., Lagasse, R., Sherman, J.D. (2020). “A Call for Medical Device Industry Transformation: Toward a Circular Economy.” Health Affairs, 39(12). https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.01118
Rickenbacker, H.J., Vaden, J.M., Bilec, M.M.* (2020). “Engaging communities in air pollution research: Investigating the effects of indoor air quality and the built environment on quality of life.” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 26(4):04020041. https:// DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000439
Mohammadiziazi, R., Bilec, M.M.* (2020). “Application of machine learning for predicting building energy use at different temporal and spatial resolution under climate change in U.S.” Buildings, 2020, 10, 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings10080139
Gardner, H.M, Hasik, V., Banawi, A., Olinzock, M., Bilec, M.M.* (2020). “Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment of a Living Building.” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 26(4):04020039. https:// 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.19435568.0000436
Sherman, J., Thiel, C.L., MacNeill, A., Eckelman, M.J., Dubrow, R., Hopf, H., Lagasse, R., Biaolowitz, J., Costello, A., McGain, F., Stancliffe, R., Anastas, P., Anderko, L., Baratz, M., Barna, S., Bhatnagar, U., Cai, G., CasselsBrown, A., Cimprich, A.F., Cole, H., Coronado-Garcia, L., Duane, B., Grisotto, G., Hartwell, A., Kumar, V., Kurth, A., Leapman, M., Morris, D., Overcash, M., Parvatker, A., Pecheon, D., Pollard, A., Robaire, B., Rockne, K., Sadler, B., Schenk, B., Sethi, B., Sethi, T., Sussman, S., Thompson, J., Twomey, J.M., Vermund, S., Vukelich, D., Washim, N., Wilson, D., Youngs, S., Zimmerman, J., Bilec, M.M.* (2020). “The Green Print: Agenda for the Advancement of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare.” Resources, Conservation and Recovery, Volume 161, October 2020, 104882. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104882
Rickenbacker, H.J., Collinge, W.O., Hasik, V., Ciranni, A., Smith, I., Colao, P., Sharrard, A.L., Bilec, M.M.* (2020). “Development of a Standardized Protocol and Data-Driven Survey Instrument for Indoor Air Quality Assessments in Energy Conservation Districts.” Sustainable Cities and Society, 52(2020) 101831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101831
Akinbade, Y., Nettleship, I., Papadopoulos, C. and Harries, K.A. (2020) Modelling full-culm bamboo as a naturally varying functionally graded material, Wood Science and Technology, 107, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00226-02001246-6
Gauss, C., Kadivar, M., Harries, K.A., and Savastano, H. (2020) Chemical modification of D. asper bamboo with citric acid: effects on the physical-chemical, mechanical and thermal properties, Journal of Cleaner Production https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123871
Leng, Y., Xu, Q., Harries, K.A., Chen, L., Liu, K. and Chen, X. (2020) Experimental study on mechanical properties of laminated bamboo beam-to-column connections, Engineering Structures, 210, 110305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110305
Gauss, C., Harries, K.A., Kadivar, M., Akinbade, Y. and Savastano, H. (2020) Quality assessment and mechanical characterization of P. edulis bamboo treated with CCB and DOT, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78(2), 257-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-020-01508-x
Akinbade, Y., Harries, K.A., Sharma, B., Nettleship, I. and Ramage, M. (2020) Variation of through-culm wall morphology in P. edulis bamboo strips used in glue-laminated bamboo beams, Construction and Building Materials, 232, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117248
Ben Alon, L. Loftness, V., Harries, K.A., and Cochran Hameen, E. (2020) Integrating Earthen Building Materials and Methods into Mainstream Construction, Journal of Green Building, 15(1), 87-106. https://doi.org/10.3992/19434618.15.1.87
Rivero, J.R.*; Panagakos, G.; Lieber, A.*; Hornbostel, K (2020). Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactors for PostCombustion Carbon Capture: A Review of Modeling Approaches. MEMBRANES, 10, 382. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes10120382

A. Popovski, E. Gzesh, F. Xiong, R. Kerestes, “Integration of COMSOL Multiphysics into an Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE 2021, Long Beach, CA (accepted)
B. Fox, S. Helbig, D. Penizotto, T. Veurink, B. Grainger, R. Kerestes, “Resilience in the Home Office Through A Scaled-Down Microgrid”, ASEE 2021, Long Beach, CA (accepted)
Nocco MA, BM McGill, C MacDonough MacKenzie, RK Tonietto, J Dudney, MC Bletz, T Young, and SE Kuebbing. 2021. Mentorship, equity, and research productivity: lessons from a pandemic. Biological Conservation 255:108966.
Kuebbing, SE. How direct and indirect nonnative interactions can promote plant invasions, lead to invasional meltdown, and inform management decisions. 2020. D Richardson and A Traveset (Eds.) in Plant Invasions: the Role of Biotic Interactions. CABI Press.
McDonough MacKenzie, C, T Chang, M Nocco, R Barak, M Bletz, S Kuebbing, and M Dombeck. 2020. Recurrent neural network reveals overwhelming sentiment against 2017 review of U.S. monuments from humans and bots. Conservation Letters 13:e12747.
Reeb RA*, I Acevedo**, JM Heberling, B Isaac, and SE Kuebbing. 2020. Nonnative old-field species inhabit earlyseason phenological niches and exhibit unique sensitivity to climate. Ecosphere 8:e03217. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.3217
Stuble, KA, L Bennion and SE Kuebbing. In Press. Plant phenological responses to experimental warming. Global Change Biology.
Holmes MA, LD Bennion, J Whitacre, and SE Kuebbing. In Press. Land-use history and abiotic gradients drive abundance of non-native shrubs in Appalachian second-growth forests with histories of mining, agriculture, and logging. Forest Ecology and Management.
Anderson SC, PR Elsen, BB Hughes, RK Tonietto, MC Bletz, DA Gill, MA Holgerson, SE Kuebbing, C McDonough MacKenzie, MH Meek, D Veríssimo. 2021. Trends in ecology and conservation over eight decades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Ward EB*, DA Doroski*, AJ Felson, RA Hallett, EE Oldfield, SE Kuebbing, and M Bradford. In Press. Positive longterm impacts of restoration on soils in an experimental urban forest. Ecological Applications. DOI:https//doi.org/10.1002/eap.2336.
Lapp, S., Wu, T., Richards-Zawacki, C., Voyles, J., Rodriguez, K.M., & Kitzes, J. in press. Automated detection of frog calls and choruses by pulse repetition rate. Conservation Biology.
Z. Zhou, Z. Xu, B. Li, G. Wang, and P. W. Leu, “Identification of efficient active sites in nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction reaction,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, February 2020. Available: Https://Pubs.Acs.Org/Doi/10.1021/ Acs.Jpcc.9b11090
S. Haghanifar, M. McCourt, B. Cheng, J.Wuenschell, P. Ohodnicki, and P.W. Leu, “Discovering high-performance broadband and broad angle antireflection surfaces by machine learning,” Optica, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 784–789, Jul 2020. Available: http://www.osapublishing. org/optica/abstract.cfm?URI=optica-7-7-784
S. Haghanifar, A. J. Galante, and P. W. Leu, “Challenges and Prospects of Bio-Inspired and Multifunctional Transparent Substrates and Barrier Layers for Optoelectronics,” ACS Nano, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 16 241–16 265, Dec. 2020, publisher: American
Woodson Hobbs, Rogers Kaliisa, Kamila Misiejuk, Melanie Peffer, David V.P. Sanchez, Jennifer Scianna, Mamta Shah, Hamideh Talafian, Karl Vachuska, Yeyu Wang, Sukie Wang, and Monique Woodard, Challenges and Solutions to Examining Twitter Data: Reflections from QE-COVID19 Data Challenge ICQE February 2021

Kotchey, G.P., Chouinard, C.P., Sanchez, D.V.P., Nanobubble Collapse for ROS generation using dynamic stimuli American Chemical Society August 2020.
Mahboobin, A., Sanchez, D.V.P., Incorporating Sustainability into a Bioethics Course American Society of Engineering Education Montreal QC June 2020.
Zhou J, Kotchey GP, Sanchez DVP, Hong SH (2020). Integrating bisphenol A degradation function into Shewanella oneidensis. 2020 AIChE annual meeting: San Francisco, CA (changed to virtual).
Zhou, J., Fang, K., Kotchey, G.P., Sanchez, D.V.P., Hong, S.H. Characterizing biofilm formation of Escherichia Coli and Shewanella Oneidensis On Different Carbon-foam Electrodes American Society of Microbiology Conference Chicago IL March 2020.
Chouinard, C., Klonicki, E., Kotchey, G.P., Fang, K. Hong, S.K., Sanchez, D.V.P., Graphene Nanoplatelets in Bioelectrochemical Systems 2020 Borchardt Conference Ann Arbor MI February 2020
Johnson, C., Sanchez, D.V.P., Identifying the Capability of Real-time Water Quality Sensor Networks Borchardt Conference Ann Arbor MI February 2020
H. Chi, M.T. Curnan, M. Li, C.M. Andolina, W.A. Saidi, G. Veser*, and J. C. Yang*, “In situ Environmental TEM Observation of Two-stage Shrinking of Cu2O Islands on Cu(100) Support during Methanol Reduction”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020) 2738–2742.
H. Mantripragada* and G. Veser*, “Chemical Looping Partial Oxidation of Methane for Co-production of Syngas and Electricity: Process Modeling and Systems Analysis”, Energy Technol. 8 (2020) 1900580. M. Li, M. Curnan, H. Chi, S. House, W. Saidi, G. Veser, and J. Yang, “The Effect of Orientation on Cu2O Reduction Under Methanol Observed by in Situ ETEM”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 26 (2020), 668-669.
Z. M. Schulte, Y. H. Kwon, Y. Han, C. Liu, L. Li, Y. Yang, A. G. Jarvi, S. Saxena, G. Veser, J. K. Johnson, and N.L Rosi, “H2/CO2 separations in multicomponent metal-adeninate MOFs with multiple chemically distinct pore environments”, Chem. Sci. 11 (2020) 12807-12815.
Zhao, Yunhao, Kun Li, Matthew Gargani, and Wei Xiong. "A comparative analysis of Inconel 718 made by additive manufacturing and suction casting: Microstructure evolution in homogenization." Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020): 101404.
Zhao, Yunhao, Noah Sargent, Kun Li, and Wei Xiong. "A new high-throughput method using additive manufacturing for alloy design and heat treatment optimization." Materialia 13 (2020): 100835.
Sridar, Soumya, Yunhao Zhao, and Wei Xiong. "Phase Transformations During Homogenization of Inconel 718 Alloy Fabricated by Suction Casting and Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A CALPHAD Case Study Evaluating Different Homogenization Models." Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 42, no. 1 (2021): 28-41.
Sridar, Soumya, Yunhao Zhao, and Wei Xiong. "Cyclic re-austenitization of copper-bearing high-strength low-alloy steels fabricated by laser powder bed fusion." Materials Characterization 166 (2020): 110437.
Sridar, Soumya, Yunhao Zhao, Kun Li, Xin Wang, and Wei Xiong. "Post-heat treatment design for high-strength low-alloy steels processed by laser powder bed fusion." Materials Science and Engineering: A 788 (2020): 139531.