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You must accept and conquer our drive to DESTINY! But while driving, you will encounter ROAD BLOCKS that may delay your travel. This is inevitable but should not stop you from reaching your goal. For this exercise imagine you are driving on your road to destiny. Your challenge is to avoid as many road blocks as possible, allowing you to continue on your road to your destiny. As you drive through each statement, check the box for “Yes, I agree” and give yourself 5 points = if there is no issue and you agree. Check “Flat tire” and give yourself 3 points = if you have some issue. Check “Total breakdown” and give yourself 1 point = if you’re stuck and can’t move forward. Total your points at the bottom to gauge how well you are currently driving. Be as honest as you can to assess where you are. Ready? Let’s hit the road!
ROAD BLOCK – MY THOUGHTS My thoughts are pure. I’m not confused, anxious, confounded or worried when I think. I never have trouble focusing. Track your points. I agree! = 5 pts, Flat tire = 3pts, Total breakdown 1pt
ROAD BLOCK ROAD BLOCK – MY TRANSPARENCY I’m very transparent and honest with myself, and anyone else about the level I’m on, and where I want to go.

Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK – MY MOUTH/WORDS I don’t speak negatively regarding myself, my current situation or my hope for the future.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY RELATIONSHIPS I healthy relationships. I have friends who support, challenge and stretch me. I have healthy family relationships.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY ANCHOR I am firmly anchored to a value system that keeps me stable, so I’m not lost. I don’t struggle with who, or what I should abide align myself with.

Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY IDENTITY I’m comfortable with who I am. I know who I am here to serve. Social media posts, magazine covers or various messages from the media will not change how I feel about me.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY PERCEPTIONS I have a healthy perception of life, my values, my truth, my self-worth, the world and my community. I know where I am destined to be.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY FUTURE I feel really good about what the future holds. My future is so bright I’ve got to wear shades, put the sunshade down and wear a lot of sunscreen!
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY DISTRACTION I am able to focus when I need to. I don’t spin my wheels. I plan and get things done.

Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY MOTIVES I have sincere motives. I will not attempt to achieve at the expense of others. My desire is to serve people, not harm.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!t
ROAD BLOCK - MY IMMERSION I have read articles, watched videos, read books, conducted interviews, talked to people, or visited places that are on my road to destiny.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY ENEMIES I don’t have enemies. I just have people who push me forward. If I have someone who dislikes me, I get over it and move on. No clapback strategy here!
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY PRIDE I don’t think I’m better or greater than anyone, nor do I think anyone is greater or better than me. I appreciate where I am and where I come from.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY INTEGRITY I have strong moral principles and operate in honesty and incorruptibility. Integrity keeps me humble and I operate with the utmost care and concern for my work and life.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY ENVIRONMENT I put myself in environments that help develop the person I want to be. I stay away from toxic, non-productive, ungrateful types of atmospheres.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY FUTURE I feel really good about what the future holds. My future is so bright I’ve got to wear shades, put down the sunshade and wear a lot of sunscreen!
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY FORGIVENESS If I have unforgiveness, in any area, I attempt to resolve it quickly. I realize grudges and holding on to past hurts only hurt me in the end.

Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK – MY CONFIDENCE I have confidence in the way I look, my abilities, my intelligence and my capabilities. I believe I can accomplish anything.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY PHYSICAL BODY I am comfortable with where I am physically. I eat reasonably well. I am at an ideal weight. I maintain an active lifestyle and I feel great!
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
PIT -STOP - MY PARASITES I’m not an enabler. I don’t have people in my life who constantly suck me dry. I have healthy relationships.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK - MY FEAR I don’t fear my future, my success or my failures. If I do fear, I find a way to move through the fear, so it does not paralyze me.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
ROAD BLOCK – MY STRATEGY I have a plan and system for accomplishing my goals. I have a clear path to success.
Yes, I agree! I can drive right by!
Flat tire! I have some issues with this.
Total breakdown. I’m totally stuck!
Total Pts.
How was your driving?

71-100 - You’re driving really well and will reach your destiny in no time. 55 - 70 - A few hiccups along the way, but you are still moving along well. 31 - 54 - ROAD BLOCKs and flat tires are slowing you down. 20 - 30 - You struggle to get moving. Let’s work to get you back on the road.