Embed YouTube Videos Into eBay Listings
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Embed YouTube Videos Into eBay Listings
Introduction In this guide we'll show you a quick and easy way to embed a YouTube video into your eBay listings. It only takes a few seconds to do and can significantly increase the number of bids you get for the item you are selling.
Unfortunately, YouTube has changed the video embed code and now only gives you the iframe code. The problem is eBay will NOT take iframe codes in the listing.
However, eBay still lets you include YouTube videos, but you have to use the right code for the video to work. In this guide we'll show you where to find the code and how to include it in your eBay listings.
So lets get started...
First we'll use an example of us selling our BMW car and we want to include a video in our eBay listings.
This will be our video from YouTube we want to put in our eBay listing.
Embed YouTube Videos Into eBay Listings
Scroll down below the video in YouTube and you'll see the “Share” arrow, and then you'll see the “Embed” button.
Click on the “Embed” button and you'll see this window..
This is the iframe video code that YouTube gives you, but remember eBay will NOT let you embed iframe codes in there listing...
Embed YouTube Videos Into eBay Listings
So we need another way to get the code...
To do this all we need is the videos main Video Identifier Code.
Embed YouTube Videos Into eBay Listings