202 1 S PO RT DR IV E
4 TH GENERATION THE SP O RT DRIV E S YS T E M , the battery and the middle motor, defined the ideal shape of the frame that we built around the drive unit. The symbiosis of the Sport Drive system with a user-friendly geometry, technology and aesthetics of the frame - this is the result of the creativity of Dutch designers and Czech cycling specialists in Kopřivnice, that can only be achieved by true e-bike lovers. SP O RT D RIV E 4 TH GEN E R AT IO N now offers a reconfigured drive unit that satisfies even the most demanding needs of the rider. The novelty is a fully integrated battery with a middle motor in a unique design that meets the water resistance standard. The SD system can therefore be tested in the strictest conditions. What you can also appreciate is colorful display including the possibility of USB port. Another appreciable element is also the possibility of coding the bike, which guarantees its safety.