1 minute read
from Early Summer 2023
by pk-magazine
Possum Kingdom Lake Association
Continued from page 32: planned, the association aired concerns that the lake’s water levels might be adversely affected Through negotiation, a settlementwasreachedtominimizethenegativeimpacts
The association also has assisted community members in times ofemergency In2011,thePKLakeareawasravagedbywildfire, with more than 100,000 acres scorched. The association played a valuable role in securing donations of much-needed tools and equipment,aswellasfoodandwaterforthefirefightingcrews. At the association’s upcoming annual meeting on Saturday, June 10, the association’s members will address major issues affectingtheentirecommunity,including:
Concerns about a permit recently issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the city of Abilene to dump effluent from its water treatment plant back into the Cedar Creek area of Possum Kingdom Lake. The effluent containssaltandsomesuspendedsolidsleftoverfromthewater treatment process The association’s members are concerned that this area of the lake may not consistently have adequate stream flows to properly dilute the incoming effluent, which coulddamagetothelocalecosystem.
The reduction of the number of lake rangers assigned to patrol Possum Kingdom. These law enforcement professionals are employed by the BRA and tasked with providing a safe environment on the lake According to the association, the number of lake rangers has been reduced from as many as 15 down to two Although the BRA has turned much of the lake patrolling over to the Palo Pinto County Sheriff’s Department, association members worry that safety on the lake might suffer withouttherangers’experienceandlocalknowledge.
Discussions by the BRA regarding the topic of turning authority of the local Possum Kingdom Airport over to Palo Pinto County. Some residents are concerned about how the airport will be properlymaintained
·Plans for the installation of a solar farm in the area. Upon its completion, the farm could be appraised for billions of dollars, leaving some area residents fretting about a possible major increaseinlocalpropertytaxvalues
Through the dedicated work of its membership, the Possum Kingdom Lake Association has provided a voice for the local community while helping to protect the lake itself Those interested in becoming a member of the association can attend its annual meeting June 10 at the Possum Kingdom Chamber of Commerce.
Formoreinformation,visitthewebsitewww.pklakeassn.orgor theassociation’sFacebookpageat: https://www.facebook.com/pklakeassociation.