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Local coach recounts his brush with fame and football legend Mike Leach

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Born To Cook

Matt Williams, a local coach at Mineral Wells High School, hasanincrediblestorytotellabouthis“15minutesoffame” – and it’s tied to legendary football coach Mike Leach, who passed away in December from complications related to a heartcondition

Leach, the quirky football coach at Texas Tech University from 2000 to 2009, was the offensive genius behind the famous “Air Raid” offense, which once was considered a gimmick but now is used in high schools, colleges and even theNFL LeachwasthewinningestcoachatTexasTech,and his offenses led the nation almost every year he coached there

Williams,whotransferredtoTexasTechfromTarletonState University in 2008 to be closer to family and attend the sameschoolhisbrotherwasattending, literallycameoutof the stands to become a football star for Leach’s Red Raiders.

DuringthethirdRedRaidersfootballgameofthatseason, Williamsenteredhisnameintoakickingcontesttowinfree rentforayearfromthelocalLynnwoodTownhomes Allhe hadtodowasmakea30-yardfieldgoalinfrontof50,000 people

Thecontestantsinthesepromotionsdon’talwayssucceed, butwhatthecontestorganizersdidn’tknowisthatWilliams had been a kicker at Weatherford High School, and for a brieftimehewasthekickerforTarleton’sfootballsquad.His namewasselectedintherandomdrawingforthecontest, andonhiswaydowntothefieldWilliamssawsomeoldhigh schoolfriendssittingbehindthegoalpost

“Beready,”hetoldthem “I’mgoingtokickitrighttoyou”

Leach and his team were on the sidelines at the end of the third quarter when Williams sent his kick right down the middleoftheuprights,withthecrowdgoingwild.

As Williams was walking up the tunnel to return to his seat during the fourth quarter, he was calling his mom, who was in the stands that night, when a student-trainer walked up tohimandsaid,“Leachwouldliketotalktoyou”

Williams was allowed to hang around the sidelines for the remainder of the game, and with about five minutes left in thefourthquarter,Leachapproachedhimandasked,“Have youdonethatbefore?”

Williams told Leach about his high school experience and his brief stint as a kicker at Tarleton, and his answer didn’t seemtosurprisethelegendaryfootballcoach.

“You looked comfortable,” he told Williams "Come by my officeMondayandlet’stalk”

News crews surrounded Williams later to ask what Leach said

In hindsight, Williams said, that was one of the most Mike Leachthingsever.

ThatfollowingMonday,Williamsmetwiththespecialteams coach The Red Raiders kickers had been struggling that year, and Leach needed some insurance. On his way by Leach’soffice,theheadcoachtoldWilliamstogetchanged because the team members were lifting weights that day. Williamswasescortedtotheweightroom,whereheworked withthestrengthandconditioningcoach.

Williams said he had lifted weights before, but nothing like that,andbytheendofthesessionhewasdeadtired Ashe sat in the locker room, not believing what was happening, hesaidseveralplayerscameuptoask,"AreyouOK?"

Williamsspentthenextfourweekstrainingwhilewaitingto get approval from the NCAA to play – and it just so happened that NCAA rules prohibited him from taking the freerentfromthecontest

Texas Tech had a talented kicker with a strong leg in that 2008 season, but that kicker was struggling to convert his extra-point attempts. In his first game as a Red Raider, Williams made nine extra-point attempts in a win over Kansas and was named the AT&T ESPN All-America Player oftheWeek

Texas Tech had a magical year in 2008, including a 39-33 win over Big 12 conference rival Texas, which was ranked No 1 when the two teams played in Lubbock that year The Red Raiders were ranked No. 6 at the time, and Williams made all his extra points that night – and two of three field goals, too. (The third one was blocked.) To this day, many Red Raiders fans consider that game as the greatest in TexasTechhistory.

Story continues on page 36

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