How To Win The Game Of Finding A New Job

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Your New World Of Career Choices

How To Win At The Game Of Finding A New “Job”

©Copyright 2011 – Paul Kaliher, SMS Design, Inc.

What’s It All About Alfie? How to get the right start to this new phase of your life Your career choices, along with their advantages and disadvantages Consider the option of starting your own part time or full time business The steps necessary for success in winning the “find a new job” game, or the “start your own business” game

Getting a good start

Now is the time to reevaluate what you want to do with the rest of your life Identify your Core Desires (What do you really want?)

Identify your strengths (What are you really good at?)

Move forward decisively (Take massive action in the right direction)

Your Career Choices

What Are Your Options: Find a new job similar to your old job Find a new job that is very different than your old job Buy a new job Buy a franchise Buy some other business

Start your own business Retire or work part time if you can afford it

Your Career Choices

One Option To Always Consider My personal opinion: At least half of all job seekers should be starting and building their own business (yes…you too), even when they get a new job (start a business part time on the side) But, don’t “jump off a cliff” and abandon your job search efforts to start your business. You probably need income right now, and you may not get enough income fast enough with any new business of your own.

More about this later

Your Career Choices

Next, Let’s Look At Each Of Your Options Separately: Find a new job similar to your old job Find a new job that is very different than your old job Buy a new job Buy a franchise Buy some other business Start your own business Retire or work part time if you can afford it

Your Career Choices

Find a new job similar to your old job May be the fastest way to a new job You will need: A great resume with specific quantifiable results from your previous job(s) Good cover letters Active networking Active use of all other job seeking tools Targeted mailing campaign Getting past the gatekeepers Good interviewing skills

Your Career Choices

Find a new job similar to your old job Advantages Least resistance from inside yourself and from the world Easier transition from old job to new job May be the fastest way to a new job

Disadvantages You’ll still be “working for the man” You may be jumping into another job that you won’t like any better than your last job (that’s OK if you really liked your old job) You could be laid off or fired again tomorrow It takes just as much effort as starting some businesses for yourself

Your Career Choices

Find a new job that is very different from your old job Try this if you hated your old job. If you loved your previous job, and you did it well, don’t necessarily try this approach. You will need: A in-depth reevaluation of what you want to do and what you are good at A restructured resume that focuses on skills, experience and quantifiable results in the new area you want to get a job in Perhaps a “position proposal” that includes a description of the job you really want, and a proposal that you be the one to fill that job Everything else listed on the previous slide

Your Career Choices

Find a new job that is very different from your old job Advantages You may be happier in a new job that is a better fit with your core desires Forces you to evaluate what you really want to do

Disadvantages You’ll still be “working for the man� More resistance from inside yourself and from the world You could be laid off or fired again tomorrow It takes just as much effort as starting some businesses for yourself

Your Career Choices

Buy a new job Buy a franchise Invest in a franchise and set up your franchised business Buy an existing franchised business that is up for sale

Your Career Choices

Buy a new job: Buy a franchise Advantages

A business of your own that could build equity You’ll be your own boss Business model may already be proven so you have a better chance of success You have significant tax advantages compared to a traditional job

Disadvantages Major investment ($10,000 to $1,000,000+) May take a lot longer than finding a job May be working longer hours and for less money than at a job May have to pay a portion of your profits to the franchisor Your products or services may decline in popularity People problems

Your Career Choices

Buy a new job Buy a business Manufacturing Retail Service Distributor On-line

Your Career Choices

Buy a new job: Buy a business Advantages A business of your own that could build equity You’ll be your own boss You have significant tax advantages compared to a traditional job

Disadvantages Major investment (typically 1 to 10 X sales or 2 to 8 X profits) Could take a long time Changes in the market could cause the business to fail You may end up working longer hours and for less pay than at a job People problems

Your Career Choices

Start your own business Manufacturing Retail Service Distributor Become a consultant On-line Home Based: There is a PERFECT™ Home Based Business

Your Career Choices

Start your own business Advantages A business of your own that could build equity You could do something you really love You’ll be your own boss You could set it up so you have more freedom You’ll know your business, market, and customers well You will have significant tax advantages compared to a traditional job

Disadvantages Initially may require more time and effort than a job would require Some businesses may require a large investment

There Is A P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Home Based Business P: Profitable E: Easy R: Real F: Fits Your Desired Lifestyle E: E-Friendly T: Testable at low cost and low risk Find out more at:

Your Career Choices

Retire or work part time if you can afford it Income from all sources must be enough for you to live the way you want until the end of your life

Part time work Your own part time or full time business Withdrawal from savings, investment accounts, or retirement accounts Pensions Social Security Inheritance Win the lottery ď Š

Your Career Choices

Retire or work part time if you can afford it Advantages More freedom to do what you want, when you want Choose to work at something you really like (or volunteer) You could start your own business with less pressure

Disadvantages You may outlive your money You may have a lower standard of living than before retirement Circumstances could change and you may have to go back to work later when it is harder to get a job

Success Steps

How to win at the game of finding a new “job” Identify your core desires List your core desires and how you will know you have achieved them (Set your direction) Create your emotion laden reason why you want that and how you will feel when you achieve it Identify your strengths Make a decision about your career choice and direction that maximizes use of your strengths and accomplishment of your core desires Identify steps, actions, tools needed Write a 90 day action plan Take massive action and never quit Have a relationship with God through Jesus Mark 8:36… "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Deut. 8:17-18a … “You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But, remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.

What Was This All About Alfie? Described how to get the right start to this new phase of your life by identifying your core desires and strengths Discussed your career choices, along with their advantages and disadvantages Emphasized that you should consider the option of starting your own part time or full time business on the side Outlined the steps necessary for success in wining the “find a new job” game, or the “start your own business” game

What’s Next? Make it your full time job to get that next good job Or, visit

©Copyright 2011 – Paul Kaliher, SMS Design, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

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