How To Discover, Start, And Succeed In Your PERFECT Home Based Business

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How To Discover, Start, And Succeed In Your PERFECT™ Home Based Business

By Paul Kaliher, The PERFECT™ Home Based Business Guy

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Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


How To Discover, Start, And Succeed In Your PERFECT™ Home Based Business By Paul Kaliher, The PERFECT™ Home Based Business Guy “Helping You Live Richly Doing What You Love From Home With Your Own Home Based Business”

Disclaimer: It’s a fact of life that every book, e-book, or special report like this one, needs a disclaimer up front. I need to say that no matter how interested or excited you are about starting your own home business, you won’t be successful just by reading this report. You must act on what you learn in this report and from other sources. Nothing happens without action. But, even with your action, I can’t say you will earn any money at all. Then again, you might be phenomenally successful. Whatever success you have will depend on your skills and abilities, work ethic, focus, and persistence. However, I do believe you will be better off by reading this report than if you hadn’t read it. And, if you choose to follow along with me as I build PERFECT™ home businesses to make money in various niches, you will be even better off. A good place to start after you read this report would be at my blog: This report and any resources I mention in it, or links included in it, are given to you for your information and for you to use as a reference only. Though I am familiar with all the resources and links mentioned in this report, and have used some of them, I’m not implying recommendation or endorsement of any resources or links. Nor do I imply or guarantee any results or profits by your use of any resource or link. Whether you use them or not, and how you use them, is up to you and I have no liability for your use. Any activity related to starting and building a business has risk of loss. This report is not a legal or financial guide. Consult with your lawyer or accountant for legal or financial advice.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


About the Author

This is me after one of the last weddings I photographed…Happy to be through with wedding photography and looking forward to starting and building my own PERFECT™ home based business. So, why should you listen to me about discovering, starting, and succeeding in the PERFECT™ home based business for you? First, let me tell you a few things about my background (Yes, just a few things, I promise). I started out in “small business” and marketing waaay back when I was just a child. I sold magazine subscriptions door to door. We had a plum tree in our yard and I would fill up paper bags with plums and haul them in a little red wagon around town and sell the plums to neighbors at 15 cents a bag. I held a small backyard carnival and charged kids pennies to play the games. I sold cool aid out on the sidewalk. I started a small mail order business and distributed catalogs all around town. These were pretty good ways for a kid to make some extra money, and I loved doing it. I would guess, with your interest in a home based business, that you may have done some of the same when you were younger. The bottom line is, I’ve always been fascinated with small business, home based business, and marketing, and no matter what else I might work at, I’ve always come back to some sort of small or home based business activity. Since those days of roaming the neighborhood peddling plums, I’ve focused on a varied career of electronics engineering, marketing, business management and Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

4 consulting. I delivered over $300 million in profits to my employers in small and large businesses. Yes, $300 million. Somewhere in the middle of all that, while I was still gainfully employed, I decided I had to do something on the side so I could eventually get out of the corporate rat race and make myself rich instead of my employers. I wrote and self-published two booklets on how to save money on arts and crafts supplies and how to sell your arts and crafts using free advertising and publicity. One of the booklets became a “best seller”, selling 7,895 copies and earning me $39,213 over a few years. I was successful with this using classified ads and direct marketing before Al Gore invented the internet ☺. But, hey, I wasn’t able to leave the clutches of the corporate job monster yet. I gave that whole successful business, books, ads, and $1,200 in the business bank account, to a friend of mine who was down on his luck. He was a marketing manager who had lost his job. He needed help. He wasn’t able to get a new job in marketing and was driving limos to support his wife and son. Giving him my business wasn’t all just out of my generosity. I had gotten a job as Vice President of Marketing for a small company in New Jersey and I really didn’t have the time to run the small book publishing business. Yes, I was suckered into staying in the corporate game, but a six figure salary with a few extra perks is hard to turn down. Many years and several corporate jobs later, my wife and I created another home based business. We started a wedding photography and videography business that got high marks from our clients for our personalized service and creative photography. But, it is far from the PERFECT™ home based business. Two years ago we stopped doing weddings, except for a few lucky clients. Though I love photography, I didn’t enjoy the stress of being ON for the whole wedding day. I felt personally responsible for capturing every part of the day and producing flawless images for every bride and groom and their families. No, there has to be a better way. And there is. I have been studying direct marketing by mail and on the internet, along with many different kinds of home based businesses, for longer than many of my clients have been alive. I have started four different home based businesses. So I know a thing or two about what it takes to make the PERFECT™ home based business. And, I’m going to tell you all about it in a minute. Now, I make all of my living from doing consulting work, and helping people like you discover, start, and succeed in their own PERFECT™ home business.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

5 I’m certainly no “Guru”, but I have a lot of experience with home based businesses, and especially the PERFECT™ home based business that you’ll soon learn a lot more about. Now, on to the good stuff!

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Table of Contents

1. 7 critical characteristics your PERFECT™ home business MUST have.

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2. Which home business opportunity is PERFECT?…Use this checklist to help you compare the options you are considering.


3. So, all right already. What is the PERFECT home based business opportunity?


4. See how others just like you have succeeded in the PERFECT home business. You can too.


5. Finally overcome every excuse. Start and succeed in your own PERFECT home based business now.


6. Seven PERFECT™ Action Steps that show you the way to success


7. Resources that can help you get a fast start.


Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Seven Keys To Finding Your PERFECT™ Home Based Business First, let’s set the stage: Imagine yourself earning a comfortable living of $60,000 or $100,000 per year, or even more from home doing things you love. Or maybe you’ld rather just earn an extra $500 or $1,000 a month to help with the bills or to buy a few toys. Imagine being able to stop being a wage slave forever and going up to your boss with a big smile on your face as you say “take this job and shove it” (in a friendly way, of course ☺). Imagine yourself in a beautiful new home, a new car, or a new boat. Or how about being able to spend more quality time with your family? Think of the freedom you’ll have when you can take lots of great vacations without having to get an OK from a boss for the time off. If you’re nearing retirement age like me, imagine being able to retire with money to spare. No more worries about Social Security going bankrupt. OK. So, enough already about all that. Right? Who doesn’t imagine or want at least some of these things, if not all of them? There are a lot of so called home based business “opportunities” that promise all of the above and more. But, as you probably already know, not all of these opportunities are real opportunities. If you’ve ever tried to make money from home with multi-level marketing or envelope stuffing or any of a hundred other “opportunities”, you know what I mean. Many of these so called “opportunities” will have you spending so much time and effort just to earn a little extra money that you could end up earning less than the minimum wage. Sometimes there are so many demands on your time and money that the business ends up owning you, instead of you owning the business. I know that’s not the kind of opportunity you’re looking for. Don’t waste any more of your precious time and money trying out the “next great opportunity” and then the next, and then one more, until you feel like quitting altogether. Isn’t it time to stop spending money on every new opportunity, and to finally start earning some money? Well, what’s the solution then? How can you finally discover the one opportunity that is really the best? Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

8 Here’s the solution. Every home based business opportunity that you consider needs to be checked out first to make sure it fits the definition of The PERFECT™ home business before you invest your time and money in it. Then, once you’re convinced you have found the perfect home business, you can focus on that one alone and make it a success. No more wasted time and money chasing after every opportunity that comes along. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Yes, you can find and start the successful home business you’ve always wanted. Here’s how: The 7 Keys Each letter in the word “PERFECT” stands for one of the 7 keys of a successful PERFECT™ home based business. Each key is something your home based business opportunity MUST have in order for you to enjoy the financial freedom and lifestyle you desire: P: Profitable E: Easy R: Real F: Fits With Your Desired Lifestyle E: E-Friendly C: Competitive T: Testable At Low Risk Stick with me now and we’ll discover in more detail why each of these keys is so important. You’ll find out more details here than from any other source I know of, just so you can be convinced this is finally the right opportunity to go after at last.

Key Number One The “P” in PERFECT stands for “Profitable”. If your business isn’t profitable, why do it? If it isn’t highly profitable, you won’t be able to earn enough money to make it worthwhile, or you won’t be able to grow your business by reinvesting profits back into the business.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

9 “Profitable” means: • High gross profit margin (preferably greater than 65%) and net profits of 20% of sales or better before taxes. If you sell something for $1.00 and it costs you $ .50, your gross profit margin is 50%. That’s about the profit margin most retail stores get. You need to do better than that to survive and thrive in your home business. All of your other expenses such as advertising, overhead, and so on, have to come out of your gross profit before you have any “net profit”. If you sell something for $1.00 and the costs of your product, including all of your other expenses, add up to $ .90, you only have ten cents per dollar in net profit (that’s a 10% net profit). So, for example, if you want to earn $50,000 per year from home with a 10% net profit, you would have to sell $500,000 worth of your product. Wow, that’s a lot of product. Wouldn’t it be better to only have to sell $250,000 worth of product, or even less, to earn your $50,000 income goal? That’s why you need a business with at least 20% net profit. And, if you really could sell $500,000 worth of products, wouldn’t it be better to have 20% net profit and earn $100,000 per year on that $500,000 in sales? The PERFECT home based business may even enable you to earn up to 40%-60% or more (sometimes more than 90%) in net profit. Yes, really. At 90% net profit you would only have to sell $55,556 worth of product to earn your $50,000 income. That’s my kind of home business! •

“Profitable” also means a net profit (your “salary”) before taxes of at least $50,000 per year. And $100,000 or more per year would be more like it (unless your goal is to supplement your income to the tune of $500 to $1,000 per month. But, would you turn down $50,000 per year if you didn’t have to work any harder than you did to earn $10,000 per year?). Your goals may be different than mine and you may be satisfied with lower profits. But, I believe you need to set your goals high, yet at a reasonable level. Then, even if you fall a little short, you will still be very successful.

Low overhead (less than 5% of sales). Overhead is all the “fixed expenses” of running your business such as computers, printers, other equipment, furniture, office supplies, and office space rental costs. A home based business is ideal for keeping overhead low, but you still have to be careful to minimize the space needed, the cost for utilities, and

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

10 the equipment needed to run your business. Don’t go hog wild buying an expensive desk and file cabinets with your first profits. Instead, reinvest those profits in your business and keep your overhead low. You’ll be glad you did. •

Low labor content for manufacturing, assembly, or shipment of the product(s). You don’t want to spend all of your time assembling and shipping something you sell. Most of your time should be spent on marketing and growing your sales and profits. The PERFECT home business enables you to sell products that involve little or no labor cost to make them or ship them.

A high average order. Believe it or not, it takes as much effort to sell a $5.00 product as it does to sell a $50.00 product or a $500.00 product, maybe even more effort. So, the PERFECT home based business offers products with a high perceived value and a price well above $20.00. The exception is when you want to sell a low priced product, or even give something away, just to get customers added to your e-mail list so you can sell them other more expensive items later.

Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred). I don’t know about you, but business opportunities that require $5,000, or $25,000, or more to start scare me a little, unless the return is well worth the risk. There aren’t too many people that even have that kind of money to invest in a business. Why not find the PERFECT home based business that only requires $1,000 or less to get started, perhaps even a few hundred dollars?

Small inventory with rapid turnover, or no inventory required. Imagine your garage or basement stacked from floor to ceiling with products waiting for someone to buy them. Yuk! Much better to fill each order as it is received without having any inventory in your home, or at least a very small inventory. The PERFECT home based business will allow you to do that.

Repeat or backend sales potential . One of the highest marketing costs is the cost of getting a new customer. If that customer buys your product over and over from you (repeat sales of a consumable product or a monthly membership fee, for example), or if the new customer buys other products from you later (backend sales), you can dramatically increase your sales and profit. This is a very important ingredient in the recipe for a successful home based business.

So, the PERFECT Home Based Business must be PROFITABLE. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Key Number Two The first “E” in PERFECT stands for “Easy”. No, “easy” doesn’t mean you won’t have to work at all. There is no free lunch. Don’t believe it if someone says they have done all the work for you and all you have to do is buy their system, sit back, and watch the money roll in. It does take work to start and build any successful business. But, the PERFECT home based business should be relatively easy and can even be a lot of fun. “Easy” Means: • Something that you are passionate about or love doing. If you really love doing something, and that is the core of your home business, you will be a lot happier and the work required will seem easier to you. You will also be much more likely to stick with your business when you run into obstacles that will certainly come along. If you not only love something, but also know a lot about it, you will have a much better chance of success in a market related to your passion. You will “speak the language” of your customers. That will help you develop better relationships with them resulting in more sales now and in the future. Starting and building your home business around something you love will make it easier for you and it will be fun too. •

A business process that can be automated or systematized. If everything you do in your business has to be done over and over again by you and you alone, you will not succeed for long, or your business will stay small. The PERFECT home based business will enable you to automate many of the business tasks after you do the initial work to set up the necessary processes.

Your product is easy to pack and ship at low cost, or fulfillment of the order is done digitally. The easiest home business lets you “ship” your product to the customer digitally in the form of a digital file over the internet or by e-mail. This also results in the highest profit because the cost to create and deliver a digital product is peanuts.

Requires less than 20 hours per week after the initial set up period. You may work 20 to 60 hours each week to start and set up your business for the first month or three. But, the PERFECT home based business will only require 20 hours or less of your time each week after the initial set up period.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

12 •

Totally doable by anyone. If you have to be a genius or marketing wizard to succeed, it isn’t a PERFECT home based business. Thousands of “regular Joe’s” are making big money in a PERFECT home business and you can too. Find a business that you are comfortable doing, or find a mentor who will teach you everything you need to know about starting and succeeding in the home based business you choose.

So, the PERFECT Home Based Business must be EASY. And, it must be PROFITABLE too. Key Number Three The “R” in PERFECT stands for “Real”. A real business is one where you offer something of real value to people willing to pay you well for that value…no envelope stuffing or other bogus schemes. “Real” Means: • A large identifiable market segment, or a smaller specialized niche market that is easily identified and reached. Don’t make the mistake many people do in starting their new business. They get excited about something they like, create a product, and then find there is no market for the product. They discover too late that nobody wants to buy it. Ooops! There has to be a market for your product in order for your business to be real. You also have to be able to easily and inexpensively reach potential customers in that market with your product offer, or you will be very dissatisfied with your income. Find a reachable market first, and then create a product that gives the people in that market what they want or need. A side comment: if you are uncomfortable “selling” something, you should know that you will not really be “selling” anything to your market. You will be solving the real problems, and meeting the wants and needs of your customers by offering them something of real value in exchange for some of their money. The more people you help, the more money you will make. •

A high perceived need or want. Ideally, your market will be passionate about their interests and have a strong need or desire for products or services related to their passion. For example, golfers are passionate about improving their game and will buy just about anything that will help them do that. Other groups are just as passionate about their hobbies or favorite activities.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

13 It is also just as good, if not better, to go after a market where your customer doesn’t have particular hobby or activity in mind, but has a desperate need to solve a problem. An example would be those who have black mold in their home and must find a way to eliminate it. Identify and market to passionate groups who are hungry for products and services you can provide, or those with a desperate need to solve some problem. •

Something people are already buying. If people are already buying products or services like yours or related to yours, you have certain confirmation that there is an existing market for your products. All you have to do is offer your products to them and make your offer better than what they are already getting. As another marketing expert Mark Joyner says “Make them an irresistible offer, one they would feel a fool to turn down” and you will succeed.

So, the PERFECT Home Based Business must be REAL. And, it must be PROFITABLE, and EASY. Key Number Four The “F” in PERFECT stands for “Fits With Your Desired Lifestyle”. What lifestyle do you want to live? Many people who want to start a home business want “FREEDOM”. Freedom to do what they want, where they want, and when they want. Don’t start a business that fights head on with the lifestyle you desire. The PERFECT home based business will not only fit with your dream lifestyle, it will even help you achieve that lifestyle. “Fits With Your Desired Lifestyle” means: • Something that you love or are passionate about. Too many people do work they hate, just to make a living. You’ll have a much happier lifestyle if the core products and activities of your home business mesh with something you have a passion for and love. There’s that passion thing again ☺. •

Leverages your creativity. The PERFECT home based business allows you to do something once and get paid over and over again for the initial effort. Don’t exchange one hour of your time for one hour’s pay (don’t be a wage slave like just about everybody else).

Can be operated from anywhere in the world and from home. No more long commutes. Hey, my commute is 30 seconds…from my bedroom to my home office. Decide where you want to live and then work from there. All you need is electricity, a phone line or cell phone network, a computer and an internet connection.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


No employees are required (but you could and should use independent contractors, or outsource some of the work). Avoid all the hassle of having employees. The PERFECT home based business can be run by just you, or you and your spouse if you would like.

Helps a lot of people. If this is not part of your desired lifestyle, it should be, because the more people you help, the more money you will make.

Time required to build the business to an acceptable profit potential is not long (less than 6 months desired). Who wants to work on their business for two or three years before it becomes profitable? Most people couldn’t afford to do that. Yes, it might take a year or more for your business to reach its full potential. But, there are tricks of the trade that can make it much more likely you will see an exciting level of profit within 6 months (you will not “get rich quick”; sorry, but that is reality…don’t quit your day job quite yet).

Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred). Many people don’t have the $5,000, or $25,000, or more needed to start some home based businesses. There’s no need to sell your firstborn or mortgage your house to get your business started.

Product(s) that you have control of (you are the gate keeper, which means you created the product, or have the exclusive right to market it). If you control the product, you can build a sales force of hundreds or thousands of affiliates that will grow your business for you even while you’re on vacation. They will market your product for you for a share of the profits. Even if you don’t yet have your own product, you can get started quickly by selling other people’s products as an affiliate for them. But, it is still best to eventually create your own products.

Enables you to earn enough money to become financially free. Decide for yourself how much you need to be “financially free”. Whether that’s an extra $500 or $1,000 a month, or $100,000 per year or more, your business needs to have the potential to earn that.

Enables you to have free time because it requires less than 20 hours per week after the initial set up period. Spend your free time with your family, on your favorite activities, or use it to start and build another business.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

15 •

The business is aligned with how I understand God would want it to be. This is a personal requirement for my business and lifestyle. It means that my business must provide real value, must benefit people, and must be legal, ethical and honest. If you make sure your home based business does this as well, whatever your views about God, you will be miles ahead of all the scams and quick buck artists that are all too common.

It’s all starting to come together now. The PERFECT Home Based Business must FIT WITH YOUR DESIRED LIFESTYLE. And, it must be PROFITABLE, EASY, and REAL. Still with me? Good.

Key Number Five The second “E” in PERFECT stands for “E-Friendly”. The PERFECT home business will make heavy use of “online marketing”, and can be completely focused on it, using the internet and e-mail as a channel for direct marketing of your product or services. If you’ve ever wanted to make money on the internet, make sure your business is E-friendly for both marketing and product delivery. “E-Friendly” means: • Marketing can be conducted entirely on the internet and through e-mail. For purposes of this discussion, you want to make sure your home business can be operated using “online” internet and e-mail marketing methods. Up to 100% of your business may come from that marketing channel. However, you may not want to ignore “offline” direct marketing. In fact, for some products, it could be a mistake to focus only on internet marketing. I started out with classified advertising and small space ads in magazines and with post card mailings. But for now, focus on internet and e-mail marketing. •

Products or services can be digitally delivered. The best of all worlds here is for customers to place their orders on the internet and for the product to be instantly delivered to them as a PDF, MP3, or other digital file. Your costs are extremely low for digital delivery and your customer gets instant gratification of their need by getting the product quickly.

Fits into a market or market niche where related key words are searched for often on the internet. If the key words related to your products are not searched for regularly on the internet, you will have lots of problems using the internet to

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

16 market your products. The lack of related key word searches is one piece of evidence that there may not even be a market for your products. If there are many key word searches related to your product, it validates that there is a market for it. It is best if the key words imply the searcher has an intention to buy, rather than an intention to just gather information. So, the PERFECT Home Based Business must be E-FRIENDLY. And, it must be PROFITABLE, EASY, REAL, and must FIT WITH YOUR DESIRED LIFESTYLE.

Key Number Six The “C” in PERFECT stands for “Competitive”. Can your home based business be competitive? Can you win your share of the business, or even be a market leader? In your PERFECT home based business, you will offer products that are better, different, provide more value, or are offered in a different way, allowing you to compete effectively and get your share of the profits. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that “cheaper” means being competitive. Sometimes trying to be the cheapest product is a losing proposition for you, and also for everybody else trying to compete with you. “Competitive” means: • You have a unique selling proposition (a unique or better product or service, or one that is offered in a unique or different way). This gives you a way to answer your prospect’s question “Why should I buy your product, and why should I buy it from you instead of your competitor?”. While it’s great to have a better product, sometimes just having a better product is not enough to be competitive. According to another marketing expert Mark Joyner, you need to find a way to make an “irresistible offer” to your prospects, one that makes them feel like a fool if they don’t take you up on your offer. Then, you’ll really be “competitive”. If you create your own products based on your knowledge, experience, and personality, this will contribute to your unique selling proposition. Nobody else can offer your unique perspective on the subject matter you create your products around. •

Your product and market enable you to be a big fish in a small pond. If possible, you want to be able to control the market in a smaller niche, not just get your small share of a larger market where you are one of many “same old same old” suppliers. Still, there’s nothing wrong with

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

17 getting a small share of a very large market, if you can do it with your own irresistible offer. It’s just harder to be competitive in a large market. •

Having a high publicity potential (news worthy, new, novel, popular fad or trend). This is certainly not the most important factor, but it really helps if your PERFECT home based business or product does have a high potential for publicity. You can get thousands of dollars in free publicity if you can get press coverage and internet coverage by writing “news worthy” news releases and articles.

Rapid, wide distribution can be accomplished. The first to market with a new product often wins the highest profits and gets the highest market share. Whether your product is “new” or not, you need to get the word out about it quickly to the broadest audience to be competitive and remain competitive. Sometimes the best protection you can have for your product, even better than patents or copyrights, is to make sure the whole market knows about it first and fast.

We’re almost there. The PERFECT Home Based Business must be COMPETITIVE. And, it must be PROFITABLE, EASY, and REAL. It must FIT WITH YOUR DESIRED LIFESTYLE, and must be E-FRIENDLY. Now, on to the last key to the PERFECT home business. Key Number Seven The “T” in PERFECT stands for “Testable At Low Risk”. Who wants to start a business that requires you to spend $50,000 before you know if you will be successful or not? Not me! I always want to minimize my risk and to know quickly what is going to be profitable and what is not. Testable At Low Risk Means: • You can test your business, product, or service idea quickly and inexpensively to see if it is likely to be successful. The PERFECT™ Home Based Business allows you to test an idea inexpensively, often for less than $100, and almost always for less than $1,000. •

Then, when you have some proof of possible success, you can roll out your efforts and invest more money in your business with a much greater comfort level that you will be successful on a larger scale. Don’t go blindly forward, spending all of your available cash on any business idea, without testing, testing, and testing some more first right up front.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Now, if you’re really ready to start making some money in a home based business without working 60 hours per week and without throwing your money down the “home business opportunity rat hole”, make sure the opportunity you grab ahold of now is the PERFECT™ home based business opportunity. A business that is PROFITABLE, EASY, and REAL. It FITS WITH YOUR DESIRED LIFESTYLE, is E-FRIENDLY, COMPETITIVE, and is TESTABLE AT LOW RISK. “So”, you ask, “What in the world is the PERFECT™ home based business?” Patience, patience. First, let me tell you what the PERFECT home based business is NOT: It’s NOT envelope stuffing It’s NOT selling electronics on Ebay It’s NOT medical billing or typing It’s NOT a pyramid scheme or chain letters It’s NOT taking surveys and getting paid It’s NOT Google AdSense Sites

It’s NOT FOREX It’s NOT selling face to face It’s NOT Multi-Level Marketing It’s NOT stock investments It’s NOT assembling products It’s NOT hard ☺

Now that we know what the PERFECT home business is NOT, we can go on to discover what it IS. I’ve included a checklist below that you can use to compare business opportunities using the seven keys described above to see which business is best. The one that most closely matches the requirements of the PERFECT home based business is the one for you to get excited about! I’ve included a blank checklist for you to do your own comparison for the home business opportunities you are considering if you want to. Do this, and you’ll not only find out which one is better, you’ll really be convinced that most home business “opportunities” are certainly not real opportunities. It is really important that you be convinced in your own mind that the home business you start is the best one so you focus on it, and only it. No longer will you be distracted by every new “opportunity” that comes along. If you don’t want to fill out the checklist, I’ve done all the work for you. I have already filled out a second checklist that compares two businesses many people are already doing successfully, or considering, for their home based business.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


The PERFECT Home Based Business Evaluation Checklist: Blank For You To Fill In If You Wish

Profitable (if it isn’t profitable, why do it?) • High gross profit margin (preferably greater than 65%); net profits of 20% of sales or better……………………….. • Net profit before taxes of at least $50,000 per year, preferably at least $100,000 (unless your goal is to supplement your income to the tune of $500 to $1,000 per month, but would you turn down $50,000 per year if you didn’t have to work any harder than you did to earn $10,000 per year?)……………………. • Low overhead (less than 5% of sales)…………………………………………………………………………………. • Low labor content for manufacturing or assembly of the product(s)………………………………………………….. • High average order…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. • Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred)…………………………………………………………. • Small inventory with rapid turnover, or no inventory required……………………………………………………….. • Repeat or backend sales potential……………………………………………………………………………………... Easy (it will take some work, but it should be relatively easy) • Something that you are passionate about or love doing……………………………………………………………….. • A business process that can be automated or systematized……………………………………………………………. • Product is easy to pack and ship at low cost, or fulfillment of the order is done digitally…………………………….. • Requires less than 20 hours per week after initial set up period……………………………………………………….. • Totally doable by anyone………………………………………………………………………………………………. Real (a real business…no envelope stuffing or other bogus schemes) • Large identifiable market segment, or smaller specialized niche market that is easily identified and reached………... • High perceived need or want…………………………………………………………………………………………… • Something people are already buying………………………………………………………………………………….. Fits with your lifestyle desires (what lifestyle do you want to live?) • Something that you love or are passionate about……………………………………………………………………….

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

Business One

Business Two Business Three








• • • • • • • • • •

Business One

Business Two Business Three



Leverages your creativity (do something once and get paid over and over again for the initial effort). Don’t exchange one hour of your time for one hour’s pay (don’t be a wage slave)…………………………………………... Can be operated from anywhere in the world and from home………………………………………………………….. No employees required (but could use independent contractors, or outsource some of the work)……………………... Helps a lot of people (the more people you help, the more money you will make)…………………………………….. Time required to build the business to an acceptable profit potential is not long (less than 6 months desired)………… Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred)…………………………………………………………… Product(s) that you have control of (you are the gate keeper)…………………………………………………………... Enables you to earn enough money to become financially free…………………………………………………………. Enables you to have free time because it requires less than 20 hours per week after initial set up period………………. The business is aligned with how I understand God would want it to be. This is a personal requirement for my business and lifestyle. It means that my business must provide real value, must benefit people, and must be legal, ethical and honest. If you make sure your home based business does this as well, whatever your views about God, you will be miles ahead of all the scams and quick buck artists that are all too common………

E-friendly (can your business capitalize on the internet and e-mail for marketing and product delivery?) • Marketing can be conducted entirely on the internet and through e-mail……………………………………………….. • Products or services can be digitally delivered………………………………………………………………………….. • Fits into a market or market niche where related key words are searched for often on the internet…………………….. Competitive (can you win your share of the business or be a market leader?) • Have a unique selling proposition (unique or better product or service) and a irresistible offer………………………… • Enables you to be a big fish in a small pond (you can control the market)………………………………………………. • High publicity potential (news worthy, new, novel, popular fad or trend)……………………………………………….. • Rapid, wide distribution can be accomplished……………………………………………………………………………. Testable at low risk • Your business, product, or service idea can be tested quickly and inexpensively to see if it is likely to be successful….. • Roll out can be done on a larger scale in steps…………………………………………………………………………….

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved






The PERFECT Home Based Business Evaluation Checklist: Filled In Comparing Information Marketing and Selling !on-information Products On Ebay

Information Marketing



Selling On Ebay


Profitable (if it isn’t profitable, why do it?) • High gross profit margin (preferably greater than 65%); net profits of 20% of sales or better……………………….. • Net profit before taxes of at least $50,000 per year, preferably at least $100,000 (unless your goal is to supplement your income to the tune of $500 to $1,000 per month, but would you turn down $50,000 per year if you didn’t have to work any harder than you did to earn $10,000 per year?)……………………. • Low overhead (less than 5% of sales)…………………………………………………………………………………. • Low labor content for manufacturing or assembly of the product(s)………………………………………………….. • High average order…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. • Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred)…………………………………………………………. • Small inventory with rapid turnover, or no inventory required……………………………………………………….. • Repeat or backend sales potential………………………………………………………………………………………


X? X X? X? X

Easy (it will take some work, but it should be relatively easy) • Something that you are passionate about or love doing……………………………………………………………….. • A business process that can be automated or systematized……………………………………………………………. • Product is easy to pack and ship at low cost, or fulfillment of the order is done digitally…………………………….. • Requires less than 20 hours per week after initial set up period……………………………………………………….. • Totally doable by anyone……………………………………………………………………………………………….


X? X


Real (a real business…no envelope stuffing or other bogus schemes) • Large identifiable market segment, or smaller specialized niche market that is easily identified and reached………... X • High perceived need or want…………………………………………………………………………………………… X


Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


!o X

X, unless Dropship X?

X, unless Dropship X


Information Marketing

Yes •

Something people are already buying………………………………………………………………………………….. X

Fits with your lifestyle desires (what lifestyle do you want to live?) • Something that you love or are passionate about………………………………………………………………………. X • Leverages your creativity (do something once and get paid over and over again for the initial effort). Don’t exchange one hour of your time for one hour’s pay (don’t be a wage slave)………………………………………….. X • Can be operated from anywhere in the world and from home…………………………………………………………. X • No employees required (but could use independent contractors, or outsource some of the work)…………………….. X • Helps a lot of people (the more people you help, the more money you will make)…………………………………… X • Time required to build the business to an acceptable profit potential is not long (less than 6 months desired)……….. X • Low initial investment required (less than $1,000 preferred)………………………………………………………….. X • Product(s) that you have control of (you are the gate keeper)………………………………………………………… X • Enables you to earn enough money to become financially free……………………………………………………….. X • Enables you to have free time because it requires less than 20 hours per week after initial set up period…………….. X • The business is aligned with how I understand God would want it to be. This is a personal requirement for my business and lifestyle. It means that my business must provide real value, must benefit people, and must be legal, ethical and honest. If you make sure your home based business does this as well, whatever your views about God, you will be miles ahead of all the scams and quick buck artists that are all too common…….. X

E-friendly (can your business capitalize on the internet and e-mail for marketing and product delivery?) • Marketing can be conducted entirely on the internet and through e-mail……………………………………………… X • Products or services can be digitally delivered………………………………………………………………………… X • Fits into a market or market niche where related key words are searched for often on the internet…………………… X


Selling On Ebay


X? X X X X X X X X? X


X X X?

Competitive (can you win your share of the business or be a market leader?) • Have a unique selling proposition (unique or better product or service) and a irresistible offer………………………. X • Enables you to be a big fish in a small pond (you can control the market)……………………………………………. X • High publicity potential (news worthy, new, novel, popular fad or trend)…………………………………………….. X? • Rapid, wide distribution can be accomplished…………………………………………………………………………. X Testable at low risk • Your business, product, or service idea can be tested quickly and inexpensively to see if it is likely to be successful.. X • Roll out can be done on a larger scale in steps…………………………………………………………………………. X

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved




X X?

23 After All That, What Is The PERFECT Home Based Business? I thought you would never ask ☺ As you may have guessed from the checklist I filled out above, Information Marketing is the PERFECT™ home based business. I would guess you know there is no business that is absolutely perfect. Every business has its problems and trade-offs. But, Information Marketing comes as close to perfect as any home business I’ve ever seen. Information marketing is the business of providing information to people who need it. This business is sometimes called “Infopreneuring” or Info-Marketing. It matches the 7 keys to a successful home business better than anything I’ve ever experienced. You’ll be an entrepreneur in your own home business. Your product will be information that really helps people solve a problem they have, meet a need, or satisfy a deep desire. I’m not alone in saying that information marketing is the perfect home based business. Many home business experts and internet marketers agree with me. “But, what kind of information should I market?”,you ask. Well, information products can take many forms including all of these: Reports A series of Reports Articles Article collections Newsletters E-zines E-books A series of E-books Books Magazines Compilations of quotes “Best Of” Information (like Top 100 Lists) Audio products Video products Courses E-courses Seminars Workshops Bootcamps Webinars Teleseminars A Portal or Directory web site Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

24 Coaching and consulting Membership sites Software Reviews Podcasts Blogs Video Blogs Radio or internet radio programs TV or internet TV programs Checklists Forms Workbooks How-to's of any variety Directories Resource Lists (101 tools and resources, etc.) Statistics Industry-specific calendars Glossaries Addresses and/or phone numbers Web links (bookmark lists) Conversion tables Keyboard shortcuts Formulas Calculations Templates Questions &Answers Recipes Who would have ever guessed that information products could come in so many different forms for you to market? Yes, it’s true. People all over the world are paying good money for information products like these, as long as the information contained in them has a high value to them. That is, it is information they are looking for that solves a problem they have or satisfies one of their wants or needs. You could be creating information products that focus on any number of topics like: • Hobbies • Sports • Natural weight loss • Stress reduction • Fat loss • Natural eating – raw food • Dating or relationships • Marriage • Conflict or anger resolution • Investing Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

25 • • • • • •

Retirement Debt reduction Starting a business Making money Marketing and promotion Getting a job

And so on. This is not an all inclusive list of topics. But, you may be asking “Can I Be Successful With My Own Home Based Information Marketing Business?” Yes you can! Just listen to a few examples of people very much like you who started with little or nothing and earned a good part time income, or even megabucks marketing information: I’m a prime example as someone who moonlighted and made some nice part- time extra income with information marketing. I was working for a division of a medium sized company as their Marketing Manager. I decided I had to do something on the side so I could eventually get out of the corporate rat race. One of the things I enjoyed doing in my spare time was painting with oil paints or acrylic paint. Over the years, I had found several good ways to save money on art and craft supplies and decided to help other artists and craftspeople do the same. So I wrote and self-published a little 32 page booklet titled “How To Save Up To 60% On Art And Craft Supplies”. It cost me 50 cents to print and I sold it for $5.00. During a few years I sold almost 8,000 copies and earned almost $40,000 in revenue. A classic example of someone who earned a fortune in information marketing (a lot more than I made) is Joe Karbo. Joe was one of the people who inspired me to start my own information marketing side business. Joe was facing bankruptcy when he lost his high paying job. He talked to several attorneys to see how he could avoid a bankruptcy. In the process he learned how to negotiate with his creditors and decided to write a book, “The Power of Money Management”, which he sold using direct response ads in local newspapers and magazines in the Southern California area. The book was a success overnight and Joe avoided bankruptcy. Later, during the mid 70’s, he wrote another book in only six weeks that has become an American Classic...”The Lazy Man's Way to Riches”. He sold almost three million copies at $10 each. I bought a copy and I loved it. Ted Nicholas, another information marketing millionaire, tells the story of Matt Furry. Matt is someone who followed Ted’s example. Matt began his Internet business in 1995. He was $50,000 in debt. He had to scrape together $317 to buy one of Ted’s home-study courses. Ted used the headline "You a Millionaire Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

26 Writer?" in his ad for the course, which intrigued Matt enough to buy it. Ted says that so far, Matt has sold an amazing $30,000,000 worth of information products on the Internet. Ted describes Matt’s company as lean and mean with no employees and no debt. Wow! That inspires me. How about you? Dan Kennedy, a small business marketing expert, tells the story of someone he knows who runs a $750,000 dollars a year information business literally off of a kitchen table, just selling information to pot bellied pig owners. How’s that for a niche that sure doesn’t sound like it could support that level of business? Tim Kerber, a membership site expert, uses one of his “student’s” experience as a case study of what can be done with information marketing membership sites. His student is Carrie Wilkerson (her site is Carrie is a mom who started her business with no online experience and a 3-week-old baby on her arm. Carrie is now considered an expert in her own right, is a popular public speaker, has 10,000 people on her list of prospects/customers, and was reported to be on track to make over $100k in her first year. And she did all this in less than a year. Hey, I could go on forever with information marketing success story after success story. I love being inspired by others who have done it. But, this is enough for you to get the idea. Even though I know, and you know, these results aren’t typical, you can see that with some degree of skills and abilities, a good work ethic, focus, persistence, and action, success is possible. You can do it! Selling information has been described by information marketer Terry Dean as the most exciting and rewarding business any entrepreneur can, or ever will be, involved with. Millions of dollars worth of information are being sold every single day throughout the world. Most of the major success stories online involve selling information in one form or another.

OK. How about you? Isn’t it time you started on your own success journey as an “Infopreneur”? Are you ready to: • • • • • • •

FINALLY “work” from home doing things you love, perhaps even quitting your job when you get your home business going well enough? Spend more quality time with your spouse and kids? Buy that new car, boat, or that cabin on the lake you’ve been wishing for? Earn so much from home your spouse won’t have to work? Send your kids to college without worrying about the money? Take more vacations to exotic locations? Pay off your debts and stop worrying about money at last?

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

27 •

Retire with money to spare?

OK, I thought you would answer “YES, you bet I’m ready”. Well, How Do You Get Started? First, you have to get rid of every excuse that is standing in your way. And do it now. No more excuses. You know what I mean. I used several of the following excuses for not taking action on some of my dreams. What’s your favorite excuse for not following your dreams and starting your own home business NOW?: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fear of failure Fear of success Fear of disgrace or ridicule if you try and fail The security of a job (just a little too comfortable where you are…earning good money). This was one of my favorites. 5. Feeling you don’t deserve it or are not destined to have it 6. Feeling your ideas and dreams are not worth anything. What makes me think I have anything to offer, anything someone would want to buy? 7. Not knowing how to start. Lack of knowledge about what to do first, what to do next. 8. Too many ideas, you end up not doing any one of them. Another of my favorites. 9. Indecision. You can’t decide if you should really do this or not, and if so, you can’t decide which opportunity you should go after. 10. Bewildering list of things to learn and do 11. Exhaustion from current job and life. No energy left to start your business. That’s me again. 12. Wrong mindset. You doubt that success is possible for the average Joe. You doubt that you can be successful or that you will be successful. 13. You don’t know what you really want and what you’re really good at. Not knowing your core desires and strengths can make you unfocussed. 14. Listening to nay-saying family and friends 15. Listening to every guru and being confused because they all seem to say something different 16. Unwillingness to do more than think and dream (because it will require work to act on your thoughts and dreams, and it feels so good to think and dream without having to make it real) 17. Being stuck in a rut, in a comfort zone 18. Too focused on just surviving, earning enough to live 19. Being overwhelmed by the perceived massiveness of the task 20. Not enough money 21. Everybody/everything is against you 22. Waiting until everything is perfect 23. Waiting to gather just a little more information before starting Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

28 24. You think you’re too late. You believe everybody else beat you to it and there are no more opportunities to make it big. 25. You don’t have the time 26. You can’t get motivated Now You Can Finally Overcome Every Excuse And Succeed In Your Own Home Based Business In Spite Of Yourself! None of these excuses have any right to stop you from making your dreams come true. If any of them are even a little valid as excuses, you need to know and believe that every one of them can be overcome. But, you MUST take action to put these excuses in your past and overcome them. Try a little exercise; write down your favorite excuses on a sheet of paper. Then tear the paper up into little pieces and throw them into the garbage. No more excuses. It’s symbolic, but it is a good exercise for your mental health. Someone once said, “There are only two things that motivate people to act…Inspiration, or Desperation”. I hope this report inspires you and motivates you to start your own information marketing home business NOW. Or, maybe you’re just desperate enough to finally take the bull by the horns and get started today. When you’re finally sick of making excuses….when you want your own successful home based business so bad you can taste it, you will take the following action steps and never look back: Action Steps To Start And Succeed In Your Own Home Based Information Marketing Business:

The PERFECT™ Info Product Marketing System Action Steps: P: Passion E: Economics R: Research F: Find Your Business Model E: Establish Your Product Line C: Complete Your Marketing Machine T: Traffic and Conversion

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

29 1. P: Passion a. Determine your core desires and identify your passion(s) and strength(s). This is a required first step that will help motivate you and greatly increase your chances of being successful. If you are going to start a business you will be spending a lot of time on, do something you love, and preferably something you are good at and plays to your strengths (you will enjoy it more, you will do better work, you will stick to it longer, and you will speak the language of the market you choose to enter). Identifying your core desires will help you determine what you really want out of life, and will help you leverage your passions and strengths to accomplish your core desires. A core desire is not just a superficial “I want to be rich”, for example. It is the deeper reason why you want to be rich, such as “I want the freedom to do what I want, when I want, and where I want (and being rich will give me that freedom)”. 2. E: Economics a. Find profitable markets that resonate with your core desires, passions, and strengths (if you can’t find a market that fits completely, at least find one that you are strongly interested in, or think you could become strongly interested in). You must find out if there is a market that will be profitable, before you create any product(s). Don’t create a product you like first and then search for someone who will buy it. Find a thirsty/hungry crowd, those who are passionate about their hobby or interests, or have a desperate need. Find out what the crowd in those markets wants, what problems they have, and what they are already buying. You can do some thinking at this stage about what kind of products you may want to offer your market(s), but don’t firm it up just yet. Make sure prospects in those markets are already buying something the same as, or similar to, what you think you may want to offer. 3. R: Research a. Research everything on the market(s) you identified in the step above, the product(s) you think you may want to offer, your potential competitors, and your prospects. Try to visualize exactly who your ideal prospect would be and write down a description of your ideal prospect. Immerse yourself in your market(s). The purpose is, in part, to make sure you know exactly what kind of products are being offered to your market, where they are being offered, where your prospects may be searching for solutions, what kind of sales copy and offers are Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

30 being used, who your competitors are and what they aren’t offering that your prospects need (that you could offer in your product). Don’t worry if you have some competitors. That validates there may be a profitable market, and some of your competitors may become your future joint venture partners, believe it or not. b. But, don’t get lost in the research…paralysis of analysis has kept many people from taking the action necessary to follow their dreams. Just do as much as you can quickly and then move on to the next step. 4. F: Find Your Business Model a. Decide what business model is the best fit for your personality, skills and interests, and also the one that most closely matches what you would like to do in the future. Even consider which one sounds like it would be the most fun for you to do. The business model you decide on will include your choice of Marketing Channel, Product Category, and Sales Process. 1. Marketing Channel(s) a. Online marketing on the internet only, with the use of e-mail. I would start with this marketing channel because the costs are lower and the risks are lower. b. Offline marketing using direct marketing only c. A combination of online and offline marketing 2. Product Category (determined by the degree of content created by you) a. Create and sell your own products (original content created by you, compilations of other content, private label content modified by you). This is the best route if you can do it. It is easier than you think to create your own information products. You keep 100% of the profits. If you have affiliates sell your products too, you keep less of the profits, but you have lots of people helping you sell your products. b. Sell other people’s products. Be an affiliate marketer. If you want to start out this way, it is a fairly fast and simple way to begin and to also learn the information marketing process. However, you will be trying to market products that many other competitors will also be trying to market. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

31 The advantage of affiliate marketing is that you can focus on the promotional and marketing aspects and don’t have to worry about product creation, sales page writing, or customer support. Your share of the revenue (your affiliate commission) will usually be in the range of 25% to 75% of the selling price. c. Sell your own products and affiliate products too. This is a very good way to go if you start with your own products and then add complementary affiliate products that your customers can benefit from. d. Sell resale rights products. You have a ready-made product to sell and a ready-made sales page. You keep 100% of the profits, minus the one-time fee you pay to get the resale rights. You will have many competitors if you try to sell only resale rights products. But, like adding affiliate products to your own product line, resale rights products can be a good addition to your offerings later. 3. Sales Process a. Direct linking from a classified ad or a Pay Per Click (PPC) ad to a sales page that sells a product you are an affiliate marketer for. This can’t be done any more using Google AdWords, but can be done using other PPC or classified ad media providers. I wouldn’t recommend this sales process in general, because you don’t capture the name and e-mail address of people who purchase the product. You’re just adding to the product supplier’s customer list. You really do need your own e-mail list of prospects and customers in order to build a business. However, this direct linking sales process can be used successfully to test whether a particular ad is good, or whether a particular product is in high enough demand to create your own better version of that product. b. Direct traffic from a number of sources (traffic is discussed later) to a simple mini web site (sometimes called a name squeeze page or opt-in page). On this page you will be offering something of value to the viewer in order for them to give you their first name and e-mail address. That Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

32 something of value could be a free report, a multi-part ecourse delivered by e-mail, or a host of other things you could offer. When visitors to your opt-in page provide their name and email address in return for your gift, they are opting into your e-mail list. Now, you can build a relationship with those prospects through regular e-mails. Use an autoresponder to set up an automatically delivered stream of periodic e-mails, some of which provide additional valuable content, and some of which promote your own products or other people’s products that you are an affiliate for. Many internet marketing experts recommend this sales process, or something similar. I use it myself. c. Direct traffic from a number of sources to a sales page that sells your product, or pre-sells a product you are an affiliate for. Many people have been successful with this sales process, but it is more difficult because it doesn’t allow you to initially build up any relationship with your prospects. They may need to know, like and trust you before they pull out their credit card and part with their money to buy the product advertised. The “offer something free, get them on your e-mail list, build a relationship” process described earlier is a better sales process to develop “know, like, and trust”. d. Create a content or portal web site. Your task here is to create a large web site with lots of content that is useful and valuable to your chosen market. You want people who visit your site to come back often, to spend a lot of time on the site, and to recommend the site to others. Within this large content site, you will have many opportunities to offer your own related products and to offer products you are an affiliate marketer for. The valuable content you provide helps site visitors know, like and trust you, leading them to eventually buy products you recommend. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


One of the best sources of information on how to build such a site and why you should build such a site is at

5. E: Establish Your Product Line a. Create products that resonate with your core desires and passions. And of course, they must be products that your clients are willing and able to buy. Look at the list of information product types earlier in this report. Your product(s) could be in any of the forms listed. In fact, any of your products could be presented in several different forms. The same information contained in your first e-book, for example, could also be offered as a video course, or presented in a series of webinars. b. Don’t just create a product, but think of this as creating a business. For example, don’t just write an e-book on how golfers can improve their golf swing, although an e-book could be your first product. An e-book may provide you with some revenue, but would probably not make you rich, and may not result in a sustainable business. Again, for this example, think of it not just as an e-book, but as a business of providing whatever information golfers need to improve their game. That expands the possibilities for your products to books, videos, courses, personal coaching, and so on. Also, this is a business you are trying to build, right? Not just a hobby. Think about it as a business from the start, even if you only want to earn an extra $500 a month, and you will think differently about the opportunities that present themselves to build your business. If you view it as just a hobby, you may never be successful long term. c. To become most successful in building an information marketing business you need to develop a series of products that can be offered all along the price and value scale. First is a free product that can be offered to get names and e-mail addresses added to your e-mail list. Second is a low priced product, or products, such as special reports or e-books that can be offered for $7 to $97. Third is Teleseminars, or Webinars, or Home Study Courses that could be offered for $47 to $997 or more. Fourth is Workshops or Seminars that could be offered for $197 to $1,997 or more. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


You will have to decide how far you want to take this, but you could also offer higher end products such as Group Coaching Programs, Exclusive Small Group Coaching, or One-On-One Coaching that could be offered for $100/month to $1,000/month or more. The purpose for this variety of product types and prices is to funnel many prospects into your sales process at the free and low priced end. Gradually your prospects build trust in you and your information products as they start with the lower priced products and are satisfied with them. Then, some of them will decide to buy the more expensive products. Some people naturally want more depth of knowledge, or a more interactive experience, or more personal help from you. And, they will pay a higher price for that. d. It is very useful to think about what you want the most expensive top end product in your product line to be, and then determine what your lower end products need to look like in order to eventually work toward the end result. This helps you set the direction for your business and guides you along the way so each of your products fits in with your long term goals. e. But, if you get paralyzed into doing nothing because you’re thinking too hard about developing your whole product line, start doing something now, even if you haven’t finished thinking about your whole product line. Create or obtain at least the giveaway product and create or obtain your first product to sell. Get started today and refine your product line as you go. 6. C: Complete Your Marketing Machine. Once you have at least your first product created, or your first affiliate product selected, how do you get it marketed? That will depend on which sales process you have selected for your business. Let’s assume for example, that you decide to market your product on the internet and to use e-mail marketing. The basic marketing machine for the “offer something free, get them on your e-mail list, build a relationship” process described earlier could have the following steps: a. Create or obtain something of real value to your prospects that you will offer free in return for getting their name and e-mail address. This free item should be directly related to the product(s) you intend to sell. b. Create at least three simple web pages: First, your Opt-in (Squeeze) page that “sells” the free offer by describing it and by listing the benefits of requesting it. This page also has a simple form allowing the page visitor to enter their first name and e-mail address.; Second, a Thank You page that thanks the prospect for requesting your free offering and tells them they need to click on a link in an e-mail they will be receiving in order to confirm they are the one requesting the free offer (this Thank You page could also perhaps offer them something related they could buy while waiting for the e-mail confirming their request for the free Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

35 item); and Third, a Download Page where they can download the free item (the download page may also offer them something else related that they can buy). c. Write a confirmation e-mail that thanks them for their request and provides a confirmation link for them to click on. Clicking on the link could take them directly to the download page. Or, the e-mail could also tell them they will receive a download link for the free item in another e-mail as soon as they click the confirmation link. d. Write a “thanks for confirming” e-mail that is sent to the requestor as soon as they click on the confirmation link. This e-mail also could include a link to the download page so they can get their free item if they haven’t already. e. Write a series of additional e-mails, some of which will contain information content of value to your prospects, and some of which will promote your products or other people’s products you are an affiliate for. f. Contract with an Autoresponder service like Aweber at: or GetResponse at: to store and automatically send out all of the above mentioned e-mails. You can also set up your own autoresponder system by purchasing autoresponder software from a company like Autoresponse Plus, and getting it installed on your web host’s server. I prefer a third party service like Aweber, which I use, because I don’t have to worry about installing it and about making sure the highest percentage of e-mails get delivered. The cost is as low as $19.95 a month. g. Test the opt-in process to make sure the sign up form works and that all e-mails are delivered properly. h. Sign up for a business PayPal account so you can accept orders and get paid for them. This is all you need to get started, but for best results, set up additional methods for your customers to pay for their purchases so you don’t have to depend on PayPal only. This could include 2CheckOut, ClickBank, and so on. For the capability to accept a variety of credit cards, you could sign up with PowerPay, for example, to set up a Merchant Account. i. Create a sales page that sells your first product, or use the sales page provided by the supplier of a product you are an affiliate for. Test the link in your e-mail(s) to make sure it links properly with the sales page. Test the sales process to make sure that an order can be placed and once placed, that it can be downloaded smoothly, and that you will receive payment. j. Generate traffic to your Opt-in page using any of the methods described below in the Traffic and Conversion Step. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


k. The above steps describe the basic marketing machine for the “offer something free, get them on your e-mail list, build a relationship” process. Stick with the basics first. Once you have that operating smoothly, you will want to explore additional steps for testing and improving the process, generating more traffic, improving the number of orders you get from every 100 site visitors , and for adding more products to your product line. 7. T: Traffic and Conversion a. Getting Traffic If your build your web site, they will come. Right? WRONG! You must give people a reason to visit your opt-in page, sales page, or content web site. Learn more about, and actively use, at least one of the following traffic getting methods to generate traffic to your site (this is not an all-inclusive list of traffic getting methods): 1. Paid or free e-zine ads. Create short, punchy ad copy that can be included in e-zines related to your market and products. In some cases, you will be able to place these ads free in e-zines, but in most cases you will have to pay for ad placement. Go to to access a directory of e-zines. 2. JV e-mails. Any company that markets products related to yours, and even some that are competitive to yours, can become a joint venture partner with you. Convince these “JV partners” to include a mention of your “free” or for sale product in their outgoing e-mails to their list and you have instant traffic to your site. 3. Articles. Write articles (or get them written for you) related to your market and products. Include a link to your site in your “signature” at the end of the article. Submit your articles to the main article distribution sites like, or You’ll get traffic from the article distribution sites, and also from any other site that uses your article on their site. 4. Press releases. Learn how to write newsworthy press releases about your company, your products, yourself, your web site, and so on. Submit the news releases to online sites such as or Some sites charge for press release distribution and some are free. Include your URL in the release text. You can get traffic directly from the news release and you also get back links to your site from every web site that publishes your release. 5. Blogs. Your own blog can link to your opt-in or sales page. Other blogs may pick up some of your articles from article distribution Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

37 sites, or may comment about your blog. You can comment at related blogs and include a link to your site in your “signature” included at the end of each of your comments. 6. Podcasting. Create a podcast version of each of your articles, or teleseminars, or any other relevant content, and include mention of your site. Submit your podcasts to podcast distribution sites like or 7. Affiliate Marketing (Set up your own affiliate program if you have your own products. You could end up with hundreds or thousands of folks bringing you traffic and selling your products for you.). The simplest way to do this is to offer your products in the ClickBank marketplace. ClickBank has thousands of affiliate marketers that may decide to sell your products and ClickBank handles all the payment processing. 8. Video (instructional/promotional). Create and submit “how to” or content rich videos to video sharing sites like YouTube. Include a touch of promotional copy on your product and include a URL to your site at the end of the video. Include an active link to your site if possible. 9. Viral video. Create clever, inspirational videos like the “Interview With God” video at and submit them to video sharing sites. Show your URL at the end of the video or have an active link to your URL if possible. If your video is clever, funny, or inspirational enough, it could become viral and get spread around the web like wildfire, resulting in a lot of traffic to your site. 10. Get your site listed in various directories, like DMOZ and many other directory sites (Google “directory sites” for a list of sites you should submit your site to). 11. SEO. Organic search traffic can be significant if your site and marketing efforts are optimized for the key words your prospects will use for their search. This is a complex subject, involving much more than just key words. But, if you provide targeted, key word rich, valuable content, use some of the other traffic getting methods which can result in quality back links to your site, and get other quality back links from authority sites, you will do OK. 12. PPC. You don’t have to depend on SEO and organic search traffic if you set up a successful Pay Per Click campaign. It can be expensive, but it can bring you traffic quickly, it can be profitable, and it does allow you to test ads and products fast. Google “Google AdWords”, “Yahoo Search Marketing”, “MSN Ad Center”, or “MIVA” to find viable PPC providers. 13. Bonus traffic…Offer your free or low cost products as bonuses that others can use to enhance their related product offers. Everyone that orders their product gets a copy of your product with links back to your site. Just Google “_____ offers”, where ____ is your product or market area, and you will see some of the companies you should contact to suggest your product be included with their offers. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

38 14. Social networking and bookmarking sites. Set up accounts at MySpace, FaceBook, or any of the social networking sites listed at Include a link to your site in your profile/signature. Search for and invite others with similar interests to be your friend. Create a “lens” on your subject at Get your site bookmarked or mentioned at,,,,, etc. 15. Do reviews of books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Include a “signature” at the end of your reviews that includes your name and a link to your site. 16. Forum posts. Find forums related to your market and post useful comments to answer some of the forum member’s questions. Include a link to your site in your “signature” if allowed. 17. Put your URL on your business card. Hand it out to everyone you know and everyone you meet at networking events. b. Conversion 1. Getting traffic is one thing. Converting that traffic to orders for your product is another. If you have ten million people visit your site, but nobody orders, what good is it? You need to be able to convert the traffic into orders. If your product does not meet the needs of your market, you will not get many orders. If you have done your research up front and have discovered a profitable niche before you created your product that meets your prospects wants and needs, you won’t have a problem with this. However, if you have a product that meets their needs but your sales page or e-mail copy does not convince them they will get any benefits from your product, you will not get many orders. If you can’t convince your prospects that they should order your product now instead of later, you may not get many orders. This is why it is so important for you to study direct marketing copywriting. Copywriting is a critical skill you must have, or you must pay someone else who has demonstrated they have this skill. I recommend you learn everything you can about direct marketing copywriting so you can write your own copy, or at least challenge someone you have hired to write copy for you.

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

39 Here are The PERFECT™ Info Product Marketing System Action Steps again: P: Passion E: Economics R: Research F: Find Your Business Model E: Establish Your Product Line C: Complete Your Marketing Machine T: Traffic and Conversion Where Do You Go From Here? Do This NOW: 1. Read this report again, especially the above PERFECT action steps. 2. Visit my blog at to learn more about how to follow the action steps and start your own information marketing home based business. 3. If you’re up for more in-depth help and examples, and are willing to invest in a small monthly membership fee, I will be creating either a members-only blog, or a 26 lesson membership course at some future date. You’ll follow me as I go through all of the above action steps one by one. Follow me and learn from my mistakes and my successes as I build PERFECT™ information marketing businesses to make money from home in several niches. You’ll see what works for me and what doesn’t work. Nothing held back. At the same time, you will learn the seven PERFECT action steps by example. For more information go here: 4. Check out the resource list at the end of this report. This is my personal rolodex of resources and tools and trusted experts that can help you start and build your own information marketing home business. In the interest of full disclosure, I may earn a commission on purchases you make, if any, from some of the listed sources. As I said at the beginning of this report, I am not a “Guru”. I know a lot about starting and succeeding in your own information marketing business, but I can’t possibly know everything. I lean on and learn from others who have been successful with information marketing. You should too. I don’t use all of the sources or tools listed, nor have I personally evaluated all of them. But, for those I don’t use, and for those I have not evaluated, many experts in information marketing or internet marketing that I trust use or recommend them. As always, do your own research to select the sources you think will best meet your needs. Paul Kaliher, the PERFECT™ Home Based Business Guy “Helping You Live Richly Doing What You Love From Home With Your Own Information Marketing Business” Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Resources To Help You Start, And Succeed In, Your Information Marketing Home Business: First, a recommendation that is not given often enough: You should always buy only what you need at the moment to help your business succeed and grow. Never buy the next “shiny object” that promises to deliver untold millions of dollars to you on a silver platter without any work. Always, always keep to the basics. Review the 7 PERFECT™ Info Product Marketing System Action Steps and commit them to memory, or print out the list and tape it to your computer screen. Know what you want to accomplish during the next month or two and buy only what will help you do that. The first product you should buy if you have little or no experience in setting up an information marketing business is this wonderful “InfoProfits TruthPrints” course: Terry Dean is one of the info-marketing experts who created this course. Here’s Terry Dean’s description of the course: “Well Known Internet Marketing Gurus Treat You Like A Sucker Playing At The Craps Table – But It's Not Just Your Money, It's Your Hopes And Dreams They're Screwing With! Finally, It’s Time to Turn The Tables On Them With Surefire Methods of Earning a Part-Time or Full-Time Income Online They Don’t Want You To Know About” I’ve reviewed the course and I think it is one of the best starting points I’ve seen, even though it doesn’t strictly follow the 7 PERFECT™ Action Steps. Four info-marketing experts got together over a weekend and recorded every discussion. These discussions cover everything you need to start, and succeed in, your own information marketing business. It contains 10 mp3 audios along with transcripts of every audio, so you can read the transcripts whenever you want and refer to important points as often as you need to. A collection of Blueprints is included summarizing each of the 10 sections. These Blueprints are Action Guides that tell you step-by-step what you need to do to put what you learn into action. I consider these Action Guides to be worth the entire cost of the course all on their own. I’ll let you know up front that this course costs $97. This price is only available for a limited time. That might sound expensive to you if you are just starting out. But, think of it this way…if you can’t afford $97 to start your business, you really won’t get very far in making your dreams become reality. You can either keep doing what you have been doing and end up in the same place a year or two down the road. Or, you can act now, keep focused, and see your dreams for your own home based business come true. You choose. Hopefully, you will choose to take action now. If you decide to purchase the above product and after you have thoroughly absorbed it, and after you have actually taken action on the 7 PERFECT™ action steps to success, check out the following information marketing experts that can help you take the next steps. They offer many products that each include very valuable insights into how to succeed in various aspects of the information marketing business. Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

41 Feel free to visit their web sites to do your own research. I will be evaluating each of their products in my blog at during the next year or so. I have learned to respect each of them and value their wisdom and experience. Don’t get me wrong. I am not suggesting you go out and buy everything these experts offer. I wouldn’t buy everything willy-nilly, and you shouldn’t either. What I am saying is, after you have a solid understanding of the basics contained in my report, and in the above “InfoProfits TruthPrints” course, you need to first start to “Do Something”. Do Anything! As long as you follow the 7 PERFECT™ action steps to success. Then, when you have actually started to move along a course of action, learn as much as you can from others who have been successful. Evaluate what these experts offer and decide for yourself whether or not they can help you go further and realize your dreams. Unfortunately, very few products tell you step-by-step exactly what you must do, and how you need to complete each step, in order to succeed. What I have found is that most products provide a part of the overall picture. Each part has been extremely valuable to me in learning what needs to be done. I am committed, and you need to be committed also, to the concept of continuous learning. Even one new insight learned can result in hundreds or thousands of dollars in additional revenue for your business. Check out Terry Dean: You can start here to get Terry’s online training video on the 5 Keys to FREEDOM in Your Internet Business, plus his special report by email, "Live the Internet Lifestyle...Retire Young and Wealthy " by clicking this link: Fred Gleeck is one of the “old timers” and has been in the information marketing business for over 10 years I think. I really trust Fred’s ethics. He knows his stuff and teaches information marketing using a combination of written material, audios, and workshops/seminars. Learn as much as you can from Fred by starting with looking at one of his products on self-publishing success at: Jeff Smith, at Higher Trust Marketing, is another great guy who has focused on Information Marketing, and on teaching you how to be a successful information marketer like him. You can see what he offers and learn from him by starting at: Marlon Sanders, that wild and crazy guy, has amazing energy, and a fantastic way of telling you how to focus on the basics, while giving you step-by-step instructions on how to start and succeed in your own information marketing business. Start with one of Marlon’s products, the InfoProduct Dashboard, that will help you create and market your own information product at: Jim Edwards has been around for a while also. One of his most successful products, and one I learned a lot from, is "How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved


Days". Check it out at: Lee McIntyre was a teacher and quit his job to build his info-marketing business. He now makes over $100,000 per month. Yikes! He is from the UK. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding what he is saying because of his accent and because he speaks rapidly, but I do get a lot of value out of his products: Check Lee’s offerings out at: Kevin Riley is an expert info-marketer. Kevin lives in Japan and markets his products throughout the world from there. He sometimes wears a chef’s hat in his product promotions and offers lots of his “Recipes For Success”. He makes a lot of money with his products and can teach you how to do the same: Check out some of his products at: Last, but certainly not least is Paul Myers, a leading information marketer. He has been the writer and editor for years of “Talkbiz News”, a very informative newsletter/ezine that has helped me and many other people a lot. Check him out at: A Side Note: If you are going to do any Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing through Google AdWords or Yahoo Marketing, for example, there is nobody better to learn from about PPC than Perry Marshall. I have read one of his books, The Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords, several times. One way I judge the value of a book is by the number of pages I “dog ear”. My copy of this book has more dog ears than almost any other book I own. You can get your own copy at: Or, check Perry out at his site:

Paul Kaliher, the PERFECT™ Home Based Business Guy “Helping You Live Richly Doing What You Love From Home With Your Own Information Marketing Business” Visit my blog at:

Copyright © 2011 – Paul Kaliher – All rights reserved

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