Going creative with a School CCTV Camera

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On Every Pole a School CCTV Camera Students are screaming murder that they are not getting some privacy anymore even in the johns. But teachers know that strange things happen there all the time. Incidents like smoking, drinking, and some hair pulling and bullying can be enacted there with impunity if there is no CCTV camera watching. Conclusion - students have to behave in there or get a pass to the Principal's office. But instead of whining about the school surveillance cameras, why not make it work for you? Since there are cameras everywhere, you can use these to your advantage if you want to be discovered for your dancing, singing, or athletic talent. Sounds unbelievable? Well, teachers are rabid talent scouts and they can know real talent when they see one. An invitation to an audition will come your way in no time. Instead of scuttling a CCTV camera on the school playgrounds, strut your stuff with like-minded friends. Certainly, the entire show will caught on CCTV and who knows, a talent scout may see your potentials as drama actor, cheerleader, gymnast or comic. You might get kudos from a talking CCTV camera! One more thing, show your teachers you studied hard for exams by concentrating on your paper, not you neighbor's. Got a high grade for once? The teachers won't doubt you because everything is on tape even if they play the tape on slow motion they'll see you haven't moved a hair during the exams. Aren't those spy cameras cool? Teachers and Security Cameras The school CCTV camera inside the classroom is an essential item. It deters cheating, and unruly behavior. Since everything is on tape, there is no error in finding out the culprits and the cheaters. Although teachers are not the prime target of security cameras, they are also caught on tape giving exams, lectures, and subject demos. The taped video recording can be used to evaluate a teacher's performance in classrooms. If you are the teacher, ask the principal if you can view the video taped recordings so you can review it and check out the following: * Are you taking charge in the classroom? * Evaluate your impact on students, do they listen? * Distinguish the different reaction of students to your lectures, are they bored? * Evaluate class participation * Check your posture, is it threatening?

* Are you doing all the talking? * Are you frequently referring to your notes * Do the students prefer lectures or do they perform better with self-regulated goals? Your behavior in the classroom also reflects the way you are as a teacher. Viewing the tapes caught by your classroom CCTV camera helps you see yourself from a different perspective and you can self-assess your weak and strong points and improve your teaching strategies to pull up your performance a notch higher. Although teaching skill is important, it is also critical that teachers have the will to teach. You'll know from the video tape if you're a committed and energetic teacher with smart ideas or teacher who is bored and dissatisfied with teaching. The CCTV camera does not lie.

The school CCTV camera and surveillance tools boost CCTV security and closed circuit television systems. Need more information? Ask the experts at Video-Surveillance-Guide.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nahshon_Roberts

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