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You may have heard that anybody can set up a website, get visitors and make money. While that may have been true at the beginning of the internet revolution, that is certainly not true now. There are many experts suggesting various techniques - some advisable, some less reputable. Some of these less reputable techniques can work for a time and may indeed improve your search engine ranking for a time. However, there are numerous stories of sites which have employed these optimisation techniques, but have suddenly and without notice disappeared from the search engines top 10. There is one consistent way to work towards the elusive top spot, and that is by Building a popular website Sound too simple? Look at the top ranking sites, very often they are built by expert in their field, have quality content with good articles, and are interesting to read. They are not just the type of sites that have been built to attract Google Adsense income, but are created and run by people with a genuine interest in the subject area. If you're not an expert but want to create a website, then one of these best ways to get the search engines to notice you is to Become an expert.
Research your subject Sign up to related ezines Join mailing lists Download free ebooks Set up a blog - share what you've learned One day - maybe you could be writing your own articles!
By keeping up to date on your subject, not only will you have useful information to create new pages on your site, add comments to your blog, but visitors will bookmark your page and return to visit for more information.
For further tips and ideas on how to build a website. visit How to set up your own home internet businesses
This article was submitted by Jen Carter, the creator of the InternetMillionairess.Com website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Carter
==== ==== google page one, page one of google, google seo, more traffic, more customers. Click on the link Below http://howtogetonpageoneofgoogle.com/ ==== ====