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Today's society is very much on the go. Laptops, cell phones, PDAs, all came about out of the need and desire to keep moving at the speed of life. The iPhone 3G is the latest innovation from Apple, combining a PDA and cell phone into one lightweight package. But it doesn't stop there. Programmers are constantly making new iPhone applications, both for business and pleasure. While many are free or very cheap, others come with a hefty price tag. Here are several that are on the top of that list. ROSIE Home Automation, Savant Systems LLC ($199.99) - ROSIE gives you control of your home's electronic systems, from security systems to A/V equipment to lighting, all through your iPhone. With the ability to monitor and adjust them as desired, it's like having an all-in-one remote control in your phone. iRealEstate, Fang Chi ($199.99) - A comprehensive database management program for the real estate market with both the realtor and buyer in mind. Manage clients and their preferences, homes available and viewed, all accessible at a touch of the screen. Lexi-Comp, Lexi-Comp Inc. ($119.99 to $299.99) - All the information that a medical or healthcare professional could want delivered to your iPhone. The Lexi-Comp databases cover every topic in the healthcare industry and are available in modules to suit your needs, from individual fields to a comprehensive package. Such apps include: Lexi-Dental Select, Lexi-Toxicology Suite, LexiDrugs & Lexi-Interact, Lexi-Pediatric Suite, and Lexi-Dental Complete to name a few. LexiComp monitors official sources of clinical information and updates continuously to ensure you always have the most recent and accurate data at your disposal. MyAccountsToGo, CBR-Technology Corp. ($449.99) - For the business manager on the go, thiese apps offer remote access to corporate account and financial management systems in the palm of your hand. Review customer, sales and item transactions, manage quotations, sales orders and invoices, back orders and returns, all in real time with Microsoft Dynamics GP and SAP BusinessOne servers. iRa Pro, Lextech Labs LLC ($899.99) - Putting remote video surveillance at your fingertips, the iRa Pro app is the solution for a mobile command center. With a touch of the screen you can access and manage live video feeds, controlling the pan, tilt and zoom, capturing and emailing still images and much more. A similar version called iRa Direct is also in the App Store and sells for $499, although this version communicates strictly with cameras and digitizers. A boon for private security and first responders alike.
These are just a glimpse of some of the most expensive iPhone apps on the market. Other applications have come and gone with price tags just as weighty. Some are still around which can perform similar functions to the ones listed here, but this is truly a case of getting what you pay for. And as technology expands, so will the functions of the portable apps we use, if you are willing to pay the price.
For more information on iPhone applications or to read more in-depth reviews of iPhone apps visit AppCraver today. AppCraver is dedicated to iPhone apps, news, reviews and interviews with iPhone application developers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neal_Adam_Hamou
==== ==== ip camera, security cameras, cctv cameras, iphone video surveillance reviews and information Click on the link Below http://aboutipcamera.com/ ==== ====