2 minute read
Joyful Noises
Little Else Can Bring Our Bodies To Life
I do not have one musical bone in my body—just ask my kids. However, I do love music.
Today’s culture reflects a consumer mentality people have when itcomes to music. A guy named Glenn McDonald has identified more than1,260 genres of popular music. Just think about that for a minute—peoplehave narrowed their preferences to such a degree that, if McDonald is correct,has resulted in more than 1,200 different variations of music. It’s nowonder why we have had so many debates. Everyone has a different opinionas to what the best/right type of music is.
In the Christian community, music has certainly been one of the mostpolarizing elements of life. People debate how loud music should be played,what style of music is good, and what kind of lyrics are appropriate.
There are few things in life with the ability to impact our emotions likemusic. It can lift the soul of the person who is tired and weary, or it can bea place to vent for the one who is stressed and angry. Music can make youlaugh, or it can make you cry. It can give you energy, or it can help you fallasleep.
Music is also an important part of the story of the Bible. According toSmith’s Bible Dictionary, there are at least 18 different types of musical instrumentslisted in the Bible. The Israelites were often told to sing, shout, dance,and make a joyful noise. There are many Christians who read over theseverses without paying much attention to the commands that are given. Wehave our own idea of what it means to respect and revere God in our worshipmusic, but rarely compare our idea of music to God’s idea as revealedin Scripture.
I find it very exciting to see the continued presence of Christians in theworld of music. Some of the most gifted musicians that we hear on the radioor whose songs are popular on iTunes are also people who have decided tofollow Jesus. They are using the talents God has given to them to make theworld a better place, and to lift the spirit of many who are facing dark times.
In this edition of SEVEN, we explore the world of music. Whatever yourpersonal tastes are, I want to encourage you to celebrate the good that ishappening and to enjoy the rich and diverse expressions of music we experiencein our culture. Music is a gift God has given to us to enjoy and toglorify Him.
KIRK GILES is the president of Promise Keepers Canada. However, his most important roles as a man are husband to Shannon and father to Carter, Joshua, Sydney and Samuel.