2 minute read
Who Could Have Imagined? - Celebrating 25 Years of God's Goodness
Twenty-five years ago marked the birth of the ministry of Promise Keepers Canada. I remember attending the official inauguration of the organization in Toronto. Several months later, I found myself serving on staff as an Administrative Assistant to my dad. We worked out of the basement of his home, and I would spend multiple days each month, sending newsletters to men by fax (for those not familiar with what this is — Google it).
How do I even begin to reflect on 25 years of this ministry and over 24 years of my own life? Please forgive me for not writing a typical column. In many ways, this is going to be a personal reflection that I hope will be an encouragement to you.
First, God alone deserves every bit of credit for what has happened in and through this ministry. We could never have imagined multiple years of hockey arenas filled with men who are hungry to hear from God. When we started, we never would have thought that a hockey arena is nothing compared to the tens and hundreds of thousands who would encounter Jesus via online video messages. In our darkest moments, when there was no human way for us to continue, God has been merciful and kind and has given us everything we need to keep advancing this mission.
What has made this ministry so special is the people. Staff, volunteers, prayer supporters, and donors — most who do not even know each other — have built an incredible network that has impacted the lives of more men than we would have ever thought was possible. Everywhere I go, I meet men who tell me stories of how God has used the ministry of Promise Keepers in their life — whether that was in the early years or last year. This type of spiritual fruit is a reflection of faithful men and women who have sacrificed so much for God to use them in this kind of way. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for each person on this journey with us. You have and are making a difference that matters for eternity.
I genuinely believe I am one of the great beneficiaries of this ministry. Most of what I have learned about being a man is because of the work of Promise Keepers Canada. I believe so much in this mission because my life has been changed.
As you read this edition of SEVEN, join with me in celebrating God’s goodness.
This edition of SEVEN will also be our final one. The realities of COVID-19, plus a vision God has been giving us for the future, have played a part in this difficult decision. This ministry is just as committed to the mission for the next 25 years as we have for the first 25. We are grateful for the past, but we “press on toward the goal” God has placed before us.
/ KIRK GILES is the president of Promise Keepers Canada. However, his most important roles as a man are husband to Shannon and father to Carter, Joshua, Sydney and Samuel.