Song Index

Page 1

2, 4, 6, 8 CSP:

Traditional Rhyme STM

q= 90

Tone Set: Form: abca Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game:


• keep the beat while saying the poem

• a good poem to illustrate “dividing” into measures

A-Hunting CSP: c

Traditional ??

q.= 80

Tone Set: s, drm sl Form: Rhythms: q e - q. - h. compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; r-m; s-m-d; m-r-d Game: •

Notes: •

Alligator Pie CSP:

Traditional Poem Source


Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: q qr qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: • poem used for recorder improvisation/composition


q= 132

Alabama Gal

Tone Set: l, drm s Scale: do-pent Rhythms: eqe h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 5th grade Melody: 4th grade

Pitch Patterns: d-l,-d; d-l,-s,; m-s-m-r-d Game: • Formation: longways set • vs 1- head couple sashays down to bottom of set and back up • vs. 2 - right hand turn around partner. LH turn around partner • vs. 3 - cast off (banana peel) lead by head couple • vs. 4 - complete cast off (head couple makes bridge for all to walk under

Notes: •

Traditional Orff Level I & 120

Big Bunch of Roses CSP: F#-A

q= 120

Tone Set: drmfsl Scale/Mode: do-hexatonic Rhythms: eqe q qr

Traditional Leigh Ann Mock Workshop Notes

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 4 Melody: Grade 4

Pitch Patterns: m-s-s; f-m-d; Game: • can be used for a passing game

Notes: •

Hey, Betty Martin CSP: b

American Children!s Song Chosky I p.249

q= 152

Tone Set: s,l,t,drm Form: aa!ab Scale: do-hexatone Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 2 Melody: Grade 3 (sol, la,) Grade 5 (ti,)

Pitch Patterns: l,-s,; l,-t,-d; Game: •

Notes: •

Bluebird CSP: a

q= 110

Tone Set: drmfsl Form: aa!ab - strophic with refrain Scale: do-hexachord

African-American Singing Game Holy Names Database

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 2 Melody: Grade 4 (fa)

Rhythms: q qr h Pitch Patterns: f-r; s-m; Game: Children stand in a circle with hands joined and raised to form "windows." One child weaves in and out the "windows" as all sing the first verse. During the second verse the child stops behind one of the children in the circle and pats her on the shoulders. During the third verse, the second chid leads through the windows with the first child holding onto her shoulders. They stop behind a third child during the next verse, etc. The game may be played with the color of the bird determined by the color of clothing of each subsequent new child who is tapped on the shoulder ("green bird," "yellow bird," etc.)

Notes: •

Bow wow wow CSP: e

Game Song 150

q= 120

Tone Set: drm sl Form: Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; d-m-s; Game: • • • •

standing circle facing a partner stamp 3 times on “bow wow wow” shake finger on “who!s dog art thou” clasp hands with partner and change places on “little tommy...” • Stamp 3 times on “bow wow wow” • jump and turn 180 degrees to face a new partner • continue until you meet up with your original partner

Notes: •

CSP: f

Brother John Traditional Source

q= 112-115

Tone Set: s, drmfsl scale/mode: major Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m-d; m-f-s; s-l-s-f-m; d-s,-d Game: •

Notes: • optional verses in french, spanish, and bosian

Butterfly Flutter By CSP:

Linda Worsley STM 2:380


Tone Set: s,l, drmf Scale/Mode: Hexatonic Rhythms: q qr h. h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 2 Melody: Grade 3

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; m-s,; s,-l,-s, Game: •

Notes: •

Butterfly CSP: d

Lynn Freeman Olson STM 1:135

q= 98

Tone Set: drmfsltdʼ Mode/Scale: major Rhythms: q h qr h. simple triple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 5

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; m-f-s; l-dʼ-l; m-r-d Game: • standing in self-space singing the song, the one who is “it” picks a child to join them in walking in a random direction in a waltz pattern. Each time the song is sung, more and more children get to join in until all are chosen.

Notes: •

Canoe Song CSP:

Canadian Folk Song Unknown


Tone Set: l, drm l Scale/Mode: la-pentatonic Rhythms: eqe

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: d-l,; m-r-d-l,; m-l Game: •

Notes: •

Charlie Over the Ocean CSP: f


American SInging Game STM 1:220

= 96

Tone Set: s,l, drm Form: aa!bc Rhythms: q. qe qrr - compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; d-l,-s, Game: • Can be played as a simple leader/echo game • leader can have Charlie “catch” anything they want to and everyone has to echo that. OR... • Standing circle 1/2 sings song; 1/2 sings echo • 1 child gallops around the outside • at the end of the song the “galloper” tags the nearest child and they race around the circle back to the vacated spot (i.e. duck duck goose).

Notes: •

Chop, Chop, Chippety CSP:


Tone Set: Form: abca Rhythms: compound duple - qrr q.

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: •

Circle Round the Zero CSP: f#

traditional Kenney “circle round the zero”

q= 120

Tone Set: l, drm sl dʼ Form: Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-s-l-s; m-m-r-d; l,-d Game: • standing circle • choose 1 child to skip around the outside of the circle as all sing the song • on “back, back Zero” the child stands behind someone • on “side..” they go to the side • on “front...” they stand in front of that same person and tap them on the shoulders for “tap your lovin...”

Notes: •

Clickety, Clickety CSP:


Tone Set: s, dr Form: aaba Scale/Mode: Tri-tone

Songs of ETM

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 3 (low sol)

Rhythms: compound duple qrr q. Pitch Patterns: s,-d; d-r; d-s, Game: •

Notes: •

Closet Key CSP: f

Game Song 150

q= 112-120

Tone Set: drm Scale/mode: d tritone Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: d-m; r-m; r-d Game: • sit in a circle • one child has a key and all sing louder as the finder comes closer to the child with the key • or... • pass a key around the circle behind backs and when the song ends try and guess where the key ended up.

Notes: •

Cedar Swamp CSP:

Folksong Jill Trinka Folksong Collection II


2. Built my lady a big fine house built it in my garden put her in and she jumped out fare thee well my darlin! (refrain) 3. Black eyed girl is mad at me the blue eyed girl won’t have me If I can’t get the one I love I guess I’ll never Marry! (refrain)

4. The older she gets the prettier she gets I tell you she’s a honey. Makes me work all through the week and get stove wood on Sunday! (refrain)

Tone Set: s, drm sl dʼ Scale/Mode: ex. do-pent Rhythms: qr q qttt qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s-l-dʼ; l-s-m; d-m-s; d-s, Game: •

Notes: •

Chairs to Mend CSP:

Folksong Choksy


Tone Set: s, drmfsl Scale/Mode: hexatonic Rhythms: q.e h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 5 Melody: 4

Pitch Patterns: s-f-m; m-r-d; s,-d Game: • divide class into 3 groups: “chair menders”, “fish sellers”, “rag buyers”. • Each group sings only their phrase over and over • walk around the room while singing individual phrases.

Notes: • can be sung as a 3 part cannon

Chickalileelo CSP:

Folksong 150 Folksongs


2. I bet you I will if you marry me la la la... La la la chickalilieelo la la la chickalileelo

4. But he’s gone off to war away la la la... He’s coming back to me one day, la la la...

3. I’m goin to marry Johnny Green la la la... Handsomest boy I’ve ever seen, la la la...

5. Now yonder he comes I do believe la la la... I hope he will marry me la la la...

Tone Set: s,l, drm Scale/mode: ex. la-pent Rhythms: q qr qrt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-l,-d; m-r-d-l,; l,-d; Game: •

Notes: •

Chicken on a Fencepost CSP: f

Play party song Lamar Robertson

q= 114

Tone Set: s,l, drm sl Scale/Mode: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-r-m-s; r-d-l,-s,; Game: • • • •

formation: 2 concentric circles, hands held together choose 2 players to go outside until they hear the song choose 2 “doorways” one in each circle all sing the song as inside circle goes CW and outside circle goes CCW • at the end of the song the “doorways” open and the 2 players race to the center of the circles and whoever gets the “chicken” first is the winner • winner picks someone new to go outside with them and loser picks new “doorways”

Notes: • a second version of the game includes a b-section improvisation with 16th notes and UPP in the center circle. Whoever gets there first gets to choose what instrument to play.

Dinah CSP: f

Children!s Folksong STM 4:351

q= 110

Tone Set: drm s Form: aa!ab Rhythms: q qttt qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 2

Pitch Patterns: d-m-s; s-m; r-m-r; Game: • Formation: sitting circle • One child is chosen as “it” and walks around the circle and taps someone each time the word “house” is sung (3 people by end). • Each child tapped follows behind “it” • at the last note of the song, all race for the 3 spots in the circle • The last one left standing gets to pick the next person to be “it”

Notes: •

Doggie, Doggie CSP: a

Composer American Methodology

q= 80

Tone Set: m sl Form: Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s-m; s-m-l-s-m; Game: • students sit in a circle • one S. is chosen to be the “dog” and lies down int he middle of the circle and closes his/her eyes • while the class sings the song, someone chooses a “thief” to steal the bone. The “thief” returns to their spot in the circle and hides the bone behind their back. • When song ends, “dog” sings “who stole my bone” and “thief” sings “I stole...” • Keeping eyes closed, “dog” has 3 guesses to guess who stole the bone.

Notes: •

Deedle Deedle Dumpling CSP:

Traditional Poem ???

q= 112

Tone Set: drm s Scale/Mode: do-pent Rhythms: q qr qttt qrt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: r-s; m-s; d-m Game: •

Notes: •

Early to Bed CSP:

Traditional Source?


Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: q h. h simple triple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: •

Going Down the Railroad CSP:

Composer Songs of ETM


Tone Set: s, drm Form: Rhythms: q qr qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 5 Melody: Grade 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; r-s,-d; Game: Head couple gallop down and back in the alley of the set. Boy runs to the end of the set; then girl runs to the end of the set. On turn around “ring the dish rag” On go back home – Jump into place in line at the end of the set.

Notes: •

Great Big House in N.O. CSP: F#

Play Party STM 3:364

q= 120

Tone Set: drm sl Form: aa!ab Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 2 Melody: Grade 2

Pitch Patterns: m-s; m-r; m-s-s-l; m-r-d Game: • Formation: single circle of partners (boys/girls or 1!s & 2!s) • Vs. 1: all walk CW 8 steps, then CCW 8 steps • Vs. 2: girls (or 1!s) take 4 steps forward and join hands, then boys (or 2!s) take 4 steps forward and reach between girls/1!s as if picking up a pail of water then join hands with other boys/2!s. on “put one arm” boys take joined hands and swing them over the girls heads making a circle behind their backs at waist level. On "other round my daughter! girls raise joined hands over boys • vs. 3: all sing vs 3 while carefully side stepping CW 8 beats. On 3rd “fare thee” girls raise hands over boys and boys move CW to a new partner.

Notes: •

Here Comes a Bluebird CSP: c

Composer Source

q= 100

Tone Set: drm sl mode/scale: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: s-s-l-s-m; m-r-d; d-m-d Game: • standing circle holding hands to make archways • choose 1 child to walk in and out of doors as all sing the song • on “takes a little...” child takes a partner and hops in the middle of the circle with that person • at the end, the one chosen becomes the “bluebird” and repeats game.

Notes: • can also be an additive game where you keep choosing people to join the end of the line until all are chosen. • Use for song reading at the end of 2nd grade and beginning of 3rd.

Here We Sit CSP: a

American Singing Game STM 2:35



Tone Set: s m Form: abbc Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 1

Pitch Patterns: s-m; m-s Game: • • • •

Sitting Circle All sing and keep beat with eyes closed One child hides as song is sung When song is over all open eyes and try to guess who is missing from the circle • The child who guesses correctly gets to choose the next person to go and hide

Notes: •

Hickety Tickety CSP: c

Composer 1,2,3 Echo me

q= 90

Tone Set: s,l, d Form: Rhythms: q. qrr qe - compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: d-l,-s, Game: • standing circle with T. in the middle • either T. or S. sing the song as the T. tosses a beanbag to a child in the circle. • This child sings “my name is _______” (smlsm) and then tosses the bean bag back to the T.

Notes: •

Higglty Pigglty CSP:

Composer Source

q.= 80

Tone Set: Form: abca Rhythms: qrr qe q. compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: • keep the beat while saying theh poem

Notes: •

Hot Crossed Buns CSP: b

Traditional Source

q= 106

Tone Set: drm Form: aaba Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d Game: •

Notes: •

I Got a Letter CSP: b

African American Spiritual Orff Level I Binder

q= 120-125

Tone Set: l, drm mode/scale: four note la-pent Rhythms: eqe

h w q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; d-l,; l,-d Game: •

Notes: •

I See the Moon CSP: e

Jacque Schrader Chris Martino notes

q= 80

Tone Set: l, drm s Form: Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: l,-d; d-l,; Game: • create a dance to accompany song

Notes: • BM ostinato: ||: moon shin-ing :|| • a great song for metallophone exploration

I Got a Letter CSP: b

African American Spiritual Orff Level I Binder

q= 120-125

Tone Set: l, drm mode/scale: four note la-pent Rhythms: eqe

h w q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; d-l,; l,-d Game: •

Notes: •

I!se the B!y CSP: E-A

Newfoundland Folk Song Leigh Ann Mock Workshop Notes

q= 124

2. Sods and rinds to cover the flakes, Cakes and tea for supper, Codfish in the spring of the year, Fried in maggoty butter. Refrain

3. Now, I don’t want your maggoty fish, That’s no good for winter, I can do as good as that, Down in Bonavista. Refrain

Tone Set: s, t,drmfs Form: Rhythms: compound duple; q e

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 5

Pitch Patterns: r-t,-s,; m-f-s; s,-t,-r Game: •

Notes: • recording by Great BIg Sea 2004 Zoe records

I Don!t Care if the Rain Comes Down CSP: c

American Folk Song STM 4:108

q= 112

Tone Set: drmfs dʼ Scale/Mode: do-hexatonic Rhythms: q qr qrt h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 4/5 - fa

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; m-f-s; m-r-d; dʼ-s Game: •

Notes: • introduction to Fa

Ida Red CSP:

Kentucky Folk Song STM


2. Ida Red, Ida Green, Prettiest girl you’ve ever seen. 3. Ida Red, Ida Gold, She is somethin’ to behold 4. Ida Red, Ida Red that girl’s sweeter than ginger bread.

Tone Set: drm sl Scale/Mode: do-pent Rhythms: q qr qrt qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: d-m-s-l; s-m-d; s-m-r; m-r-d Game: •

Notes: •

Jolly Old St. Nicholas CSP:

American Carol ??


2. When the clock is striking twelve, When I’m fast asleep, Down the chimney broad and black, with your pack you’ll creep. All the stockings you will find, handing in a row Mine will be the shortest one, you’ll be sure to know 3. Johnny wants a pair of skates, Susie wants a sled Nellie wants a story book, one she hasn’t read Now I think I’ll leave to you what to give the rest, Choose for me dear santa claus, what you think is best

Tone Set: s,l, drm Scale/Mode: do-pentatonic Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; l,-s,-d; Game: •

Notes: •

Johnny Caught a Flea CSP:

Composer Source

q= 96

Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: q Q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: • keep beat while saying poem

Notes: •

Johnny Get Your Haircut CSP:


Tone Set: s,l,t,drm Form: abab Rhythms: q qr h Pitch Patterns: d-m; l,-s,; l,-t,-d Game: •

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 2 Melody: Grade 3 Grade 5 (low ti) Notes: •

Let!s Catch a Rooster CSP:

Folk Song Songworks II


Tone Set: s, drmfsl Scale/Mode: Hexatonic Rhythms: qrt qr q qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 4

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; r-s,; m-f-s; f-r; l-s-f; s-f-m; s-s, Game: •

Notes: •

Long Legged Sailor CSP: f

Game Chant STM 3:23

q= 150

Tone Set: drm Mode/Scale: three note Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; m-r-d Game: • • • • • • • • • •

did - legs you - hips ever ever ever - clap long, short, knock, bow, cross - do motions life - clap long, short, knock, bow, cross - do motions sailor - salute long, short, knock, bow, corss - do motions wife - motion to your “wife” beside you echo does the same motions

Notes: •

Maple Swamp CSP: a

Composer Source

q= 80

Tone Set: s,l, drm Form: Rhythms: q qr qttt Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; s,-l,-d; d-s, Game: • standing circle with 1 child in the middle is “it” • “it” closes eyes and spins around with finger out pointing to people in the circle • at the end of the song “it” freezes and opens eyes • “it” get!s to ask the person they are pointing to if they would like to be “it” • S. responds with “yes, thank you” or “no, thank you”

Notes: •

Mary Had a Little Lamb CSP: a

Traditional Source

q= 95-100

Tone Set: drm s Mode/Scale: do-pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; m-s; Game: •

Notes: •

Merrily, Merrily Greet the Morn CSP:


Tone Set: drmfsl dʼ Form: aabc Scale/Mode: Do-hexatonic

Folksong Big Round Book

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 5 (fa/ti)

Rhythms: qrr q. Pitch Patterns: s-f-m-r-d; Game: •

Notes: • can be sung as a cannon

Mister Rabbit CSP: c

q= 128

Traditional Cindy Hall Workshop notes

Tone Set: s, drm sl mode/scale: pentatonic Rhythms: Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; s,-d;

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 5 Melody: 2(mrd) & 3 (s,-d)


Notes: • use the b-section words as a melodic improvisation on mrd

• • • •

do the bunny hop movement r heel, l heel, hop fwd, hop bkwd, hop, hop, hop or... perform the ostinato “hop, hop, hip-hip, hop” by hopping while singing the song

Mongolian Night Song CSP: e

q= 92-100

Tone Set: l, drm Mode/Scale: four-note pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h h.

Traditional Inner Mongolian Song Gloria Keister STM 4:19

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 3 - low la

Pitch Patterns: l,-d-r-m; m-r-d-l,; m-r-d; Game: •

Notes: • makes a great recorder piece for introduction to low E

Mouse, Mousie CSP: c

Hungarian Folksong 120 American singing games

q= 93

Tone Set: d m s Mode/Scale: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: s-m-d; s-d; Game: • sitting circle • play the chase game like duck duck goose

Notes: •

The Northwind Doth Blow CSP: d

Composer Chris Martino


Tone Set: m slt dʼrʼmʼ Form: Rhythms: q h Q simple triple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 5

Pitch Patterns: m-l; l-t-dʼ; mʼ-rʼ-dʼ; dʼ-t-l Game: • all “birds” fly and sing while soaring on halfnotes. (not singing means the bird must have frozen to death and is in the corner dead) • with each turn, the birds begin to huddle in “the bard” (middle of the room) until all are safe and warm from winter cold.

Notes: •

Old Ark CSP: d

Spiritual Orff Schulwerk Today p.134

q= 100

Tone Set: drm sl dʼ Mode: do-pentatonic Rhythms: q

eqe h qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 5 Melody: Grade 2

Pitch Patterns: d-m; m-r-m; dʼ-l-s; Game: •

Notes: • Use in 5th grade as a song for syncopa • Use in 5th grade for Fa and singing in harmony

Old King Cole CSP: a

Julie Scott Workshop Notes 2005


Tone Set: drm sl dʼ Scale/Mode: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr qrt qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s-m; d-r-m; s-l-dʼ Game: • play melodic outline on Orff • s-m-s-m / d-r-m / s-m-s-m / s-l-d!

Notes: •

Old Mister Rabbit CSP:

Traditional Cindy Hall Workshop Notes


Tone Set: drm Form: Rhythms: eqe qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 5 (syncopa) Melody: Grade 2 (DRM)

Pitch Patterns: d-m; m-r-d; Game: • b-section improv on “stop, theif, stop theif stop”

Notes: •

Oliver Twist CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: q. qrr qe - compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: • keep the beat while saying poem • standing circle with someone in the middle • person in the middle creates an action to do while all sing the song. • All copy the motion until “touch your knees...” • on “clap your hands...” person in the middle spins around and points to someone new to lead the game.

Notes: •

One Bear CSP: d

Composer Source

q= 108

Tone Set: s, drm l Form: Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: • standing circle • all sing the song while 1 child skips around the outside • when the song is over, the child takes the hand of the person right next to them and then two of them skip around the outside “two bears out...” • they continue choosing until all children have been chosen.

Notes: •

Paige!s Train CSP: f#

North Carolina Folksong 150

q= 112

Tone Set: drm sl mode/scale: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: m-s; l-s; l-s-m-d; m-r-d; Game: • tiptoe around the room when the beat is fast • walk the beat when the song is slow • slide on halfnotes

Notes: •

The Pawpaw Patch CSP:

Tone Set: s, t,drmfsl Form: aaab Scale/Mode: Diatonic

Kentucky Singing Game Songworks I p.306

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 5

Rhythms: q qr qttt Pitch Patterns: t,-r; m-d; Game: • Formation: Longways set • vs. 1: sing and clap with the beat • vs. 2: each line follows its leader around the outside of the line to the bottom (peel). There the eaders make an arch and the lines go under each arm and return to place (casting off). 2nd couple is new leaders • vs. 3: moving in place with the beat all pretend to pick pawpaws with one hand and put into a basket

Notes: •

Pease Porridge Hot CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: Form: aa Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: •

Phoebe In Her Petticoat CSP:

American Folk Song Lamar Robertson


Tone Set: l, drm s Form: aa! 4.4 Mode/Scale: extended do-pentatonic

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 3 (low la)

Rhythms: qr q h Pitch Patterns: d-l,; d-s; m-r-d Game: •

Notes: •

Picka, Picka Pumpkin CSP: d

q= 116

Tone Set: drmfsltdʼ Scale/Mode: diatonic Rhythms: q qr qttt qrt qtr

The Magic of Music

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 4 Melody: Grade 5 (fa/ti)

Pitch Patterns: dʼ-s; m-r-d; s-f-m; l-t-dʼ Game: •

Notes: •

Polly Put the Kettle On CSP:

Composer SongWorks 2


Tone Set: s, t,drmfsl Form: aaab Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s-l-s; s,-t,-d; Game: •

Notes: •

Rain on the Green Grass CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: drm s Form: Rhythms: q qr h Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; m-r-d; m-s-m Game: •

Notes: • used this for sight reading during 2nd grade program

Rocky Mountain CSP: f

Traditional STM 3:37

q= 84

Tone Set: drm sl Mode/Scale: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: d-m-s; m-m-r-r-d; l-s-m-d Game: • double circle facing partner hands together • all walk CW around the circle while singing the verse • on “turn the glasses over” do the “wring the dishrag” move • on the refrain inside circle goes CW and outside goes CCW until you meet back with your partner • variation: is partner plus 1 at the end to get a new partner.

Notes: •

Sally go !round the Sun CSP: f

Composer Source

q= 95

Tone Set: drm sl Form: Rhythms: q. qrr qe - compound duple

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 3 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: s-m-d; m-r-d Game: • standing circle • one student skips around the outside of the circle • at the end of the song, this child taps the person they are near • both race around the circle and attempt to fill the vacant spot (i.e duck duck goose)

Notes: •

Scotland!s Burning CSP: d

Traditional Round STM 3:368


Tone Set: s, drm s Scale/Mode: pentatonic Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; r-m; Game: • low clap on all low sol!s • tap fists on do • re is hand slant at eye level • mi is flat hands at eye level • clap over your head for sol

Notes: • sing it in a cannon

Seven Sons CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: l,t, drmf Form: Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 5

Pitch Patterns: l,-t,-d; m-f-m; Game: • create new verses for each of the sons • create motions to go with verses

Notes: • melody is from Greig!s “in the hall of the mountain king” • Can be used as a recorder song once F# is learned

Shiloh, Liza Jane CSP: f

Missouri Play Party Jill Trinka Workshop Notes

q= 138-144

Tone Set: s, drm sl dʼ Form: Rhythms: qrt qtr q qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: m-r-d; l-dʼ Game: • Verse: improvise actions suggested by text • Chorus: keep the beat by yourself or with a partner

Notes: •

!Simmons CSP: d

Alabama Singing Game STM 3:365

q= 98

Tone Set: s, drm Form: aa"ab Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; m-r-d Game: • Standing circle holding hands • follow actions of the song • on “shake those !simmons down” all shake their bodies and fingers down to the floor • Create new verses with other movements.

Notes: •

Snail, Snail CSP: c

Traditional English game 155

q= 78

Tone Set: m sl Form: Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s-m; s-l-s Game: • children form a line • the leader leads the line into a large circle that slowly winds in to the middle • then leader “unwinds” the snail shape until a large circle has formed • repeat with a new leader.

Notes: •

Sol-Mi Cannon CSP:

Hungarian Aural Tradition Pat Teske


Tone Set: l, d m s Form: Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s-m; d-l, Game: •

Notes: •

Somebody!s Knockin! CSP: e/f


Tone Set: l, drm sl dʼ Form: aa!ba Scale/Mode: extended Pentatonic

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 4 Melody: Grade 3

Rhythms: q eqe w q.e Pitch Patterns: l,-d; s-dʼ; Game: •

Notes: •

Let us Chase the Squirrel CSP: f

q= 112

Tone Set: drm s Form: abac Rhythms: q qr h

Traditional Orff Level I - Roger Sams

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: d-r-m; d-r-d; d-r-m-s Game: • • • •

standing circle One child is the “squirrel” and one child is the “chaser” All sing the song twice when the song is over, the squirrel plays a rhythmic improvisation on a UPP and matches it with their feet • The “chaser” does the same thing and tries to catch the “squirrel

Notes: • song can be used as an a-section for rhythmic improvisation

Starlight, Starbright CSP:

Traditional Source

q= 105

Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: •

Sweep Away CSP: G

North American Folk Song Chosky p. 222

q= 96

Tone Set: s, drm sl Form: Rhythms: q qr h w Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; m-r-d; d-m-s; Game: •

Notes: •

Seagull, Sit on the Shore CSP:

Unknown Leigh Ann Mock 2007 Workshop


1. Seagull, Seagull Fly through the air (3x) Seagull, Seagull Fly through the air and carry some twigs for nesting.

3. Seagull, Seagull raise up your young (3x) seagull, seagull raise up your young, raise up your young for flying

2. Seagull, Seagull Building your next (3x) Seagull, Seagull Building your nest, building it up securely.

4. Seagull, Seagull sending them off (3x) seagull, seagull sending them off and hoping they start a family.

Tone Set: s, drmf Scale: hexatonic Rhythms: eqe h q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 5 Melody: Grade 4/5 (fa)

Pitch Patterns: d-s,-d; m-f-m; r-f Game: •

Notes: • can be sung as a partner song with London Bridge

Solomon Grundy CSP:

Mother Goose The Mother Goose Book


Tone Set: Form: Rhythms: qr qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody:

Pitch Patterns: Game: •

Notes: •

Sugar and Tea CSP:

Folksong Songs of ETM


Tone Set: s,l, drm Scale/Mode: do-pent. Rhythms: eqe qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s,-l,-d; m-d-s,; d-m; d-r-d; Game: • skip at partner grab right hand, turn and jump into partner!s spot • repeat movement with left hand • do-si-do one time around and return to spot • improvise movement on “you turn and I turn...”

Notes: •

Sugar and Tea CSP: a

Traditional 120 Singing Games

q= 100

Tone Set: s,l, drm s Scale/Mode: Major Pentatonic Rhythms: q qr qtr eqe

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 4

Pitch Patterns: m-s; s,-l,-d; m-r-d; Game: • Formation: longways set • “lead through” - top couple joins hands and sashays down the alley • “you lead” - top couple link right arms and swing around once, and end in opposite line • “you swing” - head couple swings the opposite line person at the end of the set • “we all swing” - everyone swings their partner with a right arm. • Game continues with a new head couple.

Notes: •

Teddy Bear CSP: c

Jump rope game 120 singing games

q= 90

Tone Set: d m sl Form: Rhythms: q qr Q

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: s-s-m; s-l-s-m; s-m-d Game: • sing song while doing actions informed by words

Notes: •

Tideo CSP: f#

N. American Folksong STM 3:371

q= 128

Tone Set: drm sl dʼ Form: Rhythms: q qr qttt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Grade 3 Melody: Grade 3

Pitch Patterns: m-s-dʼ; m-r-d; m-s-s-l; Game: Notes: • Formation: Double circle • • Outside circle moves as the music prompts. Each new partner does hand motions for the three tideos (m-s-s=thigh chest, chest,); (m-r-d=thigh, shin, foot); and (m-s-d!=thigh, chest, high snap). • Stay with the same partner for “Jingle at the window”

Weavily Wheat CSP:

Folksong Choksy


Tone Set: s,l, drm sl Scale/mode: ex. do-pent Rhythms: q qr eqe qtr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: m-d-s,; l-s-m-d; r-d-l,-s,; m-r-d Game: •

Notes: •

Welcome Here CSP:

Shaker Song Share the Music


2. Apples plenty, good nuts too roasting in the fire for you. (chorus) 3. Come, good people, enter in the wind blows sharp, come in, come in (chorus) 4. You’ve got a flute, a little drum; make some music, don’t be dumb! (chorus) 5. ding-a-dong ding a song to sing; let the merry music ring. (chorus)

Tone Set: drm sl dʼ Scale/Mode: sol-pentatonic Rhythms: q qr qrt

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 4 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: s-l-dʼ; l-s-m; m-r-d; Game: •

Notes: •

Who Has Seen the Wind? CSP:

Folk Tune Recorder Routes I


Tone Set: l, drm Scale/Mode: la-pentatonic Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: l,-d-r-m; l,-d-l,; m-r-d-l, Game: •

Notes: •

The Wheels on the Bus CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: s, t, drm s Form: Rhythms: q qrt qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: Melody:

Pitch Patterns: s,-d; s-m-d Game: • Keep the beat while singing • make up new verses

Notes: • use this song at the beginning of 1st grade and talk about using more air for “round and round”

Who!s That? CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: drm s Form: aa Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 3

Pitch Patterns: d-s; m-r-d; r-m-d Game: •

Notes: •

We Are Dancing in the Forest CSP:

Composer Source


Tone Set: m sl scale/mode: m-tritone Rhythms: q qr

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 1 Melody: 2

Pitch Patterns: s-l-s-m Game: Notes: • all skip around the room while the “wolf” has their • eyes closed • when the “wolf” opens their eyes, all freeze in place • the “wolf! can “eat” anyone who is caught moving and then they have to sit down • song continues where it left off when the wolf hides eyes again.

Wondering CSP: b

Arvida Steen Source

q= 78

Tone Set: l,t,drmfs Mode/scale: minor Rhythms: q qr h

Song Concepts: Rhythm: 2 Melody: 5

Pitch Patterns: d-t,-l,; s-f-m; Game: • create a dance to accompany song form

Notes: •

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