Uponor Infra piping systems Safe and reliable plastic solutions for infrastructure
Uponor Infra - specialist in infrastructure solutions Uponor Infra is a joint venture between the former companies KWH Pipe and Uponor Infrastructure. We are one of the largest manufacturers of plastic pipe systems for municipal, infrastructure, road construction and industrial applications. Currently Uponor Infra employs over 200 staff, with offices in Warsaw, Gliwice and Kleszczów, and in addition, has a network of regional sales representatives providing countrywide coverage. The Polish production facility in Kleszczów near Bełchatów is one of the most technologically advanced ones in the whole corporation. Uponor Infra is a forerunner in the production and development of plastic goods with a long tradition. We have been manufacturing water supply pipes and fittings for over 60 years. As a constantly developing company, we are continuously investing in new technologies to expand our offer. Not only do we provide our customers with pipeline systems, but we also offer complex, ready-to-use solutions and technologies to go with our products. Uponor Infra is involved in the design and execution of investments. We assist our Clients at every stage of investment execution, from design consultation through project management to the final installation. We easily adapt to various circumstances and demands. Our top priority is our Clients' satisfaction.
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Products offered by Uponor Infra are of top quality and an estimated durability of more than 100 years. Our systems are known worldwide as ones that endure the hardest working conditions, always where standard solutions are not sufficient. Uponor Infra has implemented a set of thorough quality control procedures. At all stages of the production process, raw materials, manufacturing technologies and final products are subject to detailed and meticulous laboratory tests. Our quality control research is based on the in-house manufacturing standards which correspond to international quality standards. Developement, production and sale of our pipe systems are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.
• The leading manufacturer of plastic pipe systems • Experience and a long tradition • Comprehensive solutions and technologies and
technical advice • High quality and exceptional quality of our products • A complete suite of laboratory tests
Contents 1. The applications of Uponor Infra systems ......................... 4 2. Gravity systems Weholite ............................................................................. 6 WehoTripla ........................................................................ 8 Weho manholes and chambers ....................................... 10 Weho tanks ...................................................................... 12 VipLiner ........................................................................... 14 3. Pressure system WehoPipe ........................................................................ 16 4. Pipeline renovation systems ........................................... 18
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Storm water drainage and retention
Water mains and water supply pipelines
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App lic
Sanitary and combined sewer systems
Renovations of pressure and gravity pipelines and manholes
Underwater pipelines (sea outfalls, siphons)
Directional, horizontal drillings
Tanks for potable water, sewage and other liquids (retention and fire water tanks)
Technological pipelines for industry (mining, energy, chemical and metallurgical sector)
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Drainage of motorways, airports and logistics centres, industrial and recreation areas
Hydro-transportation of sludge and other abrasive materials
Road culverts
Tailored solutions
Gravity system WEHOLITE General information Weholite is a modern system of large-diameter, structural polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings, designed for the construction of complete external sewer pipelines. The system is a result of the long-lasting research and development works carried out by our corporation. The combination of an appropriate raw material and an advanced technology enabled us to create a product of a high load resistance. The Weholite pipes constitute an optimal, external solution for the majority of projects connected with gravity sewers. Due to their low weight, they are quick and easy to install. They may be supplied in longer sections than the pipes made of traditional materials. The unique construction and the reliable jointing methods guarantee 100% tightness of the whole system, even after years of operation. The Weholite pipes are flexible and easily adjust to dynamic surroundings. According to Technical Opinion of Central Mining Institute (GIG) they may be applied in mining damage areas (up to level 4). They are resistant to corrosion and to damage done by salt and other chemical compounds that may be found in soil, sea water or in any other transported substances. Weholite pipes and fittings have technical approvals issued by Research Institute of Roads and Bridges (IBDiM) and the Institute of Building Technology (ITB). All these attributes make the Weholite pipes a truly universal product of numerous applications.
Weholite technology enables to manufacture non-standard fittings
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• Unique combination of durability and flexibility (ring
stiffness as per PN-EN ISO 9969 from SN2 to SN16) • Ultimate corrosion resistance and broad chemical resistance • Low weight (easy transport and unloading) • Suitability for overground systems/networks (resistance to UV) • Easy installation regardless of weather conditions (also in sub-zero temperatures) • High abrasion resistance • Suitability for operation in the freezing zone • Suitability for extrusion welding, which guarantees 100% leak tightness in a broad range of operating conditions • Complete protection against root penetration
Assortment Weholite pipes are available in a broad range of diameters, from 300 to 3000 mm, ensuring good adaptability for various projects. The standard pipe length is 12.5 m. Weholite pipes (socket or plain- ended) are manufactured with ring stiffness classes from SN2 to SN16 (kN/m2) for applications in various ground conditions. There is a possibility to order special, non-standard pipes of any length and ring stiffness.
Uponor Infra offers a wide range of Weholite products, which can be used with any pipe system. Our comprehensive offer comprises segmented bends of any angle, tees, reducers, connectors, and non-standard elements used for a particular project. Our knowledgeable specialists will help you choose the optimal solution. The Weholite system also encompasses access chambers and manholes (with prefabricated bottom or eccentric) and tanks.
Jointing methods The Weholite system guarantees simple and durable methods of jointing that are adapted to miscellaneous types of applications:
• e xtrusive welding – a preferred method of jointing the
Weholite pipes, used with pipes of diameter larger than 800 mm, especially in relining renovation projects; • s ocket-and-spigot joints - for pipeline lying in a range of diameters from 300 to 1000 mm;
• thread joints – for renovation of devastated canals
and for constructing culverts, diameters up to 1000 mm. Larger diameters available on request; • Weholite snap joint – used in pipeline renovations available in a range of diameters from 600 to 1200 mm.
• Storm water drainage • S anitary and combined sewer systems • R enovations of devastated pipelines otorway drainage systems • M • D rainage of airports and logistics centres • Mining drainage systems • Culverts
• Tanks for water and other liquids • Separators • Underwater pipelines • Sea outfalls n-plant pipelines e.g. at sewage treatment plants • I • Technological and industrial pipelines • Penstock pipelines in water-power plants Uponor Infra piping systems | 7
Gravity system WEHOTRIPLA General information WehoTripla is a modern system of polypropylene (PP) pipes and fittings for external sewer applications – sanitary, storm water and combined sewerage pipelines. The wall of a WehoTripla pipe consists of three layers, which makes the system one of the most technologically advanced solutions of sanitary engineering: the hard solid outer layer provides protection against • mechanical damage, • due to the middle layer, the pipe is lightweight and yet preserves very high ring stiffness (up to SN16) – the middle layer also acts as a thermal insulator, • the abrasion resistant inner layer has a low linear resistance coefficient, which guarantees excellent hydraulic parameters. Dimensional compatibility of components of WehoTripla system (DN/OD) allows easy jointing with other systems. The WehoTripla pipes are characterised by high chemical resistance, and are extremely durable (stiff), which makes them an ideal solution for road applications. Because of their technical specifications and proprieties they actively interact with soil and become a durable element of modern underground infrastructure in built-up areas. Their exceptional parameters are highly valued, which is proved
WehoTripla pipeline is an optimal solution for industrial facilities
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by the fact that they have been officially approved by the Central Mining Institute to be used in mining damage areas (up to level 4). In addition, WehoTripla pipes and fittings have technical approval issued by the Institute of Building Technology (ITB).
• Unique combination of durability and flexibility (ring
stiffness as per PN-EN ISO 9969 from SN8 to SN16) • High strength and reliability • Ultimate corrosion resistance and broad chemical resistance • Quick and easy installation • High abrasion resistance • Compatibility with other DN/OD systems • High resistance to media of elevated temperatures
Assortment WehoTripla pipes are offered for diameters from 110 to 400 mm of standard lengths 2, 3 and 6 m, made with sockets or plain ends. Typically, they have SN8 or SN10 ring stiffness, but we also make pipes for special applications with stiffness rating of SN12.5 and SN16.
Apart from pipes the WehoTripla system comprises fittings: segmented bends, tees, double sockets, chambers and manholes as well as all non-standard elements made to order.
Jointing methods The pipes are connected by means of universal, tight double-sockets or factory-installed sockets. Such joints guarantee long years of tight and unfailing operation.
Dimensional compatibility of components of WehoTripla system (DN/OD) allows jointing with other systems.
• Road infrastructure • U nderground infrastructure in built-up areas • Storm water sewer systems • Sanitary and combined sewer systems
• Drainage of motorways and airports • Mining drainage (mining damage areas) n-plant pipelines e.g. at sewage treatment plants • I • Technological and industrial pipelines Uponor Infra piping systems | 9
WEHO manholes and chambers General information Uponor Infra is a manufacturer of an exceptionally wide range of standard manholes, chambers and a practically unlimited range of custom ones, all of which are known under the same name – Weho. They are the complementation of the gravity systems offered by Uponor Infra. The implementation of the unique Weholite pipe technology combined with the factorymade welded joints of particular components of manholes and chambers ensures their high quality and water-tightness. The dualwall technology guarantees maximum resistance to mechanical damage, which – in consequence – improves safety of installation and operation. Due to small weight the Weho manholes and chambers are easy to transport, unload and install. They are delivered directly to the construction site as a final and complete unit with the factory-made connections, which helps shorten assembly time and – in consequence – reduces the costs of installation and guarantees exceptional operational durability. All manholes and chambers have got technical approvals ITB and IBDiM and are officially approved by the Central Mining Institute to be used in mining damage areas.
Weho manholes are delivered to the construction site as a final and complete unit with the factory-made connections
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• Monolithic, durable structure that guarantees water-tightness and unfailing operation
• Low weight (easy and fast transport, unloading and installation)
• Ultimate corrosion resistance and broad chemical resistance
• Possibility to adjust the structure of manholes for
individual specifications (diameters, angles, height, cascades, ballast chambers, etc.) • Possibility to extend/rebuild manholes already in use
Assortment The range of the Weho manholes and chambers includes: • e ccentric manholes with the chimney made of a smooth, dual-wall Weholite pipe DN≥1000, for canals made of the Weholite pipes – diameters from DN800 to 3000 mm (there is a possibility to order manhole chimneys of larger diameter responding to the customer’s individual needs); anholes (prefabricated bottoms) DN≥1000; • m • s treet inlets DN400, DN500, DN600; • c hambers (prefabricated bottoms) DN400, DN600, DN800.
All the manholes and chambers mentioned above with chimneys of diameter ≥DN600 mm may be manufactured in accordance with the specific project requirements and customer’s needs. The manholes and chambers may be equipped with an additional heavy bottom that secures the construction against ground water forces after filling it with concrete at the construction site.
• S anitary, storm and combined sewerage systems • Industrial sewerage systems • Drainage of motorways and car parks
• Drainage pipelines (including dumpsites) • Drainage of hydro-technical facilities • Enclosures of the pumping stations and fittings
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WEHO tanks General information The polyethylene Weho tanks are one of the most typical products offered by Uponor Infra. They guarantee high quality and a wide range of capacities. The body of the tank as well as its ends have got a structural Weholite-type construction. The tank ends are manufactured with the use of a unique technology of a double-wall, spherical design, which is highly resistant to external load. The tank ends are connected with the body by means of a triple weld with a special reinforcement of the tank’s brim. The stub connections of the tank can be placed both in the body or in the ends or the chimney. The tank has got at least one inspection chimney with a polyethylene hatch or any other type of lid. The tanks installed in dense traffic areas are equipped with a cast iron hatch supported by a cast iron load distribution plate. The manhole/inspection chimneys are made of the structural Weholite pipes or the solid-wall WehoPipe pipes whose construction is adjusted to the foundation depth and the soil and water conditions in the area. The manhole chimneys may be equipped with ladders. The none-pressure Weho tanks may be used as underground or surface tanks and also as partially recessed tanks.
Placement of Weho tanks within a building enables optimum utilisation of space
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• Double walls and welded joints guarantee
100% leak-free operation and long-term durability • Foundation in difficult soil and water conditions possible • Installation in roads and underneath car parks • Ultimate corrosion resistance and broad chemical resistance • Suitability for overground installation or partial embedding (UV resistance) • Low weight (easy and fast transport, unloading and installation)
Assortiment Uponor Infra offers tanks of inner diameter ranging from 1000 to 3000 mm and ring stiffness adapted to the soil and water conditions as well as the specific requirements of a project. A typical Weho tank is a single-body structure, but there is a possibility to join tanks into batteries of any capacity. The maximum length of the delivered tanks is only restricted by transport limitations.
Large capacity tanks (up to even over a dozen thousand cubic metres) are delivered in sections that are ready to be joined by extrusion welding. Consequently, the final product is a monolithic construction that is free of mechanical joints and guarantees maximum watertightness and reliability. Such a solution enables the installation of large capacity tanks with the optimum use of the available terrain.
Applications The Weho tanks are used to keeping, storing and retention of: • s anitary, municipal and storm sewage • potable water echnological and fire water etc. • t iquids produced by agri-food industry • l • liquid animal faeces • aggressive industrial sewage
iquids used in biogas plants • l • o ther liquids (containing chemical compounds to
which PEHD is chemically resistant). It’s also possible to install fittings, technological devices and other equipment inside the Weho tanks, which means they may function as the housings of pumping stations, separators and huge sewage treatment plants.
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Gravity system VIPLINER General information VipLiner modules are intended mainly for renovation of existing gravitation pipelines. The renovation technology using VipLiner modules, developed over the years, has become one of the most reliable technologies. This method does not require trenching, which ensures minimal disruption to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Moreover, works can be carried out even when the sewerage is in use. VipLiner drainage modules feature solid polyethylene (PE) pipes with smooth inner and outer surfaces. The use of polyethylene offers only advantages for a rebuilt canal, which derive from its corrosion and abrasion resistance, long life operation, impact resistance and low roughness coefficient. High ring stiffness of VipLiner modules ensures the possibility to use them for the construction of new pipelines, directly under a carriage way within a road area. Due to outer layer grooving, VipLiner modules can be used for trenchless drainage to lower the ground water level.
Short relining with VipLiner modules is a simple and fast method for pipeline rehabilitation
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• Unique combination of durability and flexibility (ring stiffness as per PN-EN ISO 9969 min. SN8)
• High strength and reliability • Ultimate corrosion resistance and broad chemical resistance
• Low weight (easy transport and unloading) • Suitability for overground systems/networks (resistance to UV)
• Exceptional resistance to sub-zero temperatures • High abrasion resistance • Suitability for operation in the freezing zone
Assortment VipLiner modules are offered in diameters from 90 to 630 mm. The effective length of modules is 0.5 m. We make modules of different lengths
if ordered by the Customer. VipLiner modules are manufactured with ring stiffness min. SN8 (kN/m2).
Jointing methods The joining of modules is achieved by means of a snap joint with a gasket. Such joints guarantee leak tightness and fault-free operation for years.
Uponor Infra has machinery to assemble VipLiner modules. It can be rented by the Customer.
Applications VipLiner modules are intended for the renovation of sanitary, storm water, and combined sewerage as well as technological channels, and for the construction of new pipelines in a road area under a carriage way or next to it or in other
areas used for communication. They are perfect for different: renched technologies • t t • renchless technologies, such as relining or cracking.
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Pressure system WEHOPIPE General information WehoPipe is a universal system of solid-wall pipes and fittings made of polyethylene (PE), which are used for creating new and renovating old water supply and sewage pipelines as well as for technological and industrial projects. Polyethylene (PE) pipes have been used all over the world for 50 years. Our corporation was one of the first manufacturers of plastic pipes. Our experience shows that PE pipes are the optimum solution for pressure transportation of water and sewage, since their durability is estimated for more than a hundred years. PE pipes are resistant to the majority of chemical compounds that cause corrosion and deterioration. What is more, they are also flexible and – due to their natural bending radius – they may be laid following the trail of the road without the necessity of using fittings. Their low weight helps cut the costs of transportation and installation. The polyethylene WehoPipe pipes easily adjust to the dynamic surroundings and may be applied in mining damage areas (up to level 4). Exceptional abrasion resistance confirmed by tests and practice makes them ideal for hydro-transporting of sand, brine and pit sludge. In addition, PE pipe are characterised by a much lower velocity of wave propagation caused by water hammer effect unlike other materials (fiberglass, steel, cast iron). In a situation when it is necessary to use pipes that are more resistant to scratching and point strains, we offer PE 100 RC polyethylene pipes (WehoPipe RC/RC+) which have increased resistance to
WehoPipe pipes are flexible and they can be easily made to follow a route
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crack propagation, point strains and effects of scratching. In the production process of pipes Uponor Infra uses best quality raw materials that comply with international standards and Polish regulations.
• Very long period of unfailing operation • Welded joints guarantee material homogeneity of pipework and 100% leak tightness
• Possibility to lay pipes along the route without any fittings
• High abrasion resistance, which is important for transport of sewage and sludge
• Resistance to corrosion and deposit formation • Broad chemical resistance • The market-leading, safe and common solution for potable water to ensure transport without a loss in its quality • Possibility to lay piping without sand bedding and overlay (WehoPipe RC/RC+)
Assortment WehoPipe pipes are offered in a broad range of diameters, from 90 to 1800 mm, for pressures up to PN 32 bar and for SDR 6–41. The standard length of the pipes is 12.5 m. Specially ordered PE pipes can be made with individually determined parameters, such as: outer diameter, wall thickness/nominal pressure.
The WehoPipe pressure pipe system comprises a full range of fittings: segmented bends, segmented tees, centric reducers, flange segments, steel flanges and Frank-type rubber sleeves. We also make non-standard fittings, ordered by the Customer.
Jointing methods The PE pipes are most commonly joined by butt-fusion welding, which is an optimum method guaranteeing complete leak-free, materially homogenous pipes and joints of excellent mechanical resistance (carrying axial forces). Polyethylene pipes are welded in a full range of diameters up to DN 1800. Uponor Infra may also lend
appropriate welding machines for all diameters and may provide welding service at the construction site. The PE pipes are connected to the fittings and other types of pipes by means of flange joints.
ater mains and water supply pipelines • W • F orced sewage systems nternal pipelines (sewer treatment plants etc.) • I • T echnological and industrial pipelines • P ipelines for horizontal directional drillings
• H ydro-transport of sand, brine, pit sludge and other abrasive substances
• R enovations of old, corroded pipelines • U nderwater pipelines (siphons, sea outlets) Uponor Infra piping systems | 1 7
Pipeline renovation systems General information A majority of the existing water supply systems or sewerages in Poland are in poor technical condition. Numerous investments of the 1970s and 1980s relied on reinforced concrete, steel or cast iron pipes, which nowadays require constant repair, renovation or exchange work. While such repair work is provisional and exchanges are costly, renovation becomes a sensible compromise. For such projects various renovation methods using PE pipes are used. For over 20 years, Uponor Infra has designed and supplied piping systems to renovate damaged pipelines. Consequently, Uponor Infra renovation systems are ones of the most reliable technologies available in the sector. The use of polyethylene in their production gives to a reconstructed canal all advantages which derive from such qualities as resistance to corrosion and abrasion, long life operation, impact resistance and low roughness coefficient. The offered solutions ensure the construction of structures which will withstand all external loads should the pipeline under repair be totally degraded. Renovation methods require only digging auxiliary trenches, ensuring minimal
Short modules enable the renovation of large collectors
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disruption to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. We offer you several different technologies to renovate damaged pipelines.
• renovation of water and pressure pipelines
by means of long relining with WehoPipe and WehoPipe RC/RC+ • renovation of sewer gravity systems by means of long and short relining using Weholite pipes • renovation of sewer gravity systems by means of short relining using VipLiner modules • renovation of manholes • other kinds of renovation (e.g. chambers of main and intermediate pumping stations, tanks, etc.)
Long relining with WehoPipe and WehoPipe RC/RC+ For renovation of damaged pressure pipelines solid walls WehoPipe PE or WehoPipe RC/RC+ pipes with diameters up to 1800 mm are used. In the long relining method a PE liner is pushed into the old, damaged pipeline. In result of renovation, the inner diameter of the pipeline is slightly reduced. If it is especially important to minimize the narrowing of the repaired pipe, the swagelining „tight fit” renovation method, should be applied. The joints are butt-welded.
Long and short relining with Weholite pipes In long relining with gravity Weholite pipes, the pipes joined into very long (even several hundred meters) lengths are pushed inside a damaged pipeline. Weholite pipes can be joined by extrusion welding, thread joint or snap joint. In short relining method, short - from 1 to 6-meter long Weholite pipes are pushed through existing manholes or small installation trenches. Weholite modules can be joined by snap joints with a seal, machine installed at the ends of the pipe, or can be thread joined with an additional weld. Weholite pipes are offered in wide diameter range, from 300 mm to 3000 mm, which allows to customize a given pipe to the requirements of a given project.
Short relining with VipLiner modules Short relining with VipLiner modules is an inexpensive and very simple renovation method. Polyethylene VipLiner modules are pushed “from manhole to manhole” and snap joined with a seal. The modules are offered in diameter range from 90 mm to 630 mm. They have standard working length of 50 cm and are suited for installations of typical DNS 1000 manhole. We manufacture customized modules of different lengths.
Renovation of manholes The analysis of technical condition of a collector should comprise the manholes along its route. Sewage manholes are always renovated by means of readymade Weho manholes, suited to the size of repaired chamber. Weho manholes are manufactured to an individual project and may be customized to atypical orders. Weho manholes allow to create in result a complete, unified system of pipes, manholes and fittings.
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Sales Department ul. Przemysล owa 5 97-410 Kleszczรณw POLAND T +48 44 731 34 00 F +48 44 731 34 10
Please contact Uponor Infra sales office to confirm information presented i this publication in respect to products, their parameters and prices. This publication does not constitute an offer as defined by the law.
Uponor Infra Sp. z o.o. ul. Dzielna 60 01-029 Warszawa POLAND T +48 22 864 52 25 F +48 22 835 00 59