GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (970) 328-3552 FAX: (970) 328-8789 EMAIL:
Eagle County Building PO Box 850 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631
September 10, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is my personal recommendation for Tyler Plain. This past summer, Tyler was employed with Eagle County Government where he divided his time between the Weed and Pest and GIS Departments. I found Tyler to be hard working, tackling assignments with dedication and enthusiasm. Tyler came to Eagle County with a good foundation of core GIS knowledge and the desire to get practical experience. He worked closely with the Weed and Pest and GIS Departments to evaluate and enhance the current GIS mapping for weed management. The culmination of Tyler’s work has been a great benefit the County. I highly recommend Tyler for employment. His motivation and abilities would make a great asset to any organization.
Leslie Kehmeier, GISP GIS Manager Eagle County GIS Department