**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTIONARY FLYER #4 THE SPIRITUAL, MORAL, AND LEGAL RELIANCE OF OUR REVOLUTION AND ALL OF ITS ACTIVITIES AND ARGUMENTS!!! Before you begin your reading, please excuse us for the length of our articles. For they are revolutionary, intended to constructively by-pass formalities in order to ensure that all of our messages are clearly understood. And please note further that the more difficult and deeper a people’s problems, like ours here, the more aggressively they need to apply education or book, to solve their problems, like what our Revolution has now embarked upon, by the of grace of God. Please try to figure out, for example, what did US President George Bush try to portray during his 2008 visit to this place, when, instead of announcing some huge infrastructure development package from his government, as almost everyone else expected, he rather promised to give 1 million text books as his way of identifying with “Liberia”, according to the New York Times. The Swiss-French man, Jean Piaget warns everybody that it is only education that is capable of saving our societies from ultimate collapse – whether a violent or gradual collapse. Then Nelson Mandela, Africa’s most outstanding liberator, after more than 30 years of revolutionary struggle, concluded that education is the best and most powerful tool for changing every human situation. Dr. Tipoteh, for his part, used a strong statement on April 14 this year, 2017, pertaining to the danger attached to this very electoral process at hand, claiming that he was using this particular date to push the people of this country into using knowledge to prevent violence. Everyone recalls what happened in this place on April 14, 1979 etc. It is also extremely important for us to remember that the Bible and Qur’an are very keen on the issue of knowledge and the dire consequences that we risk for overlooking knowledge and vision in finding solutions to our problems. Vision of course, is a function of knowledge and education. Bible verses like Hosea 4: 6 and Proverbs 29:18 etc. are categorical that people get totally destroyed, or nations remain utterly destitute and impoverished up to their final destruction for lack of knowledge and vision, while Qur’an 17:36 suggests explicitly too that God will hold us responsible if we fail to use knowledge to solve our problems. And finally, the most powerful and appropriate way of using education and knowledge to solve all human problems – from social, to political, to scientific etc. problems, which is by the use of RESEARCH, RESEARCH, and RESEARCH, is what God has now endowed the Plain Truth Revolution to use in solving our country’s 200 year-old problem once and for all now, by His grace. So we hope, that we, the good, but ever-suffering, oppressed, and cheated masses of this country NEVER will allow this other God-given opportunity for final relief and genuine change to slip through our fingers again, in the name of going to stand on line to vote on December 26, 2017. Thanks!!!
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
Each time people rise up in real truth, and with a determination for real change etc., it is not strange that they get terribly resisted by detractors, enemies of progress, the powers that be (who are enjoying the status quo), different agents of the powers that be etc., using different formulas and tactics including sabotage, humiliations, intimidation, molestation, and the list goes on. For us from the Plain Truth Revolution, after having taken up exactly 5 years now of our quality time exclusively researching the 195-year old Liberian Hullaballoo – with God’s guidance and assistance proudly – we are clear, emphatic, honest, and confident that NO amount of reformism; NO amount of gradualism ; NO amount of sugarcoating; NO amount of time and other valuable resource investments into the current Legislative, Executive, and Judicial processes and activities over this fake 1822 Americo-Liberian civic foundation; NO amount of casting ballots under this rotten, NASTY, and terribly corrupt and illegitimate 1822 Americo-Liberian system etc. and etc. will EVER produce any progressive and sustained results for the good, but suffering people of this country. These kinds of delay tactics will only prolong the suffering of our people; expose us day by day to acute disgrace to the point now that one must take some deep and apprehensive breath before ever announcing themself as a “Liberian”, and ultimately exposing us to great dangers including a clear exposure to the long vicious cycle of fratricidal wars, ever-exacerbating poverty, increasingly dangerous levels of illiteracy, and earthquakes, also coming now into the picture etc. – unless God is mocked, and God forbid, our Almighty God is NEVER, EVER mocked!! Instead of radically dismantling Liberia and its unproductive and divisive civic theories, we sadly continue, up to date, to condone all sorts of delay tactics in the name of maintaining the status quo. It is very pitiful that we still prove to be unaware of the deadly reality that these delay tactics which are sadly been engineered and sustained by evil geniuses under the guise of running statehood, running government, and running a democracy etc., when these evil people fully know that once the foundation for these kinds of beautiful civic arrangements was never sincerely and objectively laid, irrespective of how far we have come since this faulty foundation was laid, NO amount of sustained progress will ever be made over this failed or 2
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
faulty foundation, and its offshoot will continue to remain fragile and volatile until the end of time, like in the dirty case of Liberia; wherein, the said evil geniuses above (i.e. American elements and the Americo-Liberians) continue to force the continuation of their “Liberia” and its bloody theories, all because these theories serve their selfish, personal interest at the bloody detriment of us, the owners of this land, the vast indigenous African peoples. Ladies & gentlemen, fellow good citizens, for the only solution to our 200 year old Hell here is Revolution, Revolution, and Revolution, but a peaceful, constructive revolution, indigenously designed, and well-rooted in massive and truthful theories – sound social theories that will invoke God’s intervention now into our very desperate situation. Since revolution does not necessarily mean taking guns and surfacing at Bhutuo on December 24, as these same Americo-Liberians have deceived us into believing, to be the only meaning of revolution, we are saying here that ours is about massively writing, aggressively pushing our writings and arguments to all of our fellow citizens for their buy ins, abandoning all of our comfort to get into the hot sun, and under the rain, in peaceful marches and direct actions, openly demanding our country’s real independence, vehemently insisting in broad day light, and not under the cover of darkness with guns etc., that our form of democracy, our form of economics, our entire governance etc. all MUST be changed immediately !!! etc. and etc. Now, for people who may be tempted to think that our actions are not legal or legitimate, or that our actions are seditious, or treasonable, or rebellious etc. especially when these actions begin to now strike raw nerves, we proudly take this time to elaborate to you as follows, how all of our actions and arguments are spiritually, morally, and legally justified, and that we can defend them to any length, and we can live, live, and live for these ideas by our God’s unmatched power. First off, we are highly motivated and inspired by provisions within, and the spirit of the United Nations’ December 10, 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document which spells out all the rights and freedoms to which every human being in this country – from Monrovia to Gborplay, and from Sinjey to Kaloken etc., like any other human being anywhere 3
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
on the globe, is equally and inalienably entitled, but that the Americo-Liberian criminal gang called government in this place will decide to brutally and mischievously deny us of these rights, freedoms, and privileges, with explicit US Government backing, as this colluding pair remains dead set in ensuring that they continue their free ride on us forever, God forbid!! We remain very confident and reassured that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is never country-specific; it is never intended just for a particular period of time, or only for a specific group of people etc., as these mischievous Black Americans, through their ever-cruel GOL, have been fooling us to think, in this country, since 1822, NO, NO. We are quite conscious that provisions within this ever-powerful Universal Declaration of Human Rights are the inalienable entitlements of all people, at all times, and in all places, including us, the eversuppressed and marginalized Yarkpawolos, Dolos, Boakais, Samukais, Cherues etc. of this country. We also quite well know that these rights are for people of every color, every race, and every ethnic group. They are for all citizens, all foreigners, and all migrants etc., and they do apply to people regardless of their physical conditions, their sex, their creed, their sexual orientation, and the list goes on. As the Americo-Liberian Government, set up here since 1822, has continued to blatantly ignore every provision of this mighty universal document in how they have been treating us, the Natives, in this place, including their utter disregard for a very crucial point of this document’s preamble which recognizes that in order for man not to be compelled to recourse to rebellion against tyranny and oppression as a last resort, their rights, based upon these provisions, must be protected through a genuine Rule of Law regime, we are now using this medium by the grace of God, to peacefully and civilly fight, in line with Article 28 of the UDHR, to create a social (domestic) and international order now, by which our rights and freedoms set forth in this instrument, can begin to be fully realized, by God’s power. Here we go now, in providing some short details about our many points of reliance for these actions (these writings, speeches, demands, engagements etc.): I.
All of our actions are spiritually justified. As God’s children, when we study and strongly confirm that an entity, an establishment, a theory etc. is unfair, unjust, untrue or false, evil 4
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
and corrupt, like Liberia and all of its symbols, emblems, holidays and the rest, and that they exist, instead, to champion devil’s theories and arguments rather than God’s, as demonstrated through practical ongoing activities and overall results in this country etc., we are under obligation to resist it to the letter. In our case, instead of resisting it with guns, we are resisting it through peaceful, constructive, non-conformance activities by the grace of our Almighty God. Here are some of our defenses in this direction: The Qur’an a) Qur’an 5:8 – O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety, and fear God. For God is well acquainted with all that ye do. b) Qur’an/Surat 4:135 – O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even against yourself, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: For God can best protect both. c) Surah 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers. d) Qur’an 29: 2-3 – Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, “We believe”, and will not be tested? And We, indeed, tested those who were before them? And Allah will certainly make (it) known (i.e. the truth, of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood, of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that, before putting them to test). Note: An Islamic cleric, commenting on this point said, “We must not say, ‘I believe’, and then think that Allah is not going to test us”. This means, we will definitely have some big test to pass, as a person, and as a nation or a people, before we start enjoying God’s favor to the fullest. Ladies and Gentlemen, our big test here as such, is to resist this evil design called statehood that America imposed upon us here since 1822, which is Liberia, and all of its arguments. We must now peacefully tear down this Liberia and its arguments 5
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
(theoretically). We now, for example, need: a new name for our country, a new flag for our country, a new motto, a new seal, a new constitution, brand new sets of holidays etc. for our country. The Bible a) Ephesians 6:11-13 – (11) Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. (12) Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (13) For this reason, take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist the wicked day, and after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm. b) II Corinthians 10:3-5 – (3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are, in the flesh. (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things [like for example, lies, corruption, injustice, oppression, racism, ethnocentrism etc.]. (5) For we are overturning reasoning, and every lofty (or arrogant, or disdainful) thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to [that of] Christ. c) James 4:7 – Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. d) Acts 5:29 – In answer, Peter and the other apostles said, “We must obey God as ruler, rather than man. etc. In the end here, fellow citizens and well-wishers, it is better to let our people know that all these evil arguments, these strongholds of the devil, and so forth, as mentioned in the above Biblical passages, which we must now fight to overturn – through God’s power, in our case here, are the arguments behind the devilish name, Liberia, the arguments behind its seal; the arguments behind their motto; the arguments behind their Declaration of Independence; the arguments behind their holidays etc. – all of which are devilish, and MUST be constructively broken down and trampled upon, before any real progress or 6
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
stability is ever realized here by the grace of God. Nothing less than these kinds of radical actions, which do not have to be taken using guns, but in our best judgment, through a mass Citizens Get Together, will help this country’s situation, PERIOD!!!. All of our actions, arguments, and approaches are morally justified. Here are some of our
moral justifications: a) While this particular account may sound like being confused with our spiritual defense, it is rather a good example of how morality is organically rooted within spirituality, or put another way, how these both are mutually inexclusive. James 4:17, as such, has said, “Therefore, to him who knows [how] to do good [or who knows the right thing to do at the right time], and does not do it, to him, [or against him], it is sin. b) Then the 17th century French playwright, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, CKA Moliere did say, “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are held accountable.” This also means that people, like us, are not only responsible or accountable for the actions that they take, but that we are also responsible and accountable for the kinds of actions that we should have taken, but did not take at all; the things that we knew were good and beneficial for everyone at certain time, but we just refused to do them, mainly for selfish, personal, or some emotional reasons. c) The great Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie for his part did say, which we are really inspired by too, that: “…Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most [etc.], that has made it possible for evil to triumph etc. and etc. In the end, many persons here before and during our time, including even more educated and exposed Natives than us, do quite know that the name Liberia, and all of the things that support it to date, since 1822, do damn well insult and “kick our vast Native population in the ass”, that we are mere pigs and savages, and that without mustering the needed civic courage – no matter how difficult and dangerous it is, to uproot all these nonsense for a new 7
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
arrangement on a cleaner slate using God’s eternal principles of truthfulness, love, justice etc., ABSOLUTELY nothing concrete will ever work here, continue, either out of fear or greed, to flow with the wind, believing that good things will ever happen here, with the passage of time, or with the mere casting of Americo-Liberian ballots in the fake name of democracy. Others on the other hand have decided to just remain silent or refuse to act, even though they have had this kind of lifesaving insight ever since that Liberia MUST be undone and redone before anything good and sustainable ever works up here. But a panelist on one of BBC’s programs, the Forum, was heard warning that the most expensive and culpable of human failures is INACTION, as compared to such things or situations like trying and failing. III.
Finally, all of our actions, arguments, and approaches are legally justified. For example, after having taken 5 straight and difficult years of exclusively researching this 195-year-old Liberian nightmare that continues to deceitfully masquerade as some statehood or democracy, firmly establishing its overwhelming illegitimacy, and coming up with some specific roadmap to the processes that will eventually overturn this 2 century old nightmare, God willing, here are some of the immediate next step actions or conditions that we are radically now demanding:
1) The Plain Truth Revolution now demands that we restart our country afresh on a newer and cleaner slate, based on justice, by invoking some holistic transitional justice process, taking into account issues pertaining to the very DECEPTIVE conception of this country in December 1816 by the Americans. To strengthen this debate, you can refer more specifically to two of our revolutionary articles, which include (a) “Why Must ‘Liberia’ Demand Reparations From the United States Now” and (b) “Ethnic Suppression – Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Makes Amends for it Now?” etc., all of which can be accessed from https://is.gd/kYZsIT or https://is.gd/DyCnOh. 2) We now unconditionally call for an interim leadership right after the expiration of Ellen and her UP Government’s tenure, and that this interim government will employ our currently demanded Parliamentary Democracy try out. And not to waste any time, our 8
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
revolution has gone ahead and tipped 10 reputable Grain Coasters (“Liberians”) as our own interim ceremonial presidential candidates to be voted under certain revolutionary arrangement. More light on this debate can be found in such Plain Truth Revolutionary articles as: (a) The Plain Truth Revolution, Its Roadmap, Plus Governance Plan, For The New Country, And The New Democracy That We Now Demand To Replace Evil, Failed Liberia, (b) Based on its origins, and today’s realities, the structure called Government of Liberia is a big criminal gang that must be peacefully dismantled now, for a better one, based on better principles, and (c) Based on her ancestry, and her current performance profile thus far, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, like any other Americo-Liberian president, except Tolbert, has got no moral authority over any native person for that matter in this country etc. Please excuse us for the long names of our articles; for they are revolutionary, anyway, as we have always tried to defend why. For (a) above, you may please check at https://is.gd/HuWLbk, while for (b) and (c), you may check the same sites above, in #1, which are https://is.gd/kYZsIT or https://is.gd/DyCnOh. 3) We now vow to implement a Parliamentary form of Democracy rather than keep struggling with this fake Presidential Democracy imposed upon us by America. 4) We now vow to formally implement a Socialist form of Economics, rather than keep killing ourselves with some very unproductive and criminally designed Laissez-Faire Capitalism, as also imposed upon us here by this same Uncle Sam 5) We demand an immediate set up, as part of our envisaged new civic structure, a new Ministry, the Ministry of Civic Education, to begin molding the minds of our terribly deceived and misled citizens about what it means to be independent, to run a government, to run a state, and to be responsible citizens in that state etc. 6) Instead of keep having our judges being appointed by single persons to work, defacto, at the will and pleasure of such single persons, we demand that all of our key judges be elected either through some popular votes or some Parliamentary procedure 9
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
7) We now demand that all private schools be merged systematically, and be turned into government schools, and high quality free education be inaugurated in its truest sense, in this country, from nursery to Grade 12 right now, with huge increments quickly applied to qualified teachers’ salaries and incentives, including housing, while we aggressively train new teachers both here and abroad; and to pause for now, 8) We are pushing to make it a matter of compulsion that our new system of government starts with a mandatory unemployment benefit scheme for ALL working age unemployed citizens, and disability compensation for ALL disabled and physically challenged citizens etc. and etc. For we definitely have established that this land has all the resources and even surplus to do all these things for our precious people and even more, but we MUST take these radical steps now, beginning this 2017, to demand our independence from very imperialistic America right away, so as to make these wonderful things possible for ourselves and our future generations, by the grace of God; again, yes we can. One major aspect of our revolution that promises to spark more debates and controversies is our resolve to trade a very huge blame storm across the country in helping to reinforce our strategy of forcefully bringing this country’s bloody problems to the forefront for constructive debate and solutions. Apart from our defense from the Bible – like for instance from the book of Proverbs 18 etc. that general blame is lazy, and that we must cast some lot, or cast some constructive blame in search of solution to chronic problems since nothing happens in a vacuum, and since everybody can’t be responsible for a problem, or equally responsible at the same time etc. and etc., here are some of our justifications from the Social Sciences, and from Tort Law, about the importance of apportioning constructive blame in search of lasting solutions. We, as such, believe strongly that this constructive and objective blame casting will yield for us some serious benefits, including just these 4 below, all of which will highly help us in this process of now striving to solve our country’s outwardly unsolvable problems, by the grace of God, and these 4 benefits of 10
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
casting blame, in this kind of situation, as such – like for example, saying that America and her Americo-Liberians are more responsible for all of the MESS happening here, and thus, they need to be punished now, therefore include: a) When we cast a constructive blame, we prick a wrongdoer (like the United States and Americo-Liberians, in our country’s case here, for example) to respond to something that they are conscious they have done here in the past, and continue to do here today, which they themselves will NOT come up to admit; and such response, in turn, will demand or require something from them, including, appropriately addressing our sense of feeling all this hurt, by their unwholesome actions, dating as far back as December 1816, when they established their American Colonization Society (ACS) at the Davis Hotel in Washington DC, to purge the United States of harmful Blacks. b) Blame will help us eliminate any existing desire or tendency for continuing to do these wrong things now, or, it will constrain every bit of desire that we do still have currently, to do these wrongs, now, and in the future. c) A casting of some constructive blame by us right now will spark some huge national debate that itself too, will make room for some family get together around the table, for us to discuss the burning issues that will arise from these huge debates. d) When we constructively and seriously lay some blame now, and this blame game fortunately culminates into some roundtable discussions, many benefits will accrue from such debates/discussions if responsibly and honestly conducted, including: (a) a clear understanding of where all the faults lie; (b) a commitment from wrongdoing parties, or one may say, largely wrongdoing parties, to change course; (c) a recognition of our full rights by the wrongdoers to better treatment henceforth, (d) an expression of some remorse from the wrongdoers, accompanied by some apology, and (e) the making of some restitution or reparation by the wrongdoers etc. And as a workable roadmap to the accomplishment of all these wonderful goals and objectives for Mama Country, by God’s grace, we are now forcefully, and not forcibly, 11
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
recommending that all these, and many more demanded proposals for ultimate change in our country, now be debated and legitimized at a well-organized Sovereign Citizens Convention or a National Rebirth & Constitutional Convention, as our revolution loves to call it, between now and the close of this 2017, or as early as possible in 2018 by the grace of God, instead of dangerously fooling ourselves through another mockery out of democracy in some foolish Americo-Liberian exercise called General and Presidential Elections, whose prime winners shall have already been predetermined by our deceitful, pretentious colonial master, America, and her surrogates, in an effort to plunge us into another long round of civil crisis, during which time they will complete the pillaging of the last of our remaining precious natural resources, our Oil, while they leave us in an unending bloodbath, since we are sadly afraid of man, and respect man, America in this case, so much than God – abomination!!! As we have repeatedly mentioned in other articles, one major apprehension that we have, for which we are demanding the holding of this Sovereign Citizens Convention – to be well organized and conducted under the leadership of our Plain Truth Revolution in collaboration with the current Government of Liberia, of course, and our international partners, but NEVER under the commanding leadership and influence of this GOL however, is that Liberia and its institutions are so criminal and cruel enough that the gang called government in this place has NEVER, and will sadly NEVER be any independently objective in handling issues pertaining to the greater good of our society and our future generations. This strong fact is biological, empirical, statistical and most importantly, very spiritual, thus making it a waste of precious time to ever want to dispute it. And so the kinds of radical debates and rudimentary changes to our founding civic theories and arguments, as now demanded by the Plain Truth Revolution, must be done while the United Nations is still officially present in this place – no matter their number on ground – because if UNMIL formally leaves completely, as it is expected to be so by March next year, and we be left between the EVER-deadly maneuvers of Wall Street-controlled America and her very mischievous Americo-Liberians again, those lifesaving, stabilizing, 12
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
and unconditional changes that we direly need now – like those listed above, including changes to such things as our flag, our motto, the constitution, our name etc. – before peace can ever take firm root in this place, will NEVER be realized without blood, or without unnecessarily long time delays, once the United Nations leaves. That’s why, as UNMIL is still around, our small, peaceful revolutionary group is now calling on you, the good people of this country, from the car-loaders to bike riders, to students, to business people, to government employees etc. to please elevate this debate for the holding of our Sovereign Citizens Convention this 2017 or early 2018 so that we can constructively deliberate these issues and effect changes to our social contract right before the eyes of our loving and caring UN friends. Let’s not allow this golden opportunity slip through our fingers again. In addition, the current US Administration, we believe, if adequately approached and informed, or well educated about our plight through some extra-mile efforts, which do not have to be rosy, could be of great help to this process because this party, the GOP, was set up for, and has good records for, among other things: strongly defending Blacks’ interests specifically; vehemently advocating morality in the public space; and standing up tall in protecting the rights of minorities etc. thus making them a good American partner for us, at this very crucial time, despite these toxic differences. At this demanded Convention, we are saying, all of our ethnic groups in this country will send at least 3 delegates each, of their best educated and morally strong brains, so that we can sit and look at this country’s deep problems together and come up with some genuine solutions, God willing. Delegates to this all-important National Convention will also include the same number and qualified candidates representing the Religious Community, the Political Parties Community, the High School Confederation, the Tertiary Institutions’ Community, all of our citizens in the Diaspora, to be represented by this same equal and qualified number of candidates from each continent, and then delegates from our two biggest international stakeholders, which are the United States Government and the United Nations. At this Convention, we will be handling a whole range of all of the deadly issues holding this beautiful place down since 1822, including: (1) our sorrowful lack of independence and sovereignty yet from the United States Government, and obviously; (2) our lack of any common national vision yet; 13
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
(3) the entrenched lack of JUSTICE in this place, which if not radically handled, we will NEVER make any sustained progress; (4) the sad lack of any working systems in this place to hold people, especially those working in the higher-ups of the structure that we call government here; and (5), the massive lack of morality in our society etc., again, all of which owe largely to problem #1, which is our lack of independence, as presented above, etc. and etc. Now, based upon our well founded conviction that Liberia is an illegitimate entity and a fake social contract whose provisions don’t ever seek our interest, and the glaring lies within Liberian laws themselves and other theories, we do not trust in Liberian laws, and as such, we work explicitly under the auspices of UN-approved international laws. Some of these international law provisions accordingly, which defend us for all these arguments, actions, and the likes, ranging from our demand now for redefining the statehood or nationhood status of our precious country, to our demand for now squashing this fake name, “Liberia” and its symbols and emblems etc., and to all the other demands, all of which we continue to push to the society through massive awareness and conscientization activities, in different forms and on different occasions, include: a) Article 1 of each of the below two big international legal instruments – which are the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) provides among other things, the rights of all peoples to self-determination including the right to freely determine their political status; pursue their economic, social and cultural goals, and to manage and dispose of their own resources independently and unperturbed. b) Then Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives every human being the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion etc. c) Article 19 of this same instrument gives everyone – whether Black or White – the right to hold opinions without interference, while going on to say, that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, and that this right should include freedom to seek, receive, and 14
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing, or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. d) Article 21 of the ICCPR recognizes the right of all persons to peaceful assembly. But even as undependable and deceitful as Liberian laws are, there are still provisions giving authority to all of the arguments that we are making here. For example: a. Article 1 of Liberia’s lying constitution gives citizens the right to ALTER and RE-FORM their government if it so meets their happiness etc. Fellow compatriots, this categorically does not mean, or is not restricted to holding elections, as America and her criminal Americo-Liberians have sadly brainwashed us to get stuck to, in this place. The US 1776 Declaration of Independence for instance, clearly instructs or suggests what it means to ALTER or RE-FORM a government. Check this excerpt out as a proof, ladies and gentlemen; and it reads, “…We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. [And] that whenever any form of government [sadly like Liberia’s NASTY notion and mentality of government since 1822, up to this 2017, with President Tolbert’s regime exempt to some extent], becomes [so] destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to ALTER or ABOLISH it, and to install a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such forms as to them seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness….” b. Then Article 15 of the Liberian Constitution grants you unhindered freedom of expression, with rights to hold opinion without interference, plus academic right to receive and impact knowledge and information through whatever lawful means without any interference etc. c. Article 17 states that all persons, AT ALL TIMES, and in an orderly and peaceful manner, shall have the right to assemble and consult upon the common good, to instruct their representatives, to petition the government or other functionaries for the redress of 15
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
grievances, and to associate fully with others, or refuse to associate in political parties, trade unions, and other organizations. d. Part (a) or the first part of Article 13 provides for free, lawful movement to any location, in and out of the country e. And, just as provisions of international laws, like those within the ICCPR etc. require maturity and civility on our part in exercising all of these rights, while attributing responsibility for consequences [established with honesty] for these kinds of actions to us, , we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, are very careful and conscious – by God’s grace – of our arguments and actions, and are also willing to take responsibility for whatever is [sincerely and objectively] established to go wrong, in our engagements and actions, but before the right and legitimate authorities. And, from our long years of research and all of the practical and empirical realities on ground in this country’s situation, it is only the United Nations and the United States Government that 100% qualify our Legitimacy Test – spiritually, morally, and legally, PERIOD!! But as mentioned above, it should be clear to all that we remain conscious of such provisions of international laws, like the ICCPR’s Article 20, which prohibits openly calling for war etc., similar to Liberia’s lying Constitution’s Article 14 which tries to specify under which circumstances these wonderful rights of ours could be interfered with by government etc. Before closing, let us Never overlook the importance that our God attaches to honest JUSTICE before anything worthwhile can ever be realized for a people, including peace, stability, and everything else that follows. We always love to reemphasize to you such Biblical reminders like Deuteronomy 16:20, even beginning with verse 18, then Proverbs 16:12 etc., as authoritative reasons for why nothing is working for us in this country, and why, with this curse of nothing good working for us, we keep posing bloody danger to ourselves, our sub region, and our world. Now, because we are guided by God’s principles, and that our understanding goes far beyond the ordinary, by His grace, our positions, arguments, and approaches may sound so 16
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
strange to your ears. One of these biggest arguments of ours is first off, that, Liberia was categorically established upon unjust, dishonest, and deceitful intentions and principles; and as such, this theoretical country, not our physical land, is completely off track on the issue of JUSTICE. Consequently, a new national foundation built on JUST, HONEST, and ALL-INCLUSIVE principles, MUST, and MUST, now be laid, if we really want to gain God’s favor, a powerful favor without which we can NEVER rise up to begin living as real 21st century human beings. The theory of Liberia MUST now be thoroughly destroyed or dismantled now for a new civic arrangement. This means that the name, “Liberia” (which means that our country is only for the Blacks that came from America, with their motto, “The Love of Liberty brought us here, with the name and idea of Liberia coming from the word, Liberty) must all go now go, without any delays or compromise. For God will NEVER feel satisfied with this name called “Liberia” on our land, and He will never feel satisfied for our good people to continuously be called “Liberians”. For this is INJUSTICE to the core, and an abomination to God, a Supernatural Being which is never mocked, because this land is not even for Black Americans, let alone would one mention that it is for them alone. This land belongs to Native Africans – the Vais, the Lormas, the Dans, the Bassas etc. In addition to this evil name, the current flag must go; the seal MUST go; the motto MUST go; the current anthem MUST go; the current constitution MUST go etc. and etc. Surely, these assignments may appear too big to perform. But they really are not big to perform in some sense. Once others can do it, we can do it too. It just requires first of all, fear for God, fear that He has problem with us for still upholding these devilish names, arguments etc. (flag, seal, motto, holidays etc.), and that He will soon strike us hard for keep maintaining these kinds of evil things, because in doing so, we are stubbornly placing devil’s theories and arguments over His, and letting INJUSTICE to reign over JUSTICE etc. The next things required to do this job are self-consciousness, self-pride, and determination. We must, out of the love for getting things right, muster the courage that if less educated and less sophisticated people like Susanna Lewis and others – without 17
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
prejudice to them and their efforts – could design a flag and other emblems, just in few months in 1847, then what’s about us who have all of the resources, opportunities and sophistications today? Let’s think about the God and Justice elements in all of these things now. If we think that this assignment is too big, and that we must overlook it and keep voting, then, with Scriptural backings from both the Bible and the Qur’an, let’s brace ourselves for the worse – worse things that will surely produced by more lack of independence, more acts of INJUSTICE, especially against the Natives here, more unleashing of illiteracy and its effects, more lack of roads, electricity, and water etc., or just more poverty; and to pause for now, more war, war, and war. A hint to the wise should be quite sufficient. If you overlook the blood-prevention nature of what we are talking about and demanding here; if you overlook the lifesaving need of a final change to all these corrupt national emblems and symbols, plus a change of this funny, corrupt name of our country; if you ever overlook the “fear for God” element attached to the ultimate change of these very divisive and devilish materials etc. and etc., then we are proud to refer you here to one of our Anti- 2017 Liberian Elections speeches, one intended for the 3 big parties that continue to sustain Liberia (i.e. the U.S. Government, the Liberian Legislature, and the Liberian Executive Mansion), which can be found at https://is.gd/... or, one of our G7 Summaries, entitled, “Liberia”, A Black American Theory Of Massive Human Suppression And Oppression – Reasons For Which It Will Remain A Failure Forever - Unless We Change Everything About It Now – From Name, To Flag, To All Its Theories, which too can be found at https://is.gd/HuWLbk, for you to discover for yourself, how for example: for the sincere sake of JUSTICE; for the honest fear of God; for true stability and sustained progress etc., the great United States of America, in its 241 years of existence now, has changed its flag 26 times as we speak, and is working on its 27th change; it has substantially amended its constitution more than 25 solid times now; it has changed its national anthem about 3 times now; it has revised its Pledge of Allegiance 4 times now etc. and etc., but their so-called offspring, their bastard stepchild, Americo-Liberia, or Liberia 18
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
for short, has categorically refused to change, or to even revise any of these crucial JUSTICE and Social Contract-related national items as yet, in her 195 years of being around. The big question here however could be: Is Liberia suggesting that the Americans are STUPID for these kinds of flexible changes with the passage of time; or does Liberia mean that the Americans have no work to do, for which they must be spending their useful time working on new flag designs; or is Liberia saying that the Americans have no use for their money etc.? For one writer named Publius, is quoted as saying that any grand plan that is not flexible enough to change, especially with change to match our world’s fast changing times, like the NASTY, SINISTER, 1822-1847 Americo- Liberian grand plan against our huge Native population here – doing all they can, to keep their unjust and erroneous arguments and theories alive forever etc. – is a Deadly, Bloody, grand plan. To now muster the courage to correct all these and many other messy things surrounding our national existence, an endeavor which will only succeed by first systematically documenting every fact related to these issues, instead of talking about elections, elections, and elections all day, is the reason why we are now saying, let’s have a Citizens’ Round Table right now, between this last month of 2017 and February 2018 latest, that is, before UNMIL finally leaves. Fellow citizens, if we overlook these kinds of peaceful, constructive warnings, it may be too late for us later when we come to our senses. Remember Jesus said in Luke 5 that we can’t keep putting new wine into old bottles or cutting pieces off new coats to patch old coats. This is synonymous with holding fake elections over this NASTY, CORRUPT, and UNJUST Americo-Liberian foundation, while we keep circulating the same human actors that have gotten firmly rooted into the NASTY Americo-Liberian modus operandi of running human affairs, especially governance. We just need a brand new civic arrangement now fellow citizens, there’s no if and then!!! Let it not take rocket science to let us know
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
that no matter how painful and difficult it is, to avoid ultimate shame, disgrace, blood etc., “Liberia” and all of its arguments MUST now go!!!!! Finally, it may interest you to know that this very current government, as illegitimate as it is, has, in many respects, and on several occasions, either one way, or the other, backed everything that we are saying and demanding; and so, we don’t know, how on Earth, will they ever be tempted to disagree with us, or to intimidate us on this lifesaving and Godapproved road to national renewal. Let’s now close, as below, with a few accounts of how these people have strongly backed and promoted our revolutionary drive one way or the other: 1) A short excerpt of Madam Sirleaf’s last inaugural speech (January 2012), which we are proudly putting into use here, are as follows: “….“My position as president allows me to broaden and to deepen the opportunities for a better life available to you, but it is up to us all to ensure that this country lives up to its truest potentials. I call you my compatriots, to a new age of patriotism. Patriotism does not mean blind loyalty to power. ….Patriots freely, openly and even passionately disagree about what is best for the nation they love. Patriots acknowledge that those who may not embrace their particular views are nonetheless acting out of their own understanding of what is best for their country…..They believe in a democracy of policies and not personality, merits not money, and actions, not words.” 2) According to www.globaleconomicsymposium.org, former Finance Minister Amara Konneh agreed that we MUST build a NEW national foundation before we make any political or economic progress. He also cited Dr. Amos Sawyer’s view or insinuation that we MUST now build a new democracy of our own from scratch, instead of struggling [in vain] with some democracy that was imposed upon us from outside. 3) With regards, in our opinion, to key provisions such as Article 1 of Liberia’s fake Constitution, as we brought above, and other crucial provisions dishonestly placed on Liberia’s books, Dr. Joseph Mills Jones, Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia once 20
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
commented that: “If we have policies on the books without knowing, or fully appreciating the particular situations that we are faced with, then those policies will never produce their results.” This is according to the 21st March 2014 edition of the New Dawn Newspaper. 4) In addition to many other expert views – before or after, (including those of Dr. Abeodu Bowen Jones, Augustine K. Ngafuan, Justice Gladys K. Johnson etc. that Liberia’s symbols and emblems are bloody, divisive, and outdated; and as such, MUST be changed completely or drastically revised, UL Professor Dr. Elwood Dun, during his 2012 Independence Oration, reemphasized that these symbols and emblems were discriminatory or divisive, and consequently were recipes for chaos, and MUST be changed, or again, revised. The devilishly pretentious Government of Liberia did concede to this bloody reality and therefore established the Symbols Review Committee in 2014. This has become a grand scam in the end. Now let’s just bring you here, what all the Social Scientists and Business experts say, are the key importance of national symbols and emblems. According to these sources, these items (i.e. our country’s name, its flag, its motto, its holidays, its national anthem etc.) do the following things, among others: 1) They embody the principles and desires of all citizens (not only Americo-Liberians) 2) They engender or harness the commitment of every citizen (not only unconscious Natives along with all Americo-Liberians) to unanimously pursue common purposes and goals 3) They hold the mirror to the values of the country 4) They propagate messages from national strategic plans to each citizen 5) They steer each citizen in the same direction 6) They ensure the psychological integration of each citizen into the national whole, or the body politic, which is the first step to social cohesion and national unity 7) They make all citizens to place justified confidence and faith in their country 8) They create a complete sense of belonginess in every citizen to their country
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
9) They are a reflection of how justice is dispensed to each citizen and how the opportunities, wealth, and privileges of a country are shared with each citizen; and finally for now, 10) They improve the performance of each citizen in all of their daily affairs etc. and etc. Then last but not the least for now is the constitution. But let’s first refresh your memories on the meaning and importance of a Constitution to a people. A Constitution is a written document which explains the high values to be cherished by a nation; or in more details, a document which explains why the nation came into existence in the first place, how the government is to be structured, the different responsibilities and powers to be exercised by different authorities and parties within the nation/country, and all the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by those for whom the nation or state was established. For all this, a Constitution is referred to as the Supreme Law of a Land – the “Bible” of a Land, if you may. But for Liberia, as we speak, its current Constitution, written when the country’s most productive president ever, Mr. William R. Tolbert had just been savagely killed by some very uncivilized brutes with America’s reported support, and under the reign of terror and intimidation, written just to satisfy the interest of these broad day killers, and to shield them from future justice etc., is full of MESS, MESS, and MESS. To back this huge claim, in addition to some other expert opinions, University of Liberia’s Professor, Dr. Elwood Dun again, in 2013 (reportedly on ‘Flay Day’), strongly proposed that because of the flaws, dualities, and [just many sheer mess] within Liberia’s legal foundation, the current constitution, which makes it a recipe for chaos or continuous bloodbath, this supposedly supreme law of the land must be immediately revisited and revised. The Government agreed that this legal foundation of the country must now be broken down, and as such, assembled and commissioned the Constitutional Review Committee in 2013. This again, became another Americo-Liberian grand scam, when later it was reported that the Government complaint that it would cost them $20 million to revise the constitution, and that this money was too much for working on the supreme law of the land. Even to call a meeting to debate findings of the Constitutional Committee, the United Nations Development Program had to provide Daily
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
Sustenance Allowance and accommodation for Americo-Liberian lawmakers, according to very reliable sources. As we finally take leave of you for now, we are pleased to substantiate some of our claims about Liberia’s voidable and invalid constitution, featuring just 9 of the very messy articles of this 97-articled 1986 military junta constitution, as follows, with our short revolutionary, and disapproving comments attached to each. In layman terms, these 9 articles below are either outright lies, or they highly promote indecency and impunity. Here we go, sadly: 1. Article 5 stresses 3 things in summary: (a) the government should design all of its policies and activities in the spirit of national integration and unity, and it should promote all citizens participation in governance. (b) All positive Liberian cultures should be preserved, and (c) The government should always take steps to eliminate all forms of discriminations such as sectionalism and tribalism, including such other negatives as the abuse of power, the abuse of national resources, nepotism, and other corrupt practices. – OUR MASSIVE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTIONARY WORKS HAVE PROVEN ALL THESE TO BE VERY GREAT LIES, LIKE THE GREAT LIES THAT ESTABLISHED LIBERIA, AND CONTINUE TO SUSTAIN IT. 2. Article 6 says, for the social, economic, and political wellbeing of the state, the Republic shall provide equal access to educational opportunities and facilities for all citizens to the extent of available resources, and shall provide mass, quality education to eliminate illiteracy – THIS IS A VERY GREAT LIE 3. Article 7 mandates that, for the welfare of all, and the national economic development of the state, the Republic shall manage its economy and natural resources properly – A VERY MISCHIEVOUS LIE FROM THE DEVIL 4. Article 10 – The Republic shall ensure that the constitution is taken to ALL, and is taught in ALL institutions of learning. – GOD WILL KEEP PUNISHING LIBERIA FOR THIS VERY GREAT LIE
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
5. Article 11: (a) ALL persons are born equally free and independent, with certain natural, inherent, and inalienable rights, including the right of pursuing and maintaining the security of the individual person. (b) All persons are equal before the law, and are entitled to their fundamental rights and freedoms, including equal protection under the law. – LIE, LIE, AND LIE, AS THE AMERICO-LIBERIANS ARE RATHER BORN BIGGER, AND DO LIVE FAR ABOVE THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF THIS LAND OFFICIALLY!!!! 6. Article 20(b) Justice should be done without sale, delays, or denials – VERY DECEITFUL PROVISION THAT THE U.S. STATE DEPT. ITSELF ALWAYS COMPLAINTS ABOUT 7. Article 26 – Any person feeling cheated in the application of any of these laws or provisions by a government court or authority shall have the right to sue the government, that court, or any authority. All such suits shall originate in the Claims Court, and appeals from this court shall go the Supreme Court. – THIS IS A BOLD FACE LIE 8. Article 27 (b) To preserve the Liberian culture, only Negroes, or those of Negro descent can become citizens by birth or naturalization. – TOTAL DISCRIMINATION, MIXED WITH A LIE, STILL BEING MAINTAINED 9. Article 97: (a) everything done by the PRC (meaning Tolbert’s killers and heavily American backed “Peoples’ Redemption Council”) prior to the coming into being of this constitution shall never be questioned or challenged in any way. (b) No proceeding, suit, or whatsoever action shall ever come against the PRC for whatever reason, including: (1) the overthrow that brought their PRC junta to power, (b) the suspension of the 1847 constitution, (3) the act by the PRC to establish anything, including itself; (4) the imposition of penalties (including illegal, and savagely bloody penalties) and punishment on anybody by the PRC; and (5) the establishment of this constitution - A VERY BLOODY PROMOTION OF IMPUNITY, MIXED WITH PERVERSION OF THE LAW, ALL BACKED BY AMERICA, ONLY BECAUSE THESE DEVILISH PROVISIONS SERVE TO WORK AGAINST EVERY INTEREST OF AMERICA’S ‘ENEMY’, PRODUCTIVE WILLIAM R. TOLBERT etc. and etc. 24
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia” and the rest of the world. Thanks.
In the end, all these big ideas may sound like mere ferry tale or empty, unachievable dreams in the eyes and ears of many, but we maintain that with unqualified faith in God, backed by strong determination, they are all achievable by God’s grace. But for those who, out of lack of faith in God, and lack of self-pride and self-determination, will keep doubting the possibilities of these dreams or ideas, which have been achieved by fellow human beings elsewhere like ourselves, let’s leave you here with this quote from Apple Inc., in the United States, about how change does come about, and who can bring it, which reads thus: “….Here is to the crazy ones; the misfits; the troublemakers; the round pegs in square holes; the ones who see things differently. They are not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them, or vilify them, but the only thing you cannot do is to ignore them, because they can change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see them as geniuses because people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who can truly do so.” a
Lastly, please listen out for more of our Plain Truth Revolutionary Actions, as we strongly insist upon these demands by God’s grace. If you have anything to offer us, from material, to moral, and any worthwhile support, you may please feel free to contact us at any of these numbers: (1) Pastor Kringar - 0886556498 (2) P. Kartee - 0886120985 or (3.) Z. Kartee – 0777611656. Another big way of promoting our ideas, especially as we march, or take other peaceful civic actions in demonstration of these dreams, beginning October 9, 2017, is to photo copy any of our leaflets, like this one, especially, and furnish or supply us with them, so that we have them in abundance to share it all through our action. Remember that by doing all these, you are securing yourself some favor from God while actively performing some civic and spiritual duty to humanity. Please still follow our arguments at https://webs.facebook.com/plaintruth2013 or on YouTube at https://is.gd/iqwOa7 and https://is.gd/bQsSbs.
**Note: These physical papers may appear out of date, but our key message and the big issues in them remain extremely fresh and critical for preventing future bloodshed in this country, and for ensuring final independence, lasting peace, true stability, and the much-talked about economic prosperity. Therefore, the arguments in all these papers, handouts, and pamphlets will remain the very foundation stones of our Revolution’s engagement with “Liberia� and the rest of the world. Thanks.
This is Flyer #4. Please also make effort to get Flyers #1, 2, 3 and 5, from anywhere in the streets, or from https://is.gd/P38O2J, or https://webs.facebook.com/plaintruth2013, or better still Google them out by name, and let all of us now get actively involved with this debate for Mama Country. Thank you once more for refusing to vote, and instead, joining us in demanding this Sovereign Citizens Convention between now and February 2018 by all means, God willing.