School Matters Fall 2012

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School Matters LATE FALL 2012

2012 Varsity Soccer ence Confer s Champ

Wow! 2012 Lady Tro jan Golf Co nference

2012 Lady Trojan Cross Country Conference Co-Champs

jan Swim 2012 Lady Tro nsecutive o & Dive 10th C Champions Conference


2012 Varsity Football alifier MHSAA Playoff Qu

2012 Lady Trojan V olleyball





SUPERINTENDENT’S VIEWPOINT by Susan Wakefield, Superintendent

Good Financial Stewards


eadership in a school district covers a broad spectrum of responsibilities and financial stewardship is one of the most important. Part of this responsibility involves bonds and the fiduciary duty of the Board of Education to reduce debt at every opportunity. The District has refunded bonds many times to reduce the interest rate on the funds we borrow, thereby reducing, the tax burden to our citizens. Recently, the Board of Education was presented with a legal issue related to refunding bonds for our District. With interest rates at a historic low, the Board of Education passed resolutions in May and September to refund $9,660,000 in bonds to the State. The conservative projected savings to taxpayers is $650,000 and it could be as much as $1,500,000. Plainwell Community Schools participates in the State of Michigan School Bond Loan Fund (SBLF) and we asked the SBLF to allow us to refinance our debt at a lower interest rate. Because of our participation in the SBLF, the State of Michigan Department of Treasury qualities (authorizes) the refunding of the bonds. The Treasury Department denied our most recent request. The Board of Education then passed a revised resolution which authorized our financial advisers to refinance our bonds with a private investor and we were offered a good interest rate. The Treasury Department still would not qualify the refunding, as presented by our financial advisers. Apparently, at issue for the Treasury Department is a concept called “mandatory loan repayment date.” Due to the decrease in property values, over which we have no control, the amount of money raised by our millage is less than in previous years. However, a lower interest rate would get us closer to the repayment date than our current rate and it would save our taxpayers money. Refunding the bonds would also allow us to reduce our debt to the State of Michigan. The Treasury, however, will only approve the refunding if the District agrees to raise


the millage rate from the current 7 mills to 8.31 mills. lt should be noted that, prior to our District applying to refund our bonds, the Department of Treasury approved the refunding of bonds for two other Michigan school districts this summer although neither would meet their mandatory repayment date. The Board of Education believes that the only requirement that is necessary by statue to refund bonds is that the District be able to prove present value savings to the taxpayers. Such a savings is indisputable in our situation. The Board believes that the Treasury Department’s position violates the State Constitution and other school finance statutes which give us the right to borrow, reduce our debt to the State, and reduce the burden to our taxpayers. On September 24, 2012, the Board of Education unanimously passed a motion to retain a legal firm to pursue any necessary litigation with the State of Michigan related to the refinancing of our bonds. A complaint was filed on October 25 in Circuit Court in Ingham County. A hearing is scheduled for November 8, at which the Court will be requested by our Board to allow our proposed refinancing. At the time of this writing, I do not know the outcome of these proceedings. I do know that the Board of Education has taken a strong stand on behalf of all the taxpayers in our District. We believe there is a clear right and wrong in this situation and the Board of Education is acting as good financial stewards on behalf of all of us. When this matter is settled, I will be communicating the decision to everyone via the website. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to Plainwell Community Schools. n

CALENDAR of EVENTS November 21-23


November 28

All Students 1/2 Day End of 1st Trimester

November 30

Christmas Tree Lighting with music at 6:30 p.m.

December 1

Christmas Parade 1:00 p.m.

December 24- January 4 HOLIDAY RECESS

January 17 HS P/T Conferences • 4-8 pm

February 21

All Students 1/2 Day

February 22 NO SCHOOL

March 5

Grade 11 Students Only No K-10, 12

March 13

All Students 1/2 Day End of 2nd Trimester

March 29


April 1-5


April 18

HS P/T Conferences • 4-8 pm

May 27


June 7

Susan Wakefield, Superintendent Plainwell Community Schools W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G

Last Day of School 1/2 Day End of 3rd Trimester

FOCUS ON CURRICULUM by Bob VanDis, Director of Curriculum

Plainwell Middle School is Capturing Kids’ Hearts and Building Teen Leaders


here’s a new feeling at Plainwell Middle School this year. As you walk down the hall between classes, you’ll see teachers and students smiling and greeting each other. Teachers stand at their doorways and shake hands with each student as they enter, welcoming them to class. Amid the rush to class, one student shoves past another to get to his locker and a third student gives him a hand sign that means check your behavior, you’re not acting according to our social contract which is to treat each other respectfully. What’s going on here? Smiling and happy teenagers? Teenagers reminding other teenagers to behave properly in school? Well...what’s happening is a new program at our middle school called Capturing Kids’ Hearts. Through a three day training in August, this program provided our teachers and administrators with the experience and tools to build positive, productive, and trusting relationships with each other and students. With students feeling valued and respected by their teachers and by each other, they are then more motivated to learn and excel. Independent studies found that schools implement-


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ing Capturing Kids’ Hearts experienced a 22% decrease in office referrals and an 11% decrease in failing grades (Sherwood 2003 and Danaher 2006). In a summary of these studies, the Flippen Group writes: Pro-social skills and competencies (respect, caring concern for others, com-

municative competences, citizenship, and problem solving) increased significantly in the intervention schools compared with the outcomes in control schools. One of the best parts of my job is visiting and coaching teachers in their first 5 years, so I have had the opportunity this fall to spend an hour in several classrooms with teachers who are using the techniques from Capturing Kids’ Hearts. I can personally attest to the positive feeling tone, excellent student behavior, and

engaging lessons that result from skilled teachers using and adopting these techniques. Another program from the same group that developed Capturing Kids’ Hearts is called Teen Leadership. Teen Leadership is an elective course that teaches students to take responsibility, trust themselves, and handle problems and decisions when they arise. Students also learn public speaking and communication skills, how to make principled decisions, recognize and resist peer pressure, and understand the need for personal and professional goal setting. Two excellent teachers, Bob Farris and Jason Herbert, took a workshop and became certified this summer to teach this program; and we are now running Teen Leadership classes as an elective for 7th and 8th grade students. Students in these classes are excited and motivated and learning some wonderful skills that will serve them well all of their lives. Through these two programs, Plainwell Middle School is making a strong commitment to be the best school we can be for our young people; and it’s exciting to see how these new programs are already showing positive results. n


FOLLOW US! @PlnwellSchools

– CALL FOR ADVERTISERS – If you would like to advertise in Plainwell Community Schools’ School Matters, please contact Bonnie Pfingst at 685-5823 or for more information. W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G


PHS Band Director, Paul Mundo


Congratulations to our Trojan Marching Band on a Great 2012 Season!

Photo: Becky Ho

wrigon Photograp


Otsego Band Invitational: 3rd Place MSBOA District XI Band Festival: Division I (Superior) Rating Lakeshore Band Invitational: 2nd Place and Best Color Guard, Awards of Excellence in Music, Percussion & Color Guard Jenison Band Invitational: 3rd Place Walt Disney World Electric Parade 2013 Spring Break: By audition, highly-competitive

2012 Trojan Homecoming King & Queen The Plainwell student body selected Max Tustin, the son of Katie Tustin and Aubrey Tran, the daughter of Jan Whyte-Tran and Ron Tran, to rule over the 2012 Homecoming festivities on Friday, September 28th.

Local Induction Ceremony for PHS Band Director Accepted into American School Band Directors Association (ASBDA)


his spring, Paul Mundo, Plainwell High School Band Director received his letter of acceptance into the American School Band Directors Association (ASBDA). At this year’s Winter Band Concert it will be made official. Jim Hewitt (former director of bands at Otsego, director of the River Cities Concert Band, and longtime director of the Plainwell Music Society) will be on hand Wednesday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center to present Mr. Mundo with the honor. ASBDA draws together the finest minds and best teachers nationally for the purpose of helping influence the direction and furthering the cause of good music in the nation’s schools. n



everal students from Renaissance High School took time out of their busy school day to share stories with students from Starr Elementary and Gilkey Elementary in October. These photos show (L): Jamie Rutherford and (R) Jasmine McNees reading to student groups from Mrs. Reed’s class.


W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G



Focus On:




th grader, Ali, greets her fellow classmates as they enter the room. This is a day like any other in Mr. Farris’ 2nd hour Teen Leadership class, with one difference, today there is a special guest. The screen at the front of the room reads, “Welcome Mayor Brooks,” with an inspirational Lil Wayne quote at the bottom: “I don’t need it to be easy, I just need it to be worth it.” Plainwell Middle School has undergone many changes in the past year. One of these has been the adoption of the national program “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” – thanks to middle school Principal Gary Barton, Superintendent Sue Wakefield and Curriculum Director Bob VanDis. Becoming a leader, even as a teenager, and developing Social Contracts, are part of “Capturing Kids’ Hearts.” Bob Farris and Jason Herbert are both teaching Teen Leadership this year and so far the class has been a welcome addition to the middle school cur-


riculum. Each class has their own Social Contract. Part of creating the contract is realizing that not everyone may share your views and opinions but in order for things to run smoothly and move forward you need to agree on some basic rules. The class is empowered to govern itself and keep each other in check by using hand signals. Every period opens with 2 or 3 students sharing a positive experience with the rest of the class. Each positive fact is followed up by the entire class clapping twice. Elyse stated that her volleyball team had won their game against Allegan last night. Mayor Brooks replied, “It’s always good to beat Allegan.” Clap. Clap. Paige said she was excited to be in a parade this coming weekend. “I love a parade,” answered the Mayor. Clap. Clap. Mayor Brooks shared the road he had taken to become mayor. He joined City Council in the 90s and was elected mayor in 2000. Weeks later, the paper mill closed. Bringing the city back to where it should be has been a struggle but Mayor Brooks is finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with the road construction and building growth at the mill, which is now owned by the city. He added, “Literally, on this day, we are opening a new Public Safety building at

the west end of the mill.” A typical week for the mayor isn’t at all typical. It’s different each day, every week. City Manager, Erik Wilson, keeps him posted on everything he needs to know and Mayor Brooks adds that Mr. Wilson is one of the smartest people he knows and “one of the greatest city managers we’ve ever had.” The mayor doesn’t keep an office to speak of, but spends 3 or 4 days a week at City Hall. “One or two times a week I attend board meetings, some in the mornings, some in the evenings. I have a wedding to officiate on Saturday. Next Wednesday, I meet with Hands 2 Hands.” Mr. Farris chimes in throughout the discussion, around what Mayor Brooks is saying and doing. He points out traits of a true leader: sitting on various boards and councils, wearing many hats, greeting people with a handshake, and volunteering time. Mayor Brooks adds, “I guarantee that five or six of you will be on a board at some point in your life, and you should. You need a diverse group of people to form a great council.” In closing, the mayor tells the class they should remember to volunteer their time and adds, “I don’t know if you know, but you live in the best community in southwest Michigan.” We know it, Mayor Brooks - thanks to you! n

The list of vIsitors to the Teen Leaderships classes continues to grow. Dr. Wright, Principal of Plainwell High School, Mrs. Wakefield, Superintendent and community member, Liz Jones, have all shared life & career experiences as well as training students to identify character strengths/ weaknesses and tips on working well with others. W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G


E L E M E N TA R Y S C H O O L N E W S C O O P E R • G I L K E Y • S TA R R

Gilkey Elementary Fall Cleanup


any hands make light work. Gilkey Elementary would like to thank all of the helpers who turned out for their Annual Fall Cleanup. Teachers, students, parents and community members all pitched in to make the playgrounds, flower beds, gardens and nature lab ready for winter. Thanks again to all who lended a hand and donated their time! Ben and Sophia Cox (and their dad) give Mrs. Pendola an extra hand with cleaning out the flower beds




C There’s soon to be something new at Starr Elementary! Starr will have a “Kids’ Cabinet!” This cabinet will stock underwear, socks, hair brushes and combs, tooth brushes, tooth paste and other personal care products kids may need but parents find difficult to purchase. Starr was able to create this cabinet thanks to a very generous donation. Teachers will have access to this cabinet for their students and a parent may also request items but must come to the school to pick them up. The staff at Starr is grateful to have the opportunity to help our families in a new way. The cabinet will be ready by mid-November.


ooper Elementary’s Koala Fun Run was held on the most beautiful day of the fall, Thursday, October 4. The top earners from each grade level had the opportunity to throw a pie in Mr. Pettit’s face! Pie throwers were: Annesa Jaeger, Beau Carr, Ryan Reid, Loghan Schoenrock, Maureen Belcher and Chris Sellers. The students had a great time at the event and looked wonderful in their snazzy Koala Fun Run tshirts. Thanks to the Cooper Parents Club and all of our supportive families!


rs. Battilana’s 5th graders and Mrs. Fillar’s Kindergarteners are collecting cans and bottles to raise money for children in Bosnia. Mrs. Fillar’s daughter will be traveling to Bosnia in June and will be using the money to purchase medical supplies from Perrigo, arts and craft supplies, vitamins, and socks for Bosnian children. The collection dates will be November 5 - November 16. For more information please visit

W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G


WOLVERINE ALL-CONFERENCE • 2012-13 • CROSS COUNTRY Haley Betts Luke Boulter Rachel Buck Makenzie Evers Cara Minto

Emma Seiler Teresa Thiel Evelyn Usmanova Audrey VanderBoon Megan VanderBoon Karalyn VanSlamBrouck

SWIM & DIVE Molly Boylan Mallory Comerford Blair Cornell Abby Ernst Kelsey Ernst Karlee Gauthier Aaryn Jewell Kim Jones Veronica Klein Jessica Nyberg Kaitlin Oakes Nastia Riggin Ally Seiler

FOOTBALL Ryan Britton Alex Corbin Anthony Davis CJ England Graham Hubbell Zach LaPointe Jason McCauslin Grant Pell Chance Terry Tyler White

VOLLEYBALL Melanie Hyames Kerry Swain SOCCER Nick Jones Davis Karklins Elliot Loftus JD Nord Alex Pylat Zac Rush Derek Snyder Jeremy Young TENNIS Jan Krakora GOLF Abbie Losiewski Katlin O’Connell Darby Wagner

W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G

REMINDER: The PHS Athletic Department would like to remind everyone that if Plainwell hosts or is chosen to host any Wolverine Conference or MHSAA playoff event, Plainwell All-Sport Passes, Plainwell Community School Employee ID Passes, Wolverine Conference Passes and Senior Citizen Passes should be aware that those passes are NOT valid for entry into conference or MHSAA events. Those passes are only valid for Plainwell Community School sponsored events. 7


winter youth recreation BASKETBALL SKILLS CAMP Grades K - 6

Each Saturday, the same pool of players will be divided up differently. Phone call reminders will not be made. Please attend the practice on March 5th at the assigned time for your grade level. (No Camp March 30 & April 6 due to Spring Break). Date: Saturdays • March 2-April 20, 2013 Time: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. - K, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. - 4th, 5th & 6th Location: Plainwell Middle School Cost: $52.00 $37.00 for Gun Plain Twp. Residents Instructors: Coaches Klein, Rieman & staff

A NOTE FROM THE RECREATION DIRECTOR: n the last School Matters, I tried to thank the countless people who have helped our recreation programs. I need to add one more to the list. Jeff Opel, one of our friends and coaches, diligently worked with his employer, Consumer’s Energy to get us a $500 grant for the purchase of recreation equipment. Jeff and I talked and we decided to buy reversible jerseys to keep in our gyms during basketball season. The jerseys will be worn by one team in the event that both teams are same color. Between Plainwell, Otsego, and Martin, we often end up with similar colors playing each other. This generous donation will help keep teams (and the coaches!) separated. Thanks Consumers and Jeff! Sadly, this is my last letter as the Recreation Director. I have recently announced my resignation and will be handing off the torch on January 1, 2013. Being Plainwell Community School’s Recreation Director has been a wonderful experience for me and I’m really proud of how the program has grown over the four and a half years I’ve been leading it. For that reason, I’m happy that the program is being left in good hands! Bob Farris, Plainwell Middle School teacher and Middle School Athletic Director will be acting as the Interim Recreation Director. Bob brings with him almost 20 years of athletic leadership experience. He is just as excited as I am about the program and has wonderful ideas to continue to expand recreational opportunities in the community. Please remember the value of exercise and participation in team sports. Especially when going into the holidays, when it’s really easy to over-eat and under-exercise. I hope to see you all out and about. Until then, be well! n – Jason Herbert


TAE KWON DO Ages 7 to 107

Tae Kwon Do is a 200 year old martial art and it is the national sport of Korea. It is a dynamic form of self-defense and an excellent means of physical fitness for men, women and children of all ages. This form of martial art includes physical techniques, mental discipline and a deep philosophy. Improve coordination, gain strength, and increase your flexibility while learning self-defense techniques from an ancient Korean martial art form. Tae Kwon Do is appropriate for kids and adults of all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels. Come by yourself, with a friend, or bring the whole family for fun and fitness. Class is open to all - age 7 and older. Date: Mondays • January 7 - March 25, 2013 Time: 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Location: Hicks Gym, 311 Hicks Street Cost: $42.00 individual $67.00 family Instructors: Huong Tran All registrations are done online or you can stop by your school or community ed office. Registration deadline is December 20, 2012


Bidding Farewell


All registrations are done online or you can stop by your school or community ed office. No sign ups at camp. Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 20th.

Information will be released in January via fliers and our website www. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (269) 685-9531. Date: Saturday, February 9 Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Location: PMS Gym

Sponsored by Plainwell Community Schools and Gun Plain Township





& Recreatio

Plainwell Community Education & Recreation


A Gift for Program

Contact the Community Ed. Office today at 685-9531

From Date






85-95 AN • 6





& Recreatio


Program From


ORN 422 AC





85-95 AN • 6





& Recreatio

Visit Click on the Our District tab and choose Community Education. You can then click on the link to register and pay online using your Master Card or Visa, or in person at the Community Education office. A dropbox is available or mail your registration form to Plainwell Community Education. A Gift for

Program From


ORN 422 AC




85-95 AN • 6


One registration form per participant, please.

Name __________________________________________________________ Township _____________ Address _________________________________________CIty____________________ Zip __________ Child’s Age___________________________ Grade Entering___________________________________ Parents Name__________________________________________Phone__________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________ Activity_________________________________________Session #______________Time___________ Activity_________________________________________Session #______________Time___________ Activity_________________________________________Session #______________Time___________ Master Card/Visa _______________________________________________ Exp. Date ___/___/___ Please make checks payable to Plainwell Community Education. Mail registration form or stop by: Plainwell Community Education, 422 Acorn St., Plainwell, MI 49080 (269) 685-9531 Fax registration to (269) 685-1564. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed Friday.

W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G


This program is for the beginner to intermediate photographers. Topics will include the following: (Beginners) camera functions, terminology, and composition. (Intermediate) work flow, image editing, lighting. Discussions will be held for all on what is the right equipment for you. We will talk about how to utilize social networking sites, online print labs, and proper storage of your files, including how to keep them safe. In this digital age, it is easy to get left behind! We will get you up to speed. Please bring your gear, your camera manual (if you have them) and an open mind. This course will be taught by Sean Newton. Sean works as a freelance photographer who specializes in action sports, nature, and photo manipulation. If you are looking to get more out of your photos and you want to find the best ways of sharing them with your family, friends and the world, this is the class for you. Dates: Mondays & Wednesdays January 28 - February 6, 2013 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Location: Plainwell Community Ed Cost: $57 Instructor: Sean Newton All registrations are done online or you can stop by your school or community ed office. No sign ups at class. Registration deadline is January 9, 2013.

CPR/First Aid CPR / First Aid Certification offered with an American Heart Association certified instructor. Participants will work on adult, child, and infant mannequins to meet the MIOSHA regulations. We can only take 10 participants so sign up early. Dates: Saturdays • January 19 & 26, 2013 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Location: Plainwell Community Ed Cost: $20 renewing/$30 first time Instructor: Dave Kuitert You must preregister online for this class and then pay at the door the first night of class. Please feel free to contact the community ed office if you have any questions. Registration deadline is January 9, 2013.

CAREER & COLLEGE FITNESS A different type of well being! Career & College Planning before high school graduation is essential in today’s economy. Open to parents and students 9th - 12th grade, this workshop will explore individual interests, values, and abilities. This class will also provide tools and resources to help determine a post secondary plan of action. For this Student/Parent workshop, the fees include both participants as the resources will be used by the student and shared with the parent. Dates: Mondays • February 11 & 18, 2013 Time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Location: Plainwell Community Ed Cost: $50 per participant You must preregister for this class online and pay at the door the first night of class. Checks must be made out to: Riverwoods Consulting (this includes student & parent as one participant. Also includes one Career Pointer book, additional books will be available for $10 each. Registration deadline is February 4, 2013.

ZUMBA® - Ladies Only Amy Baker is authorized to teach all of the following Zumba courses: Basic Zumba, Zumba Toning, Zumbatomic for Kids, Zumba Gold and Aqua Zumba. She has an amazing personal testimony of weight loss and life change. Now she makes it her mission to help others get in shape and lose weight. Zumba fitness classes are for ages 13 and older. Amy would like to remind participants that your hour of Zumba is an hour for you. No childcare is provided, therefore young children should not attend. For more information, email acc4love@, visit or call (269) 271-5045. Dates: Mondays • January 7 - March 25, 2013 Time: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dates: Sundays • January 6 - March 24, 2013 Time: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Location: Hicks Gym, 311 Hicks St. Cost: Any 10 classes for $50, Any 20 classes for $80 Walk-in participation available anytime - $5. Please come early to your first class to register.

AQUA ZUMBA Ladies Only Amy Baker is authorized to teach all of the following Zumba courses: Basic Zumba, Zumba Toning, Zumbatomic for Kids, Zumba Gold and Aqua Zumba. She has an amazing personal testimony of weight loss and life change. Now she makes it her mission to help others get in shape and lose weight. Known as the “Zumba Pool Party,” Aqua Zumba gives new meaning to the idea of an invigorating workout. Splashing, stretching, twisting, shouting & laughing are encouraged in the Zumba pool! This course integrates the traditional Zumba formula and philosophy with aqua fitness disciplines. It’s a safe, challenging, low-impact workout that provides cardio conditioning and body toning. Zumba fitness classes are for ages 13 and older. Amy would like to remind participants that your hour of Zumba is an hour for you. No childcare is provided, therefore young children should not attend. For more information, email, visit facebook. com/zumbawithamybaker or call (269) 271-5045. Dates: Wednesdays • January 9 - March 27, 2013 Sundays • January 6 - March 24, 2013 Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Location: PMS Pool Cost: Any 10 classes for $50, Any 20 classes for $80 Walk-in participation available anytime - $5. Please come early to your first class to register.

CROSS/FIT TRAINING It’s a new year and it’s time to get in the best shape of your life. Whether you are looking to tone up, bulk up, beast up or just push yourself physically, Cross/Fit is the program for you. Cross/Fit provides a challenging, high-intensity, high-energy workout that uses functional, whole-body movement to give you the best workout you’ve ever had. No matter what your current shape is, every workout is modifiable and scaled so everyone is challenged safely. Our community of fitness will help motivate and congratulate your success. So, come guarantee yourself of that New Year’s resolution and join a truly unique fitness program. Dates: Tues. & Thurs. • January 8 - February 14, 2013 Time: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Location: Plainwell High School Weight Room (park in back of PHS)

W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G

Sponsored by Plainwell Community Schools and Gun Plain Township

Cost: $37 Instructor: Chase Mielke All registrations are done online or you can stop by the community ed office. No sign ups at class. Registration deadline is December 20, 2012.


If the Plainwell Community Schools are closed for any reason, Indoor Walking will be cancelled that day. Class will be on time if the school system has a delay. This program runs through May 31, 2013. Dates: Adults Only • Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Time: 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Dates: Families • Tuesdays & Thursdays Time: 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Location: Hicks Gym, 311 Hicks St. Cost: FREE

EUCHRE - Singles or Doubles

Dates: Tuesdays Time: 6:45 p.m. Location: Plainwell Community Center, 798 Bridge St. Cost: Donations appreciated.

ENHANCED FITNESS CLASS Classes are offered through Borgess-Pipp Hospital and will be offered three mornings a week at Hicks Gym. The classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. To register or for more information, please contact Kathy Russell at 685-0791. Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Time: 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Location: Hicks Gym, 311 Hicks St.


If you are 62 years of age or older, you are eligible for a Golden Age Pass Card. This card entitles you to FREE admission to any home Wolverine Conference athletic event or lap swimming at Plainwell Community Schools’ pool, located in the Middle School off Starr Road. To obtain your card, please stop by either the Community Education office, located at 422 Acorn St. between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday or the Athletic Office located in the back section of the High School. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to support our district athletes?


Come celebrate this special time of year with all of your friends at the Plainwell Performing Arts Center Atrium, located at the west end of the high school. This FREE event is one you won’t want to miss with a delicious breakfast provided by Plainwell Community Schools. Join us for some holiday cheer! Date: Thursday, December 6 Time: 8:15 to 10:00 a.m. Call Bonnie at 685-5823 to sign up. See you there!

CONTACTS: Diane Slater, Community Ed & Rec..........685-9531 Bob Farris, Int. Recreation Director..........685-9531 Bonnie Pfingst, Seniors in Action.............685-5823 John Dubois, Pool Information.................685-2425 Tammy Glupker, Director.........................685-1573


Plainwell Performing Arts Center

PCS Swim & Dive Coach, John Dubois


2012-13 SEASON

Monday, December 3

7th & 8th Grade Winter Choir Concert

7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 4

PMS Winter Band Concert

7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 6

Cooper Holiday Concert

7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 12

PHS Winter Band Concert

7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 13

PHS Winter Choir Concert

7:30 p.m.

Monday, December 17

Starr 3rd & 4th Grade Winter Concert

7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 19

Gilkey Winter Concert

7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 23

PMS 6th Grade Choir Concert

7:00 p.m.

Friday, March 1

District XI Band Festival


Saturday, March 2

District XI Band Festival


Friday, March 22

PHS Musical

7:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 23

PHS Musical

7:30 p.m.

Sunday, March 24

PHS Musical

2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 26

PHS Band Clinic & Recital with Patrick Sheridan


Wednesday, March 27

PHS Band Clinic & Recital with Patrick Sheridan


Tuesday, April 16

Gilkey 2nd Grade Spring Concert

7:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 18

Cooper Spring Concert

7:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 20

An Evening with The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 7

PMS 7th & 8th Grade Spring Band Concert

7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 14

PMS Spring Choir Concert

7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 15

PHS Spring Choir Concert

7:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 16

PMS 6th Grade Spring Band Concert

7:00 p.m.

If you have any ideas, comments or questions regarding the use of the Performing Arts Center, please call Bonnie at 685-5823 ext. 1011

Coach John Dubois Inducted into the MHSCA Hall of Fame


n September 16, in his 35th season as the Plainwell swim coach, John Dubois was inducted into the Michigan High School Coaches’ Association Hall of Fame at Central Michigan University. Coach Dubois began his career at Plainwell in 1978 where he has been a teacher, pool director and head coach for the Trojan Swim & Dive teams. As the men’s coach, he has compiled a record of 31899-2 including 12 conference championships, 22 top ten finishes in the state and a 1998 state championship. As the women’s coach, Dubois’ record is 352-86-2 including 14 conference championships and 15 top ten finishes in the state. Considered a leader and mentor, Coach Dubois has made an impact on thousands of children who completed his swim instruction program. He is known not only for his contributions to Plainwell’s swim program but also to many others in the state. n

Local Shiloh Shepards Star in Red Dawn 2012


his fall, Janet Foreman’s (PMS Custodian) Shiloh Shepards will be movie stars! Shadow and Mira will star in Red Dawn 2012, a retelling of the movie originally made in 1984. Right away the director took a liking to Shadow and Mira and ended up giving them larger parts than originally intended. Both dogs are gentle and loving. They are also involved in providing therapy at hospitals, nursing homes, hospice and schools. For more information, visit Jan’s website at n


W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G

Congratulations to the Lady Trojans Swim & Dive Team on their 10th consecutive Conference Championship! Conference Champions include Mallory Comerford, Kim Jones, Teresa Thiel, Abby Ernst, Audrey Vanderboon, Blair Cornell, Ally Seiler & Aaryn Jewell. The team was undefeated this season with a record of 11-0.


SAFE and Plainwell Corners Preschool


e are off to a great start! Are you trying to decide how to balance an awesome preschool experience for your child at a terrific daycare while you work? Are you a parent needing just a few hours a week? Plainwell Corners is the answer for you! Whether you want to enroll your child for the school year or for the whole year, we can meet your needs. Check us out! Plainwell Corners Preschool & Day Care: Prepares your child for success! A preschool offering a developmentally appropriate and fun curriculum designed for toilet-trained children who are three or four years old. Plainwell Corners is now a licensed year around program open Mondays - Fridays from 6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Early Childhood Education Center at 307 E. Plainwell Street (next to Hicks Gym) for a $135 weekly rate or $37 daily rate. Now offering a half day rate. Half-day sessions for 3-year olds are offered on M & W for $125/monthly. Half-day sessions for 4-year olds are offered on T, Th & F for $180/monthly. SAFE: A licensed before and after school program providing a place to make friends and enjoy recreational activities, available for children from all three Plainwell Elementary schools. Open weekdays from 6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Cooper SAFE will be held at Cooper. Gilkey and Starr SAFE will be at their own school sites in the morning and are combined at Starr in the afternoon. Rates are posted online. Plainwell Corners/SAFE Summer Fun Camp: Thinking about Summer Fun? Call to add your name to the list for our Camps. Registration starts at the end of January!

Check us out on the Plainwell Schools website and click the Parents section. or call 269.685.3103 for more information. We qualify for childcare tax credits, accept DHS payments and we are approved for Flex reimbursement.

Plainwell Volunteer Christmas Project


or 39 years, the Plainwell Volunteer Christmas Project has organized support to help the less fortunate families in our community. The Plainwell Volunteer Christmas Project has done this by spearheading drives for non-perishable food items, household supplies and personal hygiene items to supplement the pantries of recipient families during the holiday season. The project also strives to provide gifts for each child who is 17 years old or younger in the recipient families. In 2011, more than 634 indivduals, 341 of which were children in 171 families were served through the project’s outreach efforts. You can help in the following ways: • Gathering new, unwrapped toys valued between $15 and $20 each. Take the gifts to the designated drop sites, including Wal-Mart by December 14, or ask a project volunteer to pick up the items. • Make a monetary contribution that can help buy the items above. • Help with the sorting, wrapping and packing effort starting at 3 p.m. on Friday, December 14 in the Plainwell High School Cafeteria. To get involved or for further information, contact the 2012 Project Facilitator, Anne Conn, at (269) 720-1069 or W W W. P L A I N W E L L S C H O O L S . O R G


Board of Education

Amy Blades.......................................................................... President Kim Shafer.................................................................... Vice President Kevin Blue............................................................................ Treasurer John Nyberg......................................................................... Secretary Jennifer Loftus..........................................................................Trustee Al Moeller..................................................................................Trustee Christine VanDenBerg..............................................................Trustee



Plainwell, Michigan Permit No. 37

Plainwell Community Schools 600 School Drive Plainwell, MI 49080-1595


Susan Wakefield......................................................Superintendent Bob Van Dis.............................Director of Curriculum & Instruction Melissa Gelbaugh..............................................Director of Finance Jeff McNutt.................................................. Director of Technology Greg Smith....................... Director of Operations & Transportation

** ECRWSS **

Postal Customer

The public is invited to attend all Board of Education meetings. Business meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Administration Building and workshop meetings are held on the first Monday, beginning 6:30 p.m. at various locations. The times and places of workshops and special meetings are posted at the entrances of the Administration Building which is located off Gladys St. between Starr Elementary and Plainwell Middle School. Published by the Plainwell Board of Education, Plainwell, Michigan 49080

PLAINWELL HIGH SCHOOL 2012-13 WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULE BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL DEC. 7 Allegan* H 11 Coloma° A 14 Vicksburg* H 18 Three Rivers° H 21 Paw Paw* A 27 Zeeland Tourn. A 28 Zeeland Tourn. A JAN. 8 Middleville° A 11 Comstock* H 15 Dowagiac° A 18 Otsego° H 22 Berrien Springs° H 25 Allegan° A FEB. 1 Vicksburg° A 5 Edwardsburg° H 8 Paw Paw° H 15 Comstock° A 19 South Haven° A 22 Otsego° A 28 Conf. Playoffs H MAR. 4-8 Districts A * 6 p.m. start ° 7:15 p.m. start

BOYS FR/JV BASKETBALL DEC. 6 11 13 18 20 27 28 JAN. 8 10 15 18 22 24 31 FEB. 5 7 14 19 22 28

Allegan Coloma Vicksburg Three Rivers Paw Paw Zeeland Tourn. Zeeland Tourn. Middleville Comstock Dowagiac Otsego Berrien Springs Allegan Vicksburg Edwardsburg Paw Paw Comstock South Haven Otsego Conf. Playoffs


COMPETITIVE CHEER DEC. 1 12 15 JAN. 5 9 16 19 23 26 FEB. 4 6 11 15/16 23 MAR.1/2

Plainwell Cheer Fest Otsego Jamboree CCCAM @ Otsego South Haven Invite Comstock Jamboree Paw Paw JV Jamboree Mattawan Plainwell Jamboree Otsego Invitational Middleville Invitational Wolv. Conf. Allegan St. Joe Invitational Districts Regionals State Finals

WRESTLING DEC. 5 8 12 15 19 28 JAN. 5 9 12 16 23 26 30 FEB. 1 2 6 9 13 16 22/23 2/28-3/2

Berrien Springs Sturgis Invitational Plainwell Tri. Travis Pickett Tourn. Coloma Quad Comstock JV Invite Comstock Invite Three Rivers Quad Bangor Invite Berrien Springs Otsego Quad Jenison Invitational Snow Day/Make Up Wolv. Conference JV Wolv. Conference V Team Districts Individual Districts Team Regionals Individual Regionals Team State Finals Individual State Finals




BOYS SWIM & DIVE DEC. 6 11 13 JAN. 5 8 15 17 22 26 29 FEB. 2 5 12 22 23 MAR. 5 8 9

East Grand Rapids Tri. Harper Creek Mattawan South Haven Invite Portage Northern Loy Norrix Albion BC Lakeview Allegan Tri. South Haven DeWitt Invitational Otsego Allegan Conf. @ Allegan Conf. @ Allegan Diving Regionals MHSAA State Finals MHSAA State Finals


GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL NOV. 27 Galesburg-Augusta* H 30 Otsego* H DEC. 7 Allegan* H 11 Coloma* H 14 Vicksburg* H 18 Three Rivers* A 21 Paw Paw* A 27 Portage Central 3PM H JAN. 8 Middleville * H 11 Comstock* H 15 Dowagiac* H 18 Otsego* A 22 Berrien Springs* A 25 Allegan° A FEB. 1 Vicksburg° A 5 Edwardsburg* A 8 Paw Paw° H 15 Comstock° A 19 South Haven* H 21 Conf. Playoffs* A 25 Districts H 27 Districts H MAR. 1 Districts H * 6 p.m. start ° 7:15 p.m. start

GIRLS FR/JV BASKETBALL NOV. 27 Galesburg JV 30 Otsego DEC. 6 Allegan 11 Mattawan 9TH 11 Coloma JV 13 Vicksburg 18 Three Rivers 20 Paw Paw 27 Portage Central JAN. 8 Middleville 10 Comstock 15 BC Pennfield 9TH 15 Dowagiac JV 18 Otsego 22 Berrien Springs 24 Allegan 31 Vicksburg FEB. 5 Edwardsburg 7 Paw Paw 14 Comstock 19 South Haven 21 Conf. Playoffs



DEC. 1 Loy Norrix @ PINZ A 4 Paw Paw @ HOLIDAY LANES H 8 Otsego @ HOLIDAY LANES H 11 Vicksburg @ HOLIDAY LANES H 15 K Christian @ PAW PAW LANES H 19 Coloma @ COLOMA LANES A JAN. 5 Galesburg @ CONTINENTAL A 9 Allegan @ ALLEGAN LANES A 12 League @ CONTINENTAL A 17 South Haven @ S.H. LANES A 19 League @ HOLIDAY LANES H 23 Comstock @ HOLIDAY LANES H 26 K Central @ EASTLAND A 29 Otsego @ ALLEGAN LANES A FEB. 2 Parchment @ EASTLAND A 15 Conference @ S.H. LANES A 16 Baker Tournament A


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