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The development of Rotary Better, bigger and bolder
The development of Rotary Clubs in the new vision of strengthening these clubs, besides the concentration of efforts on mobilizing resources in this direction, we must realize that Rotary, its programs and those of our Rotary Foundation will only be successful if they are performed well at the Club level. Now we must add the concepts that they should become Better clubs, Bigger and Bolder, so that we have as a result membership development in its real meaning.
From this sustainable development will depend the success of our Organization in accomplishing its mission and goals.
The Zonal structure passes from now, not only to be composed of the team of Foundation Coordinators and their Assistants, focused on providing support to the Foundation through participation of clubs and districts in programs and with contributions, but also with Rotary Coordinators and their Assistants who will help the development of Rotary Clubs. Together, these two teams of skilled leaders will act pro-actively to assist clubs and districts in these two areas of action.
But what are clubs Better, Bigger and Bolder?
To become even BETTER, the effort that clubs must develop include among others, the following actions:
BETTER QUALIFICATION of NEW MEMBERS and ADMISSION PROCESS - In the process of admission of new members, in addition to following the steps recommended in this Manual of Procedures, a subtle but effective change, both for new members to be admitted to the new clubs composing the Rotary constellation
implies in giving knowledge, even before joining them in Rotary, through participation in typical projects, first to understand what Rotary does then understand what Rotary is.
SYSTEMATIC CONTACT of Rotarians and clubs with the community they serve, to create identity with this community. Clubs may recognize more clearly and define their community needs and in which they will focus their efforts. By doing this, they will be able to count with this community in the implementation of projects and promotions and will turn easier the selection from among its members those who could strengthen the membership of the Club by joining Rotary.
BETTER PROJECT RESULTS with GREATER PARTICIPATION of the MEMBERS of the club is desirable, so that most members participating with their talents on projects carried out by the club, will engage themselves, meet their desires to provide services and acquire the feeling of usefulness of their association with Rotary.
BEST LEADERSHIP TRAINING - Using the various existing mechanisms and methodologies, it is in training new leaders that the Clubs are perpetuated in their mission. New Rotary leaders will always be needed in the club level. They must be prepared and motivated as soon as possible, for when they are asked to take a position in the club leadership team, they feel themselves ready and available to take and complete the job.
PERIODIC ASSESSMENT of the PERFORMANCE not only the assessment of the actions of the Club should be evaluated annually, but also of individual Rotarians, which should be in the Assembly of the club standing up and saying what they did that year, which will allow the renewal of their membership in that Club for the following year.
LARGER or BIGGER clubs must be purposive in some broader and identifiable characteristics that only the number of members of the Club, such as the following:
GREATER PARTICIPATION in SOLVING the PROBLEMS of COMMUNITY in THEIR AREA of EXPERTISE to be recognized by the community, to be desired and even requested through their action;
DEVELOP a THREE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN based on the strategic plan of Rotary International and guidelines of the multiannual District Strategic Plan. It is essential that each club has a plan pointing to its area of action and within the activities planned in the Club Leadership Plan.
Extend the power of SERVING with QUALITY when bringing new members to fulfill its mission to provide services, quality shall take precedence over quantity. Clubs must always bear in mind the values of our Organization.
EXPAND participation in PROGRAMS and FUNDRAISING - To meet and support the Rotary Foundation's programs and through its associate in Brazil, the ABTRF-Brazilian Association of The Rotary Foundation, clubs must grow every year, because we can always do more than has already been done.
GREATER PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAMMES DEDICATED TO YOUTH - With the creation of the Fifth Avenue of Service, our action dedicated to youth climbs to a higher level. Rather than just carrying out activities dedicated to structured programs (Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange) it must become a Philosophy of action. It covers also the youth of the community we serve and who is in great need of attention.
To be BOLDER and more DARING clubs must also increment
The PROMOTION of PUBLIC IMAGE as this will make them even more and better known by realized and completed projects effectively, rather than by gastronomic journeys.
START PROJECTS in AREAS NOT YET EXPLOITED - Demonstrating our capacity to innovate in the provision of services adapted to the evolution of the times.
HAVE GOALS MORE AUDACIOUS annually by creating a multiannual strategic plan and a strategic thinking.
With these new postures we will be seeking new adventures in Rotary world of service, not accepting never the impossible as certainty and deferrable as premise.