Planet Weekly 471

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>>> N E W S | T H E C H AM B E R OF COMM E R C E


THE CHAMBER PARTNERS WITH SANTA'S ELVES Chamber Partners with Santa's Elves Now in its 6th year, Santa's Elves is a charitable organization committed to providing gifts to children (K-5th grade) in our our area during the holiday season. Recipients are selected by guidance counselors in the city and county school systems based on need. Santa's Elves was able to provide over 600 children with gifts last holiday season! Each year, Santa's Elves partners with a number of local businesses and organizations to collect new toy and monetary donations. This year, we hope to provide even more children with an unimaginable holiday. All monetary contributions may be sent to Jamison Money Farmer, in attention to Andrea Armstrong, at 2200 Jack Warner Pkwy. Ste. 300, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. For new toy donations, please contact Chet or Gigi Goldstein at 758.0678. This year, Santa's Elves will be working



with the Chamber and distributing collection boxes for monetary donations. If your business would like to participate, please contact Donny Jones by email at donny@ Marketing Opportunities Available Market your business, service or product to our 1200+ members by sponsoring a 2015 Chamber event or program! Check out the list of options, which are going fast! Call Jill at 205.391.0555 or email Women's Division to Host Fall Luncheon Our Women's Division's annual fall lunch will be held at Indian Hills Country Club on Thurs., Nov. 6 at 11:30a.m. (cash bar at 11a.m.). The speaker will be Heidi Elnora, wedding gown designer, star of TLC's Bride by Design and mastermind behind Bham Fashion Week. Tickets are $35/ea with paid membership. Door prize tickets are $5 or 5 for $20. Mail your check for a reservation to WDCC P.O. Box 20534, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. Deadline to reg-

ister is Nov. 3. Contact Debra McCrary at for details. Tables available for groups of 4-10. Know of a Veteran Woman-Owned Business? The Minority Business Council is looking to spotlight veteran women-owned businesses for the 2014 MBC Business Expo, which will be held in conjunction with the Chamber Connects mixer at Hotel Capstone on Nov. 11 from 5-7p.m. Email for more info. United Way Named October Difference Maker United Way of West Alabama was named our Difference Maker of the month at our mixer recently. UWWA seeks to determine the real needs of citizens in our community and, through the support of volunteers and donors, works to meet them. Founded in 1946, it serves a 9 county area through 26 partner agencies and focuses on three things: education, income stability and health. Some partner agencies are Good

Samaritan Clinic, Hospice of West Alabama, Girl Scouts, Easter Seals. Tuscaloosa's One Place, Temporary Emergency Service and Success by Six. Its phone referral line, 211, helps by connecting callers with specific social services. Visit to volunteer, donate and learn more. The annual fundraising drive is going on now. Together with Moody Radio, we recognize a group each month for making a positive difference in our community. Nominate a group today (even your own) at Northside High School Cheers The Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa The Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa recently participated in a community service project with Adopt-A-School partner, Northside High School. As part of their Homecoming activities, Northside students collected canned goods for the Food Bank of West Alabama. The Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa members also collected canned goods to be included with the Northside student donations.

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS




>>> planetweeklyissue471



Creating a "Commons Ethic"


IMAGES Creative Common License unless otherwise credited.

ADVERTISING 205.792.7 239 205.765- 8007

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS W ILLIAM B A R S H OP c a r a br a ke T R E Y B R OO K S r a c he l d o b s o n G A R Y H A R R IS CIN DY H U G G INS K E N D ALL J U DY kev i n l edgew o o d R YAN MA G E E JIM REED BRETT REID j o n r o ger s VAN R O B E R TS STEPHEN SMITH

Planet Weekly P. O . B o x 2 3 1 5 T u s c a l o o s a , AL 3 5 4 0 3 Phone: 205.792.7239 |


Email: publisher@theplanetweek Please direct correspondence to: The Planet Weekly is a proud member of The West Alabama Chamber of Commerce. © 2014 All rights reserved. THE PLANET WEEKLY is a registered trademark. Planet Weekly is published every other Thursday. No part of this publication including editorials may be reproduced, in whole or part, by any means, including electronic retrieval systems, without the Publisher’s prior expressed written consent. One copy of each issue of THE PLANET WEEKLY is free to each of our readers. Any reader who takes more than four copies without expressed permission of the publisher shall be deemed to have committed theft. The views and opinions of the authors of articles appearing in this publication may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Publisher.

6 THE TIDE'S UNSUNG HEROS // STEPHEN SMITH A look at players who are making a difference in 2014


Interview with the author of Southbound reveals the roots of rock n roll

17 acoustic night // kevin ledgewood One of Scotland's finest singers to appear

22 ELVIRA'S 20 BEST // CARA BRAKE Elvira's Movies Macabre are now on Hulu

27 scariest music videos //trey brooks



12 MANNA GRO & DELI // Cindy Huggins

Some are unintentional

10-12 13


Deliciously different



Events Calendar


Road Trip


Tuscaloosa music



23 Horoscopes // Sudoku 24 CROSSWORD PUZZLe




>>> O P - E D | CarOLYn raffensperger / K aitlin Butler


Photo: Raul Lieberwirth/flickr/cc

What are the principles needed to guarantee that we are fair to future generations? We have turned a corner on climate change—a wrong turn—and it is happening more rapidly than we have predicted. Climate change is already disrupting society, ecosystems, and national economies. We have altered so much of our Earth that we now threaten our own survival. We know the catastrophic risks we are passing onto future generations and we wonder, with anxiety and grief, what will become of our planet. We ask ourselves, “what can I do?” The message that solutions to climate change and environmental degradation is up to the individual directly conflicts with what people are witnessing. One of the key barriers to taking action on the paramount issues of our time is that these problems are the end result of entrenched cultural, economic and social systems. The message that solutions to climate change and environmental degradation is up to the individual directly conflicts with what people are witnessing:

the health and well-being of their bodies and their communities coming a distant second to powerful economic interests. Current economic calculations do not recognize the full cost to the Commons: the cultural and natural heritage we share that is the foundation of our economy. Yet growing numbers of people are waking up to the reemerging Commons ethic, which holds that human systems must be aligned to match ecological ones. People believe that future generations have the inalienable right to a healthy planet, and many are now seeking ways to withdraw their consent to the politics and policies that lead to a toxic future. A rights-based approach to human systems like the economy allows us to open our discussion to questions like: What is the economy for? What are the principles needed to guarantee that we are fair to future generations? What tenets make justice and the protection of the Commons more likely?

The Women’s Congress for Future Generations, to be held Nov. 7-9 in Minneapolis, is joining the groundswell of individuals and organizations calling for the arraignment of our capital-driven, infinite-growth paradigms, and adopting different economic principles which many Indigenous cultures have lived by for centuries. This gathering builds and extends on the first Women’s Congress held in Moab, Utah in September 2012. Attendees of the Moab Congress drafted a living Declaration of the Rights of Future Generations and corresponding Bill of Responsibilities of Present Generations. The goal of the upcoming Congress in November is to infuse the Declaration with an even deeper analysis of economic and environmental justice. Participants at the Congress will bring forward ideas to help shift the way we care for and relate to our Earth—ideas such as moving environmental law out of free market private property law into rights law; caring for the Commons, the Precautionary Principle, and Free Prior and Informed Consent. Congress goers-- both men and women--will imagine different economic principles that counter dominant but destructive paradigms. Some of the new principles to be discussed are: 1. The Earth is the source of our life and our economic activity. 2. The Commons, the cultural and natural heritage we share, are the foundation of economics, which presupposes: a) a role of government as the trustee of the Commons; b) Laws and rules governing economic systems must first protect the commonwealth; c) Concepts such as economic growth, which ignore the cost to the Commons are evolutionary dead-ends. 3. Justice within generations and justice between generations must be linked to economic justice.


If one accepts the incontestable truth that present generations inherit an Earth left from previous generations, and that we are all eventually ancestors, then our lives are simultaneously defined by inheriting and bequeathing. Facing another incontestable truth that our Earth is finite allows us to expand our point of view to include a “bigger picture,” which tells a story with a common goal: It is a story of an incredibly interconnected living system on which we are dependent, not dominant. The story of human development that has recalibrated its systems to match those of nature itself. The story of a civilization that thrives on stewardship and care, generation after generation into the far future. Carolyn Raffensperger is the Executive Director of the Science & Environmental Health Network, Kaitlin Butler is project director at the Science and Environmental Health Network and an organizer of the 2014 Women’s Congress. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Painting: Kathy Hiers


And these are a few of the tenets that flow from these economic principles: 1. Measure the Right Things: Currently we do not measure the health of the Commons. Pollution and disease count as good for the economic GDP. 2. Polluter Pays: The one who pollutes or damages the Commons shall be held responsible and pay for restoration. 3. No Debt to Future Generations Without a Corresponding Asset: We cannot ask future generations to pay for our messes. We can share with them the costs of assets like parks, art, clean air and water. 4. Audit, Account For and Fund Commons Assets. This is a conversation about the definition, boundaries, and acceptance of limits.


>>> S P O T L I G H T | W I L L IA M B ARS H O P


Tim G illaspie knows what the people of Tuscaloosa really want. When he first set up shop in T-Town he sold University of Alabama merchandise, from umbrellas to nail polish to puppy sweaters, and he eventually owned Bamaland, one of the biggest distributors of UA-themed memorabilia. Most recently he has taken the Tide pride to Mike’s Place, a bar on James I Harrison Jr Pkwy, and transformed it into Crimson Bar. “I got into that houndstooth craze, just like everybody,” Gillaspie said. “The fans are rabid around here. They show more support for a team than I’ve seen anywhere else.” As soon as he took over the venue, Gillaspie went to work decking out the exterior in crimson and white. Elephants galore cover every wall and portraits of Bryant-Denny stadium are hung in plain view. Loyalty and nostalgia keep an older, reliable crowd coming in regularly, and the sports atmosphere and dance floor draw in university students. “We get everyone from truckers, cowboys, old guys, college kids, hiphop, rockers, you name it,” said Melanie Jordan, a bartender at Crimson Bar. Jordan grew up in Tuscaloosa, and remembers when it was still called Catfish Cabin in the early 80s. “We have people still coming in that I know from my childhood,” Jordan said. “That’s a lot of loyalty.” The look of the bar isn’t the only thing Gillaspie has taken in a new direction. He’s made the atmosphere a good deal friendlier by keeping customers in line. “It went from a real redneck sh— -kickin’ bar to more of a mellow place since I took over,” Gillaspie said. “There was a pretty bad reputation of fighting all the time in here, but we’ve straightened all that out.” Keeping the crowd under control has been the greatest challenge since taking over, but Gillaspie runs a tight ship and

arms himself with the right managers and bouncers to keep the rowdiness in check. “People from out of town want to come here and get riled easily,” Gillaspie said. “When you first open up people are gonna test you, see what they can get away with. I call it the zoo, in a way.” Gillaspie has a history of defending the right to sell the spirit of “Roll Tide.” When artist Daniel Moore defended his paintings before the Supreme Court after UA accused him of violating the Crimson Tide trademark, Gillaspie was on the bench of witnesses to testify for Moore. “They want to control not only the athlete, but his image and the way he’s represented,” Gillaspie said. “They can’t do it. As long as I don’t copy a logo, they can’t stop me.” For more than eight years Gillaspie travelled back and forth to China where he did business with memorabilia manufacturers. During that time he explored the culture and breathtaking sights of China and hit another business jackpot: Beanie Babies. Gillaspie rode the Beanie Babie craze to the bitter end, buying and selling at shows during the height of the marketing whirlwind. “I told people, ‘it’s gonna die out some time,’ but nobody listened,” Gillaspie. “One weekend I spent two thousand and made six thousand just turning and round and selling them. It was like free money.” Though, when one of Crimson Bar’s frequent bands, a Tuscaloosa group called River Band, needed to raise funds to pay for the medical bills of guitar player Phil McGill, Gillaspie hosted a benefit night to pitch in. “One of our guys needed a lot of work on his leg and we raised a lot of money at that benefit,” said Tom Holman, a member of River Band. “Tim’s got a good sense of giving back to the community.” On November 1, Crimson Bar will

raise money for the Eagles’ Wings of Tuscaloosa charity organization, which provides rehabilitation services for adults with disabilities. In addition to great food and music, drawings will be held for vacations to Cancun and other extravagant prizes. This month Crimson Bar serves Halloween-themed libations like the Hannibal Lecter shot, a mix of Irish cream, cherry vodka and lime juice that looks like a brain floating in a glass of blood. Music at the Eagles’ Wings event will include one of the hottest bands that frequently plays at Crimson Bar, Cottonbox Road. The group, led by James Derrick, plays swaggering country rock that celebrates the Southern lifestyle, and they will play at the benefit on Nov 1 and again Nov 28. Their “A Little Dirty” EP is available on iTunes. “I think they have a shot at Nashville someday,” Gillaspie said. The Birmingham rock group Who Shot Lizzy also makes regular appear-

ances at Crimson Bar, and draws a loyal fan base. The biggest crowds for any bar come off a win from the Crimson Tide, but night games put a damper on business. Ultimately, football season at UA controls the night life as much as any other circumstance, so Gillaspie is always rooting for the right conditions for a busy night. The otherwise bare corner off Greensboro Ave might not draw the most traffic to any bar now, but Gillaspie has high hopes for the long term. As enrollment grows at UA and the college town expands out in all directions, Crimson Bar may find itself in the middle of the night life. The front may become a crimson spotlight that draws in thirsty students and loyal Tuscaloosans for one big party. “It's all in the fate of the universe— the University that is,” Gillaspie said.

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS





ALABAMAS UNSUNG HEROES OF 2014 season. Dickson has 21 tackles (8.0 tackles for loss) and two pass breakups. He leads the team and is fourth in the Southeastern Conference in sacks (5.5). Dickson was dominant against Ole Miss and Arkansas. He collected 14 tackles and three sacks combined against both programs.

Alabama has its share of NFL caliber athletes, and it’s been some unsung heroes that have made this season special for the Crimson Tide. Top 10 Unsung Heroes 10. Alabama’s secondary Cyrus Jones has emerged as the Crimson Tide “most consistent” cornerback. Jones is fifth on the team in tackles (21) with four pass breakups, two forced fumbles and a fumble recovery. Defensive back Nick Perry has brought the wood this season. The fifth-year senior has 28 tackles, three pass breakups and a forced fumble. Eddie Jackson hasn’t played much, but his appearance was crucial in four games this season. Jackson registered six tackles and a sack in Alabama’s 1413 victory over Arkansas. Tony Brown isn’t an average freshman corner. He’s played physical all season and has eight tackles to show for it. Alabama lost to Ole Miss 23-17, but Brown made some critical plays in the contest. He recorded four tackles, a pass breakup and a blocked extrapoint. 9. Reuben Foster—Linebacker Reuben Foster has been a mad-man this season. He contributed a lot on special teams and is starting to see some time at inside linebacker. Foster has 17 tackles and a sack. He started the season explosive against West Virginia, but went beast mode against Texas A&M. Foster totaled seven tackles against the Mountaineers. He had five stops against Florida, including three punishing tackles on special teams.



8. Brian Vogler— Tight End Brian Vogler isn’t discussed a lot, but he’s one of the reasons why Alabama’s offense is successful. Alabama is passing the ball more, but it still depends on a solid run game. Vogler is an underrated blocker. He locks up well and sets the edge for Alabama’s backs. Vogler is mentoring teammate O.J. Howard. Howard is an explosive play maker, but Vogler is helping Howard’s complete game come together. He’s been target twice this year and has one touchdown reception. 7. Jalston Fowler —Fullback/H-back Jalston Fowler is a complete player. He is the definition of a “does it all” fullback. Fowler hasn’t received carries this season, but he blocked well for T.J. Yeldon and Derrick Henry. Fowler is a team player that has become an efficient pass catcher. Folwer totaled five touchdown receptions in 2013. He has six catches for 52 yards and two scores this season. 6. Xzavier Dickson—Linebacker/Defensive Line Xzavier Dickson was quiet in 2013, but he’s made a solid impact this

5. Alabama’s defensive line Alabama lacked a consistent pass rush in 2013. The Crimson Tide has it now. Alabama’s recorded 19 sacks this season (2013—22 sacks). Jonathan Allen anchors the front line with 17 tackles (6.5 tackles for loss), two sacks, a pass breakup and a blocked field goal. JUCO transfer Jarran Reed has been a stud. Reed has 16 stops, one sack and five pass breakups (tied for team lead— Landon Collins). A’Shawn Robinson has been quiet in the sacks department, yet he’s been productive against the run. Robinson has 14 tackles, a pass breakup and a forced fumble. D.J. Pettway wanted a second chance at Alabama. He’s rightly earned it with his play. Pettway has 10 tackles, a sack and two pass breakups. Ryan Anderson was reserved jack linebacker in 2013. He’s made a huge splash defensively this season. Anderson has three sacks, 14 stops and a fumble recovery. 4. Reggie Ragland—Linebacker He played behind an All-American (C.J. Mosley) in 2013, but now Reggie Ragland is shining. Linebacker Dillon Lee was the object of conversation in the offseason, but Ragland has been Alabama’s impact player at linebacker.He recorded six stops against West Virginia, but Ragland has been a force against SEC programs. Ragland has 34 tackles, 1.5 sacks and an interception in four SEC games (Florida, Ole Miss, Arkansas and Texas A&M). He is second on the team in tackles


(45) with two pass breakups and two fumble recoveries. 3. Blake Sims—Quarterback Who had Blake Sims tossing for 1,000+ yards this season? Not many. Sims has exceeded expectations and has played well. His mobility has been special and Alabama’s offense has confidence in him. Sims has been stellar at Bryant-Denny Stadium. He’s completed 71.3 percent of his passes for 1,109 yards (277.3 yards per game) and 11 touchdowns. He sizzled against Florida, but had a monster game against Texas A&M. Sims threw for 445 yards and four touchdowns against the Gators. He tossed for 268 yards and totaled three touchdowns (one rushing) against the Aggies. He has to develop more confidence on the road, but Sims has done well overall. He has 1,748 passing yards, 17 total touchdowns and three interceptions. 2. JK Scott—Punter Cody Mandell didn’t win a Ray Guy award at Alabama, but JK Scott has a chance to it. The freshman has been nothing short of sensational on special teams. Only two of Scott’s 23 punts have been returned for positive yardage (eight yards). He’s averaged 47.3 yards per punt. 56.5 percent (13-23) of Scott’s punts have pinned opponents inside their 20-yard line. He has 10 kicks of 50+ yards and three touchbacks. Scott’s performance against Arkansas helped Alabama secure a victory. He averaged 44.2 yards per punt. Seven of Scott’s eight kicks pinned Arkansas inside its 20-yard line. He is ranked 4th nationally in punting. 1. Cameron Robinson—Offensive Line (Left Tackle) Andre Smith and D.J. Fluker were good, but Cameron Robinson is greatness in the making. He’s stepped up to the learning curve and has been an asset on the line. Robinson has held his own against some stiff defensive competition (Dante Fowler—Florida, Robert Nkemdiche—Ole Miss, Trey Flowers—Arkansas). Alabama’s run game has been successful going to his side. Robinson’s allowed four sacks of Blake Sims.

>>> A L B U M | W I L L IA M B ARS H O P


Even if you enjoy the new, bionic Taylor Swift, a relentless dance-pop machine with phasers set to “profit,” you have to feel for the country fans that thought she would stick around a little longer. Nashville was the first outlet for the humble Pennsylvania girlwith-a-guitar. The country crowd lauded her as a beacon of hope for a fading genre, and clung to her even when she released a “dubstep” single. Swift was the one to finally break ties. In a dramatic livestreamed announcement, Swift announced that her fifth album, ‘1989’ would be her “first documented pop record,” retroactively filing her last few singles as something other than pure pop. She said she wanted to recreate the colorful flashes of the 80s, express a new era of her life, and – in not so many words – bury her Nashville past in a shallow grave. The lead single, “Shake It Off,” is a flimsy stab at the haters (who do, in fact, hate) that is just catchy enough to hit number one on the charts without much effort. The song seems just faintly aware of its own inanity, with Swift winking at her awkward Insta-nerd persona and clumsy dance moves. She makes herself the underdog while maintaining the power of the mean girls who allegedly keep her down. Swift followed that up with “Out of the Woods,” which tucks well-written verses between a dry, exhausting chorus. The trifecta of promo singles is completed with “Welcome to New York,” a song that makes Swift the smalltown girl dazzled by the big city, where anything is possible, even boys dating boys. The glossy production from Ryan Tedder matches the awe of stepping into a metropolis, but pop clichés like “lights so bright” fade into the background and do little to make Swift sound like an adult who should have her own Manhattan apartment in the first place. Cleverness does sneak in when Swift

lashes back at her media reflection, like on “Blank Space.” She makes herself a parody of the hungry man-eater that appears in the tabloids, and she actually sounds as genuine as ever with goofy lines like “I can make the bad guys good for a weekend,” delivered with an audible wink-y face emoji. The stark, echoing beat sounds like the result of hanging out with Lorde, and the restraint is welcome among the mess of glitter and synths. Up next is “Style,” which sounds like Olivia Newton-John at her most sultry, and dutifully references James Dean and red lipstick to paint the portrait of timelessness. The busy arrangements force more narrative songs into the ‘1989’ mold, like “Wildest Dreams” which begs for the mandolins of Swiftian past. She tries to spice up the love letters with the confrontational “Bad Blood” – another Lordeinfluenced number – but lands on childish again with schoolyard taunting and vague accusations toward her new radio peer, Katy Perry. Apparently the two had a falling out that bloggers are dying for either to divulge, but Swift keeps the details at arm’s length and instead delivers a wishy-washy girl hate anthem. “Clean,” a collaboration with Imogen Heap, sounds suspiciously like 90s altpop for an album dedicated to the previous decade, but the lyrics are some of Swift’s most mature. “You’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore,” she moans in a

rare reminder that she is a full-grown woman. One issue with the album overall is that Taylor Swift draws energy from the drama of her real life, and her most recent relationship with One Direction’s Harry Styles doesn’t seem to be a real nail-biter or pulse-raiser. “Clean” could be a painful ballad for getting over lost love, but she doesn’t seem to have been all that invested anyway. The most apt comparison I’ve seen for Taylor Swift isn’t Alanis Morisette or Joni Mitchell – it’s Bruce Springsteen. Both have a knack for relatable songwriting that resonates with a huge chunk of middle America, and their sincerity speaks louder than the flaws in their voices. Of course, the musician that young girls relate to will always get less respect than the everyman for the working class man, but the real difference is that Swift received as much recognition as Springsteen before she turned 21. By the age that Swift was Instagram-ing her Grammy awards, Springsteen had a whole life to write about, a life that he shared with the kind of people who loved his music. Springsteen was never tempted to “cross over” into pure pop territory, though he surely had the talent for it. Swift has been a part of the machine for her whole adult life, and will take a few detours before writing her ‘Nebraska’ or ‘Born to Run.’ Right now she’s earning millions on cotton-candy radio fluff, but she’ll find a way to clear her sphere of influence and settle on the sound that fits her comfortably.








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I have never considered myself a musically inclined person. There were several attempts to learn the piano or saxophone in high school, but all that ever produced was a jazzier rendition of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. I never really considered myself a fan of any one genre, as I figured I lacked the attention and training to hear the nuances of different styles and bands. I still don’t even know how to work an iPod. I do however have a soft spot for a certain breed of sound that fits right in with the local atmosphere. Go to any University football game and I guarantee you the most popular song besides the Crimson Tide’s fight song is Lynard Skynard’s “Sweet Home Alabama”. There’s hardly any anthem more suited and ingrained into the culture that is Alabama and the Deep South. But aside from being a catchy song that mentions our state, is anyone aware of its history and reason for creation? I remember growing up in Louisiana, riding in my father’s pickup, and him turning up the volume of the artists that he listened to when he was young: the

Allman Brothers, the Charlie Daniels Band, and Marshall Tucker. These songs stirred feelings of rough-and-tumble pride, and the images of the freedom and lifestyle of a time I never knew, even if I only knew the names and the choruses of these band’s most popular songs. Along with the music, my father would tell me folklore surrounding these people and their music. As I got older and my musical tastes “matured”, I found myself with a working knowledge of these bands and I began to consider myself a fan of this music dubbed “southern rock”. As of late, I’ve learned that I have no idea what I’m talking about. After meeting Scott Bomar, possibly the nation’s foremost authority on the genre of southern rock, I realized the first mistake was to not to call it that. “Greg Allman actually has a quote that says ‘Saying southern rock is like saying ‘rock-rock’; it’s the same thing.’”, says Bomar. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, Bomar says he first became interested in the subject when he was growing up and learning how to play

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS

Continued from previous page candid accounts of the inspirations, back-stage antics, and tragedies from the individuals that lived through it all. Along for the ride are also a host of lesser-known, yet equally important smaller bands that still provided important contributions to history. “Lesser-known bands like Grinderswtich were my favorite type to interview”, says Bomar. “Everyone knows the stories behind Ronnie Van Zant and Charlie Daniels, but no one has ever really heard these guys side of the story.” On almost every page there are powerful images that bring you up close to the lives of these artists and their fame. Occasionally, I would find myself flipping through pages unread just to see the press photos, concerts, and albums of different eras and styles. I think that was the strongest point of Southbound: its accessibility. Having virtually no prior knowledge or interest in this subject Author, Scott Bomar (or music in general) and still being able to follow along at any guitar during the late eighties. “There point made the book more enjoyable. I wasn’t much guitar music on the radio was pleased to see myself rushing off during that time. Lots of synthesizers to YouTube or Spotify to look up some and drum machines. So I started listenmentioned song that had an interesting to classic rock where there was ing background or a deeper perceived a lot of Allmans, Skynard, Wet Willie, meaning. Even better was to learn Marshall Tucker Band. I just wanted to how important Tuscaloosa was in the learn how to play guitar.” Not until much creation of southern rock, such as the later into his career did Bomar discover production of Chuck Leavell, keyboardthe roots of rock and roll. “It really just ist for the Allman Brothers Band and the goes back to that it’s all from the South. Rolling Stones, and Paul Hornsby, of the Elvis, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis: all Charlie Daniels Band and Wet Willie. these guys were Southerners that laid In short, Southbound is an interestthe foundation. It wasn’t until the sevening and quality read that everyone, ties did the South really own its right as regardless of interest and expertise, can the rock n’ roll capital of the world.” So, enjoy and learn something from. The Bomar began writing Southbound: An most important thing I took from all of it Illustrated History of Rock and Roll to was that I now feel a bit more pride for chronicle the journeys of fledgling musithis region of the American South that cians all the way into legend. helped define an era. For me, it’s reigSouthbound is possibly the most nited an interest in music and the history entertaining reference/history/biography of these people. I’m already planning my I’ve ever read. I call it a reference book trip to Muscle Shoals, and who knows because it is positively full of wellwhat inspiration lies there? documented information that is easy to digest and indulge in. I call it a work of history due to its impressively in-depth and unbiased tone that is aware of its subject and role in the tumultuous saga that was the late 20th century. And I call it a biography, providing fascinating and

Paul Hornsby

Chuck Leavell

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS



>>> wine REVIEW | J O N R O GERS


This review is of Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 from Napa, California, USA. It is labeled as 815. According to Gott Wines, the grapes for this wine are hand sorted. The wine is aged for just over one year in 25% new American oak barrels. Alcohol content 13.9% by volume, per the bottle. This wine is quite dark. It’s dark plum in appearance with a reddish ring where the wine meets the glass. It’s also quite leggy with many tiny bubbles suspending on the glass. Kind of similar to what an Oregon Pinot might do. The legs are very slow to fall, signaling a heavier wine. Joel Gott Cabernet is very aromatic with a deep rich nose of earth, tobacco and cherry. Just a slight whiff of alcohol noted. The wine’s taste was mostly of classic Cabernet Sauvignon. There was also a little dark chocolate and some blackberry in the flavor. When I was tasting this wine I had a feeling it was pure Cabernet Sauvignon. After tasting the wine, I checked the Joel Gott Cabernet Tasting Notes. I discovered that it is in fact 100% Cabernet. However, the grapes are sourced from all over California (Napa, Sonoma, Lodi, Paso Robles and more). The wine had a velvety mouthfeel with notable tannins all over the mouth. Definitely a dry wine, and the wine’s finish was very long and lingering. Overall I found Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon to be an enjoyable Cab that would be a nice sipper on its own or paired with a hearty steak. Classic Cabernet comes through clearly. But, there’s also a bit of sweetness from the oak and from sourcing the grapes from multiple locations. If pure Cabernet Sauvignon is your favorite varietal, I think you will like Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon a lot. 2012 was known to be a good year for California Cabernet. Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon price was $16.99 at my local store. Alamos Malbec Review From Mendoza, Argentina this review is of Alamos Malbec 2013. What’s interesting about Alamos Wines is that they



source their grapes from vineyards grown in the Andes Mountains. The mountain vineyards are at elevations from 3000 to 5000 feet. As a result of this, the grapes are exposed to cooler nights and more intense sunlight. The intense sunlight is said to enhance the aroma of their Malbec and also enable the grapes to grow thicker skins. All resulting in a Malbec that is intense and rich. According to the Alamos Malbec Fact Sheet, this wine is actually a blend of three different varietals. The blend is 90% Malbec, 6% Syrah and 4% Bonarda. Alamos Malbec alcohol content is 13.6% per the bottle. Price paid was $10.99. In the glass, this wine is very dark plum in color. It’s quite leggy with quick falling tears on the sides of the glass. The wine’s aroma reminded me of caramel candy apple. It’s very aromatic and noticeable from afar. When swirled in the glass the darker notes were temporarily subdued, with a hint of spice being noticed. Once settled, the darker fragrances returned. Very little alcohol was noted in the aroma. Very complex and enjoyable! Alamos Malbec gave forth flavors of muted blackberry. Upfront it’s a smooth wine, with some dryness on the back end. I also noticed just little bit of pepper in the taste. The wine’s tannins were bright and most noticeable on the tongue and the back of the mouth. As the wine had a chance to breath, the tannins became less bright and more balanced. Certainly not a silky mouthfeel, due to the dryness. But not wool like either. Finish of the Alamos Malbec was long and lingering. Overall, I found this to be a very enjoyable wine. Flavor, tannins and finish are all very well balanced. Great as a fireside sipper and it would go nicely with roasted or grilled meats. I found myself taking a long sniff of the deep and dark aroma each time I took a taste of the wine. Recommend! More wine reviews by Jon Rogers at www.


W here to E at in T uscaloosa

BREAKFAST / LUNCH Brown Bag 9425 Jones Road | Northport // 333.0970 Its speciality, fried green tomatoes, joins barbecue plates and fish filets on an extended list of meats and vegetables. Tues 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Wed-Sat 10:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. City Cafe 408 Main Ave | Downtown Northport // 758.9171 Established in 1936. Big on food, low on price. Open for breakfast and lunch. Historic downtown Northport. Closed weekends. CountryPride Restaurant 3501 Buttermilk Rd // 554.0215 Breakfast 24 hours. Lunch and Dinner buffet. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 4800 Doris Pate Dr | Exit 76 // 562.8282 International House of Pancakes 724 Skyland Blvd // 366.1130 Jack's 1200 Hackberry Lane | Tuscaloosa // 345.1199 Maggie's Diner 1307 Ty Rogers Jr. Ave | Tuscaloosa // 366.0302 Mr. Bill's Family Restaurant 2715 McFarland Blvd | Tuscaloosa // 333.9312 Panera Bread 1800 McFarland Blvd *402 | Tuscaloosa // 366.8780 Quick Grill 1208 University Blvd | The Strip | Tuscaloosa // 342.0022 Rama Jama’s 1000 Bryant Dr // 750.0901 Closest restaurant to Bryant-Denny Stadium. Sweet Home Food Bar 2218 University Blvd. | Tuscaloosa // 764-9346 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Waysider 1512 Greensboro Ave // 345.8239 Open for breakfast and lunch. Smoke free.

MEXICAN Chipotle Mexican Grill 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 391.0140 Don Rafa's 2313 4th Street | Temerson Square // 345.9191 El Mariachi 3520 McFarland Blvd E |Tuscaloosa // 409-8585

Thursday of every month. Happy Hour- Mon-Fri from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. featuring 1/2 price appetizers. $2 Domestic Draft Beers and $3 Well cocktails. Epiphany Cafe 19 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 344.5583 “New American cuisine” with a strong emphasis on local produce, organic meats, and sustainable seafood. The menu is always changing and features include an extensive wine list, a large vibrant bar and martini lounge area, as well as patio seating. Reservations are available online at or through open table. Hours: Mon–Sat 5 p.m. - until Evangeline’s 1653 McFarland Blvd. North // 752.0830 Located in the Tuscaloosa Galleria. 2004 West Alabama Tourism Award Winning Restaurant. American Eclectic Cuisine. Lunch: Mon–Fri 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: Tues–Sat 5 p.m. - until... Fall: Saturday Brunch. FIVE Bar 2324 6th Street. // 205.345.6089 A restaurant/bar based on simplicity. We offer 5 entrees, 5 red wines, 5 white wines, 5 import beers, 5 domestic, and 5 signature cocktails, to go along with our full liquor bar. Dinner: Sunday - Thursday 5-10; Friday and Saturday 5-12 Lunch: Friday and Saturday 11-3; Sunday Jazz Brunch: 10-3; 205.345.6089 Kozy’s 3510 Loop Road E | near VA Medical Center // 556.4112 Eclectic menu, extensive wine list. Dinner at Kozy’s is a romantic experience complete with candlelight and a roaring fireplace. | Twin 3700 6th St, Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa Country Club | 758-7528 | Certified USDA Prime Steaks; specialty Sushi and cocktails. Hours: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.; 5 – 10 p.m.

JAPANESE Benkei Japanese Steak House 1223 McFarland Blvd // 759-5300 Hours: Mon–Thurs 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. | Fri–Sat 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Bento Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar 1306 University Blvd // 758.7426 Hokkaido Japanese Restaurant 607 15th Street Open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Ichiban Japanese Grill & Sushi 502 15th Street // 752.8844 Tokyo Japanese Steak & Sushi Bar 6521 Hwy 69 S | Hillcrest Center // 366.1177 Offers steak, seafood, tempura, teriyaki and sushi. Including cooking at your table, if you choose. Sun–Thurs 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri & Sat 5 p.m. - 11 p.m.

El Rincon (2 locations) 1225 University Blvd | Tuscaloosa // 366.0855 1726 McFarland Blvd | Northport // 330.1274

Kobe Steak House 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 759-1400 Lunch: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: 4:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Sat & Sun 11:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Fernando's Mexican Grill 824 McFarland Blvd E | Northport // 205.331.4587


Iguana Grill 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 752.5895

Avenue Pub 405 23rd Avenue

Jalapeno’s Mexican Grill 2001 New Watermelon Rd | Northport // 342.3378

Broadway Pizzeria 2880 Rice Mine Road Northeast Tuscaloosa, // 391.6969

LaGran Fiesta 9770 Hwy 69 S // 345.8871

DePalma’s Italian Cafe 2300 University Blvd, Downtown // 759.1879 Menu ranges from sanwiches to finer pasta dishes and pizza. Varied beer and wine selection. Hours: Mon–Thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | Fri & Sat 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Los Calientes Mexican Grill 3429 McFarland Blvd E // 553.1558 Los Tarascos (2 locations) 1759 Skyland Blvd // 553.8896 3380 McFarland Blvd | Northport // 330.0919 Margarita's Grill 1241 McFarland Blvd E // 343.0300 Moe’s Southwest Grill (2 locations) 2330 McFarland Blvd E // 342.1487 1130 University Blvd // 752.0234 Pepito’s (2 locations) 1203 University Blvd | The Strip // 391.9028 1301 McFarland Blvd NE // 391.4861 Taco Mama 2104 A University Blvd, Tuscaloosa 409.8173

FINE DINING Chuck’s Fish 508 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 248.9370 Monday - Thursday 5-10 p.m. and Friday - Saturday 5-11 p.m. Steak, seafood, & sushi specialities. Daily specials: Monday $20 Bottles of Wine; Tuesday - Ladies Night 1/2 off Domestic Beer and House Wine, Select $5 Martinis, $2 off Select Sushi Rolls for Everyone; Uptown Wednesday - $6 Uptown Shrimp; Featured Cocktails and $20 Bottles of Wine. Cypress Inn 501 Rice Mine Rd // 345.6963 Fax: 345.6997 | 2003 Restaurant of Distinction. Beautiful riverfront location. Steaks, seafood and more with Southern flavor. Wine list, full bar. Specialities of the house include Shrimp Cypress Inn and Smoked Chicken with white barbecue sauce. Kid friendly. Closed Saturday lunch. Mike Spiller is featured the first


Little Italy 1130 University Blvd. | Tuscaloosa // 205.345.4343 Mellow Mushroom 2230 University Blvd // 758.0112 Pizzas, calzones, hoagies and more. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Mr. G’s 908 McFarland Blvd N | Northport // 339-8505 Olive Garden 2100 McFarland Blvd E // 750-0321 Open daily from 11 a.m.

CASUAL DINING Avenue Pub 405 23rd Avenue // Tuscaloosa The pub offers a different menu for brunch, lunch, and dinner. Feature foods include pineapple French toast, pork sliders, and a house burger which changes daily. The drink menu features specialty cocktails, local pints, bottled beer, and wine. Monday through Friday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m., Saturday Noon – 11 p.m., Sunday Noon p.m. – 9 p.m. Big Daddy’s Cafe 514 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 759.9925 The Blue Plate Restaurant (Was Northport Diner) 450 McFarland Blvd, Northport // 462-3626 Brumfield's Restaurant 4851 Rice Mine Road | Tuesday - Thursday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m., and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Buddy’s Ribs & Steaks 2701 Bridge Ave | Northport // 339.4885


W here to E at in T uscaloosa ( cont . )

Buffalo Wild Wings 2710 McFarland Blvd // 523.0273 Mon–Wed 11 a.m. - midnight | Thurs–Sat 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Chicken Salad Chick The Shoppes at Midtown & Essex Square, Northport | Said to be the very best chicken salad that can be found anywhere.

through Saturday from 11 a.m.-10 p.m., and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. till 9 p.m. (Sunday Brunch 10:30am-3pm).

Chili’s 1030 Skyland Blvd | Near McFarland Mall // 750.8881 Fax: 758.7715 //

Champs Sports Grille 320 Paul Bryant Drive | inside Four Points Sheraton Hotel // 752.3200 Breakfast and lunch buffets. Sunday brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Dave’s Dogs 1701 McFarland Blvd E | University Mall // 722.2800 Five Guys Burgers & Fries 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 391.0575 Glory Bound Gyro Company 2325 University Blvd // 349-0505 Glory Bound Gyro Company is a unique restaurant that focuses on great food and service in a funky, fun-filled atmosphere. Open Mon-Thu: 11am - 10pm | Fri - Sat: 11am-10pm | Sun: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Hooligan’s 1915 University Blvd // 759.2424 From hamburgers to hummus. Open daily 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Horny's 508 Red Drew Ave | Tuscaloosa // 345.6869 Mon 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. | Tues-Thurs 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Fri 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. | Sat 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. New Orleans style atmosphere in the heart of Tuscaloosa on the strip. Horny's offerings include a full liquor bar, beer, and a variety of classic American food. Horny's Bar and Grill offers a limited late night menu from 1:30 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. Tacogi 500 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 342.3647 Logan's Roadhouse 1511 Skyland Blvd E // 349.3554 Madear’s 1735 Culver Road // 343.7773 Mon–Fri 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. | 2nd & 3rd Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mugshots Grill & Bar 511 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 391.0572 Great burgers & sandwiches. Unique setting, full service bar, veggie entrees, kid friendly, and open late Newk’s Express Cafe 205 University Blvd. East // 758.2455 Fax: 758.2470 // An express casual dining experience in a refreshing and stylish atmosphere. Serving fresh tossed salads, oven baked sandwiches, California style pizzas and homemade cakes from Newk’s open kitchen. Sun–Wed 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | Thurs–Sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. O’Charley’s 3799 McFarland Blvd // 556.5143 Open daily for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch Panera Bread 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 366.8780 Piccadilly Cafeteria 1701 McFarland Blvd E | University Mall // 556.4960 Quick Grill 1208 University Blvd | The Strip // 342.0022 Ruby Tuesday (2 locations) 6421 Interstate Drive | Cottondale // 633.3939 Just off I-20/59 at exit 77. Near Hampton Inn and Microtel Inn 311 Merchants Walk | Northport // 345.4540 Ryan’s 4373 Courtney Dr // 366.1114 Near Marriott Courtyard and Fairfield Inn Sitar Indian Cuisine 500 15th St // 345-1419 Southland Restaurant 5388 Skyland Blvd E // 556.3070 Steaks, chops and home-cooked vegetables Mon–Fri 10:45 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Buffalo Wild Wings 2710 McFarland Blvd. East | Tuscaloosa // 523.0273 Sports grille with TVs galore. Diverse beer and wine selection, full bar

Hooter’s 5025 Oscar Baxter Dr | Next to Jameson Inn // 758.3035 Wings, clams, shrimp and of course the Hooters Girls Innisfree Irish Pub 1925 University Blvd | Tuscaloosa // 345.1199 Moe's BBQ 101 15th Street | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 752.3616 Mon-Sat 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bar open until 2 a.m., 3 a.m. on Fridays Mugshots Grill & Bar 511 Greensboro Ave // 391.0572 Great burgers. Full service bar. Open late. Tuscaloosa Burger & Seafood Company 1014 7th Ave. | Tuscaloosa // 764.1976 Over 160 craft beers. Tue. - Thu 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Fri - Sat 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sun 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Large selection of decadent desserts Wilhagan’s 2209 4th St | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 366.0913 Wings U 1800 McFarland Blvd East Suite 218 | Pick-up Tuscaloosa // 561.3984 Features the first coal-fired pizza oven in Alabama. Owned by former UA/Miami Dolphins great Bob Baumhower. Completely open concept! WingZone 1241 McFarland Blvd E | Tuscaloosa // 342.2473

BARBEQUE Archibald & Woodrow's BBQ 4215 Greensboro Ave | Tuscaloosa // 331.4858 Mon-Sat 10:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. | Sun lunch Bama BBQ & Grill 3380 McFarland Blvd | Northport // 333.9816 Dickey's BBQ 9770 Alabama 69; Midtown; and 13544 Hwy 43 North at Rose Blvd. in Northport. Great Texas Barbecue. | 344.6500 Dreamland (2 locations) 5535 15th Ave | Tuscaloosa // 758.8135 101 Bridge Ave | Northport // 343.6677 The legend. On game day, get there early if you want to make kickoff. Seating is limited. Hours: Mon–Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Sun 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Hick’s BBQ 4400 Fayette Hwy // 339.3678 // Tues–Sat 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Moe's Original BBQ 2101 University Blvd.. // 752.3616 Serving up an award-winning, all things Southern BBQ and Live music experience. Come dine-in or sit on the patio and enjoy some great Que, beers, whiskey, and live music on Thursday-Saturday. Roll Tide! Mon–Sat 11am - 10pm | Bar service Mon-Sat 2am and Fri -3am | Kitchen closes at 10pm Pottery Grill (2 locations) Highway 11 | Cottondale // 554.1815 3420 Alabama 69 | Northport // 333.5848 Menu: Awesome barbecue. The Pottery Grill serves up everything from pork, chicken, ribs and sausage to burgers, hot dogs and salads. Take-out and catering available. Tee’s Ribs and Thangs 1702 10th Avenue // 366.9974 |11 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily

The Southern Dining Room Grill (Behind Ryan's) 4251 Courtney Dr, Tuscaloosa 331-4043


T-Town Café 500 14th Street, Tuscaloosa | 759-5559 | Mon - Fri: 5 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sat: 5 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sun: 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Logan’s Roadhouse 1511 Skyland Blvd | next to Sams // 349.3554 Steaks, ribs and spirits

Tuscaloosa Burger & Seafood Company 1014 7th Ave. | Tuscaloosa // 764.1976 Over 160 craft beers. Tue. - Thu 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Fri - Sat 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sun 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Large selection of decadent desserts.

Longhorn Steakhouse 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 345-8244 #412

Zoe’s Kitchen 312 Merchants Walk // 344.4450 A wonderful selection of Greek foods


Nick's In the Sticks 4018 Culver Rd | Tuscaloosa // 758.9316 A long-time Tuscaloosa tradition. Good steaks at a reasonable price Try a Nicodemus if you have a designated driver. Outback Steakhouse 5001 Oscar Baxter Dr // 759.9000

Baumhower's Wings of Tuscaloosa 500 Harper Lee Drive | catering-Pick-up Tuscaloosa // 556.5858 | Always fresh and always fun. Owned by former UA/ Miami Dolphins great Bob Baumhower. Kid Friendly

Twin Restaurant 3700 6th Street |Tuscaloosa | 758-7528 A full service restaurant specializing in Sushi, Prime Steaks, made fresh daily pasta, and whiskey oriented cocktails. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. // Former Tuscaloosa Country Club

Buffalo Phil’s 1149 University Blvd | The Strip // 758.3318 Sports grille with TVs galore. Diverse beer and wine selection, full bar Billy's Sports Grill Historic Downtown Northport / 879.2238 Good food, beverages and family friendly Monday through Wednesday from 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Thursday

Chuck’s Fish 508 Greensboro Ave | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 248.9370 Monday - Thursday 5-10 p.m. and Friday - Saturday 5-11 p.m. Steak, seafood, & sushi specialities. Daily specials: Monday $20 Bottles of Wine; Tuesday - Ladies Night 1/2 off Domestic Beer and House Wine, Select $5 Martinis, $2 off Select Sushi Rolls for Everyone; Uptown Wednesday - $6 Uptown Shrimp;


>>> beer review | B RETT REI D

NEW BELGIUM TOUR DE FALL PALE ALE // GOOD BEER I love fall, but I hate the clichéd “specialty” beers that are released around this time. I also hate Oktoberfest beers. I think they’re garbage and don’t really taste that good, and if you don’t agree, well, that’s your opinion and I’ll pray for you. Pumpkin beers are decent, but that market is quickly being watered down by basically everyone that makes beer in the U.S., except for Cigar City, but I’m also a total fan boy for anything they do so, yeah. Anyways, fall is an interesting time for beer if you exclude Barftoberfests and Pumpkin water. It’s not quite Stout season and, to me, Pilsners are only good when it’s 90+ degrees outside. That is why I have concluded that we dub fall Pale Ale season, because the hoppiness and slight stomach warming you get is nice for those cool fall evenings and, really, they just taste good all the time. New Belgium did a cool thing this year where they did a Tour de Fat, a bike tour around parts of the U.S. to celebrate bikes and beer, and had a beer to support the whole venture, the Tour de Fall Pale Ale. This is the epitome of a fall seasonal beer. It just tastes like fall, plain and simple. Here are my thoughts: The beer pours a deep amber color, which is much darker than most Pale Ale style beers that I’m used to. For some reason, I anticipated, by color alone, that the beer would be extra heavy. I guess I assumed such because usually darker beers are heavier on the stomach, but then again, that’s not always the case. The nose is a punch to the face of Amarillo and Cascade hops. I am serious when I say this is a hop heavy scented beer, but it will trick you so be aware. There were about two finger widths of white foam that disappeared slowly and left some nice lacing on the glass. Before I go any further, let me say that I was very surprised by this beer’s appearance and scent. It fooled me when I actually started drinking, and I liked that. Taste is the first place this one threw me for a loop. After smelling the super strong hop character, I was expecting something extremely hop forward and bitter, but that wasn’t the case. When you take the first sip, you’re greeting by a mild hop bitterness that has some funkiness to it. It’s more of a hop and malt bitterness rather than something that uses a lot of citrus. This beer, from what I picked up, uses a lot of malt and caramel with the Cascade and Amarillo hops. The beer finishes with a nice caramel aftertaste that made my mouth water after every sip. The taste is refreshing and makes you want to keep drinking until there’s nothing left. And at 6% alcohol, you don’t really taste any booze flavors, which is always a plus

in my book. If you want to be a true beer snob about this one and analyze it from front to back, it’s actually really solid. The initial taste you get is the same taste that you pick up on as it hits the back of your tongue. It’s very rare that you get a beer tastes good all the way to the bottom, let alone a beer that tastes good from beginning of a sip until the end. On to the worst part, of course: it’s the mouth feel. There was too much carbonation on this one for sure. As I was resting on my tongue, I started to feel like there were tiny knives being stuck into my flapper and it wasn’t enjoyable (clearly after that description, right?). If New Belgium were to tone down the carbonation on this one to about the level of the Ranger IPA, I would basically be throwing my money at them. Alas, this tiny flaw is enough for me to hold a grudge, but it’s not going to stop me from drinking it; I just won’t judge it next time I have it. All things considered, this is an overall really good beer. The hop character, the slight bitterness, and the less than appealing mouth feel make it about a B+ in my book. This is what fall tastes like to me, though. This is a nice, stomach-warming beer with a light bitterness and the ability to drink multiples, although, I don’t think this would be anywhere near enjoyable in temperatures above 85 degrees because of the heaviness it carries. All in all, a decent beer while it’s available and that’s probably a good thing. It’s a seasonal beer without falling into the cliché seasonal categories. It’s only available during the fall so I advise drinking it just once if anything.




>>> R estaurant review | C IN D Y H UGGINS



W here t o E a t i n T u s c a l o o s a ( c o n t . )

Featured Cocktails and $20 Bottles of Wine.

6521 Alabama 69 | 752.5444

Red Lobster 2620 McFarland Blvd // 553.8810 McFarland Plaza Shopping Center

Tut’s Place 1306 University Blvd | The Strip // 759.1004

Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar 4851 Rice Mine Rd NE #460 // 462.3399 McFarland Plaza Shopping Center & Temerson Square Tuscaloosa Burger & Seafood Company 1014 7th Ave. | Tuscaloosa // 764.1976 Over 160 craft beers. Tue. - Thu 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Fri - Sat 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sun 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Large selection of decadent desserts. Wintzell’s Oyster House 1 Bridge Ave | Northport // 247.7772 Casual riverfront dining Sun–Thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | Fri–Sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

CHINESE Buffet City 1747 Skyland Blvd E // 553.3308 All you can eat buffet. Open 7 days a week. Chang’s Chinese Restaurant 1825 McFarland Blvd N // 391.9131 China Fun 2600 University Blvd | Alberta City // 553.2435

Manna Grocery has been Tuscaloosa’s nontraditional grocer since 1980. Originally located on 15th street, this natural food store introduced Tuscaloosans to a variety of alternative foods and nutrition products. Though the term “natural” has yet to be defined by the FDA, many consumers perceive the claim to identify healthier options. Simply speaking, these products are minimally processed excluding added colors, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic substances. From the very beginning, owners Francis Self Drennen and Earle Drennen set out to educate the community and provide access to natural food products and nutritional supplements. Health-foods like gluten-free and organic have continuously increased in popularity creating a national trend. Francis expressed that being a part of a trend was never a goal. For these owners, it is more important to retain integrity and remain committed to the well-being of the community. In the back of this quaint store lives the “Deliciously Different” Manna Deli. The menu shares the same wholesome food philosophy focusing on fresh and unique entrees, sides, beverages, and desserts. “We just wanted to keep it simple and offer real food that tastes good,” Co-owner Francis Self Drennen explained. Yes, the menu lacks several southern staples. And yes, kale salads and garden burgers have probably never appeared on a southerner’s dinner table. But, the beauty of menu development is that the consumer is ultimately in charge. Along the side of the kale salad and garden burger is burritos, pizza, and paninis. My trips to Manna are frequent, though they are never during lunch hours. The day finally came when I was tired of hearing a coworker rave about the delicious, healthy meals. I had to try it out for myself. Going in, I knew I had to have a plan or I would never reach the deli. The dietitian in me can take over at any moment. Before I realize it, I am reading and comparing food labels. Determined, I reached the deli without distraction and was politely



greeted by the worker behind the counter. The everyday menu and daily specials are displayed above the register. Orders are placed at the counter and then delivered to the table. The small dining area was surprisingly full. A nice mix of businessmen and college students occupied the area. While waiting for my food, I conversed with the man indulging in the Blueberry Goat Cheese Pound Cake. He admitted to treating himself to this intoxicating cake every time it is on the menu. Lunch was delivered moments after our conversation ended. In the bottom of a simple brown bag was a to-go box filled with three cheese and roasted vegetable lasagna. A mouth-watering aroma escaped from the bag and trailed behind me as I hurried back to work. At my desk I unpacked the little brown box and prepared to eat. The office staff nearly drooled with envy. My fork slid through it like butter releasing more of that sweet and savory fragrance. Layer after layer revealed more cheese, spinach, and artichokes smothered in creamy tomato sauce. Each bite had a slight kick of heat, perhaps some added red pepper? Nonetheless, the salty cheese overwhelmed taste buds, calming the heat. The lasagna was so divine that I selfishly consumed it until my tummy objected. Manna Grocery is located at 2300 McFarland Blvd. in Tuscaloosa, next to Plato’s Closet. The Manna Deli is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Normal grocery hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jason’s Deli 2300 McFarland Blvd // 752.6192 Fax: 752.6193 // Located in the Meadowbrook Shopping Center. Jimmy John’s (3 locations) 1400 University Blvd | The Strip // 366.3699 1875 McFarland Blvd N | Northport // 752.7714 815 Lurleen B. Wallace S | Tuscaloosa // 722.2268 Delivery 7 days a week. Manna Grocery & Deli 2300 McFarland Blvd E | Tuscaloosa // 752.9955 McAlister’s Deli (2 locations) 101 15th St | Tuscaloosa // 758.0039 3021 Tyler Dr | Northport // 330.7940 Sandwiches, salads and spuds

China Garden Hwy 69 S | Hillcrest Center // 758.0148

Momma Goldberg’s Deli 409 23rd Ave // 345.5501

Hot Wok Express 6751 Alabama 69, Tuscaloosa // 758.0148

Newk's 205 University Blvd E | Tuscaloosa // 758.2455

Lee Palace 6521 Highway 69 S // 391.9990 Open daily 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Schlotsky’s Deli 405 15th St. E // 759.1975

Mr. Chen's Authentic Chinese Cooking & Oriental Market 514 14th St. | In the Oz Music shopping center // 343.6889 // Open Sun - Thu 11am - 9pm, Fri & Sat 11am - 9:30pm

Which Wich University Blvd.// Downtown Tuscaloosa // Mon – Sat 10:30 – 9 // Sunday 11 – 7 // Fun atmosphere,fresh ingredients, great sandwiches. 764.1673

Pearl Garden 2719 Lurleen Wallace Blvd | Northport // 339.0880


Peking Chinese Restaurant 1816 McFarland | Northport // 333.0361 Open 7 days a week. Super lunch and dinner buffet. Hours: Sun–Thurs 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. | Fri & Sat 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Barnes & Noble 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Tuscaloosa 349.6366

Swen Chinese Restaurant 1130 University Blvd | The Strip // 391.9887 Trey Yuen 4200 McFarland Blvd E // 752.0088

ASIAN CUISINE Ruan Thai 1407 University Blvd // 391.9973 | Exotic Thai cuisine. Offers vegetarian options, outdoor dining, and a full bar. Sushi on Thursdays. Lunch: Mon–Sat 11 a.m. -2 p.m. | Dinner: Mon–Thurs 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri & Sat 5 p.m. -10pm | Sun 11 a.m. -3 p.m. Surin of Thailand 1402 University Blvd // 752.7970 Authentic Thai restaurant and sushi bar. Open daily. Lunch: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: 5 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

PIZZA AND SUBS A Taste Of Chicago 1700 Greensboro Avenue 205-342-DOGS Mon. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Fri. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 17th Street and Greensboro Avenue. Authentic Chicago style foods. Italian Beef Sandwiches, Chicago Rib Tips, and Chicago Style Pizza. California Underground 13552 Highway 43, Northport | 339.8660 Firehouse Subs 1130 University Blvd | Tuscaloosa // 248.0680 Hungry Howie’s (2 locations) 1105 Southview Ln | South Tuscaloosa // 345.6000 1844 McFarland Blvd | Northport // 333.2633 1211 University Blvd | Tuscaloosa | The Strip // 366.1500 4851 Rice Mine Rd | Northriver/Holt // 345.3737 Lenny’s Sub Shop 220 15th St // 752.7450 Fax: 752.7481 // Little Caesars Pizza 1414 10th Ave // 366.2220 | Little Italy 1130 University Blvd. // 345.4354 Mellow Mushroom 2230 University Blvd | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 758.0112 Subs n' You 2427 University Blvd. | Tuscaloosa // 205.758.0088 Roly Poly Sandwiches 2300 4th Street | Tuscaloosa // 366.1222

Cindy Huggins, RDN, LD is a registered dietitian nutritionist and local “foodie” Follow her on twitter @DietitianCindy for more foodie news.


Honeybaked Ham Company 421 15th St. E // 345.5508

The Pita Pit 1207 University Blvd | The Strip // 345.9606 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:30 a.m. - 3 a.m. | Sun 11:30 a.m. - midnight Pizza 120 50115th St. East | 561.6853 Pizza Palace Buffet

Chloe's Cup 2117 University Blvd.| Tuscaloosa // 764.0218 Crimson Cafe International Coffee House & Gourmet Deli 1301 University Blvd | The Strip // 750.0203 Mon–Fri 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. | Sat & Sun 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. Five Java Coffee, fresh juices, smoothies and treats from Mary's Cakes. Open Monday - Saturday at 7am; 9am on Sundays Heritage House 18 McFarland Blvd | Northport // 758.0042 Krispy Kreme Doughnut 1400 McFarland Blvd // 758.6913 Starbucks (2 locations) 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 343.2468 1901 13th Ave East | inside Super Target // 462.1064

DESSERTS Celebrations Bakery, Inc. 1832 McFarland Blvd N | Northport // 339.3221 Fax: 349.1945 Cold Stone Creamery 1130 University Blvd. | Tuscaloosa //343.1670 Specializes in customized ice cream Hours: Mon–Thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | Fri & Sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sun 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. Dunkin' Donuts 2520 Stillman Blvd. |Tuscaloosa// 349.3400 McCorvey Dr. | Tuscaloosa // 348.4041 Mary's Cakes & Pastries 412 22nd Avenue | behind Opus | Northport // 345.8610 Mon–Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Sat 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Smoothie King (2 locations) 415 15th Street | Tuscaloosa // 349.1721 Fax: 349.1945 1403 University Blvd | Tuscaloosa // 462.3664 Sweet CeCe's Frozen yogurt Treats 2217 University Blvd. | Downtown Tuscaloosa // 561.6458 A fun and friendly make your own creation, yogurt experience! TCBY (3 Locations) 2304 Mcfarland Blbd | Meadowbrook Shopping Center // 349.4661 // 2 Mcfarland Blvd | Northport | Essex Shopping Center // 758.6855 // 1130 Univ. Blvd. | The Strip // 345.0804 Yogurt In Love Patriot Center 7402 Highway 69 South Phone Number: 764.9173 Fax Number: 764.9228 Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday & Saturday 11 a.m.-10 pm. Yogurt Lab 920 Paul W. Bryant Dr Ste 200 | Tuscaloosa // 347.9522 Yogurt Mountain 1800 McFarland Blvd E | Midtown Village // 342.1484

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS

>>> F I L M | V AN R O B ERTS


ou t of 4

Watching David Fincher’s deliritantalizing whodunit “Gone Girl,” a melodrama about a troubled married couple wrestling with compatibility issues, reminded me of the film classic “The Postman Always Rings Twice” (1946) co-starring Lana Turner and John Garfield. Turner and Garfield played illicit lovers who arranged the murder of Lana’s elderly husband so Garfield and she could indulge their lust. Eventually, each had second thoughts, and murder reared its ugly head. In “Gone Girl,” Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike experience somewhat similar woes. They are cast as a husband and wife who have lost their jobs and find their marriage unraveling with ugly ramifications. They embark on a nerve-racking odyssey through Hell with more outlandish things happening to them than you can possibly imagine—unless you’ve read the novel. “Gone Girl” constitutes another Hollywood adaptation of a runaway bestseller. Happily, for a change, director David Fincher hired bestselling author Gilliam Flynn to adapt her own work. Yes, I’ve perused Flynn’s masterpiece, and she has exercised good taste and judgment in modifying her compulsive page-turner for the screen. Basically, this Twentieth Century Fox film release is about as faithful as any movie can be to its source material. Minor changes occur, and some characters have been eliminated. Nevertheless, nothing substantial has been altered. In other words, if you loved the novel, you won’t hate what Fincher and Flynn have done with it. As much as I enjoyed “Gone Girl,” I’ll concede the novel is slightly better than the film. Principally, Flynn cannot translate to the screen the depths of Amy’s subversive thoughts. Meantime, Fincher has done an admirable job of orchestrating the ‘he said; she said’ shenanigans of husband and wife. Mind you, “Gone Girl” qualifies as more than just a spine-tingling exercise in suspense and tension where the authorities believe the husband is the prime suspect in his wife’s disappearance. This movie succeeds on multiple levels as Fincher and Flynn skewer gender politics, scandal-mongering television news ously

personalities, marriage dynamics, and essentially society in general. Nick (Ben Affleck of “Argo”) and Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike of “Die Another Day”) are a sophisticated New York couple who lost their jobs as a result of the recession. When his mother is diagnosed with cancer, Nick persuades Amy to forsake her elegant brownstone in New York City, and they relocate to his North Carthage, Missouri, hometown. Amy buys Nick a tavern called ‘The Bar’ with her trust fund to keep him busy, and Nick’s twin sister Margo Dunne (Broadway actress Carrie Coon) helps manage it. Meantime, Nick and Amy’s marriage steadily erodes as trust issues and power dynamics exert a toll on it. A life-long city dweller, Amy feels miserably out of place in a small town in the middle of Heartland America with too little to occupy her imagination. She doesn’t adapt as well to this dire change of scenery as her husband. As the morning of their fifth anniversary dawns, Nick leaves Amy at home and cruises into town to check up on his sister at the bar. No sooner has Nick gotten there and swapped shots with Margo than a neighbor calls Nick and informs him that his front door is standing mysteriously wide open. Rushing home, Nick finds pieces of furniture either smashed or overturned in the living room. Amy is nowhere in sight. Nick alerts the authorities. North Carthage Police Detective Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickins of TV’s “Lost”) and Officer Jim Gilpin (Patrick Fugit of “Almost Famous”) comb the premises and collect clues. Later, the North Carthage crime scene crew uncovers evidence of a huge blood puddle in the kitchen that had been sloppily mopped up. Repeatedly, Nick swears his innocence, but things spiral hopelessly out of control. He learns from the police that Amy was pregnant. Ultimately, in an act of sheer desperation, Nick hires celebrity lawyer, Tanner Bolt (Tyler Perry of “Alex Cross”), to defend him. Worst, the jealous college girl with whom Nick was having an affair exposes their adultery on prime-time television. Although the detectives have amassed an

abundance of evidence implicating Nick, Boney and Gilpin have no luck finding Amy’s body. You could watch “Gone Girl” a dozen times and come away with something memorable each time. Fincher has fashioned a tense thriller just as immaculate and flawless as his best movies, including “Fight Club,” “The Game,” “The Social Network,” and “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” Affleck is at the top of his game as the gullible husband with something to conceal, while Pike deserves an Oscar for the many faces that she forges as Nick’s long, lost Amy. Neal Patrick Harris displays his chameleon ability to play a cross-section of characters. He emerges as one of Amy’s warped lovers who once stalked her. Clocking in at virtually two hours and half, “Gone Girl” defies expectations—unless you’re conversant with the novel. Just when you think you’ve got everything figured out, Fincher and Flynn twist another loop into their Gordian knot of a narrative. The effect is similar to being spun around about every half-hour and gaping at the experience. Beware, “Gone Girl” boasts a blood-soaked murder scene that is rather graphic, but this thriller remains extremely literate. Anybody who abhors HLN ‘victim’s rights’ advocate

Nancy Grace is going to appreciate the pompous character of Ellen Abbott who goes after Nick’s scalp after Amy vanishes. Tyler Perry plays it straight as Nick’s high-profile attorney Tanner Bolt who coaches him throughout the ordeal. In one scene, Tanner prepares his client for an important television interview. Each time Nick answers a question with either an inappropriate tone or expression, Tanner bombards him with jelly beans. Anybody who has ever complained about Ben Affleck’s smug pretty boy persona will love this scene. As much as I would love to divulge some of the juicier scenes in “Gone Girl,” I cannot without spoiling the outcome. If you love husband and wife murder movies or murder melodramas altogether, “Gone Girl” shouldn’t disappoint you.

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS



>>> P E R F O R M A N C E S | K EN D A L L J U D Y

ACCLAIMED MUSICAL AT UA // MUSIC AND LYRICS BY STEPHEN SONDHEIM AND BOOK BY GEORGE FURTH further back in time we see the loss of the most important trait of all—innocence.” The story unfolds Monday, November 10 through Friday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m., and

The University of Alabama’s Department of Theatre and Dance will present Merrily We Roll Along in the Allen Bales Theatre November 10. Based on the play by George Kaufman and Moss Hart, the musical follows the protagonist Frank and tells the story of his life from starving artist to well-known movie composer. Sondheim tells the story in reverse, so the audience starts their journey at the end of the original 1934 play.



Sondheim notes the show is about friendship, but Director Matt Davis takes it one step farther. “By introducing the audience to the Frank who has become incredibly successful in his professional life, we are immediately forced to consider whether it is all worth it. As the story unfolds—in reverse—we are witness to what Frank lets go of for fame and fortune. Friendship, family, dreams, and passions fall to the wayside, and as we slip

Sunday, Nov. 16, at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available through the Department’s website at, by phone at 205.348.3400 or at the door.

The 1981 production closed shortly after opening despite wide audience acclaim. Today, it's among the most popular musicals in the U.S.


>>> A R T | Am e l i a H o r s hok

A NEW ARTS/CRAFTS FESTIVAL // CREATIVE SPACE // ART FROM THE CRIMSON HEART On November 20, several University of Alabama students, faculty, and alumni will converge under the shady trees of the Canterbury Chapel lawn in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to celebrate the first ever Creative Space: Art from the Crimson Heart arts and crafts festival. Just in time for the holiday season, festival goers will have the opportunity to purchase artwork from several artists and craftspeople including Sara Hart, Candice Ji, Ashley McWaters, Marc Burnette, Courtney Barr, the Crimson Clay Co-op and many more. As the first festival of its kind in the Tuscaloosa community, the goal of the event is to provide a "Creative Space" for student artists and established local artists to share their original work with the community. Artists will have the opportunity to demonstrate

their craft and dialogue with community members about their work. Musicians, poets and thespians will also perform at the festival. The deadline for being a vendor is November 1st. If you would like more information or are interested in being a vendor at the festival, email Amelia Horshok at Include in the email a little information about yourself, a description of your art, and photos of the art you wish to sell.






NOTE: All events listed here have phone numbers in the 205 area code unless otherwise indicated.


HOCUS POCUS WHEN: 7 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 1901 Jack Warner PHONE: 248.4930 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Join the Warner Transportation Museum for this outdoor screening of Hocus Pocus! Enjoy the fall weather and the spooky atmosphere with family of all ages. CHILDREN’S PUMPKIN PARTY WHEN: 3 – 4:30 p.m. COST: $6 – 9 WHERE: CHOM 2213 University Blvd. PHONE: 349.4325 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Join the Children’s Hands-On Museum to help carve the museum’s official jack-o-lantern! Come in costume and enjoy treats and everything pumpkin-themed.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 MOVIE UNDER THE STARS WHEN: 5 – 8 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 1110 26th Ave PHONE: 404.957.6861 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Impact Nation Fellowship Church presents "Movie under the Stars" outdoor movie night. Our feature film will be "Heaven is For Real." Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and come out to enjoy an evening of fun. Concessions will be on sale and all proceeds will go toward future community projects.

COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE WHEN: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 3801 Loop Rd PHONE: 562.3235 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Clean out your closets and take advantage of the convenience of our indoor gym to sell your unwanted items. Booths sell out, so please register early. Shoppers, come for great bargain hunting rain or shine! It’s like an indoor flea market with free admiSsion to shoppers.


UNITY CHORAL CONCERT WHEN: 3 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 715 Campus Dr PHONE: 348.6063 LINK: DESCRIPTION: The Afro-American Gospel choir student organization will be having its annual Unity Concert featuring Auburn University Gospel Choir in the Ferguson Center Ballroom. The purpose of this concert is to worship in unity even though we’re rivals on the football field, but teammates for Christ. Visit the Ferguson Center Ballroom to hear them unified in song. 5TH STREET VINTAGE MARKET WHEN: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 4150 5th St PHONE: 345.4763



LINK: DESCRIPTION: Curated by This Ol' Thing Vintage, Grace Aberdean Habitat Alchemy and DJ Tom Kat Kitten, 5th Street Vintage Market brings a one of a kind shopping experience to the area. We will feature dozens of dealers from the region who specialize in vintage goods, handmade items and vinyl records. Concessions available on site.


PILATES & TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING WHEN: 5:15 – 6 p.m. COST: $9 WHERE: 2200 Rock Quarry Dr PHONE: 562.3230 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Curated by This Ol' Thing Vintage, Grace Aberdean Habitat Alchemy and DJ Tom Kat Kitten, 5th Street Vintage Market brings a one of a kind shopping experience to the area. We will feature dozens of dealers from the region who specialize in vintage goods, handmade items and vinyl records. Concessions available on site. ROOTS, ROUTES, REVERENCE WHEN: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 405 McCorvey Dr. PHONE: 498.1893 LINK: DESCRIPTION: In his upcoming exhibition, MFA candidate Darius Hill traces his artistic influences to the iconic imagery of 1970s and 1980s African American pop culture, as well as abstract expressionist, minimalist and pop art paintings created by artists Kenneth Noland, Jasper Johns and Robert Indiana. Take a look at the Sella-Granata Gallery in Woods Hall.


DANCE ALABAMA! WHEN: 7:30 p.m. COST: $14 – 20 WHERE: 428 Colonial Dr PHONE: 348.3400 LINK: DESCRIPTION: A campus favorite, Dance Alabama! returns to the stage this fall. Students choreograph, cast, rehearse and design their pieces in hopes to be chosen by the Dance faculty through a rigorous audition process. Watch 25 pieces produced entirely by students, all at the Morgan Hall theater, Tuesday through Friday. BARBERSHOP QUARTET WHEN: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 810 2nd Ave PHONE: 348.7111 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Through the University of Alabama school of music, this recital is free to anyone who enjoys the classic vocal styles of a barbershop quartet. Enjoy this quartet at recital hall 140 of the Moody Music Building, and be prepared to tap your toes.



This puppy will add loads of fun and happiness to your family! This good-looking young man is Sam, a 4-month-old Retriever/Labrador mix. He has a smooth golden red and white coat, and he is all legs and ears right now! Sam has more growing and filling out to do. He is only 21 pounds, but will probably be around 60 pounds when full-grown. Sam is very friendly, social and fun!! He has a lot of energy, but all in a happy-golucky way. As with any puppy, he will need training and structure to help him develop into a wellmannered adult dog. Sam will require a fenced-in yard. He would love to have another companion to play with or children ages 12 and over to help get his energy out. We have started him on his crate training. Sam is up to date on his vet care, neutered and microchipped. He is on heartworm and flea/tick prevention. Look at the sweet face, don’t you need this dog in your life?! If you are interested in giving Sam the forever home he wants and deserves, visit the Humane Society of West Alabama at or call us at 554-0011. This sweet little dude is Luka, a male short-haired black and white Tuxedo kitten. He is almost 6 months old. Luka is a very friendly guy! He likes being held, and he does well with other friendly kittens. He would do okay with children who can handle him gently. We do not recommend Luka around dogs over 20 lbs. Luka had surgery on his eye two weeks ago to repair his eyelid. He is negative for FIV and FeLK and current on his vaccinations. Due to being underage for a spay/neuter surgery, adoption requires an additional refundable spay/neuter deposit to reinforce state requirements for all adopted pets to be fixed by age of maturity. Stop by our cat adoption center to meet Luka and more adoptable cats and kittens! If you are interested in giving Luka the forever home he wants and deserves, visit the Humane Society of West Alabama at or call us at 554-0011.

If you ever decide to adopt a dog, check out your local shelter. Buying dogs from pet stores or online increases the demand for the cruel puppy mills that often supply them. If you already have a dog, please remember to get it spayed or neutered. It's the best way you can help prevent dog overpopulation.


>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS

>>> P E R F O R M A N C E | K E V IN L E D GE W O O D


>>> EVENTS CALENDAR | COST: Free WHERE: 715 Campus Dr PHONE: 348.6063 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Every month, the Feminism Spoken Here Brown Bag Lecture Series will host a guest speaker or information session highlighting the accomplishments of women in academia and beyond.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 KENTUCK ART NIGHT WHEN: 5 – 8 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 503 Main Ave, Northport PHONE: 758.1257 LINK: DESCRIPTION: As on the first Thursday of every month, Kentuck opens its doors to visitors for a night of art, music, food and fun. Enjoy a live band, food from the cob oven, and the wonderful art of resident Kentuck artists.


Scottish folksinger and songwriter Jim Malcolm will be featured in a performance on Acoustic Night on Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bama Theatre. Presented by The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa, the project features both solo and ensemble performances of a wide range of acoustic music throughout the calendar year in the intimate setting of the theatre’s Greensboro Room. Cover charge is $10 with a full service bar available. Traveling the world with his guitar, harmonicas and engaging wit, Jim Malcolm sings the traditional songs of Scotland and his own masterfully crafted songs in a style which is modern and accessible, yet utterly authentic. He is highly regarded as an interpreter of the songs of Robert Burns and has been described as “one of the finest singers in Scotland in any style.” With family roots in Perthshire and Strathclyde, the artist has been a professional musician since graduating from Edinburgh University. His first arena was the folk music scene in Scotland, where he gigged in almost every town and isle from Berwick to Benbecula and from Stranraer to Lerwick. Working solo or in various bands and combos in far flung pubs, hotels and clubs toughened him up for a future life on the road. Solo tours in England, Ireland, Denmark and Germany followed, including musical adventures in some off-the-charts places like Uganda. The opportunity to join the already established Celtic folk/rock band Old Blind Dogs saw Malcom further explore countries on the European continent and North America, travelling as far as Alaska and Hawaii. Over his eight years with the band, he recorded three studio albums and a live cd. As a solo performer with ten solo CDs to his credit, he is in the top handful of simultaneous guitar and harmonica players in the world. He plays guitar mostly in the

folk guitar tuning dadgad in both fingerpicking and plectrum styles. His career highlight of 2011 was a performance of his own songs “Lochanside” and “Battle of Waterloo” with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra at a sold-out concert in Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall. The list of artists who have performed and recorded his work is steadily growing, but includes Kate Rusby with The Poozies, Beppe Gambetta from Italy, Uiscedwr, The McCalmans, Alyth McCormack, North Sea Gas and Tich Frier. In 2004 Malcolm was voted Songwriter of the Year at the annual Scots Trad Music Awards, and to date he is the most nominated Scots singer for the Scots Singer of the Year Award, having been nominated three times. Alongside his original work, he has recorded a great many Scottish songs, from early ballads through Burns and Tannahill to William Soutar and his great hero, Jim Reid. He enjoys reworking old songs that form the kernel of Scotland’s great folk tradition. For more information about the artist visit The Bama Theatre is located at 600 Greensboro Ave. in downtown Tuscaloosa. For more information about The Arts Council, CAC or Bama Theatre, patrons should LIKE the Facebook page “The Arts Council – Bama Theatre – Cultural Arts Center” and follow tuscarts on Twitter. Call 205.758.5195 or visit tuscarts. org for further information.

FIRST FRIDAY WHEN: 5 – 9 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: Downtown Tuscaloosa DESCRIPTION: First Friday takes place on the first Friday of the month from 5-9 pm in Downtown Tuscaloosa and is free to the public. Local galleries, businesses and restaurants are open as an event for the community to see what Downtown Tuscaloosa has to offer. URBAN VIRTUE PAINTINGS WHEN: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 700 Capstone Dr PHONE: 348.1891 LINK: DESCRIPTION: The work of two American painters, Cora Cohen and Susanne Doremus, will be featured in the Sarah Moody Gallery of Art through Nov 7. Both artists are well-established worldwide and the UA Department of Arts and Art History is very excited to view their work here in Tuscaloosa. GLIMPSES OF THE GREAT WAR WHEN: 9 a.m. –4 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 620 Greensboro PHONE: 758.5195 LINK: DESCRIPTION: “Seismic Shift” will be hosted by The Arts Council of Tuscaloosa at the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center during the month of Nov. The exhibit, composed of works by UA faculty member Sky Shineman, will open with a reception on Nov. 7, 2014 from 5 – 8 p.m. during First Friday and will conclude on Nov. 26. This year Shineman was awarded a research grant by The University of Alabama to investigate new painting materials including powdered pigments and organic mediums. The works in “Seismic Shift” are a product of this inquiry, serving as a record of elemental relationships and physical processes.


WHERE: 2213 University Blvd PHONE: 349.4235 LINK: DESCRIPTION: The Children’s Hands-On Museum invites kids to turkey trot, make thanksgiving crafts and even snack on turkey toast! All activities covered in the cost of admission.


WADE HALL’S LIBRARY WHEN: All day COST: Free WHERE: 711 Capstone Dr PHONE: 348.0506 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Wade Hall’s personal collection of books allows researchers to see the full flowering of American writing through nearly 17,300 titles that date from 1779 through the 1990s. These books encompass a wide range of genres including poetry, prose, travel narratives, religious tracts, abolitionist material, government documents, and cookbooks. The collection will be in the J. Wray and Joan Billingsley Pearce Grand Foyer of Gorgas Library until Nov 9.


MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG WHEN: 7:30 p.m. COST: $10 and up WHERE: 348 Stadium Dr PHONE: 348.3400 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Based on the 1934 play of the same name, we meet Franklin Sheppard and get his life story unfold from lyricist to famous motion picture maker, in reverse! One of Sondheim’s most acclaimed scores! Enjoy the show at Rowand-Johnson Hall, Monday through Sunday. Runs through the 16th.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 MEET THE AUTHOR: RICK BRAGG WHEN: 6 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 1801 Jack Warner Pkwy PHONE: 345.5820 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Pulitzer-Prize winning author Rick Bragg will discuss his new book at the Tuscaloosa Public Library, sign copies and answer questions. A donation of a non-perishable food item is encouraged to help the Beat Auburn Beat Hunger food drive.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 WORLD KINDNESS DAY WHEN: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. COST: Free WHERE: 715 Campus Dr PHONE: 348.6063 LINK: DESCRIPTION: Crimson Kindness is hosting World Kindness Day in the Ferguson Center from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There will be food and an opportunity to meet Big Al! Come celebrate kindness with us! PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT.


SUPER SATURDAY WOBBLE & GOBBLE WHEN: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. COST: $6 – $9


>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS







NEW ORLEANS Kalin and Myles, House of Blues R3hab, Republic New Orleans

BIRMINGHAM STS9, Iron City Ronnie Jordan, Comedy Club Stardome

MONTGOMERY Fly By Radio, Sigma Nu: Auburn


HUNTSVILLE General Bastard, Coppertop

ATLANTA Hot Water Music, The Masquerade Death From Above 1979, The Buckhead Theatre

ATLANTA Zac Brown Band, The Villages Amphitheater Jason Derulo, Tabernacle Dirty Loops, The Loft



NASHVILLE Drive-By Truckers, Ryman Auditorium NEW ORLEANS Mon Taxi, House of Blues Baauer and Boys Noize, Republic New Orleans


BIRMINGHAM Neon Trees, Iron City The Reverend Horton Heat, Zydeco MONTGOMERY Evan Taylor Jones, Rock Bottom

BIRMINGHAM Black Jacket Symphony, The Alabama Theatre

NASHVILLE James Vincent McMorrow, Mercy Lounge/ Cannery Ballroom

HUNTSVILLE Blackbird, Bishops East Side Pub Jonathan Laird, Belvidere Market Kozmic Mama, Bandito Burito

ATLANTA This Will Destroy You, The Masquerade The Presets, Variety Playhouse

MONTGOMERY Rollin’ in the Hay, 1048 Jazz and Blues

NEW ORLEANS Matisyahu, House of Blues Jordan Knight and Nick Carter, the Civic Theater

ATLANTA Big Gigantic, Tabernacle The New Deal, Variety Playhouse


NASHVILLE The Devil Makes Three, Marathon Music Works STS9, Nashville War Memorial Auditorium NEW ORLEANS Voodoo Music Experience, New Orleans City Park thru Nov. 2 Reverend Horton Heat, Howlin’ Wolf

MONTGOMERY Black Jacket Symphony, Montgomery Performing Arts Center NASHVILLE Martina McBride, Ryman Auditorium Lil Jon, Anthem

NASHVILLE Anberlin, Mercy Lounge/Cannery Ballroom Rachel Yamagata, 3rd and Lindsley Bar and Grill


HUNTSVILLE Loretta Lynn, Von Braun Concert Hall

saturday, NOVEMBER 1

BIRMINGHAM Sam Hunt, Iron City


ATLANTA The New Pornographers, The Buckhead Theatre Robin Trower, Variety Playhouse NASHVILLE Mastodon, Marathon Music Works NEW ORLEANS First Aid Kit, House of Blues

ATLANTA Mastodon, Tabernacle Jukebox the Ghost, The Loft

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 HUNTSVILLE Pickin’ and Grinnin’, Tims Ford State Park

ATLANTA Aretha Franklin, Fabulous Fox Theatre Primus, Tabernacle Trombone Shorty, The Buckhead Theatre

NEW ORLEANS Foxy Shazam, Howlin’ Wolf Timeflies, House of Blues



ATLANTA Rufus Wainwright, Symphony Hall Atlanta NASHVILLE James Taylor, Bridgestone Arena


ATLANTA Interpol, Tabernacle Yelle, The Loft


Fox Theatre 660 Peachtree St NE 404.881.2100

Amphitheater at the Wharf 23101 Canal Rd 251.224.1020

The Hangout 251.948.3030

Bridgestone Arena 501 Broadway 615.770.2000

Marathon Music Works 1402 Clinton St 615.891.1781

Centennial Olympic Park 265 Park Ave W NW 404.223.4412

Minglewood Hall 1555 Madison Ave 901.312.6058





BIRMINGHAM James Taylor, BJCC Arena Noah Gundersen, WorkPlay Theatre


ATLANTA Atmosphere, Center Stage

BIRMINGHAM Mayday Parade, Zydeco

ATLANTA The Ready Set, The Masquerade

NASHVILLE Interpol, Marathon Music Works

>>> R OA D T R I P D I R E C T O RY Travel the South's best venues. Visit their website for ticket info and more. Acoustic Café 2758 County Hwy 9 205.647.3237


NASHVILLE Chrissie Hynde, Ryman Auditorium

NEW ORLEANS Big KRIT, House of Blues

BIRMINGHAM Foxy Shazam, Zydeco


NASHVILLE NOVEMBER 10 Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn, The Ford Theater at the Country Music Hall of Fame

Montgomery Performing Arts Center 201 Tallapoosa St 334.481.5100 The Nick 2514 10th Ave S 205.252.3831 Sloss Furnaces 20 32nd St N 205.324.1911 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre 2200 Encore Pkwy


404.733.5010 Von Braun Center 700 Monroe St SW 256.551.2345 WorkPlay 500 23rd St S 205.380.4082 Zydeco 2001 15th Ave S 205.933.1032

NASHVILLE Mayday Parade, Mercy Lounge/Cannery Ballroom Straight No Chaser, Ryman Auditorium


BIRMINGHAM The Charlie Daniels Band, Iron City Big KRIT, Zydeco St. Paul and the Broken Bones, The Alabama Theatre NASHVILLE John Butler Trio, Ryman Auditorium NEW ORLEANS Lewis Black, Mahalia Jackson Theater Justin Townes Earle, The Civic Theater









Uri, Coppertop Take the Power Back, Green Bar

Gravy, Green Bar



Plato Jones, Coppertop

Who Shot Lizzy, Crimson Bar Halloween Party, Rhythm & Brews Halloween Show at Green Bar w/ Steels, Loose Ends +more, Green Bar



Charlie Argo, Coppertop


Glen Templeton, Rhythm & Brews Cottonbox Road, Crimson Bar 90 Proof, Coppertop

Johnathan East, Crimson Bar Badstick. Coppertop


Plato Jones, Coppertop


CBDB, Coppertop


Solo Cupp, CoppertopGlen Templeton / Keith Anderson, Rhythm & Brews The Floozies, Jupiter


Soul Tide, Coppertop Coyote Jack, Crimson Bar Obscured by Echoes, Blackwater Thieves, Green Bar



just EMAIL


Riverband, Crimson Bar

>>> LO C A L B A R S 4th & 23rd //

Buffalo Wild Wings // 523-0273

Houndstooth // 752-8444

Mugshots // 391-0572

1831 // 331-4632

Capones // 248-0255

Downtown Pub // 750-0008

Innisfree // 345-1199

Rhythm & Brews // 750-2992

Alcove // 469-9110

Carpe Vino // 366-8444

Gallettes // 758-2010

Jackie's Lounge // 758-9179

Rounders // 345-4848

Bear Trap // 345-2766

Catch 22 // 344-9347

Gnemis Top Shelf Tavern // 343-0020

The Jupiter // 248-6611

Big Al's // 759-9180

Copper Top // 343-6867

Grey Lady // 469-9521

The Legacy // 345-4848

The Booth // 764-0557

Crimson Bar // 764-0185

Harry's Bar // 331-4151

Mellow Mushroom // 758-0112

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS



Photo: UA Athletic Photography

>>> S T E P H E N ' S R E P O R T | STEP H EN S M IT H


Alabama football isn’t where it needs to be, despite its current record of 7-1. The energy inside Bryant-Denny Stadium excites players for home games, but the Crimson Tide is a different team on the road. Obtaining wins in the Southeastern Conference is difficult enough, but dominating opponents on the road is an entirely different monster. Alabama’s Production // Bryant-Denny Stadium Alabama is undefeated at home this season. Its offense looks fluid and defense is stifling. Offensively, Alabama is averaging 48.5 points and 610.3 yards of offense. Senior quarterback Blake Sims spreads the wealth better at Bryant-Denny Stadium. He has completed 71.3 percent of his passes for 1,109 yards (277.3 yards per game) and 11 touchdowns. Sims executes the offense better and displays more poise at home. Junior receiver Amari Cooper has abused man-to-man coverage schemes all season. He collected 18 receptions for 341 yards and five touchdowns combined against Florida and Texas A&M. Cooper has benefitted from Lane Kiffin’s system, but playing in front of the home crowd has helped a lot more. 39 of Cooper’s 62 receptions have come in Bryant-Denny Stadium. He’s registered 39 catches for 665 yards (166.3 yards per game) and seven touchdowns at home. Even Alabama’s run game displays a bounce in its step at home. The Crimson Tide’s offensive line has guided its backs to 1,044 rushing yards (261.0 yards per game) and 12 scores. Defensively, Alabama has been solid at home. Opposing offenses have averaged 195 yards (62.8 rushing yards) and 10.8 points per game. Alabama’s Production // Road Games Prior to the Tennessee game, the



Crimson Tide averaged 15.5 points and 311.5 yards of offense combined against Ole Miss and Arkansas. Both teams disrupted Alabama’s timing and pressured Blake Sims. Sims hasn’t been comfortable on the road. Nerves could be an issue, but Sims must gain confidence away from BryantDenny if Alabama wants to win a championship. He tends to lean too much on Amari Cooper on the road, in my opinion. This has caused Sims to telegraph some of his pass attempts. He’s completed 56.9 percent of his passes for 389 yards (194.5 yards per game) and two touchdowns. The Crimson Tide’s offensive line hasn’t fared well on the road. Alabama’s allowed three sacks and its run game has been dormant. The Crimson Tide’s totaled 260 rushing yards (130.0 yards per game) and a touchdown. Texas A&M and Florida failed, but Arkansas and Ole Miss succeeded on covering Amari Cooper. Both teams provided safety help and baited Sims to target other receivers. Cooper has 11 catches for 113 yards on the road. Defense is the lone constant for Alabama in both aspects. The Crimson Tide’s allowed 18 points and 329 yards of offense on the road. Opponents have rushed for 80.5 yards with one score. Alabama’s defense collected six sacks and has forced four turnovers. Alabama vs. Tennessee Alabama’s offense looked dismal against Ole Miss and Arkansas, but it was aggressive in the first quarter against Tennessee. Blake Sims and Amari Cooper established a connection early. Cooper ended the first quarter with five catches for 155 yards and two touchdowns. The Crimson Tide led 20-0 at the end of the first quarter, but lost its focus and intensity. Tennessee mounted a comeback in the second quarter. The Volunteers outscored Alabama 20-14. Sopho-

more quarterback Joshua Dobbs gave Tennessee fans hope. He threw for 192 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. Prior to Tennessee, Alabama’s defense allowed 63.4 rushing yards per game. Dobbs and the Volunteers hung 181 yards rushing on the Crimson Tide. Tennessee totaled 383 yards of offense. Its offensive line surrendered one sack. Alabama’s run game didn’t get going until the second half. T.J. Yeldon ripped off a few big runs, but there wasn’t much room for him to go. It didn’t result in a turnover, but Yeldon did fumble against the Volunteers. Derrick Henry led Alabama in rushing with 78 yards and a touchdown on 16 carries. Sims misfired on 10 pass attempts, but he displayed poise on the road. His completion percentage wasn’t great (58.3 percent), but he threw for 286 yards and two touchdowns. Sims’s mobility was an asset for Alabama in the second half. He was able to move the chains on third down with his feet. Sims totaled 42 yards rushing, including a 28-yard touchdown run in the second quarter. Amari Cooper added his name to Alabama’s record book Saturday night. He became Alabama’s first receiver to register two 200-yard receiving performances in a single-season. Cooper’s 224 yards against Tennessee broke Julio Jones’s record against the Volunteers in 2010 (221 yards). Physical football games call for injuries. The Crimson Tide’s bye week comes at a good time. Freshman offensive

lineman Cameron Robinson has a high ankle sprain. Tight End Brian Vogler has a sprained knee. Senior receiver Christion Jones tweaked his hamstring in warmups. Yeldon didn’t play in the second half (foot). Landon Collins had cramps, but he finished the contest. Cooper, DeAndrew White and Austin Shepherd were seen limping on the sidelines during the course of the game. Alabama defeated Tennessee 34-20. Offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin was greeted with lustful boos, but left with the Million Dollar Band chanting his name. Head coach Nick Saban improved to a perfect 8-0 against Tennessee. The players puffed cigars in celebration, but rest assured an ash tray will be full of them on Monday. Consistency on the Road It feels good to win at home, but true champions conquer on the road. Alabama is back in the College Football Playoff picture after wins against Texas A&M and Tennessee. The Crimson Tide’s offense did some good things in Knoxville, but there is still room for improvement. Team chemistry is great, but the Crimson Tide has yet to put everything together. Neyland Stadium started the process, but Tiger Stadium will be more intense. Baton Rouge will be the last tough road venue for Alabama after its bye week. The Crimson Tide is No.3 nationally. Alabama has its dreams in front of them, but can this team win on the road? Next, Alabama will face LSU at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, La.

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS


CECE JEFFERSON // STAR PROSPECT LOVES EVERYTHING ABOUT BAMA because of location. They were one of the first schools on him, because he grew up just outside their door. But now that he's actually visiting other places and seeing the game atmosphere at other places, I think it's opened his eyes a little bit." Jefferson visited Ole Miss a few weeks ago when the Rebels upset Alabama. Some close to the OM program now think the Rebels are the team to beat. "Obviously, I think on all of these official visits, these kids have a great time," McPherson says. "When they go to SEC schools, it's a great experience for them to see the game atmosphere and the facilities they have and all the things they get to see. I think it helped Ole Miss that he was there the weekend they beat Alabama. I think that helped a bit, but at the end of the day, I don't know that that will factor in. "For him, I think it's going to come down to whether he decides to stay close to home at Florida because he's a local hero down here, or if he chooses to leave and go elsewhere because he thinks it's best for his future. "I think if you look at him and what's best for his future, playing for Coach Saban and playing on Alabama's defense is probably best for him if he wants to play on Sunday. But CeCe is a very independent young man. He's going to make the decision he decides is best for him." Does the uncertainty of Will Muschamp's future at UF affect Jefferson? "I think it weighs on his mind a little bit," McPherson says. "But Florida is just 35 minutes from his home. I think it would be more uncertain if that were the situation at a school away from home. But there's a lot of Gator fans around here, and the University of Florida is what it is. I don't think who the coach is is really going to have an impact on that." Regardless, McPherson doesn't expect a decision anytime soon.

Dallas Warmack

CeCe Jefferson

Alabama hosted highly-touted linebacker/defensive end CeCe Jefferson of Glen St. Mary-Baker County, FL on an official visit for the Texas A&M game. The 6-2, 250-pound Jefferson, who was joined on the visit by his father, saw an impressive display of defense in the Tide's 59-0 shutout of the Aggies. "He had a great time," says Baker County head coach Tom McPherson. "He said that he loved everything about it. He loved the school. He loved the facilities. He loved the time he spent with Coach Saban and their coaching staff. "He mentioned how good the defense looked and how fast they played. That

"I think it's going to go down to the first week of February," he says. "I honestly think there will be a lot of people who still won't have any idea on signing day." Darian Roseboro Does Bama have a shot? Now that he's de-committed from Michigan, the mad rush is back on for defensive lineman Darian Roseboro of Lincolnton, North Carolina. The 6-5, 265-pound Roseboro, one of the nation's elite defenders, still has offers on the table from Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, NC State, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Penn State, Tennessee, Texas and UCLA, among others. "He's going to be a December grad, so this has got to be a real quick turnaround," says Lincolnton head coach Scott Cloninger. "My phone is lighting up with schools wanting to get back in with him, but he's got to make a decision very soon so that he can get all the paperwork to the school he decides on." Cloninger says that Alabama has made contact recently. "Alabama was one of his top five schools when he picked Michigan," Cloninger says. "Anytime Alabama is interested, that gets your attention. You have to listen to Alabama. "I know they've called and they're interested. But I don't think he has a plan right now for taking visits. When I spoke to him, he didn't mention visiting any particular schools."

really impressed him. He kept a close eye on the Alabama defensive players who play similar positions to him. I think Alabama likes CeCe as a Jack linebacker, and he was watching those guys and he liked what he saw. "He was excited about everything he saw." So where does Alabama stand? "He doesn't talk too much about it as far as where things are," McPherson says. "He's really just starting to take his official visits. He went to Ole Miss. He's going to Georgia in the next week or two. But I'd still think that Alabama's in his top three. "Florida has always been up there, just

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS

Darian Roseboro





ELVIRA'S 20 BEST // ON HULU ART LOVERS // 3 DAYS OF EVENTS WITH FAMED ARTISTS Image credit: Cora Cohen, Writing Absence, 2010, 18 x 16 inches. oil on linen, Image courtesy

The Sarah Moody Gallery of Art cordially invites you to three days of events around our current exhibition, Urban Virtue: Paintings by Cora Cohen and Susanne Doremus. Two artists talks and a reception will be featured and are open to the public. Three successful women in the arts will tackle provocative questions about contemporary art, art practice, and the marketplace. The exhibition is open now through November 7 in the Sarah Moody Gallery of Art on UA campus. 3 Days of Events in the UA Department of Art and Art History DAY 1 – Public Conversation. Exhibiting artists Cora Cohen and Susanne Doremus discuss their painting. Wednesday, November 5, 7 p.m., 205 Smith Hall. DAY 2 – Closing Reception, Thursday, November 6, 6-8 p.m., Sarah Moody Gallery of Art, 103 Garland Hall. DAY 3 – Public Conversation. Internationally acclaimed artists Cora Cohen, Susanne Doremus and Molly ZuckermanHartung will engage in a second conversation about contemporary art, abstraction, community and academia. Friday, November 7, 9 – 11 a.m., Mortar Board Room, Ferguson Center. This conversation will focus on painting, its process, the benefits of community, and painting within academia. Cora Cohen is a New York-based painter with an international record of exhibitions including Come in a Little Closer, a recent solo exhibit of paintings, Michael Steinberg Fine Art, New York; Cora



Cohen – auf Papier, Galerie Hafemann, Wiesbaden, The Responsibility of Forms: Recent Paintings, Guided by Invoices, New York; and Altered X Rays, Field Institute Hombroich, Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss. Cohen has artwork placed in numerous public and private collections such as The Museum of Modern Art, New York and Yale University, New Haven. Among her awards: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 2013 and American Academy of Arts and Letters Purchase Award, New York, 2012. Find on web at Susanne Doremus is a Chicago-based painter and serves as professor of painting at the Art Institute of Chicago. Her record of national exhibitions contains Open/closed, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, and the 181st Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Museum of the National Academy of Design, New York. Doremus’ awards include: National Endowment for the Arts Individual Grant, Illinois Arts Council Fellowship and McCormick Place Commission, Chicago, IL. Find on web at Molly Zuckerman-Hartung is a celebrated artist whose work was included in the 2014 Whitney Biennial (New York), Violet Fogs Azure Snot at Corbett vs. Dempsey (Chicago, IL) and Modesty, Walker Art Center (Minneapolis). She has earned the attention of many with (The 95 Theses on Painting) that is posted online. Find on web at

Halloween is the time for television networks to broadcast their spookiest, scariest movies and television shows for the entertainment of the costumed masses. While one might think that the best television runs on the air, Hulu, a popular streaming site, would beg to differ. Internet television has grown extremely popular, with Netflix, Youtube, and Hulu being the three main contenders in the ring. One person, however, will set Hulu apart from the rest. Everyone knows the name, the outfit and the voice: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Just in time for Halloween, Hulu has uploaded episodes of Elvira’s Movie Macabre-a chillingly hilarious series that first aired in 1981. In the show, Elvira, played by Cassandra Peterson, talks the audience through B-Grade horror movies with witty commentary, ghostly phone calls, and sometimes guest stars. A ‘B-Grade’ horror movie refers to the old, low budget films used to showcase double features, and kick-start writers and directors in film making. The run time of a B movie was relatively short, only a little more than an hour compared to higher budget films, which ran for two hours or more. Often, B movies featured the same actors playing different characters. While Elvira remains a popular television icon, during the first months of filming the cast and crew received a cease and


desist letter from Mailaaka Nurmi, theBactress Michael Brannon, Michal Reddy that played the 1950’s horror movie hostess Vampira. Nurmi claimed that Peterson stole her image and act, but the courts Meghan Steel ruled in favor of Peterson on the grounds that the likeness was just that: likeness and not a copy. After that, Elvira’s show soared, and soon she became a franchise and the most well known hostess on television. Hulu hosts 20 of Elvira’s best episodes, including “The House That Screamed”, “Night of the Living Dead”, and “Lady Frankenstein”. This year, Hulu featured a series called “13 Nights of Elvira”, starting on October 19th. “13 Nights” features 13 of Elvira’s episodes. So far, they’ve released “Hobgoblins”, “Demonic Toys”, “Puppetmaster”, and “Cannibal Women in the Jungle of Death”. Hulu will continue airing these episodes through Halloween. Along with online streaming, Elvira has DVDs released, including boxed sets of her episodes. Though her show was highly popular, and her merchandise sold well, Elvira’s crowning achievement was a full length feature film called “Elvira: Mistress of the Dark”, co-written by Cassandra Peterson herself. In the movie, Elvira’s show gets pulled from its network and when she finds out that a relative of hers has died, she travels to their sleepy little town to collect her inheritance and move to Las Vegas. Shenanigans ensue, and Elvira finds herself trapped in a spider web of witchcraft, lies, and trying to save the youth of the small town. Cassandra Peterson is still going strong today, and makes television and movie appearances in and out of character. She’s also an investor in Comikaze Entertainment, which is famous for it’s convention, Comikaze Expo, the largest comic book and anime convention in the US. Catch all episodes of “Movie Macabre” on Hulu, streaming for free.


w e e kly ov e r v i e w



Relationships bring opportunities for fun and delight, with a chance to enhance your long-term bond or make a date with someone new. With Venus in Scorpio, you might relish a chance to enjoy a passionate liaison. Mercury's forward motion in Libra could bring more positive news on the job front, making it easier to forge ahead without being subject to delays or interruptions. Halloween and the weekend look like sizzling fun, with plenty of laughs and good times all around. You may have a fresh vision of what you hope to achieve regarding your job, lifestyle, and career. The power of your imagination may come into its own, especially if you can regularly visualize your success. Early in the week you might find that you can get ahead by listening to your intuition and scouring your dreams for clues. The midweek Quarter Moon encourages you to take a chance on a bold idea. Finally, Halloween and the weekend should be fun! Romantic dreams and creative plans may fill your head this week, giving you plenty of options for enjoying life and connecting with your more playful side. A love affair could be more intense, passionate, and nurturing than you thought. However, you'll also benefit from putting thoughts and ideas out there, whether you use paint, music, or crafts. Relationships could get stirred up, which might help clear the air if feelings have been politely repressed.

There could be fun, games, and a big Halloween party at your place, since it looks like you'll be doing all the arranging. The focus certainly seems to be on home and family matters this week, which might also coincide with a concerted effort to get your place looking great. You might feel very motivated to get into shape - and enhance your looks while you're at it. Mars in Capricorn could give you the necessary discipline to meet all your wellness targets. You may be feeling idealistic and compassionate early in the week. Links with Neptune hint that you'll be ready to sacrifice your time and energy to help another, but don't go overboard, especially as you can make big strides with your own projects. If you're planning a Halloween extravaganza, you'll be in your element, and you could meet someone special at your bash. Passion may flare up over the weekend, when the romantic potential sizzles. If a new job you see advertised calls out to you, consider applying, even if you don't have all the qualifications. There's a chance that you could have other talents, particularly people skills, that would more than make up for a lack of training. A focus on home and family affairs hints that you may be busy arranging a Halloween bash at your place. The lineup looks set for a ghostly fun time.

It's easy to play Sudoku! Simply fill every column, row and 3x3 box so they contain every number between 1 and 9. The game is easy to play but difficult to master! Solution Page 27

TIs it love or something else? As Venus aligns with Neptune early in the week, you might be uncertain about what you feel for someone. Perhaps it's time to find out! In addition, the Quarter Moon suggests that you'll need to find a way to please yourself and family members no easy feat! Halloween looks made for you, with the kind of fun that suits your dark sense of humor. You may also discover someone saucy has the hots for you! The Sun/Neptune trine suggests that you may feel like retreating from the world and doing your own thing. Monday is an especially good time to meditate, indulge creative urges, and connect with your needs and heartfelt desires. You'll be ready to enjoy some Halloween fun on Friday and the weekend. There's a chance that a conversation could inspire you to start on a meaningful goal or plan. You may also find ways to earn more money, but you could spend more, too. While there's fun to be had this week, you'll also be sensitive to family or friends who need a helping hand. You may even go out of your way to ensure that they get what they require. There's also potential for a tender romance to blossom, as feelings can no longer be held back. Mars in your sign is good news. You'll have greater incentive to get things done, particularly meeting any deadlines that are hanging over you. Your desire to get ahead may increase, especially if you have a plan that engages your imagination. To make the most progress, it might help to first discuss your idea with someone who is very practical. But if the idea really grabs you, just starting can draw all kinds of positive forces to your aid. Although you might enjoy Halloween, it seems you'll take it with a grain of salt, especially if you have romance on your mind.

You could be smitten by someone who has tales to tell of faraway places and makes you laugh, too. This week's lineup brings an opportunity to connect with a significant other you feel really comfortable with. Feelings between you may be passionate, and right now you'd enjoy being swept up in a wave of intensity. With your social life in full swing, you might relish attending a grownup Halloween party, with fancy dress and plenty of games.

Your dream life could be vivid and seductive on Monday, so it might be worth making a note of the ones that grab your interest. Dreams of romance might haunt you, too, with a few fantasies that may not be easily dismissed. Romance could be all consuming, with a tendency to be possessive, too. If you fall for someone in the days ahead, you could get involved in an intense and passionate tryst. The weekend brings plenty of opportunities for good times.







Across 1. "___ Mommy Kissing..." (classic Christmas song) 5. Anatomical networks 10. Not good, but not bad 14. "____Cosa," 1935. song 15. Blooper 16. Troubles. 17. Ostentatious jewelry, in hip-hop slang 19. Coll. senior's hurdle 20. Le ___ (Paris paper) 21. Cell alternative 23. "___'Clock Jump" 26. "Hurry!" 27. "Good golly!" 32. Stamp's place: Abbr. 33. Rhone feeder 34. Diplomatic skills 38. Hot times in Bordeaux 40. Sins 42. Mountie's command 43. Put in the ship's record again 45. 1950's Ford flop 47. Airport flight info: Abbr. 48. Aug. through Dec., for many collegians 51. Neighborhood in the title of a 1987 Cheech Marin film 54. ___ Yang Twins (rap duo) 55. Like some vamps 58. "Let ___!" ("Go ahead!") 62. Riven 63. "Fernwood 2-Night" star 66. Sweeten the pot 67. Serfs 68. Different: Comb. form 69. Do one of the three R's 70. Las Vegas lights 71. Military motor vehicle Down 1. Weapon in a silo, for short 2. Wing it alone



3. "It's ____ to Tell a Lie" 4. It's in a jamb 5. Johnny ___: Confederate soldier 6. Schubert's "The ___ KIng" 7. Cause of a face-plant, perhaps 8. Island off Scotland 9. Patterned sock 10. Visited tourist places 11. "Stand and Deliver" star Edward James ___ 12. Like much hip-hop lingo 13. Prefix meaning "bone" 18. Mythical wish granters 22. Jaunty and stylish 24. If not. 25. Former British secondary school exam 27. Will of "The Walton's" 28. Grafted, in heraldry 29. Stunt biker Knievel 30. Crocuses, e.g. 31. Frasier portrayer Grammer 35. Huntley of 50's-60's NBC news 36. Canvas bag 37. European industrial area. 39. Began to melt 41. Tractor-trailer 44. Sayers of the Bears 46. Russian Revolution leader 49. Nonprofessionals 50. High-ranking noncom 51. To be, in Tijuana 52. How some go it 53. Somewhat 56. Comfortable state 57. 1962 Bond villain 59. Have the throne 60. He, to Hadrian 61. Dripping sound 64. Referee's count 65. Mag. unit

daughter when they floss their teeth. No Michael Bay must own stock in sooner have they begun to floss than the Hasbro. Remember, he is the sensationfloss turns into twine cross stitching their ally successful producer & director of lips. Oh, yes, their eyes turn cloudy, too. those fabulously profitable “Transformers” Nothing is remotely scary about “Ouija,” franchise. Now, he serves as producer of but some moments will make you shrink in the shallow scary saga “Ouija,” ( ✭ out of disgust: a cadaverously pale-faced, Gol✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ) a hopelessly predictable movie lum like gal scuttles through a shadowy about the venerable game that Hasbro attic and attacks our heroine. The rest of sells. Indeed, freshman film director and the time this lackluster thriller presents a co-writer Stiles White conjures up just group of hare-brained teens trying to conenough atmosphere to make your skin shrivel, but then blows it with stereotypical tact one of their own who hanged herself in the house when she learned that she characters who deserve to be in a “Scary couldn’t incinerate her Ouija board. NatuMovie” outing. This hysterically funny rally, the dead teen’s friends break out the but straight-faced chiller borrows shameold “Ouija” board, turn down the lights, lessly from far better movies like “The slap their fingers on the planchette, and Conjuring,” “Paranormal Activity,” and watch where it takes them. Afterward, all “Insidious.” At one point in this generic you’ve got to do is take the planchette and half-baked hokum, a female character delivers the immortal line: “Calm down, it’s squint through the magnifying glass lens, and you can spot a denizen from the spirit only a game.” Actually, what she should world. Stiles relies on quick cuts, loud have said is “it’s only lame.” Every horror music, and either people or objects sudmelodrama struggles to exploit something Panic denly entering the frame to frighten you. commonplace so it appears creepy,Widespread and I haven’t seen a horror movie this bad in “Ouija” succeeds in this respect. We’re a long time, and I felt like I’d squandered told an evil mother stitched her darling 90 minutes of my life. Save your money; daughter’s face up and her ghost haunts get a flashlight and a mirror, and sit in the the attic of the house where our poor dark and scare yourself before you see heroine resides. Several victims here this schlock for Halloween. wind up suffering the same fate as the


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Thursday, Oct. 30 – Gravy Friday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Show // Steels,

Loose Ends + more. Wear a costume Friday, Nov. 7 – Obscured by Echoes /

Blackwater Thieves

Saturday, Nov. 8 –Take the Power Back

>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's SOURCE for entertainment, music, sports & THE ARTS





I watch new buildings being erected throughout ancient Alabama. In some cases, century-old historic structures are bulldozed in the tradition of all developers everywhere. Here and there, high-speed carpentry replaces a vacant lot with a multi-storied block of pressed particle board hidden by brick. “Those condos would go up in flames like a tinderbox,” one bystander remarks, at which point I begin recording in print these observations and events, hoping that future generations will appreciate what it was like to watch history defaced and replaced in a matter of hours. But, as a scribe of history, I mull over these ideas: Will anybody be reading anything a hundred years hence, and will all my efforts and the efforts of thousands of writers be in vain? Even if there remains a small population of readers, even if some of them actually study history anymore, even if my written words are preserved so that real readers can find them, will they understand what I have written? If my words are found and appreciated, will I, the writer, have been respectful enough to my future readers to use language that they can readily understand? For instance, the comment, “Those condos would go up in flames like a tinderbox,” is not self-explanatory. Who knows what a tinderbox is nowadays, much less in a few decades? If I carefully state that a tinderbox is a box containing tinder, flint, steel or other items for kindling fires, will I lose the reader? Who will know what flint is, or kindling? Should I say, “Those condos are so frail and wood-based that they would go up in flames like burning newspapers.” Wait—nobody will know what a newspaper is, let alone what a condo is. “Those condos are so fragile they would go up in flames like a meth lab.” Uh, what’s a meth lab? “Those condos are so flammable they would burn like a BIC lighter.” By then, selflighting cigarettes will have made lighters disappear as quickly as bottle openers. All these remarks might have been meaningful at the time of writing but by the time a next-generation reader reads them, they may be puzzling or boring. So, how can a writer attempt to communicate with the Future? Good question. To make yourself clear, you just have to view each sentence as if you are a Martian. Are there universal words that can replace faddish words or slang words or brandname words or doomed words? Yes. The writer who wants to be understood beyond the present and the temporary just has to write smarter than most scribes. “To be or not to be, that is the question,” is such a remarkably simple statement that its many meanings are never lost on each generation. If Hamlet had said, “Uh, I don’t know whether I should pull a Kevorkian or just go on feeling disenfranchised and depressed,” his forgettable thought would not have lasted a season at the theatre. Who would know the meaning of Kevorkian or disenfranchised or even depression in a thousand years? Next time you see particle board replacing genealogy and remembrance and lineage, think how you would describe the horror to Martians or futuristic societies. ©2014 by Jim Reed The exercise could be fun blog:







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Ever since MTV first showed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video, the use of gothic and macabre imagery in music videos has been a staple of the art form. Whether going for a cheap scare, or truly trying to disturb viewers, main artists have successfully made 2-5 minute horror movies set to music that have rocked us to the core. In honor of Halloween, let’s look back on which videos from the past have done the best job of leaving us shaking after viewing them. This is, of course, just my personal opinion, but I’m sure anyone who has watched MTV past midnight in the 80’s and 90’s can make their own list. What direction will you go? Here’s mine: Tool – “Sober”: Any video by the progressive metal band Tool could easily make this list. I went with “Sober” because it is personally the first video I ever watched that made me cringe. The use of stop-motion animation was innovative at the time and gave a realistic element to some truly disturbing imagery. The video Tool– Sober involves what appears to be a reanimated corpse living in an apartment made from human organs. Add in a haunting melody with occasional guitar blasts and you won’t be getting any sleep that night. What makes it truly brilliant and horrifying is how normal these grotesque figures are presented. You could say it represents the normalization of brutality in our daily lives. Nine Inch Nails – “Closer”: One of the most controversial videos of all time, MTV famously edited it with “Scene Missing” signs to cut out offensive imagery. This video is filled with everything: taboo sexual imagery, blasphemy, violence and bizarre situations involving animals. In the larger context of the album The Downward Spiral, the song and its video represent a man who is losing his humanity and submitting to carnal desires. However, this is often lost when taking the song as a stand-alone piece. It’s a truly disturbing piece that you might have to prepare yourself to watch. Genesis – “Land of Confusion”: Unlike the rest of the videos on this list, I don’t believe Genesis meant to frighten people with this video. But damn those puppets are creepy! I compare it to the Jim Henson movie The Dark Crystal, which was meant for children but has some very unsettling moments in it even for adults. The figures are pretty grotesque and look almost like ALF without the fur. Also, it’s got Phil Collins singing, Nine Inch Nails – Closer which is scary enough by itself. Sorry Phil, but I’m a Peter Gabriel guy. Wu Tang Clan – “Protect Ya Neck”: Mainstream rap has really never seen anything like the Wu Tang Clan before or since. Their breakthrough video for “Protect Ya Neck” shows why. While not the first or most violent song in the gangsta rap subgenre, the video showed a group of individuals that were quite terrifying to mainstream America. This wasn’t about racial issues; this wasn’t about social structure or cultural appropriation. This was a group of people that might murder you for their own amusement. Especially when Ghostface Killah goes into his verse, you see the pure maniacal nature of the group. Of course, later songs like “C.R.E.A.M.” would prove they were capable of much more, and they have influenced countless artists since their debut. Primus – “Mr. Kringle”: What this song is about is a complete mystery to me. As far as I can tell, it’s about a man having a conversation with his neighbor. The video however, is from another planet. It takes place in a warehouse with Les Claypool playing cello while wearing a creepy pig mask. Throughout the video, he is joined by a circus of freakshow performers right out of "American Horror Story". It is unsettling and mysterious. That’s also right up Primus’ alley. Marylin Manson – “The Beautiful People”: Manson’s artistic vision peaked Genesis – Land of Confusion with this horrifyingly beautiful video. By comparing sex and torture, Manson gave the most prominent satire of pop culture’s obsession with both sex and violence. It is a video that is hard to watch, and yet you can’t turn away. Manson had some good one’s later, but the androgynous angle wore thin and other groups were much more shocking in their violent imagery. But for a brief period, Manson combined the two like no one could, and the remains are still shocking even to modern audiences.






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