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Open spaces located in Skalzangling market
from Green & Lively Leh
Uses & Activities : Activities are the basic building blocks of great places: They are the reasons why people visit specific spaces in the first place, and why they continue to return to it. They also make a place special or unique. When there is nothing to do in a place, it will remain empty and unused—a sure sign that something needs to change. There are different types of open space all around the world. Some are meant for passive recreational purposes and some for active ones. In addition, there are living streets, plazas, open air theatres and other cultural centres that serve as open spaces. Urban areas should have all these types of diverse open spaces.
Sociability : This is a difficult quality for a place to achieve but once attained, it becomes an unmistakable feature. When people see friends, socialise with their neighbors, and feel comfortable interacting with strangers, they tend to feel a stronger sense of place or attachment to their community—and to the place that fosters these types of social activities.
How liveability is linked with open and green spaces
There are various tools developed by governments and other organisations to measure the liveability of urban areas. For instance; the United Nations City Prosperity Index is one such tool used by cities to measure their level of prosperity. This tool was developed by the United Nations Habitat Group. In addition to such international tools, there are other tools such as the one prepared by the Ministry of Urban Development called the Liveability Standards in Cities, which is also known as Liveability Index. The advantage for using this tool is that the Liveability score of Leh can be then submitted to the Government of India and compared to other towns in India. The Liveability Standards in Cities
The Liveability Standards in Cities prescribe four pillars to measure Liveability : Social Physical Economic Institutional
These pillars are further divided into 79 indicators. The physical pillar holds maximum percentage and includes an Open Space Index:
1) Per capita availability of green spaces:
Total area of green space (sq. m.) ----------------------------------------------- = _____ sq. m. Total population of the town
2.Per capita availability of public and recreational places
Total area of public and recreational places (sq. m.) -------------------------------------------------------------= _____ sq. m. Total population of the town