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Acoustic Happy Hour — live music takes place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at O’Brien’s Irish Pub and Family Restaurant, 1701 S. Alexander St. (813) 7648818. Corner Store Happy Hour — takes place from 3 to 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at The Corner Store, 121 E. Reynolds St. Enjoy craft beer and sangria in a relaxed environment.
Kitchen stays open late for dinner. (813) 754-0900. Christian Contemporary Music — takes place from 6:33 to 8:13 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at Krazy Kup, 101 E. J. Arden Mays Blvd. (813) 752-1220. Live Music — takes place from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at O’Brien’s Irish Pub and Family Restaurant, 1701 S. Alexander St. (813) 764-8818. Moonlight Magic — takes
place from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. The midway stays open late for this special event. Publix Feeding Florida Day — takes place from 12 to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Present any Publix brand, non-perishable item at the entry gate and receive $4 off the regular price of $20 Fun Pack Ride Coupon Book. Uncork your Friday! — live music takes place from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20, at Keel and Curley Winery, 5210 Thonotosassa Road. (813) 752-9100.
SATURDAY, FEB. 28 Daddy Daughter Dance — takes place from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at the John R. Trinkle Center, 1206 N. Park Road. Kids Day — begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Kids through high school age are admitted free to the festival. Sponsored by MIDFLORIDA Credit Union. Uncork Your Weekend! — live music takes place from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at Keel and Curley Winery, 5210 Thonotosassa Road. (813) 752-9100. Young Adult Nite — takes place from 7:33 to 10:33 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at Krazy Kup, 101 E. J. Arden Mays Blvd. Enjoy live music from local artists. (813) 7521220.
SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Baby Contest — takes place beginning at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 1, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Coca-Cola Family Day — takes place beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday, March 1, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Present any Coca-Cola brand can product at the entry gate
To publicize your event in our Community Calendar, please send by mail: 110 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100-A, Plant City, FL 33563; or by email: ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com. Photos are welcome. Deadline is noon Thursday. Ride most mechanical rides for $20.
BEST BET 42nd Annual Civitan Club Youth Parade — takes place beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28. The parade begins at the State Farmers Market and goes through town, ending at the Florida Strawberry Festival. to receive a voucher for $5 off the $25 ride wristband. Divorce Care: The Road to Healing/Finding Help — takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 1, at Plant City Church of God, 2103 Mud Lake Road. Regional Qualifier for Nathan’s Famous July Fourth International Hot Dog-Eating Contest — takes place beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 1, at the Florida Strawberry Festival.
MONDAY, MARCH 2 Ride-a-Thon — takes place from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday, March 2, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Ride most mechanical rides for $20. Strawberry Festival Grand Parade — takes place beginning at 1 p.m. Monday, March 2. The parade will go through Plant City and end at the Florida Strawberry Festival.
2001 N. Park Road. Each GriefShare session includes a video seminar and group discussion to help cope with the death of a loved one. (813) 752-4622. The Recovery for Life — takes place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at the Lorena Jaeb Rainbow House, 504 N. Palm Drive. It is a 12-step Bible-based program to help free individuals from all forms of addiction. Debbie Ray, (813) 763-1562. Red Hatters Day — takes place beginning at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 3, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Red Hatters get $2 off gate admission of $10.
THURSDAY, MARCH 5 Florida Blue Senior Citizens Day — takes place beginning at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 5, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Patrons 60 years or older get $2 off gate admission of $10.
TUESDAY, MARCH 3 GriefShare — takes place beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at Hope Lutheran Baptist Church,
All American Heroes Day — takes place beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 4, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. All active, reserve, retired military, veterans, law enforcement and first responders are admitted free with valid ID. Sponsored by Friends of Military Families. Open Mic Night — takes place beginning at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, at O’Brien’s Irish Pub and Family Restaurant, 1701 S. Alexander St. (813) 7648818. Plant City Local Harvest Farmers Market — takes place from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, at McCall Park, 100 N. Collins St. PCLocalHarvestFarmer sMarket.com. Read with Bonnie the Therapy Dog — takes place from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, at Bruton Memorial Library, 302 W. McLendon St. Reading with Bonnie can help children improve reading, communication skills and build confidence. For children of all ages. (813) 757-9215. Ride-a-Thon — takes place from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m. Wednesday March 4, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Ride most mechanical rides for $20.
Ride-a-Thon — takes place from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at the Florida Strawberry Festival.
Moonlight Magic — takes place from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at the Florida Strawberry Festival. The midway stays open late.
governance by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Plans revealed for Hampton Inn on Thonotosassa
The new hotel is expected to open in 2016. City officials have announced that Henderson Properties LLC has purchased a vacant area adjacent to Interstate 4 and plans to turn the site into a Hampton Inn. The hotel will be at 2702 Thonotosassa Road, behind the existing Waffle House and just across the street from Starbucks and the new Wawa. It is expected to be four stories tall, cover 49,900 square feet on 1.66 acres, have 88 rooms and provide 24 permanent jobs. “As a gateway into Plant City, Exit 19 on I-4 has a large number of high-quality national restaurants,” David Henderson, manager of Henderson Properties, said. “For some time, it has needed a firstclass hotel to accommodate its many visitors.” For a time, vagrants had used the site as a camp. But Waffle House employees said last November after a new owner had purchased the land with plans for a hotel, the homeless camp-
Catherine Sinclair
The Strawberry Queen and Court received a proclamation from Mayor Rick Lott and the commissioners Monday, Feb. 23. ers had moved elsewhere. Henderson Properties began the permitting process last week. Permitting will take four to six months. Construction is expected to be 12 to 14 months. Henderson estimates construction costs at $7 million. “This is a welcomed addi-
ORATORS by Amber Jurgensen | Managing Editor
PCHS students compete in Rotary speech competition
tion to our lodging industry in Plant City, and certainly contributing to the local tourism economy,” City Manager Mike Herr said.
Film Production
City commissioners approved Monday, Feb. 23, an ordinance requiring filmmak-
ers to have a permit if they are filming within the city limits. Plant City did not previously have laws regarding filmmaking. The ordinance, effective immediately, is consistent with an initiative throughout Hillsborough County to instate the requirement for permits in all of the county’s municipalities. The goal is to streamline the process for filmmakers to obtain permission to film in the municipalities or unincorporated county. All videographers must obtain a permit before starting their work within the city limits, except: members of the news media, those who are filming for personal or family purposes, those who are filming at a studio, producers of public service announcements for which there is no charge and filmmakers using only a handheld camera with a combined cast and crew of three people or fewer. Some still photographers also must obtain permits, such as those with a production crew or six or more people.
Applications for permits can be submitted via the Tampa Hillsborough Film and Digital Media Commission, at FilmTampaBay.com. The Film and Digital Media Commission acts as a liaison between production companies and the relevant governmental departments. It is responsible for making necessary arrangements for traffic or crowd control, or even fire department supervision of pyrotechnics. Dale Gordon, executive director for the Tampa Hillsborough Film and Digital Media Commission, was present at the Plant City Commission meeting last Monday and had discussed the film production permit application with the commissioners prior to the meeting. “We’ve been successful at the county level of passing the one-stop permitting ordinance, to allow filming in our market to be an easier process,” Gordon said. “We’ve worked with (City Attorney) Ken (Buchman) in drafting this ordinance.”
fielding a win by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Challenge teams pick with purpose
fortable on stage. She had memorized her entire speech and even ventured from behind the podium to talk with the audience. “I feel more natural when I’m able to move around,” Brittany said. Brittany said she was shy when she first entered high school, but now as a senior, she has matured into a confident leader. “I’m pretty excited,” Brittany said. “I never thought I’d be able to do something like this.” Chase also had his set of obstacles. He said he fell asleep researching and writing the six- minute speech, trying to make it perfect. “I’m glad I did (the speech),” Chase said. “It’s a great opportunity to be part of.” The students were promoted by Sherrie Mueller, college and career counselor at Plant City High School. “These are some of the best students,” Mueller said. “They be great representatives for Rotary at the next level. I’m very proud of all three of them.” Each student is very involved at school. Ashlyn is on the cheer team, in Civinettes, Youth Alive, FBLA and FFA among other organizations. Brittany is the Student Government president, on the Senior Executive Council, in AVID and was the Outstanding Optimist Youth of the Year. Chase is in Civitan Club, Student Athlete Club, football and tennis teams, and National Honor Society. Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
Strawberry shortcake was one of the most delicious attractions. Right: Judges assessed each package of berries.
“We’re hoping and looking forward to some future films filmed in our area,” Lott said. Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver. com.
NEWS BRIEFS + Teacher arrested for sex with student
+ Woman killed in traffic crash
Misty the Garden Pixie enchanted pickers of all ages. The second annual Wish Farms Strawberry Picking Challenge was held Saturday, Feb. 7, as a fundraiser for Redlands Christian Migrant Association. Corporate teams competed for a championship trophy. They were judged on their picking speed, packing skills and adherence to the rules.
• Commissioners approved resolutions to authorize the purchase of new police and fire emergency dispatching consoles, as well as two police canines and related equipment. • The Plant City Police Department received the Humanitarian Award at the Plant City Black Heritage Banquet Friday, Feb. 13. Other recipients were Mount Moriah Ministries (Cornerstone Award), Essie Dixon-Lewis (Community Service Award), Larry Sykes (Lifetime Achievement Award) and Durrie Reaves (Heritage Award).
A Turkey Creek Middle School teacher has been arrested for sexual battery of a minor. Megan Christine Connors, 30, of Brandon, had a romantic and sexual relationship with a 15-year-old male student during and after school hours, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Over time, the relationship progressed to kissing and allowing the victim to touch Connors underneath her clothing. It then progressed to sexual intercourse with the victim multiple times during school hours. Connors would remove the victim from other classes and engage in sexual activity in private rooms designated by Connors. On another occasion, Connors and the victim left the school grounds in her car and drove to the victim’s home where they had sexual intercourse in the victim’s bedroom. Connors was arrested Feb. 20 and booked into Orient Road Jail with no bond. There is no indication that other students are involved. The investigation is still ongoing.
Two students have advanced to the second round of an annual Rotary speech contest. Three Plant City High School students might have had knotted stomachs and shaking knees standing on stage in front of a packed group of Rotarians Monday, Feb. 23, at the John R. Trinkle Center. But they didn’t show it. With poise, each one delivered a well-written speech for an annual Rotary speech contest for a chance to win scholarship money. Ashlyn Yarbrough, Brittany Nesbitt and Chase Lott prepared speeches on Rotary’s theme for this year, “Light Up Rotary.” Although not required to have their speeches memorized yet, the trio did well to present a clear and memorable speech. Ashlyn walked away the winner, giving a vivid and articulate speech about her mission trip to Haiti while relating it back to the theme. “I get kind of jittery when I go up there, but I end up having fun,” Ashlyn said. “I like these kinds of things. I was just happy because I don’t win many things. It was fun to do it with friends.” The Plant City High sophomore has been competing in public speaking since she was in seventh grade. Her mother calls her the writer of the family. Ashlyn won $100, and along with second-place winner Brittany, will compete at the Rotary district level for a shot to advance to the championship round. There’s more money as each student advances. If they make it to the championship round, a $1,000 scholarship is up for grabs. Brittany seemed com-
Community members who were not competing could pick their own berries, participate in family activities and enjoy delectable strawberry shortcake. There were appearances by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, local band Clemons Road and the famous Mr. Berry mascot.
Dolio Rodriguez competed on the Santos and Sons Trucking team.
A 22-year-old Plant City woman died in a car accident early Feb. 22. At about 6:15 a.m., Sonia Roldan was asleep in the back seat of a 2001 Toyota while Hector Estrella Jr.,21, of Plant City, was driving south on State Road 39. Just south of Old Welcome Road, Estrella drove off the roadway at 55 mph, struck a culvert and overturned the vehicle. Roldan was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. She died at the scene as a result of her injuries. There has been no arrest at this time, pending toxicology and blood analysis. Alcohol does appear to have been a contributing factor in the cause of this crash.
+ Fire burns homes Friday the 13th
Amber Jurgensen
Ashlyn Yarbrough, Brittany Nesbitt and Chase Lott delivered some impressive speeches at the Noon Rotary Club meeting, Feb. 23.
Ellen Romano, Erin Fox, Madeline Fox and Jase Romano picked some of their own berries. Left: Misty’s little pixies were excited to try out the old tractor.
Hillsborough County Fire Rescue units responded to a structure fire located at Highway 60 and State Road 39 Friday, Feb. 13. HCFR units reported two mobile homes fully engulfed in flames in an empty field. The homes were not occupied. There were no injuries.
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characters a couple of years ago. And now that they’ve come to fruition, Davis will be selling the calendars at a booth outside the festival Feb. 28 and March 2. They will also be for sale at local downtown businesses, incuding Blue Thumb Computers. But even before the idea for the calendar took root, Davis’ girlfriend, Raiannah Zazulia, recognized the talent and potential in the lighthearted comics. She planted the seed in his head to compile them into some kind of showcase. After the calendar concept grew, his brother, graphic designer Jesse Starr, helped to polish the comics by taking them from the pages of a sketchbook and transforming them into digital art. Zazulia, the business manager of the two, continued to encouraged Davis to get business sponsors and advertisers to cover the printing costs and show their hometown spirit. “Most people were willing to help support, because it’s local art being supported by local businesses, and vice-versa,” Davis said. There are two sponsorships for each month and 18 coupons for businesses, such as Nick’s Pizza, Blue Thumb Computer Repair, RAOK Boutique and Focus 4 Beauty. “They’re really like three-inone, because they’re a comic book, a calendar and they have coupons inside,” Davis said. Part of the goal of the calendars was to involve local businesses. But there’s another aim for the project. Davis is looking to go on another cross country trip to help promote his “Prescribed Life” book series and music. From May to October 2014, Davis traveled around the country by bus, hitting 44 states and trading his book series or musical performances for food, laundry, transportation and other needs. He enjoyed the trip so much that he decided to do something similar this year, but this time, in a camper van that he will soon be purchasing. “I needed something to do when I came home, so this was my project,” Davis said. Zazulia, also a musician, will be joining in on the trip, planned to start in June. Sales from the calendars, which are $10 each, have helped Davis and Zazulia work toward their fundraising goal. They also raised about $1,000 from the local businesses who advertised within the calendar. The calendars have already proven to be popular, and Davis’ first shipment sold out within two weeks of its arrival. He has ordered another shipment just for the festival, which includes about 300 calendars. They could sell out quickly, so be sure to stop by the booth early. Anyone who buys a calendar at the booth will also be entitled to free coffee and cookies, and face painting for children who accompany them. “Whenever you leave, just catch us on your way out,” Davis said. And if Strawberry Festival lovers take the bite, Davis has plans to make more “Strawberry Short Stories” comics for a 2016 calendar.
unit assisted living facility. The submission came shortly after a group of residents filed to sue Visions Golf if the rezoning and development are completed. Facing property value losses, residents united under Walden Lake Community Preservation don’t think developing The Hills is the answer. “The rezoning application ... is intended to provide for new investment into the community, which is critical to any future success of Walden Lake Golf and Country Club,” Steve Mercer, general manager of Visions Golf, said. Because Visions Golf was
suffering financial strain from a struggling economy, The Hills first closed in May 2013. Representatives of Visions Golf have said they hope to sell The Hills for development to pay off the company’s debt and pour more money into its sister course at Walden Lake, The Lakes. Membership is sagging at the country club and many feel the community can’t support two 18-hole golf courses. If the rezone is approved by the city, Visions Golf will continue to operate The Lakes golf course at Walden Lake, but it will be renovated, along with the clubhouse. “Timing on all future plans for golf course and amenities renovation ... is tied directly to
city zoning approval,” Margie Martin, a communications representative for Visions Golf, said. “Visions Golf is waiting on Plant City’s confirmation for (a) zoning hearing date.” Phillip Scearce, director of planning and zoning for the City of Plant City, said he also is unsure of a timeline. The city first has to consider the stormwater analysis that was submitted in the plan, and an independent consultant for this task has not been chosen yet. If the rezone is considered, residents near the courses will be alerted to a public hearing. Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.
CONTEST / PAGE 1 spired them. There are three categories: visual art, performance and literature. Students’ work is judged on its originality and quality, but the students must also submit statements of why they chose their particular leaders. Taylor Johnson, a fourth grader at Bailey Elementary School, entered the visual art category and won first place in her age group. She was selected out of more than 1,100 contest winners throughout the district, 50 from Bailey. Taylor received a host of impressive prizes, including a $1,500 scholarship. “It’s unbelievable. We’re still in shock,” Rachel Johnson, Taylor’s mother, said. “We never saw any of this coming.” The portrait painting was chosen partly because of the inspirational story behind the subject, a homeless man named OJ. Almost weekly, Taylor and Rachel serve the homeless with their church at Plant City Veterans Monument Park off Wheeler Street. On a number of occasions, Taylor noticed OJ, who was particularly selfless and caring. He always made sure the children were able to eat before he did, and he helped the elderly get their food. OJ even gave his blanket away to a homeless woman who had not received one when the church ran out of blankets to give. “He helped people and treated others better than he treated himself,” Taylor said. “That’s amazing, to care about others more than you care about yourself.”
Courtesy Photo
Taylor Johnson painted a picture of a man she met in Plant City named OJ.
As one of the nine winners of the LEAD contest, Taylor Johnson received the following: A set of Scholastic books, family membership to the Tampa Museum of Art, family tickets to a Tampa Bay Rays game, an ECHO pen, an Amazon tablet, a Dell laptop and a $1,500 scholarship to use after she graduates from high school.
“(Taylor) was so inspired that someone who could be down on their luck and living a hard life could still be caring and worry about other people, and it has inspired her to be a better person,” Rachel said. Taylor was shocked when she found out she had won the LEAD contest. “I was incredibly happy,” she said. “I thought that the
picture didn’t even have a chance.” Hillsborough County Public Schools honored Taylor and the other eight LEAD winners at a reception Monday, Feb. 16, at the Tampa Museum of Art. But all of the students who entered the contest from Bailey were treated to a special breakfast at school later in the week, where they received personal thank-you cards from the district, and rubber bracelets with the LEAD acronym on them. “We wanted to make a big deal out of not just Taylor winning, but all of the kids who participated,” Bailey principal Russell Wallace said. “We definitely encouraged all of our kids to enter. ... I think it’s just a great overall thing to do anytime of the year, let alone Black History Month.” Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.
PAINT THE TOWN PINK by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Parading for a cure
The residents of The Meadows on Sam Allen Road raised awareness and money for breast cancer with a series of events this month. Though October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, many of The Meadows’ residents are in Plant City for only the winter, so the annual rally is held when the population is at its peak. In addition to the golf cart parade Wednesday, Feb. 4, there was a golf tournament benefit Thursday, Feb. 5.
+ Beary sweet
On Sunday, Feb. 15th, the members of Hope Lutheran Church celebrated their annual Teddy Bear Sunday. This day is always the Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day as it remembers God’s love. Teddy Bear Sunday, as directed by Hope’s Human Care Ministry Team, asks members to bring a new teddy bear to church with them that day to be given to various agencies. In years past, Hope has sent bears to New York City following the events of September 11, to a Hope member who was serving in Iraq to share with the troops, and locally to various agencies in the Plant City area. This year, Hope will donate their bears to the Plant City Police and Fire Departments, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and to children of the homeless families that the congregation feeds at Veterans Park in Plant City.
Roseann Malagrino rang a bell while driving her cart.
The women were decked out in their vibrant pink attire to show support. Right: The parade wound its way around all of the streets in the neighborhood.
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IN FLIGHT by Amber Jurgensen | Managing Editor
THEATER by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Jacob Ward played Fester, who fell in love with the moon.
Morticia and Lurch (Gloria Kelly and Ryan Maddock) listened to a rhyming poem recited by Lucas’ mom (Abby Moore).
Dramatically Different Durant High School performed “The Addams Family,” a musical comedy, Feb. 19 to 21. In the play, Wednesday, the oldest child in the Addams family, falls in love with a boy named Lucas. When Lucas’ family comes over for dinner,
Michaela and Jennifer Salcido were passengers in Rich Glorioso’s shiny red plane.
Prepared for Takeoff Christopher Gonzalez got to be the co-pilot during his flight. Right: John Iskra helped Kyle Truini with the flight simulation program.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles, the annual transportation-themed event sponsored by the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, was held Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Plant City Airport. Some of the most popular activities were free flights for children in real planes, flight simulation software, airport K-9 unit demonstrations and viewing of model trains and planes. A number of Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops earn badges. Throughout the day, there were plenty of giveaways, food and meet-and-greets.
Christine and Michael Wynne took off into the sunny skies. Left: Pete Cooper showed off his 1937 Ford at the event.
everyone hopes for just one normal night, but the meeting is anything but that. Durant’s next theatre performance will be “The Worst Talent Show Ever,” a collaboration of faculty and senior students, April 23 to 25.
Grandma Addams (Kye Saunders) divulged her romantic desires during “The Game.”
Gomez (Trent Davidson) tried to bond over cigars with Lucas’ dad, (William Desharnais).
Wednesday and Pugsley, played by Rebecca Sebastian and Mary McAnally, had a torture chamber for a play room.
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Living for the Strawberry Festival
THIS WEEK’S CRYPTOQUIZ ANSWERS 1) USSR 2) Balanchine 3) Apollo 4) New York 5) White Nights. Mikhail Baryshnikov
Plant City Times & Observer Locally Owned by Ed Verner, Nate Kilton and Felix Haynes The Plant City Times & Observer is published by Plant City Media LLC, a joint-venture of the Tampa Bay Times and Plant City Observer LLC.
110 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100-A Plant City, FL 33563 (813) 704-6850 www.PlantCityObserver.com &RS\ULJKW 3ODQW &LW\ 0HGLD //& $OO 5LJKWV 5HVHUYHG
Something was a little fruity at our office in Historic Downtown last week. The fragrance of Plant City’s blooming fields was brought in a delivery of newspaper bundles — not flats. And it’s because our 2015 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide has a juicy strawberry on the front that smells just as good as it looks. It’s scratch and sniff. AMBER We thought JURGENSEN the gimmick would be the exact kind of thing the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World would appreciate. And we sure appreciate being able to represent one of Plant City’s greatest traditions by becoming the main media partner, along with the Tampa Bay Times, for the first time in festival history. This is the third year I’ll be covering the Florida Strawberry Festival. And I know for many of you, this is your 10th Strawberry Festival or 50th Strawberry Festival — dare I say 80th? But I will tell you, as excited as Plant City gets about its annual event, the staff at the Plant City Times & Observer, myself included, does too. There’s nothing like the
Call Veronica Prostko, (813) 716-0007, or Joanna Verga, (813) 451-6489.
We want to hear from you. Let us know about your events, celebrations and achievements. To contact us, send your information via: Email: Amber Jurgensen, ajurgensen@ PlantCityObserver.com. Mail: The Plant City Observer, 110 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100-A, Plant City, FL 33563
anticipation that comes with covering the events leading up to the celebration — strawberry balls, pageant girls, queens, fashion shows. And then comes the 11 days of organized chaos. It’s a whirlwind of magicians, steer and swine shows, rides, monkeys, shortcakes, fish prizes in plastic bags, strawberry paintings, racing pigs, big-name country stars and fried Oreos. We are there for it all, front and center — making sure to capture the smiling faces, the mouths full of whipped cream and strawberries, the confident, young hands leading their livestock around the ring. They appear in print stories, countless photo galleries, social media posts and more. This year, we’re bumping up the coverage. The 2015 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide is 48-pages and has grown substantially since last year. With a map, complete schedule, concert lineup, shortcake rundown, list of have-to-have trinkets and more, we know it will be a hit with all of the outof-towners the festival and our great city attracts every year. But we also designed it with Plant City in mind. From Q&As with well-known festival red coats and an extensive profile on our beloved 2015 Strawberry Queen Samantha Sun,
CONTACT US The Plant City Times & Observer is published once weekly, on Fridays. It provides free home delivery to several neighborhoods in Plant City. The Plant City Times & Observer also can be found in many commercial locations throughout Plant City and at our office, 110 E. Reynolds St., Suite 100-A. If you wish to discontinue home delivery or if you wish to suspend home delivery temporarily, call Linda Lancaster at 704-6850.
to an ag profile on a local feed store and a personal welcome column from Festival Manager Paul Davis, we know Plant City will turn to our 2015 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide for all the information it can get during the festival. Stop in at our office in Historic Downtown to read (and smell) the guide, or pick one up at the festival when you visit. In addition to our guide, we will be uploading photo galleries and videos to our website everyday, active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, and still on the search for hometown stories, both festival-related and not, to fill our pages. We encourage you to take your best shots of festival happenings and send them to us
by emailing me at ajurgensen@ plantcityobserver.com with the subject line: Strawberry Festival. Or you can hashtag your best shots on Instagram: #TheSweetBeat. We know the Strawberry Festival is more than just an event to Plant City. With an 80-year history that grew out of a humble desire to appreciate a small-town way of life, family values and agricultural heritage, the festival has blossomed to become a Florida landmark, shared with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world every year. We are happy that we get to share in the tradition and celebration, too. Plant City lives for its Florida Strawberry Festival. And so do we.
Plant City Times &
General Manager/Executive Editor / Michael Eng, meng@PlantCityObserver.com General Manager/Advertising / Stacey Hudson, shudson@tampabay.com Managing Editor / Amber Jurgensen, ajurgensen@PlantCityObserver.com Assistant Managing Editor / Jess Eng, jeng@PlantCityObserver.com Staff Writers / Justin Kline, jkline@PlantCityObserver.com; Catherine Sinclair, csinclair@PlantCityObserver.com Advertising Executives / Veronica Prostko, vprostko@PlantCityObserver.com; Joanna Verga, jverga@tampabay.com Circulation/Office Manager / Linda Lancaster, llancaster@PlantCityObserver.com
“If we are to build a better world, we must remember that the guiding principle is this — a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy.” — Friedrich Hayek, “Road to Serfdom,” 1944
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homecoming by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Did you know that every $100 spent at a local, independently-owned store generates $45 of secondary local spending, compared to $14 for a big-box chain? This was first tested in 2003 by the Institute for Local Self Reliance and is nearly identical to later results across multiple Civic Economic studies. The Plant City Times & Observer agrees with buying local. With the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, we’ve launched the Buy Local campaign, encouraging residents to shop local. This week’s Buy Local spotlight is Top Shelf Bar and Grill. We caught up with owners Lawrence and Zee Brown to get all the info on this successful business. How did your business first get its start? A concept, a dream, that was put into action. What kind of services can your business offer the community? We serve restaurant-style cooking. We don’t believe in “Stouffer’s To Go” food. The majority of our food has some freshly prepared component. We focus on fresh ingredients and home-style prepared dishes. We cater events, as well. How does your business contribute to the community? We support local charitable events and a myriad of other sponsorships and volunteer efforts. Why is your business located at its site? Our food is not ubiquitous, and so we think our establishment shouldn’t be either. We think downtown has a unique charm not found in other places. What specials are you running? Vary on a daily basis, some examples include “Hamburger Tuesday” and “Wings on Wednesday.” What is your business’ motto or mission, and why? To always serve. It doesn’t matter if it’s serving the best food, or serving the community — service is that part of the American work
ethic that can’t be duplicated in the same manner by a machine. Can you describe your clients/customers? Our customers are hardworking people who go out and want to have a nice time in a chill atmosphere away from the hectic life that is waiting outside of our doors. We give our customers comfort food at an appropriate price and an atmosphere that is right for them to get their “release” so they can face their day. What is your background? Professional? Education? The owners are a college educated husband and wife team. How long have you been in the business? Since May of 2014.
What is your secret to success? Great food, good team and hard work. What kind of restaurant culture do you promote? Fun environment, but one that has the necessary rules and procedures to make sure it’s a safe and productive working environment. We believe in integrity, and we thread that ideal throughout the company culture. What is your management style? We are not micro-managers, and we don’t believe in Theory X management styles. We believe our associates can be self-directed and autonomous once they are given the right tools for success. We believe in empowering our associates, and we treat others like we want to be treated.
Library director takes lead Tonda Morris moved back to Plant City to work at the library she loved throughout her years growing up here. Tonda Morris started her position as the new director of Bruton Memorial Library Feb. 16. She had been working as a librarian in Georgia, but Morris is happy to return to her hometown after years of being away. “She met all of our qualifications for the position, she did an excellent job in the interview with our team, and she also had an opportunity to meet with our employees and tour the Bruton Memorial Library at the end of December,” Mike Herr, city manager, said. “She also met with our library board members as well and did an excellent job conversing with the library board.” For the past 12 years, Morris worked as the head librarian at Whitefield Academy Preparatory School in Mableton, Georgia, a suburb of the Atlanta area. Before that, she was a youth services librarian with the city of Smyrna, Georgia, for nine years. Morris holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Mars Hill University, and a master’s degree in library and information science from Valdosta State University, where she had a 4.0 GPA. “I thought that was absolutely excellent,” Herr said. Morris comes from a family that represents Plant City through and through. Her great-great-grandfather immigrated from Ireland, settled in the area and was a strawberry farmer. Her grandfather, Don Walden Sr., was mayor of Plant City for multiple terms in the 1940s. And one of her aunts was a Strawberry Queen in the festival’s early years. Morris graduated from
Cathrine Sinclair
Tonda Morris started at Bruton Memorial Library Feb. 16 Plant City High School. She remembers walking to Bruton Memorial Library as a young student and always knew where to look for her favorite books. “I loved this library when I was growing up,” Morris said. “When I found out that they had an opening here ... I was quite interested.” Morris’ first goal is to orient herself with the library’s current programs, and then to “capitalize on the successful programs they already have in place, and look for opportunities for new programs,” she said. “Libraries are similar in many ways, but they all have their own unique programming,” she said. As a public librarian in
Smyrna, Morris worked closely with Friends of the Library because the group was essential for the library’s success. She hopes to continue this sort of relationship with Friends of the Library in Plant City. “What I like best about being a librarian in a city, is that you’re really meeting the needs of the citizenry,” Morris said. “I love that idea of being part of the city team.” Morris was originally scheduled to start in March, but her start date was moved up to Monday, Feb. 16. Her annual salary will be $73,000, in addition to a weekly $45 allowance for transportation. Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.
I loved this library when I was growing up. When I found out that they had an opening here ... I was quite interested. Tonda Morris, library director
SPOT OF TEA by Amber Jurgensen | Staff Writer
Honorary Survivor and elementary student, Ava Raab, attended with family and friends.
Relay for Life brews sweet time at tea party Ladies and gentleman gathered for tea time Saturday, Feb. 21, at First Baptist Church to raise money for the Plant City Relay for Life. Each table was decorated to different themes, including “Alice in Wonderland” and superheroes. Proceeds from a silent auction with massage and hair packages, Improv tickets and more went to Relay. Cathy Villianatos helped serve up the three courses.
Guests wore big hats and unique headpieces.
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YOUNG TALENT by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Entrepreneurial teen co-manages farmers’ market Michael Stanley has started his own business, but also uses his media skills to help others succeed.
Catherine Sinclair
Michael Stanley sells his homemade baked goods at the weekly market downtown.
At just 14, Michael Stanley has already had more professional accomplishments than some people have in a lifetime. He operates a baked goods business completely on his own, he has designed numerous professional websites, and now, he is the co-manager of the Plant City Local Harvest Farmers’ Market. When he visited the market during its second week after opening last fall, Stanley saw an opportunity to become an entrepreneur. “I was baking a lot at home, and everyone loved my cookies, and scones, especially,” he said. He decided to capitalize on the deliciousness of his all-
natural sweet treats by becoming a vendor at the market. He opened a booth as The Stanley Bakery. Stanley, who is home schooled, spends all day preparing for the market each Wednesday. He wakes up at 7 a.m. and bakes nonstop until it is time to pack up at 2 p.m. He creates all of his products completely on his own — in fact, none of his family members are allowed into the kitchen while he is at work. The bakery has been a successful enterprise for Stanley. He usually sells out of at least one of the items he takes to the market. But The Stanley Bakery is only one of Stanley’s contribu-
tions to the farmers’ market. Patricia Rogers, who has managed the market since it opened, had been looking for someone to design a website. She found out that Stanley not only knew how to design websites, but had created functional and visually appealing sites for a co-op, his sister’s wedding and other sites that were just for fun. He is also in the process of creating a website for Polk Wellness. Rogers asked Stanley to design the market’s website, which he released Jan. 12. The design features a light wood background with bright photos of colorful produce, and the menu is easy to navigate. “I was thinking about the
To learn more about The Stanley Bakery and other Local Harvest Farmers’ Market vendors, visit the website Stanley created at PCLocalHarvestFarmers Market.com. Search “The Stanley Bakery” or “Plant City Local Harvest Farmers Market” to find each on Facebook.
market and how everything is farm fresh,” Stanley said. “I decided to use the wood because that seems natural.” Rogers was so impressed by Stanley’s work that she decided to promote him to co-manager of the market. “I selected him because of his ability to do what’s right for the market,” Rogers said. “At first, I just got him to do the website, and then I thought, he needs to learn how to run a business.” As co-manager, Stanley’s responsibilities include managing the website and Facebook account, collecting money from vendors, directing vendors to their places at the market, and recruiting new vendors. While visiting another farmers’ market, Stanley came across a vendor he thought would be a good fit for Plant City’s market, and introduced himself. The vendor decided to sign on. “I also contact anyone I know who has expertise, and ask them if they’d like to become a vendor,” Stanley said. When he’s not baking, managing the market or doing schoolwork, Stanley enjoys watching movies and critiquing their visual effects. He hopes to someday become a compositor in the film industry, so he can edit special effects for movies. He also is a gardener. “He has been unbelievable, especially for a young man of 14 years old,” Rogers said of Stanley. Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver. com.
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Bert Boyd, 85, of Valrico, and formerly of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, died Feb. 17, 2015. He was a retired brakeman with CSX Railroad. He is survived by his children, Sandra (Frederick) Pettit, Raymond Boyd, Robert (Kimberly) Boyd, Susan (Harvey) Carey, Phillip (Robin) Kern and Pam (Harold) Miller; and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Boyd. A celebration of life was held Tuesday, Feb. 24, at Hopewell Funeral Home. Interment at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Billy Ray Canipe
Billy Ray Canipe, 82, of Plant City, and formerly of Baltimore, died Feb. 20, 2015, surrounded by his family. Mr. Canipe, son of Lucille and L.W. Canipe, was born May 30, 1932 in Mitchell County, North Carolina, and raised in Kingsport, Tennessee. He worked hard for his family at Bethlehem Steel in Baltimore for 42 years and retired to Plant City. He was in the Air Police in the U.S. Air Force and served during the Korean War. He was formerly a member of Plant City Moose Lodge #1668. He was a member of the NRA, a true blue American and a 110% dedicated Democrat. He enjoyed being with family and friends, traveling and listening to bluegrass music. He was fiercely proud of his roots and heritage. All that knew him thought him to be a truly loving, good and honest man. He was Baptist by faith. He is survived by his daughters, Deborah Canipe Wanner and Patricia Canipe; son-inlaw, George Wanner; grandson, Phillip Wanner; granddaughter, Susan Wanner; longtime companion, Kathy Cast; brothers, Artie Canipe, Wade Canipe and Bud Moon; sisters, Gladys Shackelford, Glenna Lisenby and Brenda Bundrant; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his loving wife of 35 years, Helen, who died Aug. 7, 1986. A funeral was held Monday, Feb. 23, at Wells Memorial Monday, Feb. 23. In lieu of flowers, please donate to Mooseheart, Mooseheaven or Lifepath Hospice. Online condolences may be made at WellsMemorial.com.
Haba “Evelyn” Barber Davis
Haba “Evelyn” Barber Davis, 76, of Tampa, died Feb. 14, 2015. She loved her family, and enjoyed raising koi fish, waterfalls, orchids, helping people and being a “Cheer Mom.” She is survived by her children, Evelyn “Jean” Jenkins, Enid Carl (Ruth Cummins) Davis Jr. and Maxine Delores Davis; siblings, Thomas H. (Sherri Hampton) Barber, Arlene (Frank) Vibbert and Loise Van Reddy; grandchildren, Michael Jenkins, Heather Lamela, Randall Davis and Pammie (Mac Nobles) Jenkins; two great-grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, family and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Enid “Carl” Davis Sr. A celebration of life was held Monday, Feb. 23, at Hopewell Funeral Home. Interment at Hillsboro Memorial, Brandon. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Helen F. Dry
Helen F. Dry, 70, of Plant City, died Feb. 19, 2015. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Shelton Dry; daughters, Debra Steen, Karen Mansell and Lori Dry; three sisters; one brother; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Andrew David Gunter Sr
Andrew David Gunter Sr., 65, of Plant City, died Feb. 22, 2015. Born Nov. 21, 1949, in Plant City, he was the son of the late Dillon and Agnes Styron Gunter. Mr. Gunter retired from CSX Railroad after 45 years of dedicated service. He is survived by his devoted wife of 35 years, Brenda Word Gunter; sons, Andrew David Gunter Jr. and James (Emily) Gunter; grandchildren, Lilyann, Ellison and Mya; niece, Amanda Alderman Talley; and many other beloved family members. He was preceded in death by his sister, Desi Register; and in-laws, James and Shirley Word. A funeral service was held Thursday, Feb. 26, at Haught Funeral Home Chapel. Online condolences may be made at haughtfuneralhome.com.
Wilbur Esten Hartman Jr.
Wilbur Esten Hartman Jr., 77, of Plant City and formerly of Jacksonville, died Feb. 17, 2015, at Brandon Regional Hospital. He was born April 14, 1937, in Centerville, Pennsylvania, to the late Wilbur Sr. and Evelyn Buckingham Hartman. He was the husband of Julia Loizakes Hartman; she survives. Mr. Hartman was in the Air National Guard and flew for Air America during Vietnam. He was avid pilot and enjoyed planes. Also surviving are son, Mark Roberts; daughters, Deb Ehrlich and Lynn Faust; sisters, Laura Wagner and Ruth Ridgway; five grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild. A memorial service was held Saturday, Feb. 21, at Haught Funeral Home Chapel. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Annie Lee Lightsey
Annie Lee Lightsey, 45, of Plant City, died Feb. 19, 2015, at her home. She was born at home in Pinecrest. She was a member of Hopewell Baptist Church, and she was a realtor with Weichert Realty. She is survived by her loving and devoted husband, Craig Lightsey; children, Joseph Lightsey and Jacqueline Lightsey; grandaughter, Genesis Ja’de Sykes; siblings, Candice (Barry) Greer, Sunny (Mike) Ploch, Mark (Michelle) Dickey, Michael Dickey, Matthew (Ella) Dickey and Martin (Chris) Dickey; and many nieces, nephews, family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Edward and Molly Van Horn. A celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at Hopewell Baptist Church, where the family will receive friends beginning at 10 a.m. Interment to follow at Hopewell Memorial Gardens. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
John J. McLin
John J. McLin, 79, of Plant City, died Feb. 16, 2015. He was a member of the Olin S. Wright Masonic Lodge #79, and he was a retired journeyman lineman. He lived and enjoyed life to the fullest with family, friends, travel, work and hobbies, and he was a Christian. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Marlene K. McLin; son, Jim (Sharon) McLin; siblings, Johnnie (James “Buddy”) Fay Lane and F.D. “Buck” (Margaret) McLin; and other family and friends. A celebration of life was held Tuesday, Feb. 24, at Hopewell Funeral Home. Interment at Hopewell Memorial Gardens. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Billie Joe Melvin Jr.
Billie Joe Melvin Jr., 66, died Feb. 21, 2015, at his home in Plant City. He was born to the late Billie Joe and Lulu Eloise (Driggers) Melvin. Survivors include his life partner of 23 years, Katherine Davis; and other loving family and friends. Online condolences may be made at WellsMemorial.com.
Bernice Blanch Osteen
Bernice Blanch Osteen, 88, of Ocoee, died Feb. 15, 2015. Mrs. Osteen was born Jan. 22, 1927, in Plant City, to the late Vasco and Leta Crawford. She is survived by her daughter, Theresa (Gary) Lucas; son, Larry (Pam) Osteen; eight grandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren; and 10 greatgreat-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, John Osteen; son, Robert Osteen; and sisters, Juanita Davidson and Dottie Dunihue. Visitation and funeral were held Thursday, Jan. 19, at Woodlawn Funeral Home in Gotha. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association at alz.org. Woodlawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Online condolences may be made at woodlawnfuneralhomegotha.com.
James L. “Red” Pollock
James L. “Red” Pollock, 74, of Lithia, died Feb. 18, 2015. He was a member of Alafia Baptist Church. He loved his family, and he enjoyed the outdoors. He is survived by his children, Clay (Susie) Taylor, Diane Pollock and Johnny (Kim) Pollock; sister, Peggy (Buddy) Elliott; grandchildren, Cayla (Aaron) Lucier, Samantha Taylor, Sabrina Pollock, Johnna Pollock and Shyanne Taylor; and great-grandchildren, Simon and Shelby Lucier. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Pollock. A celebration of life was held Wednesday, Feb. 24, at Hopewell Funeral Home. Interment at Bethlehem Cemetery, Ft. Lonesome. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral.com.
Henry Grant Ratliff
Henry Grant Ratliff, 80, of Plant City, died Feb. 21, 2015, at Saint Joseph Hospital in Tampa. Born Dec. 14, 1934, in Pikeville, Kentucky, he was the son of the late Orville and Osie Adkins Ratliff. He was the husband of Jeanne Watkins Ratliff; she survives. Mr. Ratliff retired from the U.S. Army and served during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Also surviving are sons, Rick (Sherry) Ratliff and Anthony Ratliff; daughters, Cynthia Ratliff and Monica (Kevin) Goodell; sisters, Mary Preston and Omega Bull; 11 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. The family will be having private services. Online condolences may be made at haughtfuneralhome.com.
Sonia Esmeralda Roldan
Sonia Esmeralda Roldan, 22, of Plant City, died Feb. 21, 2015. She loved her family, and enjoyed animals and living life. She is survived by her parents, Quintina and Victoriano Binzha; siblings, Marisol (Juan) Gutierrez, Lorena (Jose) Gutierrez, Almanela (Carlos) Gutierrez, Samuel (Ivett) Roldan, Juan Roldan and Isaias Roldan; fiancé, Antonio Rodriguez; dogs, Layla, Peanut and Coffee; and many other family and friends. A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at Rio de Dios, 410 Swilley Road, where the family will receive friends beginning at 1 p.m. Interment to follow at Hopewell Memorial Gardens. Online condolences may be made at HopewellFuneral. com.
Isaiah Wilson leads his soccer team as a forward. 14 SPONSORED BY COURTNEY PAAT | STATE FARM
SIDELINES Do you have a good sports scoop for us? Contact Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver. com, or Tweet us at @ PCTOSports.
+ PCLL holding sign-ups
Plant City Little League is bringing back Senior and Big League Baseball for boys age 15 to 18. Anyone who wishes to play must be registered by Saturday, March 7. Contact Jeffrey Jacobsen for registration information at (813) 468-9362 or email jakesteraider@ yahoo.com.
+ Area teams start strong in district
None of the Plant Cityarea high school baseball teams got off to a particularly hot start, but all three seem to be getting back on track now that district play has begun. Going into the Feb. 24 games, Durant and Plant City each won their first two games against 7A-7 opponents, while Strawberry Crest went .500. Durant (4-1; 3-0 district) held a 4-0 lead over Tampa Bay Tech Feb. 17 until the fifth inning, when starter Jonah Scolaro allowed three runs. Colyn White and Bryce Gainer came in afterward to relieve Scolaro, and ended up preserving Durant’s lead through the next two innings. Hosting Brandon Feb. 20, Durant picked up a 9-2 win after maintaining an 8-0 lead through six innings of play. Plant City (2-4; 2-1 district) crushed East Bay on the road in a 9-3 win Feb. 17, and then followed it up with another slim victory over Tampa Bay Tech: this one was a 3-2 win, in which no team scored until the Raiders drove in two in the fifth inning and kept the Indians in check in the seventh to hang on. Strawberry Crest (3-2, 2-1 district) took a 2-0 loss at Brandon Feb. 17, but followed up with a 3-1 win at East Bay Feb. 20. In that one, the team took advantage of four defensive errors as Jeff Murray, Tyler Chancey and McKenzie Wheeler each scored runs. All three teams play Friday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m.: Durant will play at Strawberry Crest, and Plant City will travel to Brandon.
+ SCHS places at championships
The Strawberry Crest wrestling team made some noise at the Hillsborough County Championships Saturday, Feb. 21. The Chargers placed third in the competition, including three individual champions.
Courtesy photo
flag football by Justin Kline | Staff Writer
Area girls gear up for flag football Flag football may not be as popular as the boys game, but Plant Cityarea high school teams are looking to make some noise this season.
Who’s ready for some football? Right now, Plant City-area high schools are getting ready. It won’t be long before the fields are prepped, the lights come on and the girls walk out, ready to sling that pigskin and put some points on the board. The outlook for all three teams is good — in fact, maybe even better than last season’s. What’s worth keeping an eye on in the upcoming 2015 season? Fans of Durant, Plant City and Strawberry Crest schools will each have something to look forward to.
Last season, the Lady Cougars were almost unstoppable. The team finished with an 11-1 record and had several players, such as quarterback
Jessica McClernan and pass rusher Chrissy Millard, put their names in the Durant record books with impeccable season performances. The team’s only loss was to Bloomingdale, 6-0, in the district championship game. There have been some big changes in the program, however. Most notably, seven-year head coach Brad Brunson stepped down from the job and has been replaced by longtime assistant Randy Crone. Crone, who has been with the team for the past seven years, inherits a talented roster and a big task. Replacing McClernan will be no easy feat. The four-year starter graduated in 2014 as the best flag football quarterback in school history. Megan Mooney will be filling
her shoes. Moooney started — and won — two games last year when McClernan sat out with an injury. Mooney will also have some good help. Her top two targets will be senior receivers Ashley Piechowiak and Kayla Collins, who are both captains, and Hailey Lang. Crone has high expectations for the defense, anchored by junior linebacker Giavanna Fullwood, and also expects big things from lacrosse players Ally Louden and Casey Decatur. “Our team has a good balance of experienced seniors and new talent,” he says. “I expect a very competitive team, as well.” Whether Durant can repeat last year’s success remains to
File photo
Durant enjoyed a great 2014 season with quarterback Jessica McClernan.
LACROSSE by Justin Kline | Staff Writer
Breakthrough should end ‘flag football’ comparisons
Justin Kline
Ashley Bullion plans to stick around for more than just one year.
Ashley Bullion is Plant City High School’s fourth softball coach in as many years. She may be a rookie coach, but she’s up for the challenge. The Plant City High softball team has gotten used to change over the last four years. In fact, this year’s crop of seniors will graduate without having played for the same coach for more than one season. For the underclassmen, new hire Ashley Bullion wants to make sure that they can’t say the same. Bullion was hired in the last offseason to take over the successful Lady Raiders program in the wake of Maggie Fiex’s departure. Fiex, who led the team to a 20-7 record and a playoff appearance, left the job and Plant City for personal
reasons after the 2014 season ended. Athletic director Traci Durrance and the school wanted to make sure they’d find someone who would be in it for the long haul, even if they were a rookie coach.
Bullion, a Crystal River native, has been around the game of softball since age 7. She started at first base in all four of her years at Crystal River High and then took her talents to the University of South Florida’s program. It was there that she found her biggest coaching influence.
Head coach Ken Eriksen is a big name in softball circles. On top of coaching the successful Lady Bulls program since 1997, he’s also served as head coach of the U.S. Women’s National Team. Under Eriksen, Bullion and her teammates went to the playoffs twice in five seasons, including a run that saw USF come just one win shy of making the 2006 Women’s College World Series. “That was a big deal,” Bullion says. “We traveled all the way across the country to play one of the top teams in the nation, and it was an incredible
COACH’S EYE Ashley Bullion has gotten to know her players, and expects big things from all of them. So, who’s looking likely to do big things for the Lady Raiders this year? Take it from her: “Edmilly Molina had a really good season last year,” Bullion says. “Her and Bekah Schulte — she’s gonna be another one that’s a great hitter. Molina is just an allaround player. Becca Sorenson is another all-around player and a threat for anybody. Once Schulte gets in her groove, she’s going to be a big threat. Powerful swing. She will be one of our go-to players once she gets in a groove. And of course, there’s Noelle Dietrich, and Alexis Williams, who is also throwing good pitches this year.”
Whenever the NFL or NCAA adopts a new rule for the sake of player safety, the most common complaint I hear is, “They’re turning the game into flag football.” That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of flag football, which is still fun to play. In fact, I’d ask anyone who makes that comparison to actually go and watch a flag football game in person, and watch football as it’s stripped down to its fundamentals. There may not be JUSTIN KLINE any big hits, but there are still explosive offenses and big defensive plays. It’s also important to remember that these rule changes aren’t being imposed just for the sake of watering down the game and making your older uncle angry enough to start yelling about the days of the Steel Curtain or Ronnie Lott. Rather, the game is becoming safer now than it used to be because, somewhere along the line, people in charge realized that players can play (and live) longer if everyone’s more responsible on the field. On Tuesday, I read about a big breakthrough in brain injury diagnosis. The short version is that, thanks to advances in modern science, we are now able to test for CTE — chronic traumatic encephalopathy — in living people. Considering that scientists were previously able to study and identify the disease only in the brains of deceased people, this is a super-important milestone that will almost definitely have an impact on all sports. So, yeah, you can expect even more rule changes in the future. UCLA’s Dr. Julian Bailes announced that he’s getting ready to publish the results
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experience.” She says that playing for Eriksen opened her eyes to how well a good coach can affect a team’s play and took plenty of leaves from his book. “He’s stern, but also nurturing — that’s what I aspire to be,” she says. Throughout high school and college, Bullion also helped younger players with skill training. She graduated in 2011 with a masters degree in exercise science, but the training appointments stopped there.
be seen, but it appears that the pieces are there.
They’ve had four coaches in four years — they need somebody with a strong personality who can come in and take charge. Ashley Bullion
Bullion ended up in Mulberry, working in several jobs unrelated to coaching or training. She always knew that she’d wanted to coach, but the opportunity hadn’t come up. “I said, ‘What am I doing with my life?’” she says. This summer, she finally saw her shot when Plant City posted its opening. Although Bullion had no formal coaching experience in any role, she decided to go for it. Clearly, she did something right in the interview. “I think that they saw my attitude and passion towards coaching,” Bullion says. “They’ve had four coaches in four years — they need somebody with a strong personality who can come in and take charge.” Strong, indeed. From day one, Bullion came in and made it clear that no one on the team could get away with being lazy on the field or in the classroom. “As soon as I came in, they thought I was crazy,” she says. “I was very strict, very onpoint.” Bullion is relaxed when it comes to academics, but only in the sense that good grades come first: If a Lady Raider is going to be late to practice because of tutoring or a test make-up, then there’s no problem there. Any other excuse, though, will probably not go over so well with the coach. “I make sure they’re attending all their classes, sitting at the front, being respectful towards their teachers and staying on top of their studies,” Bullion says. Keeping this team in its usual spot at or near the top of the district will be one of the biggest expectations for Bullion, as the team has won no fewer than 17 games per season in the last four years, even with all of those coaching changes. Feix’s 2014 squad was the most successful yet, winning 20 games and advancing to the regional semifinals, and many of those players are still on the roster. Bullion’s squad got off to a slow start, dropping its first two games, but she earned her first win as a coach Friday, Feb. 13 against Plant: a team that the Lady Raiders haven’t always been so lucky against. “It was a big win for myself, and for the girls to see what they’re capable of,” Bullion says. As of press time, Plant City has a 5-5 record, winning three of its last five games. With plenty of relatives in Plant City, she’s already committed to sticking around for a while. After a handful of oneand-dones, that should be welcome news to Raider fans. “My whole family lives here, and I have two little babies,” Bullion says. “My entire support system is here. I really don’t have anywhere else to go, and I don’t think I would leave my family.” Bullion believes now that everyone’s getting more comfortable, she can help this team stay on the high level it’s been at for the past few years. Or if everything goes really well, exceed that. “I keep telling them we’re capable of doing big things,” she says. “They just have to believe in what I’m preaching.”
The Lady Raiders had to deal with several big changes last year, losing their star quarterback and bringing in a new head coach. The team posted a 5-5 record, which did include a three-game win streak near the end of the season, but took a 32-0 loss to Armwood in the first round of the district tournament. Things do look clearer this season. Boys football assistant coach Greg Meyer is returning as the team’s head coach, and he says he knows how to improve upon last season’s performance. “It’s just adapting the offenses I’m used to to the girls’ abilities,” Meyer says. “We’ll have a more balanced attack this year.” A big part of that is that the majority of the offensive starters are returning. The senior-heavy offense includes wideout/free safety Samantha Black and WR/QB Kellen Morris, whom Meyer expects big things from in 2015. Also, every member of the defensive backfield is returning. What he’s most excited about is the return of talented quarterback Avery Brown. Brown, who last played for the flag football team in 2013, took last year off to focus on
KLINE / PAGE 12 from a 20-subject study of CTE patients, like legendary Dallas Cowboys running back Tony Dorsett. Whatever he and his team found will change the rules and will change the way athletes all over the world are treated for head injuries. The only real way to avoid contracting a disease like CTE is to avoid playing sports. For all of the backhands that diehard football fans like to levy on flag football, even the boys, girls, men and women who wear flags instead of full pads are likely to get concus-
The Lady Chargers won’t
be dealing with big changes like Durant and Plant City, but that may be a good thing. Head coach Andre Lewis’s team posted a 6-4 record last season, but there were several great signs for the future. One of them came on April 17, when Crest went to Plant City and picked up an 18-0 win — the first over the Lady Raiders in program history. The girls also picked up a 26-23 win over a tough East Bay High team the following week. And, in the district tournament, Crest nearly beat King to advance to the second round. The Lady Lions got the better of the Lady Chargers in a gritty, 13-7 victory. This year, the team will have several key players returning in senior Marviana Mackey, sophomore Jordan Snapp and junior Amanda DaSilva. But, for the most part, this team is relatively young. Lewis says that the team plans to make up for whatever it may lack in experience with a strong work ethic. “We will be young, but competitive,” he says. With games against Plant City, Armwood, King and Bloomingdale on the schedule, the Lady Chargers will have their work cut out for them in 2015. But, if the team’s as competitive as Lewis claims it is, then these girls could turn some heads in the district come tournament time.
sions on the field. That’s why I’d say it’s time to stop complaining about rule changes and added safety procedures “watering down” our sports. Things definitely aren’t what they used to be, but that’s for the better. Sure, some of the changes that have been made are questionable in that they may not actually do anything. In the NFL, moving kickoffs up to the 35-yard line was and is a dumb idea. And, though it may be somewhat safer, the Heads-Up Tackling movement that the league promoted among youth football
programs is not nearly as effective as traditional armtackling. But, that’s small potatoes if the overall effect of making sports safer gives our athletes longevity. They’re playing these games, after all, because they have fun doing so, and to take that away forever at a young age would be depressing. I don’t want to write about a local high school quarterback or point guard having to walk away from the game forever because of concussion issues, and I would really hate to do a follow-up if he were to develop memory problems and brain damage.
CHECK IT OUT Durant will get things started next Friday, March 6, playing in a tournament hosted by Celebration High. After that, they and their Plant City-area counterparts will have just over a week to prepare for the regular season. If you need to be there for the home openers, here’s what you need to know: Durant: at Plant City, 3/17; vs. Jefferson, 3/20. Strawberry Crest: vs. Plant City, 3/23. All games start at 7:30 p.m. For full schedules, visit c2cschools.com and search for your school of choice.
softball. Now that she’s returning, Meyer hopes she’ll help take the team to new heights with her dual-threat skills. With those girls, plus athletes like Sharice Morales and Drew Knotts on board, Meyer believes that this squad has what it takes to walk the walk. “This could be one of the best teams PCHS has fielded, talent-wise,” he says. “We have a lot of experience in crucial spots.”
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SWEET RACE by Justin Kline | Staff Writer
Bethany Baptist Church brought a huge crowd to the event.
P.C. takes the Strawberry Distance Challenge Local runners flocked to Walden Lake on Saturday morning for the 2015 installment of the Strawberry Distance Challenge. The event, sponsored by Astin Farms, consisted of a onemile “fun run,” a 5K and an 8K. All funds raised from the event will benefit the Youth Alliance, a locally-based anti-bullying organization.
Right: Francis Garcia and Ken Winter
Erika Filmore and Monica Landers
ISAIAH WILSON Local soccer club FC Plant City just wrapped up its season, and forward Isaiah Wilson has been on a tear. After putting on a solid performance in the Presidents’ Day Cup, Wilson has been tabbed to join the FC Tampa Rangers club team just in time for its appearance in the upcoming IBERCup Tournament at IMG Academy. How old are you? Nine. Where do you go to school? Jackson Elementary. How long have you been playing soccer? Since I was 4. What positions do you play? All of them, but I like forward. You get to score goals. I understand you have a pretty big tournament coming up, with some international teams coming to play you guys.What are you looking forward to? To winning. Who’s your favorite soccer player? Lionel Messi. What’s your favorite team? FC Barcelona. What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a soccer field? My free kick in the Presidents’ Day Cup. I was outside the box, and I was lined up. There was a little bit of space between the post and the wall, so the goalie thought I was going to the left. But, I actually went to the right and scored it. How many other sports do you play? Just soccer. If you could try any sport you’ve never played before, what would it be? Probably basketball.
What’s your favorite subject in school? Probably writing. You don’t really have to think — you just have to write what you’ve got in your mind, or about what you’re reading. What do you like to write about? Your opinion. If you could meet anyone you really look up to, who would it be? Messi. If you could hang out with him for a day, what would you want to do? Go out and play soccer. Do you have any goals for this year, like something you want to get better at? I want to get better at defending, and I want to beat 14 goals in this one tournament. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Super speed. What would you use it for? To run really fast. To get the ball. When a kid goes past you, and you aren’t fast enough to go get him, you can use your speed to go and get the ball back.
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THURS. Feb. 19
Feb. 20
Friday, Feb. 27 Saturday, Feb. 28 Sunday, March 1 Monday, March 2 Tuesday, March 3 Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, March 5
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 24
Feb. 25
4.14 (2014: 1.19)
HIGH 66 74 83 85 84 85 81
SUNRISE/SUNSET TIMES SUNRISE Friday, Feb. 27 6:56 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 6:55 a.m. Sunday, March 1 6:54 a.m. Monday, March 2 6:53 a.m. Tuesday, March 3 6:52 a.m. Wednesday, March 4 6:51 a.m. Thursday, March 5 6:50 a.m.
SUNSET 6:27 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 6:28 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:31 p.m.
, 3&
LOW 55 59 63 62 62 60 56
Sarah Haines said, “What else do you find at the end of a rainbow? Plant City of course!”
The Plant City Times & Observer and Grimes Hardware have partnered to host the I Love Plant City Photo Contest. Winners will have their photo featured and receive a $15 gift certificate to Grimes Hardware’s Strawberry Town Cafe! To enter, email your photo, along with a caption, to Editor Amber Jurgensen, ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com; subject line: I Love Plant City. Winners can pick up their prize at Grimes Hardware.
March 5
March 13
TO DATE 5.92 (2014: 1.19)
March 20
Courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture
March 27
CRYPTOQUIZ Each of the following cryptograms is a clue to the identity of a renowned dancer. Using the hints Z=A and M=L, decipher the clues to name the dancer.
1. V H H X 2. K Z M Z C G R E C U 3. Z T D M M D 4. C U Q I D X S 5. Q R E P U C E F R P H This dancer has been called one of the greatest ballet dancers in history:
Solve the puzzle by placing the numbers 1 through 9 in each row, column and box.
CROSSWORD ‘A’ SANDWICH by Jill Pepper ACROSS 1 Feudal workers 6 Day spa attire 10 Had a role to play 15 Ties up the phone 19 Where embryos develop 20 Poetry on a grand theme 21 City in Greenland 22 Surveyor’s map 23 Time to rise, for some 24 Prepares to shoot 25 Causing goose bumps 26 Shrek, for one 27 Ethiopian capital 29 Anxious 31 The Roaring ‘20s, for one 32 Bluebird’s residence 33 Better-than-anything suffix 34 Stereotypical Beemer driver 37 Fix, as stones in cement 39 Sharp attack of emotion 41 Get ready for the O.R. 42 In a just manner 43 Golden State basketball player 46 Composer Copland 48 Heavy winter coat 49 Curved moldings 50 Like a prison window 52 Barbera’s cartooning colleague 53 Parasitic pests 54 Lorenzo of “Falcon Crest” 55 “Barbara ___” (1965 hit) 56 Airhead 60 Andy Capp’s missus 61 Cry 64 Some assembly places 66 Accelerate (with “up”) 67 Epic by Virgil 68 “Journey to the Center of the Earth” actress Dahl ©2015 Universal Uclick 69 “How ___ doing?” 70 Last czarina of Russia 111 Executive’s list heading 72 Dunk in liquid 112 Weeny partner 73 Hamilton’s bill 113 “... happily ___ after” 74 “___ Breckinridge” 114 Martin or McQueen 75 “Com” preceder 115 Pitching stats 76 Open, as a fort gate 116 Wetlands plant 77 It goes before a fall 117 “Make do” amount 78 Best dishes, often 118 More than a third of Missis80 Dangerous fly in Africa sippi? 82 It also goeth before a fall 83 Do penance DOWN 84 Diamond headgear 1 Actress Sarandon 85 Copied 2 Musical study piece 87 “See ya!” 3 Rips to pieces 89 Oven for firing porcelain 4 Orchard part 90 Prevents littering? 5 Has a taste of, as wine 91 Backspace 6 Use a sponge over and over 92 Use, as food stamps again 94 Type of lettuce 7 A narcotic drug 95 Not present or future 8 Big flop 99 ‘60s war zone, informally 9 Long English assignment 100 “All systems go!” 10 Consumed 102 Loss of bodily sensation 11 Lower in esteem 105 Suit to ___ 12 Rutabaga, e.g. 107 1973 Rolling Stones ballad 13 Cream of the crop 109 Source of harm 14 Not the best grades 110 Yellow-orange 15 Fed. documents producer
16 Math with x, y and z 17 Oil container 18 Not jumpy at all 28 Prefix with “dynamic” 30 Have a craving 35 Raise or erect 36 Urges on 38 Gilbert and Sullivan opera (with “The”) 40 Belonging to that guy 42 Spreading (out) 43 Atomic number 74 44 With nimbleness 45 Bounce back 46 Domain for Lawrence 47 Packing a pistol, e.g. 48 Play to the crowd 51 Canadian province 52 Eighteen-wheelers, essentially 57 Woman plaintiff 58 Summer beverage 59 Contaminated 61 Ewe sound 62 Credit union’s activity 63 Brought to ruin 64 ___ di Mare (fashion label) 65 Golfer’s little helper
68 Grain-field color 71 Some knives 72 Of unsound mind 76 Helpful, as a tool 77 Chances 79 Blade sharpener 81 Scandalmongers and whistleblowers 82 Use a lever 83 Shaded public walk 84 Spiffing (up) 86 Word that used to precede Germany 87 Capitol Hill gang 88 Keynote giver, e.g. 89 Towed, at sea 90 Movie snippets 92 Punjabi princess (var.) 93 Normand of the silents 96 Arson aftermath 97 Sifting aid 98 Weight allowances 101 Has a snack 103 Central church part 104 Groundskeeper’s tool 106 Goddess of the dawn 108 CBS logo
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