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Berry Facts and Pop Quiz
from 2022 FSF


All about those BERRIES
The perfect temperature for strawberry plants is between 55 and 78 degrees.
The strawberry is the only fruit in the world that has its seeds on the outside.
Belgium is home to the Musée de la Fraise de Wepion, or the Wepion Strawberry Museum in English, a museum all about strawberries.
Strawberries are grown in every single U.S. state and Canadian province.
Strawberries are believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. They are low in calories and high in vitamins C, B6, K, fibe, folic acid, potassium and amino acids.
Ancient Romans belieed that strawberries had medicinal powers.
1. How many calories are in a cup of strawberries?
A: 30 B: 55 C: 95 D: 150
2. What flwer family does the strawberry belong to? A: Rose B: Bean C: Pepper D: Nightshade 3. According to the USDA, how many pounds of fresh strawberries to Americans eat per year? A: 1.2 B: 2.6 C: 3.4 D: 4.7
4. How many seeds are on the outside of a strawberry? A: 100 B: 200 C: 300 D: 400 5. What are the dates for Florida’s strawberry season? A: December through May B: January through April C: February through June D: November through March 6. According to the university of Illinois, What percentage of American Households consume strawberries every year? A: 66% B: 72% C: 87% D: 94%
7. How many varieties of strawberries are grown around the world? A: 108 B: 199 C: 247 D: 305
8. What is Florida’s most popular strawberry variety? A: Radiance B: Beauty C: Sweet Sensation D: Elyana
Answers: 1. B, 2. A, 3. C 4. D, 5. A, 6. D, 7. C, 8. A