3 minute read
from Journey 2023
What is the most important lesson you learned (from a teacher or another student) while in high school?
GPA: 8.73
What extracurricular activities did you participate in and why?
• Durant High School Student Government Association | Member
• Mu Alpha Theta | Reestablished Durant High School’s Chapter
• Rain Frog Ranch Inc 501c3 Nonprofit Organization | Co-Founder & Social Media liaison
When did you realize you were going to be in the top two of your class? How did you react?
I’ve been in second place in the class since junior year, though I wasn’t fully sure I would end up as salutatorian until the final gades came in. The morning they did, the internet was out, so I was in a crowd of people all wanting to get a summary sheet during lunch. When I got mine, I was really excited, and I immediately texted my mom about it.
What’s something you wish you knew about high school before entering 9th grade?
It goes by quicker than you think. There is a lot of time to have fun and make memories, but eventually that time does run out. It’s important to take every chance you get, especially considering how quarantine took a good number of those away.
What is your favorite high school memory?
Physics day from junior year for sure. All the physics classes got to go on a field trip to Busch Gardens, and aside from a few measurements we had to take, it was like a normal trip to the park. Plus, it was my fist time actually going on rollercoasters and I got to hang out with my friends the whole day.
People that are there to help- whether they’re a friend offering to or it’s their occupation- are willing to help you, and it often makes a task much easier. I especially had a hard time reaching out to ask questions, but the responses usually helped a lot.
What extracurricular activities did you participate in and why?
I was in Building, Applied Science, and Engineering at Durant (BASED) club, which was super important to me because I love robotics and got to learn the basics of wiring. I was also a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and Future Business Leaders of America clubs.
What are your college plans and future career goals?
I’ll be starting at Florida Polytechnic University in the Fall studying computer engineering. I want to work in robotics in the future, and I’d like to compete in combat robotics as well.
What advice would you give students who want to be valedictorian or salutatorian?
You need to pace yourself. It’s important to succeed academically, and a top-class rank shows you’ve done that. It’s equally important to spend time being a normal teenager, hanging out with friends and having time to relax.
When did you realize you were going to be in the top two of your class? How did you react?
I noticed my student summary sheet refleced I was second in my class my sophomore year of high school and that is when I made it my goal to be valedictorian of my graduating class. When I found out that my spot as valedictorian was officia I was incredibly overjoyed and proud of myself and incredibly thankful for my support systems and the staff at urant High School that helped me achieve this goal I set for myself.
What’s something you wish you knew about high school before entering 9th grade?
Enjoy the butterflis and being nervous about starting a new chapter of your life and don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone because that is where true growth and self-development comes from.
What is your favorite high school memory?
My favorite high school memory was walking the hallways with a few of my friends after an event and looking at the pictures and awards decorated on the walls and reminiscing on all the memories throughout my four years that the Durant high school building encompassed.
What is the most important lesson you learned (from a teacher or another student) while in high school?
The most important lessons I learned were about balance between school, extracurriculars, and my social life and time management.
• National Science Honor Society | President National Spanish Honor Society | VicePresident
• National Honor Society | Secretary National English Honor Society | Member
• Durant High School Varsity Track and Field | Captain
• Durant High School Varsity Swim Team | Member Durant High School Varsity Soccer Team | Member
What are your college plans and future career goals?
I plan to dual major at the university of Florida on a premedical track and then attend medical school. For my future career I plan to be a doctor.
What advice would you give students who want to be valedictorian or salutatorian? Success isn't a straight line. Throughout your life, you’ll experience heartbreak and setbacks. The determining factor in accomplishing goals is how well we adapt to our changing trajectory and how well we master fear to have courage regarding obstacles. Don’t be afraid to traverse through untraveled terrain, and when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and borderline-broken, revel in that feeling; it's a reminder you're alive.