Royal VKB brochure 2012

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Your Social Kitchen! The kitchen is no longer the place where only meals are being prepared, cooked and eaten. It is now the centre of the household where the family meets and from where everyone then leaves to go to school or to work. Again in the evening the kitchen becomes the place to meet and catch up as everyone returns home. Royal VKB anticipates this changing social environment with new products in which the consumer can recognise themselves. Welcome to the social kitchen of Royal VKB! Die Küche ist nicht mehr nur der Ort, in dem gekocht und gegessen wird. Es ist auch das Zentrum des Hauses, wo sich die Familie trifft und aus dem Alle zur Schule oder zur Arbeit gehen. Auch am Abend, wenn alle wieder nach Hause kommen, ist die Küche der Ort, wo man sich trifft und den Tag ausklingen lässt. Royal VKB reagiert auf dieses sich ändernde soziale Umfeld mit neuen Produkten, in denen sich der Verbraucher wiederfinden kann. Herzlich willkommen im Lebensraum Küche von Royal VKB! La cuisine n’est plus seulement un endroit où l’on cuisine et l’on mange, c’est aussi le centre de la maison où la famille se réunit et part à l’école ou au travail. C’est également le soir dans la cuisine où l’on se rencontre et l’on parle de sa journée. Royal VKB répond à ce changement d’environnement social par de nouveaux produits dans lesquels le consommateur peut se reconnaitre. Bienvenue dans la cuisine conviviale de Royal VKB!


Herb2O - Self Watering Pot A unique Self Watering Flower Pot. Fill the double wall Pot with water and your Herb Plants will only absorb water as needed. No more dried out plants or over watered roots but alwaysfresh herbs to hand. The rubber plug doubles as a gauge to tell you when to refill.

Füllen Sie den doppelwandigen Topf mit Wasser, und Ihre Kräuter werden nur so viel Wasser aufnehmen, wie sie brauchen. Keine ausgetrockneten Pflanzen oder im Wasser stehenden Wurzeln mehr, sondern immer frische Kräuter zur Hand. Der Gummistöpsel dient gleichzeitig als Wasserstandsmesser, so dass Sie wissen, wann der Topf aufgefüllt werden muss.

Un pot à fleurs unique auto-humectant. Remplissez la paroi double du pot avec de l’eau. Vos herbes aromatiques n’absorberont que l’eau dont ils ont besoin. Plus de plantes desséchées ou racines pourries, mais toujours des herbes fraîches sous la main. Le bouchon en caoutchouc fait office de jauge pour vous indiquer à quel moment il faut remettre de l’eau.


Blob Silicone Vase

unbreakable single flower vase


by Officeoriginair A unique and unbreakable single flower vase that brings instant mood to any table setting. Use one vase to dress for that homey diner for two, or use multiple vases to set a whole table for friends and family.

Eine einzigartige, unzerbrechliche Einzel-Blumen-Vase, die jedem Tischarrangement eine besondere Aura verleiht.Verschönern Sie mit einer Vase das romantische Diner-für-zwei, oder schmücken Sie mit mehreren Vasen einen großen Tisch für Freunde und Familie.

Un soliflore unique et incassable qui égaie instantanément toute table. Utilisez un vase pour un dîner d’amoureux à la maison, ou multipliez le nombre de vases pour un dîner avec des amis ou pour dresser une table familiale.


TOMM - Think of Me Magnets create your family bulletin board


by Officeoriginair This is TOMM, ‘Think Of Me’ memo hubs that collect and organize all kinds of little notes, postcards, papers and scribbles that you want to keep at hand. TOMM transforms your refrigerator into a family bulletin board. Dies sind TOMM, „Think Of Me Memos”, die alle Arten von Notizzetteln, Postkarten, Dokumenten, Entwürfen sammeln und organisieren helfen. TOMM verwandelt Ihren Kühlschrank in ein schwarzes Brett für die ganze Familie. Voici TOMM (« Think Of Me »), des pinces mémo magnétiques qui retiennent et classent toutes sortes de petits mots, cartes postales, papiers et notes que vous souhaitez garder sous la main. TOMM transforme votre réfrigérateur en un tableau d’affichage familial.


Table Island

your personal storage space

Table Island by Officeoriginair

An organising tray made from cork that keeps all of your everyday personal belongings in one place. This is ideal for storing your wallet, keys, sunglasses, smart phone and iPad.

Eine Korkablage, die Ihr tägliches Hab und Gut an einem Ort sammelt. Ideal zum Ablegen von Brieftasche, Schlüssel, Sonnenbrille, Smartphone und iPod.

Un plateau en liège qui permet de ranger tous vos objets personnels en un seul endroit. Idéal pour ranger votre portefeuille, vos clés, lunettes de soleil, téléphone portable et iPad.

It can also be used as an iPad stand, for reading recipes or, when placed close to a socket, as a charging hub.

Auch einen iPad hält sie, wenn zum Beispiel Rezepte gelesen oder der Akku aufgeladen werden soll.

Vous pouvez également l’utiliser comme support d’iPad pour visualiser vos recettes, ou comme station de chargement si vous le branchez sur le réseau électrique.

doubles as a iPad recipe stand

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for expert cleaving, cutting & cracking


BIG Lobster Knife A knife especially designed for halving and splitting lobsters, and cracking the hard shells. The unique curved blade gives optimal momentum in each stage of the cutting process. This simplifies the entire process, not only when cleaning shellfish, but when cutting all kinds of meat and hard vegetables.

Ein Messer eigens zum Halbieren von Hummer, Zerkleinern der Teile und Knacken der harten Schale. Die einzigartig gekrümmte Klinge erzeugt einen optimalen Impuls bei jeder Art von Schnitt. Dies erleichtert die Arbeit enorm – nicht nur das Zerkleinern von Schalentieren, sondern aller Arten von Fleisch und hartem Gemüse.

Un couteau spécialement conçu pour séparer la coquille des huîtres en deux, et pour casser les coquilles dures. La courbe unique de la lame offre une force optimale à chaque étape du processus d’ouverture. Votre tâche s’en trouve facilitée, non seulement pour ouvrir les coquilles des crustacées, mais également pour toutes sortes de viandes et de légumes durs. Voilà une de nos idées pour les repas.

NEW BIG Lobster Knife

NEW Herb2O by Holland Vormgevers

NEW TOMM, magnetic memo hubs by Officeoriginair

NEW Blob Silicone Vase by Officeoriginair

NEW Table Island by Officeoriginair

NEW COLOURS Mood Flame by Jan Hoekstra 2009

Objets déco

Herb2O by Holland Vormgevers

Blob Silicone Vase by Officeoriginair

Table Island by Officeoriginair

Mood Flame by Jan Hoekstra

A unique Self Watering Flower Pot. Fill the double wall Pot with water and your Herb Plants will only absorb water as needed. No more dried out plants or over watered roots but alwaysfresh herbs to hand. The rubber plug doubles as a gauge to tell you when to refill.

A unique and unbreakable single flower vase that brings instant mood to any table setting.

An organising tray made from cork that keeps all of your everyday personal belongings in one place. This is ideal for storing your wallet, keys, sunglasses, smart phone and iPad.

A silicone tea light holder for both indoor and outdoor use. The Mood Flame is soft, flexible, shields the candle from the wind and will not break when accidentally dropped. The Mood Flame makes the perfect ambience for your dinner to start.

Use one vase to dress for that homey diner for two, or use multiple vases to set a whole table for friends and family.







TOMM by Officeoriginair TOMM, ‘Think Of Me’ memo hubs that collect and organize all kinds of little notes, postcards, papers and scribbles that you want to keep at hand. TOMM transforms your refrigerator into a family bulletin board.


BIG Lobster Knife A knife especially designed for halving and splitting lobsters, and cracking the hard shells. The unique curved blade gives optimal momentum in each stage of the cutting process. This simplifies the entire process, not only when cleaning shellfish, but when cutting all kinds of meat and hard vegetables.

VL120.S03 VP501.LKF

It can also be used as an iPad stand, for reading recipes or, when placed close to a socket, as a charging hub.

Available in standard and XL size. Mood Flame











VC301.TAU Mood Flame XL VC303.WHI VC303.TAU

Citrange by Quentin de Coster Dish Drainer Geo by Jorre van Ast

Culinaire : Accessoires de cuisine

Table Bin by Officeoriginair

Silicone Trivets by Ontwerpwerk

Boomerang Wok by Nikolaï Carels


accent on design awards

Citrange by Quentin de Coster

Boomerang Wok by Nikolaï Carels

Silicone Trivets by Ontwerpwerk

Bowls & Spoons by Ineke Hans

A double sided hand juicer which can be placed straight onto your glass. The built in funnel not only guides the juice into the glass, it also filters out the seeds. Use the rounded side for big oranges or grapefruits and the pointy side for lemons or limes. So, with the Citrange you save a whole step compared to traditional juice squeezing.

Using the Boomerang Wok your food always returns into your pan. Because of the unique patented edge shape Stir-Frying has never been that easy! A simple push towards the curved edge makes the food turn to be cooked on all other sides. The skills of the Chef are now embedded in the pan. No more tossing of that heavy pan. Let the “Boomerang” Wok do the work. Beside the fact that the Boomerang Wok eases the stir frying cooking method, the pan is ideal for rotating other kinds of food like eggs, fish and meat.

Place these trivets on your table to serve a hot pan. Grum, Blub ,Smak and SLISSS will provide your dinner table with a colourful touch.

The spoon fits in the handle of the bowl, so the two can be held with just one hand. Very practical when you’re not eating at the dinner table. Excellent for eating cereals, soups or noodles.



Dish Drainer Geo by Jorre van Ast The Dish Drainer Geo is ideal when you only have a small amount of washing up to do, or when the dishwasher is becoming overloaded. Geo comes into its own when you have to make the difficult choice between washing up ‘that’ dirty frying pan or ‘those’ four dirty plates! The Geo has been nicely designed with a scene with which we all should be familiar from our geography classes! VT840.BL1









Table Bin by Officeoriginair Collect all your food waste during your outside (BBQ) dinner party. Stack dirty dishes on top of the lid and put your cutlery in the side pocket. Now, take it all in one go! VS507.AG1








Carafe & Tumblers by Arian Brekveld

Bowls & Spoons by Ineke Hans

Fresh Traveller by Arian Brekveld

Salad Bowl & Fork by Ineke Hans

French Carafe by Kaptein Roodnat

Bowl XXL by Ineke Hans

Candle Holder ELAS by Jorre van Ast

Water Carafe by Arian Brekveld

Iced carafe by Officeoriginair

Fresh Traveller by Arian Brekveld

Carafe & Tumblers by Arian Brekveld

Bowl XXL by Ineke Hans

Candle Holder ELAS by Jorre van Ast

Transport your breakfast cereal, fruits or other foods separately from your drink and mix them whenever and wherever you want. All the taste, smell and crispness are maintained until the right moment. Instantly ready and as fresh as can be!!

The double-walled carafe will keep the contents hot or cold. The tumblers stacked in the neck mean you can carry it all in just one hand.

This is the Bowl XXL, the big brother of my series of bowls. Handled with one hand, very practical especially when you’re not sitting at the dinner table. Excellent for eating pastas, noodles, rice and curries.


French Carafe Set by Kaptein Roodnat

A nice and gentle candle holder which will bring instant ambience to your home. The flexible shaft makes it easy to fit in candles of various thicknesses without having to resize them. With the beautiful metal bottom weight tradition really meets design in a new way.

Salad Bowl & Fork by Ineke Hans This bowl allows you to dress your salad just the way you like it. With the fork you can stir your salad easily and scoop out the last ingredients. VC650.TL2 VC650.CB2






The design is based on the old famous French glasses everybody knows. Stack the glasses in the neck and you have one hand free when you carry it around. French Carafe Gift Set VC702.SET French Carafe 1L VC702.001

Iced Carafe by Officeoriginair Fill the carafe to the indication level and put it in the freezer, then take out of the freezer and fill with water. Now your carafe will give you instantly chilled water from the first to the last glass. VC704.WGR





Water Carafe by Arian Brekveld This water carafe is self cooling whilst standing on your garden table. By natural evaporation, the temperature of the water inside will drop. VC703.001

Jug & Measuring Spoon by WAT Design

Funnel Friends by Roger Arquer

Cookware by Jan Hoekstra

Lazy Linda by Simon Wilkinson

Apron by Ontwerpwerk & FLEX

Cutting Board by Nikola誰 Carels

Garlic Crusher by Ineke Hans Chopping Board Bamboo by Jan Hoekstra

Cookware by Jan Hoekstra The smart locking system allows you to twist the lid and strain boiling water without any difficulty. All pans have a measuring scale and are stackable, saving you a lot of space. VP1AS...

Apron by Ontwerpwerk & FLEX With these gloves built in to this apron, you always have an oven mitt within reach. The buttons on the apron are also useful to attach a towel. VP20A.AG1

Funnel Friends by Roger Arquer

Jug & Measuring Spoon by WAT Design

A multi useable cross over set between funnels and containers which will bring unlimited possibilities in and outside the kitchen. Uses include scooping grains and funnelling liquids through to measuring and transferring many food contents. Shaped like little creatures so make sure you feed them well!

Just place the spoon in the jug and read off the measurements from the scale. Remove the spoon to use the jug as a carafe.



Cutting Board by Nikola誰 Carels

Garlic Crusher by Ineke Hans

The curved sides allow you to pick up the board easily and help you guide chopped food into your pan. Both sides of the board can be used.

Just crush the garlic clove with the flat side and spread out the contents by rolling over it. Witness those flavours. Use the crusher as soap under a running tap to get rid of your smelly hands.



Lazy Linda by Simon Wilkinson A multifunctional revolving spice and utensil holder. The unique ball bearing system makes it simple to spin so that everything is always to hand. Very practical for de-cluttering and putting away those little things you are always looking for. VT850.WHI



Chopping Board Bamboo by Jan Hoekstra It can be used on both sides and the rubber corners allow you to store the board on its side without it sliding. The measuring scale allows you to chop equal portions of your food. VP327.BL1

Slowcooker XL Mix & Measure by Jan Hoekstra

Slowcooker by Margriet Foolen

Lid & Spoon Rest

Nut Cracker by Ineke Hans

Balancing Bowls by Jan Hoekstra

Bowls & Plates by Chris Kabel

Serving Tray by Gijs Bakker

TV Dinner Tray by Ontwerpbureau 3.11

Cake & Coffee Tray by Ontwerpbureau 3.11

Slowcooker by Margriet Foolen

Nut Cracker by Ineke Hans

Bowls & Plates by Chris Kabel

Serving Tray by Gijs Bakker

Place your fresh ingredients in the bowl, and put it in the oven. Sit back, relax and wait for your meal to be steamed and cooked. This wonderful and nutritious way of cooking preserves all the flavours and vitamins.

When the cracker is twisted, the nut stays in the container and can be cracked just to the level you need in order to peel off the shell. No more sudden cracks with bits and pieces of nuts flying past your eyes.

You can use this multifunctional bowl & plate set for all the food you prepare. The glass bowl is equipped with anti-slip rings, which can also be used for measuring. The set stacks easily, taking up less space in the cupboard. The plates can be used for serving or can be used as lids to store your food.

You can hold this self-balancing tray in just one hand without spilling your drinks. To store the tray, the handle can be folded.



Slowcooker VP403.AG1 Slowcooker XL VP404.AG1

Balancing Bowls by Jan Hoekstra

Mix & Measure by Jan Hoekstra Read off the measuring scale easily and mix your ingredients in these stylish bowls. VP306.TA2


Glass Bowl & Plate Porcelain Bowl & Plate Stainless steel Bowl Wooden Bowl

For simple and quick measuring, just fill one half of the bowl with your ingredients. The bowl will tilt when the indicated weight is reached. These bowls are also ideal for serving chips, dips or other snacks.

Lid & Spoon Rest




With these lids, you can get even more out of the Mix & Measure Bowls you already have. The lid has an airtight seal and can also be used as a spoon rest while mixing.




Silicone lid for 2.5 L bowl VP306.LLA Silicone lid for 1 L bowl VP306.LSM


Cake & Coffee Tray by Ontwerpbureau 3.11 Your plate and cup will not slide from your lap with this tray. Use it for all your informal food ‘moments’ during the day. VS506.BW1




TV Dinner Tray by Ontwerpbureau 3.11 With this tray, your plate will not slide from your lap when you reach for your remote control. VS502.CG1


iD/cutlery Mixed Collection

Puzzle Dinner Tray by Wendy Boudewijns Fruit Bowl by Gijs Bakker

Best new product for Gifts

iD/cutlery Mixed Collection

iD/cutlery by Scholten & Baijings

iD/cutlery by Richard Hutten

iD/cutlery by Kiki van Eijk

Inherit a new tradition. A new idea for dining. Personal cutlery. High quality stainless steel designs with a true identity. Uniquely shaped by international designers. Brought to you in small sets of four cutlery items and chopsticks, table-set in a stylish box. A continuously developing series of explicit cutlery designs. Divided by identity, united in difference. Royal VKB iD/cutlery. Collect different designers’ iD/cutlery varieties. Surprise your guests with cutlery that matches their identity. Offer your guests the choice of eating the ‘western way’ or the ‘Asian way’ anytime. Create a table setting to talk about. VC800.MIX (24pcs)

Puzzle Dinner Tray by Wendy Boudewijns All the parts make one puzzle. Children will learn the correct table setting while eating. VC450.CHT

Fruit Bowl by Gijs Bakker VC860.S24 (24pcs)

VC820.S24 (24pcs)

VC870.S24 (24pcs)

iD/cutlery by Gijs Bakker

iD/cutlery by Ineke Hans

iD/cutlery by Bow-Wow

Make a statement on your table with this decorative fruit bowl in the shape of a water droplet. Use the droplet as a convenient handle to carry the bowl. VS503.SS1

VC830.S24 (24pcs)

VC840.S24 (24pcs)

VC850.S24 (24pcs)

Cup & Store by Arian Brekveld

Multi Purpose Block by Jan Hoekstra

Measure & Shake by Arian Brekveld

Squeeze Bottle by Arian Brekveld

Jar Tops by Jorre van Ast

Tool Links Set by Franke Elshout

Herb Garden by Officeoriginair

Cup & Store by Arian Brekveld

Measure & Shake by Arian Brekveld

Jar Tops by Jorre van Ast

Herb Garden by Officeoriginair

Just fill the cup to measure your ingredients. These practical storage jars have airtight lids, which also enable you to stack the jars easily.

Fill the bottle while inserted in the jug and read off the scale. Shake the squeeze bottle to mix all ingredients resulting in your own personal dressing while keeping your jug clean for the next job.

Functional screw caps that fit on jars all over the world. Now you can re-use and preserve that memorable mustard Jar from Dijon, France or that pickle Jar from Poland. Build your own personal collection.

Grow your own herbs or buy them fresh from the supermarket. They can all be organized in one spot. Scissors are always at hand in the integrated pocket. Just pick or cut as many herbs as you need.

Alu 1.0L Alu 0.8L Alu 0.6L

VT814.LA VT814.MA VT814.SA

Alu 1.0L Alu 0.8L Alu 0.6L

VT814.LW VT814.MW VT814.SW

Alu 1.0L Alu 0.8L Alu 0.6L


Alu 1.0L Alu 0.8L Alu 0.6L


Multi Purpose Block by Jan Hoekstra Place your kitchen tools and knives between the flexible lamellas. Store all your favourite tools in just one place. The lamellas can be removed for more space or for proper cleaning. VT806.A1

VT801.DS2 VT820.AG5

Squeeze Bottle by Arian Brekveld Fill this bottle with your homemade vinaigrette or favourite sauce. Garnish your dishes like a chef or put these stylish bottles on your table. VT801.001 VT801.A1




Tool Links Set by Franke Elshout These decorative hanging hooks make an attractive chain on your kitchen wall. They will give you unlimited storage options for all your kitchen utensils. Tool links (8pcs) & wallmount (2pcs) VT805.S10 Tool links, 4 pcs VT805.004



Royal VKB Zilverstraat 40 2718 RK Zoetermeer The Netherlands Tel.: +31 79 3680 500 Fax: +31 79 3680 572 Royal VKB is a registered trademark of the Royal Delft Group, the Netherlands Š 2012 / RVKB BRO 01 2012

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